View Full Version : Big Snowstorm to hit east-central and mid-Atlantic US

Feb 5, 2010, 12:03 PM
For those of you in the storm's path--hope ya got to the grocery to stock up. I went yesterday and between people stocking up for the storm and SuperBowl Sunday--the shelves are getting bare in supermarkets in many states.

I hope once this thing spins up--you don't have to go anywhere in it.

I am planning to just hunker down.

We were originally forecast for maybe five or six inches-now they say we may get a foot or more of the white stuff--parts of Virginia, Maryland, the DC area, Delware and other areas around that region may be getting several feet of it.

For those of you in those areas-do take care.

Might as well just "enjoy" the snow falling as much as ya can!

Right now in my area--we have a light mix of snow and sleet falling.

Feb 5, 2010, 7:59 PM
Jus teensy weensy thing pleeeeze Voltie.. keep it on ur side a the Atlantic will ya... for 1st time in 2 months temperatures r jus bout passable...not warm at all.. but least they not freezin me nips off... had enuff snow ..snow wos fine wen it wos the hols ova Xmas an New year..had gr8 fun then... but not wen me hasta drive 2 work ta... an sittin in stand wotchin the Jambos at Tynie is no fun eitha..spesh since they playin crappie... an shoppin an goin out an gettin' 'ome... no sweetie..u jus hang on 2 it for lil ole me will ya? Ta ver much.:)

Feb 5, 2010, 8:20 PM
I know our Swimmy is getting hit hard too. And a sweetie of mine in Maryland is getting Pounded right now with snow and high winds.
Please be careful Ya'll. Stay warm and dry and be safe..:}

Feb 5, 2010, 8:45 PM
Snow? What snow? That was last year here.

Feb 5, 2010, 8:49 PM
I think that we might have dodged the bullet--but I guess that parts of Virginia are getting slammed!!!

Feb 6, 2010, 8:44 AM
Just went outside with a yard stick doing some snow depth measurements--my average depth was about 7 to 8 inches---but I was out of the main snowbands that came through---where the snow fell hardest was about 20 miles north to about 50 miles north with those areas getting up to 16 inches before the wind got hold of the snow.

Its still snowing hard here--they say we are going to get anywhere from one to three more inches before it stops in the next few hours.

Feb 6, 2010, 9:57 AM
Just took these pics a bit ago---







Feb 6, 2010, 3:12 PM
Void dons his Hugh Downs voice.

"Snow. This bodes not well for me."

Void drops the voice and switches to his natural bland Delaware through Constantina wire and glass shards voice.

Bloody fuck, such a lolly of a day do you not think? I mean get over it for the sake of now. My guy won't be coming down this way any time sooner now. Piss pot that's a bunch of rot.

Oh well, could always borrow from the penis extension emails. Grow me todger a might bit longer and fuck meself. Oh ooops, erm yeah folks get the idea you a bit winky that.

In all seriousness this snow is really panacea balm for a depressed person. Oh wait, that was sarcasm again. Damn it.

Okay, I really hate this snow and I usually don't hate anything. Someone mentioned leathers? Bah humbug. Go away snow.

Feb 6, 2010, 3:14 PM
Hey, Snowstorm hitting east US, and Atlantic canada, cape breton and Newfoundland are getting a big blast. Here on the mainland of Nova Scotia, sunshine!!!!! Cold as all get out but sunshine. It seems the thread of arctic air is pushing the storm far enough south that NS is unaffected, then it swngs north and blasts the rock. So I got out the rum and am staying in out of the cold, well not really, I am going to p[lay street hockey with the neighbour hood kids later, Yikes! Stay safe in the snowstorm everybody. and for once be happy for us in NS one finally missed us!!

PS Volty great pics but to us Canadians that's what we call a light dusting of snow! lol

Feb 6, 2010, 6:30 PM
PS Volty great pics but to us Canadians that's what we call a light dusting of snow! lol

Its all relative--and I am not complaining about what we got--it could have been worse----a few inches is a heck of a lot better than a few feet of it like they got around DC, Maryland, Delaware and Jersey.

Feb 6, 2010, 9:28 PM
I too, liked the photos. I love snow, get out there and build some snow-men and get the toboggan out.

The cold air makes for beautiful crisp photos and the snow just makes it magical.

Remember to check on elderly neighbours or relatives and clear their paths for them, you might make some new friends.

And post more photos, Volti, if you please.

Feb 6, 2010, 9:49 PM
I am just south of Philly and we got hit hard,,,at least 20 inches, maybe more. I'll try and take some pics tomorrow.

Feb 6, 2010, 10:37 PM
im from dayton and we got hit mild only like 8 inches i think but we supose to get it again by like tuesday or wensday but some places here got as much as my neecaps and im like 5'3 thats a lot of fucking snow man. i hate the damn snow pluse i got stuck in my drive way today

Feb 7, 2010, 3:30 AM
I can't belive it...I'm in MA but we got missed! that sucks...I was hoping for a snowday....


Feb 7, 2010, 10:49 AM
snow sucks

Feb 7, 2010, 11:19 AM
Wow! I just heard a radio news report about the amount of snow in DC and related areas. Those living there got blasted. Worst storm in a century. Doesn't matter where you are Canada or the States, that is one "fuck of a lot of snow!" If you're in it and affected by it stay safe and warm friends, best of luck digging out.:eek:

Feb 9, 2010, 8:01 PM
We didn't get as much as folks north of us but man it was enough. We are now 2 inches over our total annual avg of a foot and a half in just two snowfalls of the seasons.

Stay safe and warm everyone

Feb 9, 2010, 8:08 PM
We got another round of winter weather today--we still are under a winter storm warning until tomorrow evening even though the bulk of the storm is moving on--now we are going to be on the back side of the thing---and that is going to bring high winds that I hope doesn't knock out the power.

We got about another seven inches or so here--but once again--some people got much less and some got much more--it looks like this storm is going to be very nasty to areas up along the east coast.

We had been behind on our seasonal snowfall--but we sure went on past that to have a snowfall surplus----but they are already forecasting another bout of winter weather this weekend and into the beginning of next week.

When spring finally comes this year--it is gonna be so sweet!!!

Feb 9, 2010, 9:48 PM
Ugh. Make it stop, please? Three days of shoveling is enough. Four days of retina burning white is enough. Two and a half months without seeing my guy is enough. I know the last is not all to blame on the snow but it didn't help matters. Wish I were more care free and extroverted, stable. Might be nice to just go out with someone for the heck of it. But is that legal?

No, we still have snow. Damn. It creeps this miserable gray white nightmare, seeping into your mind. Sanity on the fringe now. "Kill the snow! Kill the snow! Kill the snow!" Maybe the extra-terrestrials heard my plea and will banish snow.

On the sill, snow. Tired the restless hunter's eyes, no patch of green to be. Go away, you're despised! In the hall a furnace causing a monophonic scene of being our messiah. Return tufts of blue grass. Away the wind does blow.