View Full Version : This forum kinda sucks a bit...

Feb 15, 2010, 6:39 PM
Hey guys.....

I started out on this forum a little while back but Iv stopped spending much time her now. Found a UK based gay forum which for me seems a better fit for me :). The community just seems friendlier in general with no real trolls/antagonists.

There were a few reasons I left though guys and wondered what you guys thought about them:

1. Religious Nutters - Like every other post is something to do with the bible saying that being gay is bad or something. Almost always started by a troll :(.

2. Gay Trolls - The ones trying to stir things up. It annoyed me when i was asking for advice about being gay and not bi... Boy did the vultures take over the thread :(.

3. Nasty Cruising Types - Lots of nastier "cruising" types on here only interested in sex.... No talk about Civil Partnerships or romance or even just everyday funny/random stuff just "what ya wearing"....urgh!..... :(

Nowadays i tend to come on her fleetingly but...... I always leave depressed :(. The gay forum im on is great.... talking about LGBT stuff and funny cool things too and i dont think iv ever seen a troll on there.

I dunno why the trolls hang around her so much? Perhaps its because its an American website or because its a bisexual site and not gay? Its sad though :(.

Anyway love you guys (the real guys not the trolls) and hope everythings cool with ya :three:.

Hope you don't get the wrong idea of this thread. Was kinda hoping it would start a discussion about things that could be done to stop the trolls and clean the place up.

Feb 15, 2010, 7:08 PM
Unfortunately, I'm not sure there is much recourse for cleaning this site up. Drew tries banning the trolls. But they return under pseudonyms more in number than the names of Legion.

From my point of view:

1. Religious nutters - I don't much care for them. Everyone has their own Way in life. I get tired of idiots thinking you can persuade, or argue opinion. Personally, I try to avoid declaring as Atheist despite that being about where my Way seems to fall. "Live and let live" seems to work from my end of it. But ... (sighs)

2. Gay trolls - You want advice on being homosexual? Talk to homosexuals. I'm bisexual. While that doesn't exclude me wholesale, for not having some idea about homosexual, it does mean I refrain from being gossipy. Same thing applies to transgenders, I'm not and don't see that as something for me, so I avoid being opinionated about it. I know some really cool transformers, that being what I call transgenders. Love those folks, too. They rock!

3. Cruising types - "Hey babe, wanna go fuck?" Sorry, I'm not much into one night stands. Don't see a need to bed everything merely because I'm able. And don't understand those types either. Don't get me wrong, there are times I love just a 'good roll in the hay'. But I prefer more being there.

Yeah, us yanks are real tossers aren't we? (smirk & wink) Hell we can't even fight fair according to Robert's rules let alone be expected to host polite conversation. Sorry if I offend based just on my nationality. "I just live here, could live anywhere."

Well now you've shown yours and seen mine. Does this mean we're still on for Spring Equinox? :P ;)

Feb 15, 2010, 7:15 PM
I don't think we are going to be getting much in the way of trying to "clean the forum" up than what we get already.

Some of us have made appeals to Drew on that a number of times to no effect.

It seems that our owners more or less leave us to our own devices and only handle the most aggregious cases.

Feb 15, 2010, 7:31 PM
Giggles, a life-time go, I spent some time in the British Isles. It was a great experience and I was amazed at the welcome I got and how polite people were.

I even met some "Teddy Boys" in London, who were supposed to be hoodlums. They were a little rough around the edges, but still polite and I never saw anything "EVIL" about them. They spent a whole afternoon showing me around and I'll bet few folks ever got a better tour of that magnificent city!

I'm sorry you've had a bad experience with us........... I've read some crass and crude postings here, too. I learned to weed 'em out, because the majority of ones I read and respond to, encourage positive thought. Mostly, I've had a good time communicating and listening, here, so I'll stick around.

Plus, I also met the most wonderful poly-bi girl here and we've been lovers for over a year. That alone is enough to keep me coming back!

Anyway, good luck to you.

Feb 15, 2010, 8:19 PM
Hon, you're going to find Trolls and Idiots in almost Any site, unless its a heavily moderated site, or a privately owned one. Its gunna happen. But, if you feel comfortable elsewhere, then happiness to ya, Darlin. I dont intend to run just because some idiot doesnt have any kind of home life and all he has is misery, so much so that he feels the compulsion to spread it to others. Its a game to him, and its probably all that he's got. Sad....
Anyway, have fun and take care, and dont forget where us "Real People" are.:}
Scraper by nature..;):bigrin:

Feb 15, 2010, 8:58 PM
Good luck Giggles. I enjoyed your posts. I wish you well where ever you go.

Feb 15, 2010, 11:22 PM
I do not like "too nice" sites.
They are just boring.
I do not want to read view that always agree with me.
They are just boring.
I do not want people to always be nice to me.
Sometimes, I am just boring.

Feb 16, 2010, 6:12 AM
Ya dus hav a point Gigsy..everythin ya say has sum truth in it.. but thats life innit? Bisexuals r like ne otha section a human society..they r all diff from each otha.. jus like gays r.. wtf ya feel depressed wenya leave God knos.. me usually leaves gnashin me teeth at sum daft sod talkin tripe.. but bein an argumentative kinda girl me luffs that..:tong:

Sure religion is often discussion an argued bout.. jus like in the reel world.. an ther r often pretty gud threads bout many issues that gay, bi an transpeeps r interested in.. as well as wot me calls drivel.. n ther loadsa that an all..jus like in the reel world...

.. an Trollies? God bloody Trollies.. pains in arse..but in end ther nowt ya can do bout the sods.. cept.. if only peeps wud get the bloody message.. ignore em.. don give em satisfaction of even acknowledgin they exist.. thats wy ther r so many an they r so persistent..cos SUM PEEPS.. no names..ya all knows 'bout whom me speaks... r BLOODY OBSESSED wen they wud b betta jus ZIPPIN ther cyber lip... :rolleyes:

.. but gud yas not leavin foreva.. do pop in.. hav quite enjoyed havin ya an wud b shame 2 loseya altogetha.. an as Jem sez..nice sites?? Ya can stuff 'em up ya bootie..;) all sounds much 2 borin 2 me..:bigrin:

Feb 16, 2010, 8:53 AM
My wife only discovered our interest in same sex relations in the last few years and are definitely no authority on the matter but we like this site because:
1. We are not looking for romance, we have that with each other.
2. We like it because it makes us realize we are not strange that there are other couples out there who have the same desires we do.
3. We like some of the forums, and some we don't, but we just do not read the ones we do not like.
4. Not all people here are looking for the same thing, if you feel you do not like it then you should probably not visit it anymore. It sounds like your happier with a gay site anyway.
5. If you leave this site depressed, or any other site for that matter, you may have other problems. This is just the internet and people being people. It is nothing to set your life or mood to. If it depresses you, maybe you should go for a walk, read a book, or just get out and do something else.
6. We really take offense to knocking something because it is American, You do realize if it was not for America you'd be speaking German right now!

Feb 16, 2010, 9:24 AM
Ya know, this is going to sound crazy, but I'm GLAD that the troll rears it's nasty little head now and then. I think that this troll has brought many of us closer together, and everytime they come back, that closeness is only reaffirmed.

I do have one question for you...no this other forum, when something starts going in a direction that you quite don't like, you you going to run then too? Just something to think about.

However, good luck and best wishes with whatever you choose to do.

Feb 16, 2010, 10:19 AM
Rissa, I'll bet you were a good debater in school. You seem to enjoy bantering with others.

I don't have any interest in dealing with people, who have antagonistic attitudes, or are motivated by the enjoyment of irritating others. I especially find it abhorrent that anyone would say cruel and insensitive things.

A legitimate discussion about differing attitudes, or interests, is fine with me, but when and if it turns nasty, I'll quickly lose interest.

Feb 16, 2010, 10:32 AM
Rissa, I'll bet you were a good debater in school. You seem to enjoy bantering with others.

I don't have any interest in dealing with people, who have antagonistic attitudes, or are motivated by the enjoyment of irritating others. I especially find it abhorrent that anyone would say cruel and insensitive things.

A legitimate discussion about differing attitudes, or interests, is fine with me, but when and if it turns nasty, I'll quickly lose interest.

Hmmm, I don't know if this should be taken as a compliment or not, but yes, yes I was a good debater.

And let me take this moment to apologize for my spelling in my last post since I was very tired when I wrote it and kinda went a bit stupid now and then.

Feb 16, 2010, 10:39 AM
Hmmm, I don't know if this should be taken as a compliment or not, but yes, yes I was a good debater.

And let me take this moment to apologize for my spelling in my last post since I was very tired when I wrote it and kinda went a bit stupid now and then.

tee hee Ris.. think it wos a compliment.. but Realist will correct me if me rong...

..an debate?? Wen at school?? God.. peeps call me opinionated lil cow now.. wos much worse wen me wos at school... wot me sed went an if ne 1 liked 2 argue then they had betta wotch out..:tong: Didn like much bein argued wiv.. hav mellowed since.. now me positively luffs it an expects it...;) Wich is jus as well..cos me keeps gettin it an all....:eek:

Feb 16, 2010, 10:49 AM
tee hee Ris.. think it wos a compliment.. but Realist will correct me if me rong...

..an debate?? Wen at school?? God.. peeps call me opinionated lil cow now.. wos much worse wen me wos at school... wot me sed went an if ne 1 liked 2 argue then they had betta wotch out..:tong: Didn like much bein argued wiv.. hav mellowed since.. now me positively luffs it an expects it...;) Wich is jus as well..cos me keeps gettin it an all....:eek:

LOL well, I think a lot of people are like that when they were younger, whether they like to admit it or not. Ya know what they say about teenagers thinking that they know everything lol. For some strange reason though, I was only that way with my mother...just to come to terms with the fact now that she knows and always has known SOOO much more than I.

Feb 16, 2010, 11:46 AM

What have you done to try to improve the forum?

DB :flag4:

Feb 16, 2010, 1:06 PM
Rissa, I'll bet you were a good debater in school. You seem to enjoy bantering with others.

I don't have any interest in dealing with people, who have antagonistic attitudes, or are motivated by the enjoyment of irritating others. I especially find it abhorrent that anyone would say cruel and insensitive things.

A legitimate discussion about differing attitudes, or interests, is fine with me, but when and if it turns nasty, I'll quickly lose interest.

Lord knows I've been attacked here plenty for my points of view, and not just by the trolls either. Some people really have an issue with others who express differeing points of view, then everything gets very cliquish. The vast majority here are great people, but a select few really spoil the many and make a negative first experience for those comming here looking for help. I was totally shocked by how some new folks were treated here for voicing their situations and then being shouted down. I was actually very embarassed of the behaviour.

Feb 16, 2010, 2:05 PM
Aollt ani aorumf, Void nods.

"So we are good enough for waiting on the Old One?" Cool. I like waiting on such great imaginary beasts. Always fun to read their stories, hear their laughs. Especially love it because I'm nutter 'nuff to see 'em clear. Don't let me giggle all over the toasted rice cereal though. Remember, if I giggle on rice it can't be nice. tsk, Well guess we shall ...

Falling Leaves
Feb 16, 2010, 3:43 PM
Being brand new to this site, it was like a breath of fresh air, have looked all over the net for the place I felt welcome and most comfortable and this site is it!

I have learned so much more about myself, about not being afraid, about opening up and learning to share my experiences, and I look forward to meeting more folks here, real people like me, and thanks to all of who have already accepted me for who I am in the short time I have been here. You are all "bona fide" :cowboy:

Feb 16, 2010, 6:23 PM
Ah:eek: You were doing so well and then you went all egocentric BS buying into the lies and myths of your country with point 6. :(

Bucko....You and I are both American but not in the same country just as much as Giggles is European. You are more specifically a USAmerican.

My wife only discovered our interest in same sex relations in the last few years and are definitely no authority on the matter but we like this site because:
1. We are not looking for romance, we have that with each other.
2. We like it because it makes us realize we are not strange that there are other couples out there who have the same desires we do.
3. We like some of the forums, and some we don't, but we just do not read the ones we do not like.
4. Not all people here are looking for the same thing, if you feel you do not like it then you should probably not visit it anymore. It sounds like your happier with a gay site anyway.
5. If you leave this site depressed, or any other site for that matter, you may have other problems. This is just the internet and people being people. It is nothing to set your life or mood to. If it depresses you, maybe you should go for a walk, read a book, or just get out and do something else.
6. We really take offense to knocking something because it is American, You do realize if it was not for America you'd be speaking German right now!

Feb 16, 2010, 6:36 PM
6. We really take offense to knocking something because it is American, You do realize if it was not for America you'd be speaking German right now!

Unlikely.. not in 60 years ne way.... At the Norman Conquest of England the language of the English was English. At the time of the last Plantagenet King over 400 years later, the language of the English was oddly enough.... English. Just a little point for you to consider.

Feb 16, 2010, 9:21 PM
I apologize, my point was simply that we take a small offense when knocking something to put the blame somewhere that is irrelevant. Someone not liking this site and complaining about "Trolls" and citing the reason because it is "American" does not sit well with us, I used to own a yamaha dirt bike that always broke down and was a piece of shit but I don't blame it on Japan. We should have put it a different way, my apologies to anyone who took it the wrong way.

Feb 16, 2010, 10:19 PM
I guess I have a different perspective. I have always been a believer that what you GET out of something is measured in kind to what you GIVE to something...be it a relationship, a marriage, a job, a website. This is a free place where many express their own personal opinions knowing full well that there will most likely be those who agree with you and those who disagree. Like others have said, I read and reply to those threads and comments which interest me. If I am touched by words of others, I tend to comment. I am one to share my thoughts, experiences and expectations.
