View Full Version : Valentine's Morning

Feb 14, 2010, 5:38 AM
Got up this morning to find 3 envelopes on the front door mat. I thought "Sunday morning and post?". I remembered then what day it is and thought "ahhhh peeps hav been shuvvin Val's day cards through door". Wos quite chuffed..an wondered who me secret admirer wos.. an thot Kate won b 2 chuffed but thats the lot of Fran's poor Naggy.. tee hee..:bigrin:

Look at name on envelopes.. Siobhan???? Aaaaaaaarggggg... overlooked by 11 yo lil horror... went green... :eek:

Wot wos worse.. the a4sed lil horror is ova at me dad's till lata this afty.. awwwwwwww... :tong:

Don that makeya realise that ya kids r growin up all 2 fast?? :)

Feb 14, 2010, 8:10 AM
Got up this morning to find 3 envelopes on the front door mat. I thought "Sunday morning and post?". I remembered then what day it is and thought "ahhhh peeps hav been shuvvin Val's day cards through door". Wos quite chuffed..an wondered who me secret admirer wos.. an thot Kate won b 2 chuffed but thats the lot of Fran's poor Naggy.. tee hee..:bigrin:

Look at name on envelopes.. Siobhan???? Aaaaaaaarggggg... overlooked by 11 yo lil horror... went green... :eek:

Wot wos worse.. the a4sed lil horror is ova at me dad's till lata this afty.. awwwwwwww... :tong:

Don that makeya realise that ya kids r growin up all 2 fast?? :)

Yes, Fran...children do grow up too soon. Mine are aged 29, 28 and nearly 21The eldest is married with a daughter of his own, the middle one...well he keeps coming back,,,,never has any money....hasn't got a job....but I am closer to him than I am to his siblings. And it was he who ferried me to ER about four times in the last few weeks Thing is, I had to pay for the gas! The youngest, well she is a matriarch, has just bought her own home and she keeps the fiance under her thumb. You don't mess with that girl.

I can't remember them sending or making me Valentine cards, but I still have two Mothering Sunday cards, one made by my daughter, which reads, ''To Mummy, Happy Mother's Day, from your superb daughter''...she was about six years.

The other was sent to me, by my middle child, when at college. He was broke, so he folded a piece of coloured card in half, drew a picture of a mother, hands to head, saying, ''Oh, No...he's coming home soon!'' .....wrote inside this special card and on the back, put that it was made by poor people.

I treasure those cards.

No Valentines for me. He who snores is also going to be divorced, one day and so there have been no cards, for many years....not a lot of talking either. I have two cards, from someone special, one sings Unchained Melody, but there will be no more cards.

So on a very sad Sunday morning, just as sad as any morning, I have these days, I will do what I shouldn't and I will say, ''Whatever has happened, whatever has been said and whatever has gone so very wrong, I do love you, Adam, more than life itself, and you are so very, very wrong,''

Feb 14, 2010, 1:02 PM
Okay Fran, I got the basic jist of your message but I had a hell of a time getting through the Fran speak......... I am out of practice with it......:tongue:

Glad you enjoyed your morning.

Feb 14, 2010, 2:04 PM
Oops.. hope the lad who didn send 'er a card makes 'issel scarce for few days.. we hav a not happy lil bunny on our hands..

..almos forgot 2 say.. lil boy who forgot is the current beau... now that askin for reel trubble..:eek:

Feb 14, 2010, 7:22 PM
LMAO. I can see Fran in a coupla years standing at the door greeting a date with crossed arms, and Cleave in one hand, a consent form in the other, containing rules, regulations and instructions on curfew...*Snicker* You should've seen me with My girls..lol
You Go Fran..:bigrin:
PS Happy Valentines snogg to ya..;)

Feb 15, 2010, 7:16 AM
I can imagine Shiv's reaction Fran. Has he surfaced yet and done his grovelling?

I remember when I was about her age being short a Valentine card from my then bf. He wasn't my bf after that and switched my affections pretty quickly to his best friend. It caused quite a bit of trouble between them which I thought was well deserved justice.