View Full Version : Our Little Angel

Feb 10, 2010, 10:15 AM
Recently my wife and I had a still born child, Lily. We put together this little video and wanted to share it with everyone.


If you have children please hug them and tell them you love them, you never know what you have until you lose them.

Feb 10, 2010, 10:22 AM
I am sorry for your loss.

Feb 10, 2010, 10:30 AM
I am so sorry...so very sorry ....for your loss.
She was a beautiful baby girl and now she is a beautiful angel. You've created a most beautiful memorial for your beloved daughter. Thank you for sharing. Everyone who views your memorial will know just how much you love her. How lucky Lily is to have parents who love her so much.
Jesus will take care of your darling daughter until you can be with her again.
I will say a blessing for your family tonight in my prayers.
With deepest sympathy,

Feb 10, 2010, 10:30 AM
I am SO sorry for your loss. I am not just saying that as a platitude either. In 1997 I lost my first son at 5 months into my pregnancy. It is such a heartwrenching thing to endure. If this was your fist attempt, take heart my friends! Almost a year to the day of my miscarriage I became pregnant again and have a very handsome, sensitive, and loving ten year old son! He was also early but only 5 weeks. Never stop trying! They are worth it.

Feb 10, 2010, 10:39 AM
My partner and I are raising her two little girls ... I never wanted to be a mother, yet since they have entered my life I truly have begun to understand what motherhood and the loss of a child can mean. Please accept both our sympathies as I know Kate would echo my inadequate words, and take them with the love with which they are written:)

Feb 10, 2010, 10:51 AM
I am sorry to hear about your loss too--my mom had a hard time with pregnancies for some reason----she had two of us---but she had a number of miscarriages and had one stillborn---a boy.

Even though it was more than 40 years ago---I still miss the little brother that could have been. I was just a little boy when it happened and didn't quite feel the "loss" until later years. It does leave a hole that never does get quite filled, even if you never got to know that person.

The video was a nice tribute to your lost child.

Feb 10, 2010, 10:52 AM
I am sorry for your loss.

Feb 10, 2010, 11:12 AM
My thoughts are with you at such a sad time. I was in tears as soon as I saw the pink baby clothes. Losing a child can never be easy and for it to happen at the actual time of birth, when hopes are high and the parents, full of excitement and also the wider family, when baby things have been gathered together, the stillbirth must be devastating.

I nearly lost one of my sons at, 14 weeks into the pregnancy, but I was lucky and I look at this handsome, six feet tall young man, who I am incredibly close to and I thank, whatever there is in the universe, for allowing me to have him.

Lily will be fine. She is safe now and her touching this earth plain was for a reason. You will have learned much about yourselves and others and Lily has now touched the hearts of people all over the world. Bless Lily and bless her parents,

Love and light to you both.

Feb 10, 2010, 11:31 AM
I was in tears with the clothes too. That was extremely sad yet extremely beautiful all at the same time. I can't even put into words just how incredibly saddened I am about this loss that you have experienced.

Feb 10, 2010, 12:09 PM
May she rest in peace.

Feb 10, 2010, 12:53 PM
Words cannot express my current state of feelings after watching the video of your little angel Lily.
But it draws my thoughts back to my baby brother who was also stillborn.
As I wipe the tears from my cheeks and eyes, I pray for you and to God for your loss.
To my brother, Robert Drew, watch over Lily for me, for the parents, for us all.

Doggie :doggie:

Feb 10, 2010, 1:09 PM
I'm so very sorry. I know those words can't make the hurt stop; however they are the best I know to do! She is now a beautiful angel. Hugs! If you need to talk you know where to find us.

Feb 10, 2010, 1:14 PM
My condolences, Loves. But know that she is amoungst the Angels and is smiling and happy there.
Big hugs to both of you, Hon

Long Duck Dong
Feb 10, 2010, 7:59 PM
hugs and tears.....

we have not lost what we can not hold, as we hold them in my heart
but we have lost what our arms would hold, so we fill them with the ones we can

Feb 10, 2010, 8:04 PM
My heart aches for you. Please just know that no matter how short a time she was with you, she was still with you and will always be apart of you. No longer alive in the belly, but for ever alive in your hearts. May the good Lord up above bless you and ease your pain and fill your hearts with understanding.

Feb 11, 2010, 1:20 PM
My heart goes out to you two. Lily was an angel to be sure. She will live in your heart forever.


Feb 11, 2010, 3:00 PM
that is so sad i cryed when i watched that video ... I am so sorry for yalls loss . My husbands birthday is january 9th and when i watched this all i could do is cry .. i will keep yall in my prays .... Krystal

Feb 11, 2010, 10:40 PM
Hi, I am so sorry too hear of your loss hon. Back in 86,we lost a child too stillbirth. So i know of what you are going through. My heart goes out too you 2. If you need too chat or any thing,either one of you.let me know. The one thing that helped us through a lot of it,was our local Hospice group. Just want too extend my condolences too you..

Feb 12, 2010, 5:18 PM
Please accept our deepest sympathies, she is precious and will be at peace with God. You are all in our prayers.

Feb 19, 2010, 10:35 AM
Pardon my lateness as I'm just now catching up on threads. I feel your loss deeply and extend my sincere condolences to you. May the Goddess bless you with healing energy to get through your time of grief.

Feb 21, 2010, 3:12 PM
I am truly sorry for your loss. I lost a son, stillborn, and the resultant grief, pain and isolation we felt, resulted in the breakup of my first marriage.

One of the hardest truths is that nothing that anyone says to you provides any real comfort, or solace; alot of people say really vile and cruel things because they are ignorant or self-centered, e.g." don't worry you're young and you can have another one"etc.

Your daughter can't be replaced- she is unique--try to find solace in that she came about because of the love you and your mate shared, and your sharing your of love for your daughter.

Best Regards and best of luck to you and your mated.
