View Full Version : Happy Valentine's Day

Justin Chad Taylor
Feb 13, 2010, 11:32 AM
:)My wife and I have decied to have a baby and started trying since January 20th. She had her menstrual period on Februay 2nd and was disappointed. After that we bought an ovulation kit and she has been testing each morning and today the test came out that she fertile. She is so happy not only she is fertile but it happend on Valentine's weekend. I asked her to marry me last Valentines day and no this. Who knows may be cupid really exsits!!!

:flag3:Happy Valentine's Day!:)

Feb 13, 2010, 12:04 PM
Congratulations ... looks like you had a great Christmas present and now a great Valentine present - Some guys have all the luck - LOL

Feb 13, 2010, 1:17 PM
CXongrats Sweetie. Now quit "trying" for a baby, and up one will pop. :}
Happy Valentines Day, Ya'll!
Kisses and naughty nibbles,