View Full Version : Anyone else want more chatrooms?

Mar 11, 2006, 3:47 PM
Does anyone else here want more chat rooms that are labeled by location or topic? It seems like a lot people are interested in meeting people face-to-face (for whatever reason), and so it might help if there was a way to do that rather than searching through a thousand profiles or asking everybody where they're from. For example, the rooms could be divided by city, state, region, or country (like on Gay.com). Or the rooms could be divided by topic of interest, for example "cyber fun," "single and looking," "coming out," "just friends," "intellectual," etc. Personally, I'd like more rooms so that I can chat with people who are interested in the same things I am and who are also more local to me.

What does everybody think? Would you like more rooms, and if you do, what kinds of rooms? Perhaps if a number of people are interested, we could contact Drew about this.

Mimi :nrrdgrrl:

Mar 11, 2006, 3:54 PM
You betcha!
D. :flag2: :flag2: :flag2: :flag2:

Mar 11, 2006, 5:11 PM
No - I don't feel there is any need.

The main room for anything at all and where you can go Private anyway
and then the Men and Women only rooms.

Seeing as this is worldwide community there hardly seems much point in rooms divided into (U) States - doesn't make any sense at all. Some countries here are represented by few enough members as it is!!!! What a room for the half dozen members from "xy&z"???

Maybe on the profiles there could be a box for "Likes" "Hobbies" "FAv. Music" blah blah blah!!

But more rooms!!
No thanks - virtually no-one uses the other two rooms anyway!!

Sorry to be so negative but that's my :2cents:

Rupe :)

Mar 11, 2006, 5:14 PM
Hey everyone! I've been hanging around, reading everyone's posts for a while now and have decided to write my first. Good luck to me... :rolleyes:
Mimi, I think it's an awesome idea to have more than one room. I have been in the chatroom a couple of times and been a bit overwhelmed. If I had a few more choices of where I wanted to go, I think I wouldn't feel so akward.
My only concern is the amount of people here. It doesn't seem big enough yet to have a lot of different rooms. There's my :2cents: for now.
Hugs! :tong:

Mar 11, 2006, 5:16 PM
I don't think we need more rooms. If people want to talked more in depth they can always talk private.


Mar 11, 2006, 5:27 PM
I have to agree with Rupe and Flounder.

If you want to get to know someone you can im them or add them to your Yahoo messenger or MSN....

If we had more rooms we all would not have met one another and would not be this wonderful cyber family we are!



Mar 11, 2006, 5:53 PM
I also agree that there is no need for more chatrooms. Like Ladyd said..we never would have met each other if we had not all come into the same room.

We have become a family and I love to be in there seeing everyone come in that means alot to me.

my :2cents:

Mrs.F :)

Mar 11, 2006, 6:22 PM
What about situations where people are cybering in the main room. Not that I am against that, but what if someone is. They have no choice but to leave, is that fair. I have seen it several times and not once did those people cybering ask if anyone in the main room objected. In fact I have seen someone ridiculed for objecting and run out of chat. So much for private conversations and private rooms.

Mar 11, 2006, 6:30 PM
Hi Mimi,

I can relate to you desire to meet more people from your area, or people who share interests, etc, but I doubt if setting up more rooms would be the solution.
The thing is, if you'd split the no of people up into many rooms, there wouldn't be anyone left to talk with: there are normally not more than 20 people in chat anyway. If you'd split them up into several rooms, there wwould be too few people per room. Of course, when you're in chat and want to have a private talk with more than 1 other person, it is always possible to create a separate room while your chatting (with password, if you want it to be private).
As a solution to your problem, I think it would be easier if there was a search option for profiles based on keywords in their adds. That way you can specifically look for people, even if they're not in chat at that time.
Just my :2cents: , Peter

Mar 11, 2006, 6:51 PM
i was gonna point out what peter did....there is always the option of creating a room. allbi did that once...and next thing ya know all the regulars where in there talkin! :bibounce:

Mar 11, 2006, 7:03 PM
I agree that the need for extra rooms would be a waste. But I would suggest as others have that if you have a particular interest that you would like to address, why not create that room...and advertise the availability of it in the forum to create interest?

To create sub groups, groups divided by interest, only diffuses what may happen in the main room and may create even more confusion to those who are new. But that is just my opinion...I am open to change...just not seeking it.


Mar 11, 2006, 7:04 PM
I didn't know that you can create a new chatroom. Can anyone share how you do that?

I think maybe it would be nice to even simply have 2 rooms: sex and non-sex. It does seem like there might not be enough people to have 10+ rooms. But people don't use the Men and Women rooms probably because we're BI and don't focus on the gender aspect.

I'm glad to see all the responses here, even if there are some who disagree with me. Keep 'em coming!!

Mimi :nrrdgrrl:

Mar 11, 2006, 7:07 PM
You did bring up a very interesting point that has been discussed quite a bit and that is the need for sex vs. non sexual rooms. Most of us who chat are merely seeking to do just that...chat. The constant repeated requests for cyber, especially those of a specific nature, become rather a nuisance, though they do become rather amusing after the ninth or tenth request has been submitted.

It would be nice if we could be allowed to chat without the constant requests for "who's horny" flashing by every so often.


Mar 11, 2006, 7:09 PM
Ah, it sounds like popular opinion is split, sort of like my personality... :) | :eek:

I am open to all suggestions. The challenge i think with deciding how to organize the chatrooms is deciding how many rooms to subdivide into.

If we have one for every state and a few for the UK, Canada, Oz and elsewhere then I think the problem is the rooms would be mostly empty and there would be no one to chat with.

But on the other hand I too have noticed that the one main chatroom can be so active that it can be chat overload (on the brain and eyes I mean).

Maybe the solution is a main room and just a few side rooms (i think right now there are two, men/women, I think), but if so, that defeats the intent that some articulated, namely to have rooms where people from the same geographical area can chat and possibly lead to an in-person meeting.

My initial thought is leave it as-is for now, but it might be time to start thinking about some more rooms. But if so I am not sure what permanent rooms to add.

Another thought is that you are all welcome to organize chatroom events on your own and use our event listings to advertise the event (all users can add both a chatroom and an event - you do not need to be an administrator). So for example you could have a "Seattle Night" or "Men-only, Cyber-Orgy Night" at a fixed time every week - someone just has to organize it as far as creating and updating the event listing, then creating the room at the time posted. Just a thought.

A good thread. I'll come back later and read everyone's thoughts carefully. Thanks for the suggestions so far, and future ones.

- Drew :paw:

Mar 11, 2006, 7:16 PM
I didn't know that you can create a new chatroom. Can anyone share how you do that? Hi MH. When in the Chatroom, click on the ROOMS tab (near top of screen), then the CREATE A ROOM button (near bottom of screen).

- Drew :paw:

Mar 11, 2006, 7:18 PM
You did bring up a very interesting point that has been discussed quite a bit and that is the need for sex vs. non sexual rooms. Most of us who chat are merely seeking to do just that...chat. The constant repeated requests for cyber, especially those of a specific nature, become rather a nuisance, though they do become rather amusing after the ninth or tenth request has been submitted.

It would be nice if we could be allowed to chat without the constant requests for "who's horny" flashing by every so often.

Kate Yeah I forgot about that point, which has been raised before. So should we have a house rule, no cybersex in the main room, and have a seperate room called "CyberSex" or something?

- Drew :paw:

Mar 11, 2006, 7:27 PM
If any room was perhaps needed, I think a "CyberSex" one should be the first one to be added. Not only do repeated requests annoy the ones there for chat, it also creates frustration on the part of those who wish to have a cyber only experience. It would certainly cut down on those who come in and proclaim the room as a lame experience devoted to mundane and boring topics.

However, a no cybersex in the main room rule might be rather difficult to define. Sometimes things take on a rather sexual nature that is still part of the banter and not actually a cybersex experience and brings up the decision as to just where do you draw the line? I certainly wouldn't want to inhibit such fun...but I guess if they want to take it to the next level...they should probably move to a more private space.


Mar 11, 2006, 9:18 PM
Drew, PLEASE, if you make no other rooms at all, please make a sex zone for those that need it. There are some that come to chat through places like 3 pillows assuming that everyone in chat wants cyber and can get very rude if no one is interested or there should be any discussion other than sex going on.
Thank you!

curious married m
Mar 11, 2006, 9:30 PM
Yeah I forgot about that point, which has been raised before. So should we have a house rule, no cybersex in the main room, and have a seperate room called "CyberSex" or something?

- Drew :paw:

Drew, Before you had control of the site there were many rooms that sat empty. But maybe something like the Lounge room would be ok as we used to get some interesting interactions in what we used to call the Bar room. But I have seen other sites that made the Main room totally a non-sex nature and I have to agree with Kate that sometimes those conversations made you feel fearful of saying the wrong thing that had a sexual connotation. Maybe a Coffee lounge if those who are uncomfortable with sex talk could invite others to go in ( have that side room have a NO Cyber rule) And there have been times where people make where a room was created for a place to get away the craziness of a main room cyber period. But I do think a rule of no cyber for the main room duplicates what another competing bisex site's chat room which is why I rarely go there.

Mar 11, 2006, 10:15 PM
...maybe something like the Lounge room would be ok as we used to get some interesting interactions in what we used to call the Bar room. But I have seen other sites that made the Main room totally a non-sex nature and I have to agree with Kate that sometimes those conversations made you feel fearful of saying the wrong thing that had a sexual connotation. Maybe a Coffee lounge if those who are uncomfortable with sex talk could invite others to go in ( have that side room have a NO Cyber rule)

Those are some cute names and some great ideas, curious married m! This is giving me all sorts of ideas now! How about we had a "Bedroom" for the X-rated talk, a "Livingroom" for the casual and maybe flirty talk, and a "Parlor" or "Library" for the clean no-sex talk?

I guess there are several people saying that we should have 2 or 3 rooms with varying degrees of sexually-explicit dialogue and intentions? I think I would be okay with that, at least until the membership gets bigger.

Mimi :nrrdgrrl:

Mar 12, 2006, 12:10 AM
Great Idea, Mimi, i'd like to have more options when looking for a good chat room.

:flag1: :bibounce: :bipride: :female:

Driver 8
Mar 12, 2006, 2:09 AM
I don't think the chat is large enough to justify several rooms; in my experience, chatters tend to gravitate towards whatever room has the most people in it. If more rooms get created, the chances are they'll sit empty much of the time.

I've also found that even if you start a "no sex" room, people will wander in, then chat about whatever; without assigning moderator privileges and enforcing rules, nothing really changes.

Similarly, I'm not nuts about a "no sex in main" rule - it seems, to me, to be too hard to define; the heavy flirting that goes on sometimes, for example, is going to be reasonable for some, and past other people's limits.

What I think would help most is a "quick reference" tab or popup of some kind that showed all the main info for all of the users in the room at once - age, gender, and state, at least. Yes, it's possible to get that by individually checking each user in the room, but it's a pain to hunt through twenty or thirty different users.

It might also be nice to have a little more control over private messages; right now they're all-or-nothing. I know some people only want to private with people they already know, and get annoyed by constant pop-ups from others, especially when those others are strangers seeking cyber.

I personally found that a combination of putting "Not looking for cyber" in my short description, and using the Ignore feature on anyone who can't take a hint (or who keeps posting "anyone from Poughkeepsie?" or whatever) is sufficient for me. YMMV, of course.

Mar 12, 2006, 4:05 AM
This is turning into one of those "GREAT" threads!!!! Thanks Mimi!!!!!!

Drew - lmao ( :) / :eek: )!!!!!

As for a "no sex" rule for the main room - no, I don't think we need that!! The main room seems to self regulate very well as it is, and as someone has pointed out - sometimes we all get very flirty and the tone of the room changes and some very sexual, but ever so funny, comments get thrown around - but it is with the consent of the whole room at that time - and it's easy to put up a comment or the blush face if one is personally finding it a bit "too much sex for me" and often the tone of the room then goes in a different direction.

I knew with the old chat room it was easy to create a "personal room" with a password to invite selected friends into - if memory serves right there was even a "Poetry" room at one point!! But I was unaware that it was possible with the new chat!!!!! Guess it has never been a "need" for me!!!! I just tend to stick to main room and go Private for ........well for private stuff!!!! lol!!! :bigrin:

Gosh, I even chat with my real life daughter in here - and we go private to catch up with one another - well so far we have only done this a coupla times - but she is busy at uni so doesn't have much time to come here!

Anyway my :2cents: again

love and peace guys, love and peace

Rupe :)

Mar 12, 2006, 7:15 AM
hey their guys and girls.i like it the way it is although i can see peoples different point off views.i geuss if one wanted to hook up with someone in their area its kind of the luck of the draw or luck of the chat as it were.i have that same problem to.but not to worry things have a way of working out :bigrin: :bipride:

Mar 12, 2006, 7:57 AM
Sounds like a great idea to me. I'd be behind it 99% (nothing is 100% 'cept death).


PS I'd be thrilled to see some kind of system/code with the profiles so a person can tell BEFORE they look at one if it's X rated. Got nothing against nudity, just would like the option to choose if I want to be flashed by a total stranger.

Mar 12, 2006, 9:07 AM
There is PM available here and the ladies only and men only rooms, I think that is sufficient. We also can e-mail or PM other members, lets keep it simple.

:male: :2cents:

Mar 12, 2006, 9:10 AM
Re: FireRaven's thought:

PS I'd be thrilled to see some kind of system/code with the profiles so a person can tell BEFORE they look at one if it's X rated. Got nothing against nudity, just would like the option to choose if I want to be flashed by a total stranger.

;) That is a great idea!!!!

:2cents: :2cents:

Mar 12, 2006, 9:55 AM
Myself I do not like the idea of more rooms and I do not think a no sex in main is good. I think more rooms would make it harder to make friends with others plus more rooms just sounds like more divission and this world is divided enough.
I would have to say that the ones that want some heavy cyber then they should go into a private chat. Maybe a room just for heavy cyber only and leave the main room the way it is. I am really not sure on how these rooms and chat work but is it possible that when you are in a private chat with someone you can show yourself to be busy and you do not want to be bothered. Just a few thoughts thanks.

Mar 12, 2006, 9:57 AM
I think creating a mass of rooms would take away from the diversity of the main room chat. Most of the time when I have been there, there aren't but 10-15 people anyway. I do think a room for those looking for a sexually explicit chat is a great idea though. Sometimes the main chat gets really flirty, but not to the point I've ever been made uncomfortable. About the x rated profiles-A coded system would be great! I'm sure if someone is looking on the site from work or a public library would like to know before hand if they're gonna see nudity. I'd hate to be looking at someone in the buff and the boss come up behind me, lol.

Mar 12, 2006, 10:57 AM
I wanted to read the diversity of comments before posting.

Personally, I think we only need 2 permanent rooms: the main room as it is and a "hook up" room where people who are looking for cyber may go to find like minded individuals. Unfortunately, i think THAT would be a failed experiment as the "hook up" room would be often devoid of any chatters and the rude would still come to main and PM without consent or announce in graphic detail what they want. But it wouldn't hurt to try.

As far as having rooms of different levels of sexually explicit chat, until Drew wants to create moderators it will never work. And I doubt everyone will agree on what the rules mean. E.g. in a "no sex" room can someone bring up their ED problem and the hardship it is causing their relationship(s)? Furthermore, even with moderation, I think participation levels would drop. If we're having an intense discussion on some topic as we often do, and things become a bit heated, it's nice to be able to defuse the situation with humor. Given the fact that this site is about sexuality and the topic is often going to relate to that, the humor would likely incorporate something sexual. If we're chatting in fear of the "chat room gestapo" that sort of thing won't happen.

The fact is, this is an adult site, with adult language and topics. Yes, often some are offended by some of the "public cybering" in the main room. At other times, the activity is enjoyed by all whether participating or being a voyuer. If anyone objects, it's a simple thing to say "please get a room or go private." or simply "ignore" the participants.

Personally, I'm very shocked at some of the words spoken by some of the people in this very thread. Some of you who object to some of the sometimes sexual nature of the main chat are also multiple offenders of that "crime." I think the chat runs pretty damn well. Going nuts trying to "fix" some trivial problems will more than likely cause another problem or two, potentially worse problems.

If you want rules in your chat, create your own room and moderate it as you see fit. I suppose the problem with that solution is that rarely does anyone show up when you do that. I wonder why that is?

Basically, what I see happening in this thread is that we all want everyone to respect OUR boundaries when it comes to what is expressed. Unfortunately, EVERYONE has different boundaries. Even writing rules to outline those boundries won't work as they are interpretted differently based on each person's own taste.

We all want the freedom to express ourselves, however that requires that others have the same freedom, and THAT requires that we sometimes might not like what others say.

Setting boundaries on speech in chat is analogous to what many people in the U.S. do politically. They want their freedoms, but when someone wants to do something they don't it's ok to bash them and pass laws restricting those activities. After all, it's not really an infringement on their freedoms, only on those OTHER people. Sound familiar?

Oh well, maybe I've got too much Edgar Friendly in me....

Mar 12, 2006, 11:43 AM
hi everyone,
I think the main chat is ok, I personally would never in my life get to meet interesting people from such far off places if they were designated to specific rooms. Let's face it, how many of us would be able to afford a trip to Europe, and get to meet these people. :)

But yes, sometimes things to get heated, but as someone else said, if you don't like it, blush and put up a go private in with it.

I like the diversity in here. Some things get out of hand, but it usually only last but a split second.

As for me, I love everyone, so c-ya in chat!


Mar 12, 2006, 11:56 AM
Well said Allbi. I agree with everything you stated. It is a sexual site, therefore there will be sexual talk. And everyone does have different boundries of what is acceptable and what is not. I, personally talk like that all the time, so it does not offend me. I really enjoy coming into the chat room here. I've now learned who I want to talk to privately and who I don't. It's just like life.....you learn to deal with it and go on

I do believe that sometimes trying to make things different or better only makes things worse and in this case, I don't think adding more rooms is going to change anything at all. People will still migrate to the same room and do exactly what they are now. So, as Drew said lets "Leave it-as is for now". And if it gets to the point where we NEED to do something different, let's think more about it then.

Mrs.F :)

Mar 12, 2006, 12:59 PM
I agree with allbi that the rooms shouldn't be moderated in any way.
I must say I'm not always completely comfortable with subjects in chat, but I don't see that as a reason for any form of moderation. I think the rooms are quite able to control themselves. Ppl can, and sometimes do make comments about things they don't like.
What does bother me from time to time is being contacted for private chat by ppl I have never talked to before. It almost invariably is for cyber. I would actually like a solution in place that would change that.
I see two solutions for this, but the best one would be (for me), to have private chat set to no as a default, plus the ability in chat to change that for friends, and that to be remembered on the computer. However, I am quite happy as it is, and I don't feel it as a must. I do think, however, that some people, esp women, might be chased away from chat because they are contacted for cyber just like that, by people they don't know.
Just my :2cents: , PeterH

sam in LA
Mar 12, 2006, 1:58 PM
Here we go AGAIN!

"....It is a sexual site, therefore there will be sexual talk."

COME ON...is this really the thinking here. Just because S-E-X-U-A-L is in the word bisexual, does this mean all activities and discussion here have to be sexual in nature? Am I missing something? If I am not mistaken, there is a wide range of activities here (intentionally) that do not necessarily involve SEX. And to say this is representative of REAL life is so dillussional. I would strongly doubt you would hear someone stand-up at a group meeting in a community center in Davenport - or any other town for that matter - and shout, "I'm looking for cock for my husband". I think some are in need of a REALITY CHECK. Remember the chatroom is a PUBLIC forum and should follow the same basic rules as a public forum in the REAL world.

So as far as the chatroom, I agree there needs to some separation to allow for all types of conversation where ALL could feel comfortable and welcomed. I also agree that presently there are not enough chatters to populate numerous rooms. But did anyone wonder why with a site of over 22,000 registered users that the chatroom is not more populated. Could it possibly be that some of us are not comfortable with the subject matter put out there in the public forum? Hmm... It does call for some consideration at the very least.

To say 'no additional rooms' outright is shortsighted. Perhaps the number of chatters would increase with a small selection of themed rooms. I think Mimi's idea of a few lounges makes sense and could work, especially with some outreach to ALL the site's registered members.

Let us be the open-minded and enlighten folks we ALL claim to be.

Respectfully, SAM :cool:

Mar 12, 2006, 3:41 PM
I think the way it is, is fine. People need to realize that just because there is sex in the name of the site, that doesn't mean there has to be sex in the chat rooms. Well if you don't like it just ignore it. I do expect there to be trawlers in the room, and they are going to ask. I just live with it. Everybody should. There isn't a problem to start with. If there were over 50 people in the room all the time than yes i can see another room, but until then i don't see that it is needed. I like the way it is and why change it.

There is also an ignore button, people can use them. I do know they work.


Mar 12, 2006, 3:41 PM
I guess I will keep my thoughts to myself because apparently they are WRONG! I apologize for anything I said that may have offended some.

Mrs.F :(

Mar 12, 2006, 4:14 PM
Mimi the idea of your's has merit, but the combinations and permutations would be enormous and not practical for Drew. I have noticed that at certain times there are people entering the main room who are very horny and want to talk to others who are like minded and want to cyber sex with them to get off. These people should use the "men only" or "women only" rooms, but I suspect they stay in the main room as a sort of exhibitionism. Sort of sex in public mentality, which is a distraction from the main chat topic.
Sorry, but I do feel the main room works beautifully and Drew should be very happy with the way things are at the moment. :)

Mar 12, 2006, 4:40 PM
There you go again:

ust because S-E-X-U-A-L is in the word bisexual, does this mean all activities and discussion here have to be sexual in nature? Am I missing something?
Evidently you are, because lots of non-sexual things are discussed and no one has suggested otherwise. But to think there shouldn't sexual talk is insane.

and shout, "I'm looking for cock for my husband". I think some are in need of a REALITY CHECK. Remember the chatroom is a PUBLIC forum and should follow the same basic rules as a public forum in the REAL world. Really? What exactly happens in the REAL world when this occurs?

Hmm... It does call for some consideration at the very least.Yes it does, and some people consider it pointless, but I suppose their consideration isn't relevant? Or shouldn't this be discussed? Should we all not post unless we agree?

Let us be the open-minded and enlighten folks we ALL claim to be. That's what debate is about.

Respectfully, SAMSaying it doesn't make it so.

Mar 13, 2006, 4:14 AM
I am of two minds on the idea of more chatrooms. I have only been into chat here a few times so far, for a variety of reasons. The first time I left because I was made to feel very uncomfortable by a deluge of PM's asking for cyber, some of which were very aggressive (I now know about the ignore feature). The next, it was quite crowded and very hard to follow any of the multiple threads of conversation that were going on. I am not at all new to chat, so this is a rare problem for me. The last time I went into chat it was not as crowded, the aggressive cyber seekers were not present, and I had a very enjoyable time.

I like the idea of a seperate room for those looking for cyber.

I think that setting up a group of 'area' rooms now is a good idea as well. Perhaps something along the lines of: North America, Europe, US, Canada, etc... Notice I didn't say implement this right away, but get the system in place. Drew stated on another thread that he was going to be advertising on Google soon to bring in new members. Having the logistics in place to handle these new members would be a good idea.

I think that for now, the general room is working well. It will continue to work well until there are more members chatting on a regular basis.

If it is possible to add functionality to the members list in the room, being able to see location and age would be wonderful. As someone else said, bring up the little profile box for everyone one at a time works, it just takes awhile and is a bit annoying.

Mar 13, 2006, 6:22 PM
Hey silver,

If you want to find info on a person in the room all you need to do is

Hightlight a person's name
press the button next to the pvt talk
and that will give a pop up window with people's info if they hae fill it out.


Driver 8
Mar 13, 2006, 7:58 PM
Flounder, the problem isn't that you can't get that information ... the problem is that it's inconvenient, especially when there are thirty people in chat!

Mar 13, 2006, 7:59 PM
There is PM available here and the ladies only and men only rooms, I think that is sufficient. We also can e-mail or PM other members, lets keep it simple.

:male: :2cents:

I agree with Tx46M. I also think your about to mess up a nice meeting place. with the other 2 rooms available and no one ever in either of them, I see no need for more rooms. so what if a few get a bit to explicit in their chatting. from what I have seen it does not happen very often. really, it is a Bi sex chat is it not? perhaps you should not be in here if some chat offends you. that said, I do think some get to carried away with it. what is wrong that someone ask those that want to cyber to take it private should it get to much for the room. there are just not enough members that enter "chat" now. just an old mans opinion. I like it the way it is. thank you!

Driver 8
Mar 13, 2006, 8:10 PM
The next, it was quite crowded and very hard to follow any of the multiple threads of conversation that were going on. I am not at all new to chat, so this is a rare problem for me.
The users of this chat seem more likely to greet and re-greet other users, compared to other chats where I've been a regular, so whenever someone comes in - or gets booted and comes back - the chat starts scrolling pretty fast as everyone sends hugs. Maybe that's one thing that contributes to the difficulty?

Mar 13, 2006, 9:23 PM
Hi Folks

I dont think we need any more chat rooms the one's we have including private message seem more than enough. I feel if we had more rooms based on country etc it would divide us more than bring us closer together, with less chance of meeting some fantastic people in different countries like I have.

I think some sections in the profile for fav music hobbies etc would be a good idea. It is possible to look up a persons profile while in chat which is a very good way to quickly find out a little about some one rather than have to ask. I wish more people would write a profile even if they dont want to hook up with any one.

Best wishes

Mar 14, 2006, 3:31 AM
Well there seems to be a general consensus emerging here, doesn't there?

For now, it's all working out fine - a case of "if it ain't broke, don't fix it".

As Drew has pointed out elsewhere - he is thinking of putting up ad.s on Google - so membership may suddenly soar - then, and I feel only then, we may as a "family" have to re-think - new members will bring with them new ideas.

But until then - leave well alone!!

Well that's my :2cents:

love to all!!!

Rupe :)

Mar 14, 2006, 3:39 AM
Let's get real here...the problem with any chat room isn't so much the nature of what a name like Bisexual.com implies..it is the expectation of any individual chatter who comes in with preconceived ideas of what the room should be. We run the gamut here with chatters..those who think we should be discussing serious topics and offering solutions to the world's lack of acceptance in regards to sexuality to those that think the chat room is a place for an all out throw down orgy. Regardless of how many rooms are created, there will always be someone who is disgruntled by what is offered.

With that being said..how about just plain out and out respect for one another..if it isn't what you like, then create something that you do like within the main room. Use the forum to advertise your room and to encourage like minded people to visit. If things get too crazy in the main room...voice your opinion and ask for help in getting around. And like it has been said over and over...the main room is mostly for fun and exchange..and yes..at times it gets a bit sexual in tone, but like allbi said..this is an adult site...and sometimes adult oriented conversation does happen..but if it is too much..either say it's too much or you always have the option to leave and come back later. For the most part, conversations in the main room are far from overtly sexual...and most of what goes on occurs in a fun and friendly manner.

I think we all need to realize that this site will never be what it needs to be for all people at all times. And to demand such would be asking way too much from Drew who already works overtime making it the best site he can. I thank you Drew for all that you do...and I am sure the others join me in singing your praises!


Mar 14, 2006, 6:50 AM
Hi y'all. I myself have no problem with a couple of rooms extra. Although the 2 extra there are now stay empty most of the time. Allthough it wouldt matter to myself any way since i cant stay in a room for very long anyway,lmao....Love,,,Charles,,,,Tex.....

Mar 14, 2006, 8:30 AM
I think part of the problem here is not with the chat room itself, but the lack of education of users on what else is available on the site and, perhaps, the lack of some functionality in the profile search.

Mimi mentioned to me that she wants to meet other like-minded individuals, local to her, that are interested in similar topics as opposed to "hook ups." I would put forth that the chat room is definitely NOT the place to do that. The chances of two individuals that are local to each other and of similar interests (outside being bisexual) at the same time are very slim indeed. However, the profile search, which would be more suited to that is not exactly powerful enough to help find those other individuals.

IOW, this site provides several tools to help all of us as individuals get what we want out of it, and some of those tools could be better. However, trying to make the chat room into the tool for all people and all they want to do is not going to work. That would be like trying to use a hammer to drill a hole.

Drew, I do quite a bit of website development, including programming and DBA with several years experience. If there is something I can do to help with the site, please let me know.

Mar 14, 2006, 12:39 PM
If we have a "no sex" rule in the main room what on earth will I talk about :eek: lol

I think that there are not usually enough chatters to have differant rooms.
Also there is the option of PM,
I personally dont like the PM's "are u horny?"
but on the other hand I am so so guilty of being a terrible flirt and discussing sex in the main room, I just hope that I am keeping with the general jist of the way the chat is going and really hope I dont cause offence.

We are a very diverse bunch of people on here and like a lot have said, if we all did not go into the main room then I would not have gotten to know the dear dear friends that I have made here.

It's a hard one to call............

I think people who wish to cyber should have a comfortable place to do so without feeling that they are intruding, and after all if u dont ask, how do u know if people are horny?

Just dont ask me, lol, im never horny :rolleyes:

Like life, u can not please all the people all the time.
My :2cents: is that i love things the way they are.

Mar 14, 2006, 5:05 PM
I see (Tuesday 14th) that we have two new rooms!!!!

The "living room" - no requests for cyber allowed
and the "bed room" - for sex chat

So well done, yet again (lol!!!!), Drew

Let's see how this goes..........

I was just in main and it was full of cyber freaks talking "dirty" in an exhibitionist way - and to be honest - I just left!!

love and peace guys

Rupe :)

Driver 8
Mar 14, 2006, 5:35 PM
It'll be interesting to see how this goes. I know some people have already given the Bedroom a try, and right now we've moved one of the serious convos to the Living Room ... but still had someone come in and ask for cyber! Not sure how the rules will end up getting enforced.

Mar 14, 2006, 8:43 PM
i'm so excited to see the new rooms up and hope that they will be put to good use (and used appropriately). i've already "hung out" in them a couple times now, and feel very comfortable in them. as a matter of fact, it seems cozier to me now. :)

and i'm also amazed at how much conversation my question has stirred. :eek: i never intended for this to get political or heated, but merely a way to optimize how i meet people. i think it goes to show the diversity of the membership here.

mimi :nrrdgrrl:

Mar 14, 2006, 8:51 PM
So far I'm not impressed with it. Sorry

Mar 15, 2006, 12:20 AM
I see (Tuesday 14th) that we have two new rooms!!!!

The "living room" - no requests for cyber allowed
and the "bed room" - for sex chat

So well done, yet again (lol!!!!), Drew

Let's see how this goes..........

I was just in main and it was full of cyber freaks talking "dirty" in an exhibitionist way - and to be honest - I just left!!

love and peace guys

Rupe :) Hi all! So sorry for the two new rooms appearing without warning. I am travelling this week, and tried to add the new rooms and post a message yesterday (Monday) before I got on the plane, but things got messed up between the server guys and I, and I just had to leave it with them while I ran to get the flight.

Here's my thinking and the reason for the two new rooms, it's basically what RB said above "Let's see how this goes..."

I am proposing that we try having two new rooms for a while, but no new rules (which would be difficult to enforce anyway). The new Bedroom Room is for CyberSex and I am hoping that those that are interested in CyberSex will gravitate there to more easily find people of the same mindset. Additionally there is another new room, The Living Room where it is announced that CyberSex is not permitted. I am hoping that folks who really aren't in the mood for CyberSex or requests for the same will gravitate there if they find the Main room is getting offensive for them.

So I am hoping that just having the two new rooms will help people gravitate into like-minded groups naturally and there won't be any need for any complicated rules and impractical enforcement.

I figure we'll give this a try for a month or so.

Sorry for the lack of notice - definitely not the way I like to roll these things out - it was just bad timing.

I won't be around much for the next 9 days, sorry. Maybe this is all bad timing but it was either make the change now and start the trial or wait two more weeks.

Have fun and enjoy the chat!!

- Drew :paw:

Mar 15, 2006, 8:17 AM
Hi Drew,

it is very nice of you to have put in new rooms on such quick notice.
I get the impression that they work quite well, but also have some unexpected side-effects, like ppl running in to the living room to streak and run out again :) (I actually had to carry their clothes back to them into main!)
I'm not sure that contacting for cyber will actually stop happening in the living room, or if that will decrease as ppl learn the rules. We'll see.
In any case, I'm very interested to see how this will develop further.

Mar 15, 2006, 8:30 AM
To me it seemed alot like a bunch of little kids running from room to room. It's a new thing and no one wants to miss out on anything so there is alot of jumping around.

It is something new and it will take time to get used to...I can't say that I like it, but can't say that it won't work. Only time will tell. :rolleyes:

my :2cents:
Mrs.F :)

Thanks Drew for trying it out..

Mar 15, 2006, 11:49 AM
[QUOTE=Mrs.F]To me it seemed alot like a bunch of little kids running from room to room. It's a new thing and no one wants to miss out on anything so there is alot of jumping around. QUOTE]

lol MrsF...very nicely put. i too was one of the kids running back and forth to make sure i dind't miss anything. even opened another chat window so i could be in two rooms at once :bibounce: but it will calm down w/time...ppl will find where they wanna be and where there friends are and stick there i think

Mar 15, 2006, 1:16 PM
Okay, I am going to throw my "two cents" in now. :2cents:

As an regular chat room user, I don't feel the need for more rooms. As many people have said in this thread, if someone wants to cyber, they can do it in private or create a "private room" for them to go to. One room for everyone to congregage in...then the ones who hook up can do their own thing.

In regards to the two new rooms, I personally feel that it is a waste of space. Especially, the non-cyber room. I cannot tell you how many times I have been in the main chat room and started a conversation with someone who had indicated they were not interested in cyber and have it end up cybering. I guess I give good oral....lol. But seriously, what's the point.

This is an adult site. If you really don't want to cyber...say no or ignore the person. If there is extreme sex chat going on and it offends you...say so and 99% of the people on here will go private or to another room. I find that everyone on here are so considerate of everyone else's feelings, that problems found in other chat rooms just aren't here.

Just my thoughts.

Mar 15, 2006, 1:45 PM
:2cents: :bigrin:
Ambi :)