View Full Version : yeah ok then

Mar 9, 2006, 4:02 PM
i need desperate help!!!!!!!!!!!!
im trying SO hard to forget my problems because i do not want to deal with them but i know i have to.....
im on inhabace for high blood pressure and im on fluoxatine (anti depressants) for my depression (duh)
im scared of asking for help. . . . . .
and i hate admitting that i need help. . .
this trip i want to do wont be till i get my a in to g with sorting my problems out...... so may not be for a year or 2 yet..........
im starting to freak out about staying with my mum and dad next week az i know we have alot to talk about.....
in my head im constinaly sad and depressed now its starting to show on the out side and its not good....... im not at home so i cant go see my doctor yet as i need professional help and yes mummie kate i know i do, i see that in me....
i have suprised myself lately as i have not burst out crying at any time.. im very sensitive and i feel that is a weakness in me.....
i will b seeking help when i get home......

I NEED THE HELP!!!!!!!!!!!



Mar 9, 2006, 4:41 PM
((((((((( NSG )))))))))))))))
I am proud of you for acknowledging that you need help. I do not think anyone likes asking for help especialy in a dificult situation. I do not know of one person that is not in need of help to some degree or another at some time. I do not think it is weakness for me to acknowledge that I need help. I only see myself as being weak when I tell myself I cannot look there for fear of what I may find. I do not see anything wrong with be being afraid of things either. I do see a problem when I allow fear prevent me from doing the things I need to do. I also know that for myself if I do not deal with my fears they can fester and grow. Fear can be a great motivator or it can paralyze. It is up to me to decide what my fears will do to me. It is up to you to decide what your fears will do to you. I can speak from experience that any fear that I have walked through and dealt with was not as big of a deal when I looked at it honestly from the other side. Conversely, any fear that I have tried to run from has always caught up to me and been harder to deal with since I allowed it to grow while I was running from it. I hope that I did not ramble here to much (maybe I should change my name to rambling rumple :) ).


Mar 10, 2006, 4:11 AM
hey naughty it takes courage to admit your you have a problem.and it is equaly smart to look for help.you are not week buy any means for seeking help rumple is very right in what he said.we do all need help at some time in our lives.some of need more than others after all we are only human.and if you do break out crying sometimes its good to let it out.a lot of us battle deprssion ,and other things.but not every body has the courage to admit they have a problem,or the smarts to look for help.and do something about it in a POSATIVE WAY.i sincerly hope you do find help.see you are doing something about it.alot of people do nothing.thats not cool it leads to negative results.dont want that.its small but here is a big smile from the other side of the planet :bigrin: :bigrin: :bigrin: :bigrin: :bigrin: could not stop at just one.

Mar 10, 2006, 5:38 AM
Hi nice strong woman (I've decided to call you that, NSG),

I am glad to hear that you have delayed, but not put off your trip. I'm glad you delayed it and give yourself time to think it through thoroughly. I'm equally glad to hear that you have not let go of the plan, as I think it is good that you decided to love yourself so much to say that you deserve someting like that and I think you do. I think that you will see that when you start saving for this trip, and working towards it, the excitement about it will grow. And while you conquer the obstacles that will be on your path, you will gain more and more confidence in yourself. And when you eventually go, it will be something that you have done, that you have paid for, and you will have every right to be very proud of having accomplished that dream.

Strong one, it takes strength to deal with your problems, but a lot more strength to admit that they're so big that you need help and then seek that help. It is a terrifying thing to seek help and put your trust in other people in something that is so big. I admire the courage you have in admitting your needs and fears here, but in the end, you need aomeone more professional than most of us, and someone you can talk to person to person. If you feel you need help staright away, can you get help where you are now, instead of waiting until you're back at your parent's place?

Sweet one, I also am sure that your parents will love you, and you might have a difficult talk ahead, but also one that is one step further in removing the clouds that have gathered over you head. And the skies will clear, nice strong woman, be sure of that. There will be a day that the sun is shining outside and you will simply be happy to be alive.
((((((( )))))))) and much love,


meteast husb
Mar 10, 2006, 6:04 PM
I know that it is really hard, but you need to find something that you enjoy. I am easily amused, so it is not hard for me. It can be something as little as watching a tv show, go for a walk, or a drive. The idea is you have to start somewhere. I have started taking my own advice and it seems to be working. Wish you the best of luck.