View Full Version : Y all the penises!!!

Mar 9, 2006, 2:13 PM
I'm just wondering why all the penises! You guys have gone crazy on here with your cams! Now don't get me wrong I'm a senualist and a firm believer and participater in voyerism but please don't expect to have your ding a ling hanging out and not expect me not to say anything about it in chat! I mean is it just me? Is that rude of me or something? Thats like somebody flashing you and your supose to just sit their like " oh how was your day?" what do think? FG :bounce:

Mar 9, 2006, 3:14 PM
lmao!!!! FatGirl - you know my view on this subject. lol!!!! :)

I think some of us guys feel that if we can't see our penis - it's dropped off!!!

It's like the guys that are forever "re-arranging" them selves by shoving their hands down their pants!!! lol!!!

A profile with several pic.s and one or two of their penis - fine - but I wanna see the "whole" person - not just a di*k!!!

love and peace

Rupe :)

Mar 9, 2006, 3:19 PM
for nice pics try tom_uk!

published by tom_uk advertising uk limited - discount prices for perve doc com members, please ask for a quote xxx

Mar 9, 2006, 3:44 PM
FatGirl - I cannot speak for anyone else but myself. I have had pics of my penis in profiles on other sites. I am quite attached to my penis and wanted to share one of my favorite play things with others :)
I do not have any pictures of my penis on this site but I may put some up at some point. I do not think that if I put a picture of my penis on my ad it is like flashing someone because anyone who looks at my profile or personal ad does so voluntarily. I myself do not mind seeing other people nude. I enjoy it in fact. If someone likes the pics of me, or my bike on my ad and they say so I am always happy to hear that. If they think that I am ugly or my bike looks bad they are free to say that too but I would consider it rude since I am not forcing them to look at my ad.
Just my opinon,

Mar 9, 2006, 3:47 PM

very nice pics by the way :) let me know if you need a hand in the shower LOL

Mar 9, 2006, 3:53 PM
So glad to hear that you are attached to your penis...I would hate to think that it was loose and running willy nilly all over the place posting pics of itself on threads without your knowledge!!! LOL!!

In all seriousness...I have to agree with rumple...you like what you see..fine and feel free to say so...and if you don't...then ignore it. But in the same vein (eww...did i say that??), I would NOT recommend coming into the chatroom exclaiming..."I've got a pic of my penis on my profile...go take a look" unless you are willing to hear a few comments, good OR bad. And not to be accused of being sexist...the same applies to the fems out there who are so overwhelmed with their own beauty that they can't wait for you to view their newest "nekkid" shot. There are MUCH better ways to break the ice than that!


Mar 9, 2006, 5:13 PM
I'm just wondering why all the penises! FG :bounce:

:male: Its testosterone, my dear. :male:

It makes them do strange things. :eek: :eek:

Mar 9, 2006, 5:24 PM
[COLOR=Red][FONT=Lucida Sans Unicode]I'm just wondering why all the penises! You guys have gone crazy on here with your cams!

Sorry if this seems a bit redundant but some things "bared" are worth repeating.Posted on an earlier thread to a similar question.

"As founder of the National Association for Penis Pride also know as NAPP we tend to see it as putting your best foot forward so to speak. Letting it all hang out in all it's glory is a way of saying "Hey..I've got a penis and I'm proud"! During the couse of a given day..We like to give it a little rub of appreciation also known as "checking one's self" as a small gesture of pride and possession. We realize that not everyone has a penis but are flattered that the dildo and strapon are available to those want to "share in the experience "..in a somewhat limited way. When I see a pic of a penis online it's like someone saying "Check this baby out". and I know the deep rooted feeling of pride and ownership felt by my brothers...it's a guy thing."

Ambi :male:

Mar 10, 2006, 6:29 AM
I'm glad rumple is attached to his penis...but sometimes wouldn't mind borrowing it for a night.
:wiggle2: :wiggle2: :wiggle2: :cutelaugh :cutelaugh :cutelaugh :devil: :devil: :devil:

Mar 10, 2006, 7:22 AM
Simple (although generalized) fact: Men are visual.

A large percentage of men are aroused by the naked body or genitals.

That's why male and female porn are different.

Mar 10, 2006, 8:40 AM
Yes - maybe it is a male thing but, sooner or later, sex is going to be on just about everyone's agenda. I love to see cocks on here but, as Rupertbear says, it's nice to see who it belongs to.

Mar 10, 2006, 1:02 PM
I'm just wondering why all the penises! You guys have gone crazy on here with your cams! Now don't get me wrong I'm a senualist and a firm believer and participater in voyerism but please don't expect to have your ding a ling hanging out and not expect me not to say anything about it in chat! I mean is it just me? Is that rude of me or something? Thats like somebody flashing you and your supose to just sit their like " oh how was your day?" what do think? FG :bounce:

Well, what can I say? I'm one of the worst in the world for naked, perverted pics. I do tend to be somewhat of an exibitionist (putting it mildly) in certain circumstances at least.
Oh the whole, I think it boils down to the fact men are visual creatures. We see and react, especially when it comes to sex. It's biological programming. Women on the other hand seem to be based more on "what's this person like" and hence are less interested in seeing the sexual bits and more focused on the "who".
I guess before I get into too much hot water, I'd better explain my point of veiw.
In a traditional setting between a man and woman, the biological drive to mate has the sole purpose of making babies. Visually, a woman with wide, round hips and large breasts indicates fertility and the ability to successfully carry and nurture a baby. Visual clues to the male. (why we're "programmed" the way we are)
Women, on the other hand, need to mate not only with a man who is physically capable of supporting her(and is visually appealing), but with one who will be there while she's incapacitated with a pregnancy/baby. I.E., she has to learn his personality and judge whether he will be a reliable provider for her at least until she's able to fend for herself again.. if not she may stand a good chance of starving or falling prey to wild beasts. ... The reason women tend to be a bit more cautious selecting a mate than do men.
This is less true in moden times, but it has been the case for hundreds and thousands of years.

I'll shut up now... didn't mean to turn this into an anthropology class! :)

Mar 10, 2006, 2:39 PM
Can I first set the record straight ( he he) it's not that I don't want to see em it's not that half of me ( he he) doesn't like em I just wanted to know why! and I also just wanted to start a thread and strangly enough all i could think about was penises and so with that in mind stay tuned for my next thread " Where are all the Vagina's" coming soon to a forum near you! FG :bounce:

Mar 10, 2006, 2:53 PM
Can I first set the record straight ( he he) it's not that I don't want to see em it's not that half of me ( he he) doesn't like em I just wanted to know why! and I also just wanted to start a thread and strangly enough all i could think about was penises and so with that in mind stay tuned for my next thread " Where are all the Vagina's" coming soon to a forum near you! FG :bounce:

Too funny! :bigrin:

Personally, I will skip the Vagina thread coming to a forum near me and keep looking at the penises.

And rumple...I have to agree with bear...I'm glad it's attatched to you, but I wouldn't mind borrowing for a night also. :rolleyes: :bigrin: :eek:

Mrs.F :)

Mar 10, 2006, 3:41 PM
hi fatgirl,

i'm so glad that you brought this up!!! it's been weighing on my mind ever since i joined this site, although maybe for a different reason. i've been on other LGBT sites or friendship-network sites and have NEVER seen so many penis-only pics. i've seen plenty pics of men who are half-naked and all that.... i guess a "PG-13" kind of rating rather than an "XXX" kind of rating. it makes me wonder why it's THIS site that has so many of THESE kinds of pics, why it's a BISEXUAL site that has more penis nudity than a GAY site. are there more men on this site? are there more men looking for a sexual escapade on this site? are there more closeted men looking for a sexual escapade on this site?

and yes, it's interesting that the women aren't doing the same (and posting pics of their vaginas?? :cutelaugh). slaphappy made some good anthropological points, but i think we also need to look at the social and psychological implications. sorry to get so "heady" on all of you -- i'm just the nerdgrrl here. :nrrdgrrl:

personally, i'm here to make friends only, so it does put me on guard when someone sends me a message or chats with me and has that kind of profile. i'm not against nudity--just to make that clear--it's just that i would much rather see someone's face first and then go on from there.


Mar 10, 2006, 3:51 PM

I'm so confused by what you wrote. I mean, if you really feel this way, why did you ask me for those personal pics?

I don't mind really (though the request for the one wearing only chaps and a cowboy hat was a bit inconvenient), just curious.

Driver 8
Mar 10, 2006, 4:07 PM
Mimi has pics of allbi in just a cowboy hat and chaps? SHARE SHARE SHARE

Mar 10, 2006, 5:04 PM
driver8, i'll share the cowboy chaps pics with you, but only for a hefty fee. ;) a starving student has to make a living you know!


Mar 10, 2006, 5:17 PM
Could I get a discount if I request the cowboy chaps part alone and skip the cowboy hat part?


Mar 10, 2006, 5:23 PM
Wait a minute, mimi. I didn't give you resale rights to those pics. If anyone wants to buy them they'll have to talk to me.

Mar 10, 2006, 5:55 PM
Hmmm, I don't have one here yet. :eek:

Perhaps I should do something about that..... :rolleyes:

In any case, I think the reason is simply this:

We like to show off our penis
We like it when "members of the appropriate sex(es)" look at our penis

sam in LA
Mar 10, 2006, 8:08 PM
Fatgirl & MIMI,

This topic seems to pick-up where I left off with the recent thread I started:

WHY DO SO MANY OF THESE SITES REVOLVE AROUND SEX? (http://main.bisexual.com/forum/showthread.php?t=770)

Where the above tackled the objective part, this seems to be more pointed towards the strategy some take to find a "mate". And I whole-heartedly agree with you both. But before I ruffle anymore feathers here, let me first again repeat...TO EACH HIS OR HER OWN. Everyone has their own reason for being here. I realize some men are proud of their penises and feel compelled to put it out there front and center. But I cannot escape this notion that this infatuation and attachment is merely overcompensation. IT'S JUST MY OPINION! As I see it, I am not my DICK, and feel such display is woefully inadequate in representing who I am. Yes I am a man and I have a penis...isn't that stating the obvious. It cannot possibly do more to define who I am. I do not wear my sexuality on my sleeve and I do not want to be define by my sexual organ.

I am not one for censorship, and do not advocate a more 'vanilla' approach here. If such tactics work for some people... GREAT! However, it would be nice for us others to get some warning before we open a profile that contains photos of a sexual explicit nature. AGAIN...IT'S JUST MY OPINION!

So that's my :2cents:

Play safe, SAM :cool:

Mar 11, 2006, 12:56 AM
Where the above tackled the objective part, this seems to be more pointed towards the strategy some take to find a "mate". [....snip...]
But I cannot escape this notion that this infatuation and attachment is merely overcompensation.

I'll respond to this in parts.
First, I have a mate. We've been together 21 years and are still kicking, so finding a mate isn't really the issue. Part of it may be "fishing", but that is a longshot. Afterall , this is a nice website, but it's realatively small. Finding someone local AND compatible would really be finding a needle in a haystack. Part of my motivation lies in the fact that I can get online and behave in ways that I simply cannot otherwise. At heart I really am an exibitionist, but the oppourtunity to behave that way very seldom comes about. Here I can post pics and sometimes get a note from someone saying they like them. Yes, it is an ego booster and I get a kick out of it. Overcompensation? I hardly think so. If I wasn't very comfortable with myself I wouldn't show anyone anything. It's a thrill, more than anything.

I am not one for censorship, and do not advocate a more 'vanilla' approach here. If such tactics work for some people... GREAT! However, it would be nice for us others to get some warning before we open a profile that contains photos of a sexual explicit nature. AGAIN...IT'S JUST MY OPINION!

Play safe, SAM :cool:

I can see your point, although I don't fully comprehend the reasoning behind it. If there were a universally understood marker I could place on my profile to flag it as having "those" kind of pics, I would use it. However I'm more of the opinion that, due to the nature of this site, when you see that a profile has pics it's safer to assume they are of an adult nature. If you really want to know more about someone, make contact via e-mail or PM. Not all of us with such pics are sex crazed beasts.... (well not ALL the time!) :)


aussie blonde
Mar 11, 2006, 10:49 PM
I'm just wondering why all the penises! You guys have gone crazy on here with your cams! Now don't get me wrong I'm a senualist and a firm believer and participater in voyerism but please don't expect to have your ding a ling hanging out and not expect me not to say anything about it in chat! I mean is it just me? Is that rude of me or something? Thats like somebody flashing you and your supose to just sit their like " oh how was your day?" what do think? FG :bounce:

LOL Fatgirl some blokes have nothing better to show than their pricks LMFAO :cutelaugh

Cheers Chook :bigrin:

Mar 11, 2006, 10:53 PM
Darn that missus of mine for not logging off :mad: :banghead:

Cheers Chook :bigrin:

Mar 11, 2006, 11:30 PM
Once I was at a pro football game and went to the head.... you guys know the kind, the long troughs and there were about 30 guys taking a leak. I said "Nothing but a bunch of pricks hinging out here".... there was dead silence for about 10 seconds and I wondered if I was going to get my A** whopped, then everyone busted out laughing!

Maybe it is the same in here, nothing but a bunch of pricks hanging out! lol

Mar 12, 2006, 5:19 PM
Lmao Daringman888, You not only have the prick...but some awfull big balls to go along with it.

Mar 13, 2006, 1:40 AM
a very cyber savvy lady friend says it best. " your first pic tells me where your brain is".
guess which folks don't get answered when they im me with a certain type pic attached??

Mar 14, 2006, 8:29 AM
I agree...or maybe like FireRaven said: Re: FireRaven's thought:

PS I'd be thrilled to see some kind of system/code with the profiles so a person can tell BEFORE they look at one if it's X rated. Got nothing against nudity, just would like the option to choose if I want to be flashed by a total stranger.

That is a great idea!!!!

:male: :2cents: :2cents:

Mar 14, 2006, 5:20 PM
I agree...or maybe like FireRaven said: Re: FireRaven's thought:

PS I'd be thrilled to see some kind of system/code with the profiles so a person can tell BEFORE they look at one if it's X rated. Got nothing against nudity, just would like the option to choose if I want to be flashed by a total stranger.

That is a great idea!!!!

:male: :2cents: :2cents:

Hmm interesting point... Tx26M

When i first arrived here i was so shocked at the ahem, overtness of some of the profile pics :cutelaugh ....

Now... i rarely bat an eyelid :rolleyes:

I was bemused to note on another website that not only do some pictures get x-rated warnings, maybe as an extra protection for delicate souls, you actually have to pay for 'membership services' in order to access these er erotic pics...

Now considering these pics are posted by site members i find this practice of blatent exploitation of members own pictures far more distasteful than the mostly uncensored shots exhibited by some folk from the bi.com community..

but then i never was into censorship :cool:

Mar 14, 2006, 9:42 PM
[QUOTE]Fatgirl & MIMI,

This topic seems to pick-up where I left off with the recent thread I started:

WHY DO SO MANY OF THESE SITES REVOLVE AROUND SEX? (http://main.bisexual.com/forum/showthread.php?t=770)

... IT'S JUST MY OPINION! As I see it, I am not my DICK, and feel such display is woefully inadequate in representing who I am. Yes I am a man and I have a penis...isn't that stating the obvious. It cannot possibly do more to define who I am. I do not wear my sexuality on my sleeve and I do not want to be define by my sexual organ.


This also ties into the topic recently posted about tips for one's profile.
I posted to that, because it dealt much with the topic of pictures in a prof.

At that time, I couldn't help thinking of all the penis pictures I've seen posted. To me it boils down to the reason why we're here in the first place. The only legitimate reson that a person could have for having his member represent "who" he is is because sexual encounter is the primary reason.

I agree that there should be a ratings of some type to limit the nudity shown in the public profile. I don't think I'd advocate for such a thing if not for the fact that most of the ones I've seen were worth posting.
I'm quite serious.
If these people don't have the good sense to realize that their privates just aren't, well, appetizing, then someone in charge should have the good sense to spare us these shrunken, pale, limp, wilted willies.

Mar 15, 2006, 7:33 AM
(snip)Oh the whole, I think it boils down to the fact men are visual creatures. We see and react, especially when it comes to sex. It's biological programming. Women on the other hand seem to be based more on "what's this person like" and hence are less interested in seeing the sexual bits and more focused on the "who".
I guess before I get into too much hot water, I'd better explain my point of veiw.
In a traditional setting between a man and woman, the biological drive to mate has the sole purpose of making babies. Visually, a woman with wide, round hips and large breasts indicates fertility and the ability to successfully carry and nurture a baby. Visual clues to the male. (why we're "programmed" the way we are)
Women, on the other hand, need to mate not only with a man who is physically capable of supporting her(and is visually appealing), but with one who will be there while she's incapacitated with a pregnancy/baby. I.E., she has to learn his personality and judge whether he will be a reliable provider for her at least until she's able to fend for herself again.. if not she may stand a good chance of starving or falling prey to wild beasts. ... The reason women tend to be a bit more cautious selecting a mate than do men.
This is less true in moden times, but it has been the case for hundreds and thousands of years.

I'll shut up now... didn't mean to turn this into an anthropology class! :)

No, I agree. Female suitability for mating is signaled by endurance (distribution of fat and muscle) and these are visual cues. Male suitability is indicated (in prehistory) by competence. Raw strength is less an indicator of the ability to protect and support than is demeanor, bearing, and overall skill. Those attributes can't be captured in a picture or even video; interaction is needed.

So for MSM show it. For FSF why bother showing it. For MSC you never know who's going to get interested, him or her. All this according to prehistoric tendencies, overlaid by social constructs and individual preferences.

I display some math on my profile for those interested in that flavor of competence, and a nudie for those into eye candy. The full 1200x1600 nudie zooms to a nice shot of my wanker whereas the condensed version on profile is much more grainy when zoomed. But I'd never make my avatar my dick. Please! In the forums, a face or cartoon seems appropriate.

It took a few uploads and edits to get the assortment right, and it continues to improve with captions, etc.
