View Full Version : Local Bi- Forum Venues

Feb 18, 2010, 10:51 AM
I happen to love this web site and, especially, this forum.

That said, a few guys in my county been trying to start a more local forum for bisexuals close to home. One guy just started one on the grouply.com forums. We've got maybe 4 members now, but I'm not happy with the format. Too hard to figure out how and where to respond and it doesn't seem to let you start and maintain comments on a given thread like we can here.

I suggested to the guy that started our Humboldt Bi forum that we switch to Yahoo Groups. He replied that he wanted to, at first, but some potential members didn't want their straight/ public Yahoo ID being linked to a bi group. Understood, although I thought they could always create an alias ID.

So, anyone know any other web sites that host easy to use forums that can be customized to one's local area? Be nice to have something like this forum.

roy m cox
Feb 19, 2010, 3:57 AM
did you know you can start a Google Group its free to i have a furry Group on Google :bigrin:

give it a try :)


Feb 19, 2010, 9:10 AM
Thanks so much, Roy. I knew I was missing an obvious option. I've started a Google one and we'll be comparing the two to see which one works best.

I'll have to say, that Grouply group the one guy started really sucks. It's hard to find where to post new messages. It doesn't let you reply to others' specific comments, either. A real pain. I can't help but think this Google group might be more easier to deal with.

Feb 20, 2010, 9:59 AM
It would sure be nice if we could get the admin here to create some "local" forum sub-catagories.

I agree, it is difficult at best to find "local" chat groups.

Feb 20, 2010, 10:33 AM
It would sure be nice if we could get the admin here to create some "local" forum sub-catagories.
I agree, it is difficult at best to find "local" chat groups.

It would be nice to have this site host local chat groups. This is the best forum format I've found, at least so far.

The Google groups that Roy recommended seem to be the next best as they're fairly easy to use. Here's the one (http://groups.google.com/group/humboldtbimen?msg=new&lnk=gcis&hl=en) I started, if just to try out. I'm the only member at this point. Looks like the other 6 local members are gonna stick with that Grouply forum for the time being. I was hoping to have some of them join the Google group and we could compare the two, eventually deciding on which on was best.

Give Google groups a try. Then advertise to get locals to join. The guy that started our local Grouply group got all the current members by posting in the MfM section of Craigslist. Rather odd, I thought, as I did the same thing twice earlier and my ad was flagged and pulled right away.

I'm also going to post notice of the group on a local sex club's Yahoo Group with over 300 members, but I'm holding off until we can address and feel comfortable about some forum security concerns.

roy m cox
Feb 21, 2010, 2:40 AM
Thanks so much, Roy. I knew I was missing an obvious option. I've started a Google one and we'll be comparing the two to see which one works best.

I'll have to say, that Grouply group the one guy started really sucks. It's hard to find where to post new messages. It doesn't let you reply to others' specific comments, either. A real pain. I can't help but think this Google group might be more easier to deal with.

oh your very welcome :bigrin: