View Full Version : Torchwood....

Feb 4, 2010, 9:13 PM
I cant remember who was talking about this BBC series, but I started watching it today on Net Flix..I'm hooked. I'm on season 1 right now, but I'll get around to watching season 2 soon, I expect. Same with Firefly...I never watched it on Sci-Fi channal because I didnt think it would be that good. I borrowed the set from a friend and Loved it..too bad it diodnt run longer..:(

Feb 4, 2010, 9:33 PM
I like Doctor Who better, Torchwood is a spin off from Doctor Who. I used to watch Torchwood, up until Captain Jack's boyfriend died. I was pissed off and stopped watching it.

Doctor Who makes me happy.

Sorry if I gave away spoilers. I don't know exactly when Jack's bf dies.

Feb 4, 2010, 9:41 PM
I love Torchwood, and Capt Jack is just yummie :bigrin:

The scene where Capt Jack and the Dr kiss...OMG!!!!

Lots of Bi stuff on Torchwood. Esp in the first season.


roy m cox
Feb 4, 2010, 11:31 PM
i was thinking of down loading Torchwood seems like i was just geting in to it and then "_______"

so yeah i will ,and as for dr.who i just loved watching it when i was a kid they had all the old eeps' on PBS then they stopped showing it :( that was a bummer ,,

now the new dr.who saw it on a CBC Canada tv and i was like no way and got very hooked on it ,

i most generally love sci-fi :bigrin:

Feb 5, 2010, 3:01 AM
I used to watch Torchwood, up until Captain Jack's boyfriend died. I was pissed off and stopped watching it.

That was totally me too! I got so mad :mad:

But I love Doctor Who and I've been obsessed with Firefly since high school. Amazing!!! And Inara was not only incredibly hot but bi too :D

Also, since I'm such a nerd and we're talking about sci-fi tv shows I have to do a shout out to my first love, Star Trek: The Original Series. I'm pretty sure Leonard Nimoy was my first celebrity crush.

Feb 5, 2010, 7:36 AM
Love the show and it was recently announced that JAck And Davies(Director) will be doing Torchwood USA. Yay

Feb 5, 2010, 11:32 AM
sf nerds unite. Torchwood rocks, they had a pretty good mini series on not too long ago. Love Trek, Battlestar Galactica, Dr. Who, Star Wars, etc.
The future is looking Bi!

Feb 5, 2010, 1:52 PM
Grrrrr Karasel! I hadnt gotten to that part yet. C'mer and let me Bite you! lol

Feb 5, 2010, 4:01 PM
Torchwood (anagram of Doctor Who) (very nerdy) is brilliant as is the Doctor Who series, recommend both very highly

Feb 5, 2010, 4:17 PM
Torchwood is brilliant! Used to regularly see the production team filming it (used to live in Butetown. Central Cardiff).

There's lots of LGBT issues in all 3 series not to mention Jack and Ianto getting together (awwww!)

Still its very good! Was a bit sad when Owen died...... He was one of the kinkier cast members being bisexual and a little mysterious!

Always found it funny when he kissed the girl in series 2 and he said "no blood" in a blatant bisexual dual meaning with reference to Stuart kissing Heather in Queer As Folk and not getting an erection! I watch that scene and thought "I'v been there too buddy!".

Feb 5, 2010, 6:11 PM
Good to know the sci-fi nerds are alive and kicking lol, dont know if you guys in the us got it but Torchwood was promoted from bbc3 to bbc1 (a big deal) with 5 episodes over 5 nights called children of earth it was amazing, if you haven't seen it download it

Feb 5, 2010, 7:42 PM
Big fan a Torchwood. Bigga fan a Doctor Who.. hav met Karen Gillan by the way (Doc's new "assistant"). Met 'er wile they wer filmin Rebus (Ian rankin detective stories set in my home town an the books a wich me is a big fan) a few years 'go... she wos quite cute but nuthin spesh.. my... hasn she grown up since then tho?? Now yummie's the word!!! :tong:

Feb 5, 2010, 8:43 PM
Little known fact the name Torchwood was an anagram of Dr. Who. that was used by the production crew in order to avoid pirated versions of Dr. Who hitting the airwaves before the show actually aired

Feb 6, 2010, 7:09 AM
it’s the best, Cat!! Jack is so cool... Roll with it!

Feb 6, 2010, 12:50 PM
Torchwood, VERY cool, great spin off, but if you want sexy?, i got two words for you David Tennant:bigrin:
Just put me in the middle of him and any of the "Who girls" and i'm a happy man!! cept the blond one, don't like blonds.

Feb 6, 2010, 3:42 PM
Was probably me Cat, as I was working out on the bike and watching Children of Earth (season 3) and talking about it.

Fox has decided to sign up the writers of Torchwood, plus the main actors, and is redoing the show for the US. Thats the good news.

The bad news is FOX has a habit of canceling shows as fast as they start them.

Feb 6, 2010, 5:32 PM
I'm just now in 2nd season, but I love it. I'll go on to see Children of Earth when I'm through in 2. :} Cap'm Jack sher has a perdy mouth....lol (Drool drool)

Feb 6, 2010, 8:14 PM
I'm just now in 2nd season, but I love it. I'll go on to see Children of Earth when I'm through in 2. :} Cap'm Jack sher has a perdy mouth....lol (Drool drool)

Brace yourself Mountaincat for the "Children of Earth" shows, that's the one that pissed me off. The way the government called the children "units," and was actually thinking about going through with the aliens demands just disgusted me.

... You may not understand what I'm saying now, but you will when you watch.

But at least in the last few days, I got over my anger for Torchwood and has started watching older episodes that I missed...

I <3 Jack Harkness.

Feb 6, 2010, 8:41 PM
I can tell you that as of right now, John Barrowman has not been signed to do the Torchwood version that Fox is looking to make. He will be here in the States in March & April to work on Desperate Housewives. Russell T Davies(the producer/head writer of Torchwood and up until this year Dr. Who as well) is here working for the BBC and he and John Barrowman might meet, but nothing official is happening with the show as of now.

And there is a rumor that the British version might see the return of a certain person when they start to film in the next few months. I have not been able to confirm that for a fact, but it is being talked about.

Feb 7, 2010, 6:56 AM
I can tell you that as of right now, John Barrowman has not been signed to do the Torchwood version that Fox is looking to make. He will be here in the States in March & April to work on Desperate Housewives. Russell T Davies(the producer/head writer of Torchwood and up until this year Dr. Who as well) is here working for the BBC and he and John Barrowman might meet, but nothing official is happening with the show as of now.

And there is a rumor that the British version might see the return of a certain person when they start to film in the next few months. I have not been able to confirm that for a fact, but it is being talked about.

1a the reasons that so many brit series nev work in the US is cos they sanitise 'em so much that the bite an depth a the series r taken out.. characterisation is bastardised an so they becum so borin as 2 not b worth wotchin.. "Cracker" is a case in point... but ther r plenty othas.. wotchin a US produced version a British drama is like try 2 eat well dun roast beef wiv ya teeth still sittin in a glass next 2 ya bed...

Havya eva wotched "Doctor Who" wiv Paul McGann that wos a joint Beeb/ 'Merican production?? McGann tried 2 save it.. but it wos in short..crap!!! An' it fell flat on its face.. wot Fox will prob b doin is sayin bout "Torchwood" is "Gud idea.. lose the queers". Soz..will stik 2 'riginal Brit drama tyvm an will avoid the US produced copy.. beware pale imitations...

Feb 7, 2010, 10:50 AM
An American version on Torchwood will be rubbish I suspect. They will cut out the bulk of the LGBT issues (ie:most of the storyline) because of how conservative most of the US is and the charm of the original will be completely lost.

Americans can't do subtle and they most certainly can't create charm in a series. Just imagine what Skins USA would be like! What they do best is high polish and good special effects just look at Glee! Fantastic program and very polished...... nothing wrong with that at all lets just hope the yanks stick to what they are good at.....

Feb 7, 2010, 1:06 PM
My God an American version of Torchwood, would suck ass.

I remember a few months ago NBC was thinking about making an American version of Top Gear. Thank god that idea got shot to Hell.

America just needs to stop being idea whores and come up with something original themselves for once.

Feb 8, 2010, 12:15 AM
anyone in the l.a. area know what channel this flick is showing? cant find it on t.w. my local cable; havnt seen any dvd's out either. i got hooked on firefly when i stumbled across the serenity on cable one lazy afternoon, so i bought the dvd compilation, and now have another reason to curse the fox people!

first off, im a political history addict, so i have the watched to tudor series, and now have the dvd's, also into the supernatural, got the dvd's for the supernatural series (couldnt stand the showings on broadcast t.v., and frankly dont have the time), got hooked on the true blood series, and bought that dvd. next into sf, and there are some great series out there, and torchwood has my interest!

any info anyone?

Feb 8, 2010, 11:20 AM
Not to mention that the average American producer can't grasp the "there isn't always a happy ending" concept that made me fall in love with Torchwood.

Feb 8, 2010, 12:51 PM
Not to mention that the average American producer can't grasp the "there isn't always a happy ending" concept that made me fall in love with Torchwood.

British science fiction tends 2 b much more distopian than utopian in spirit.. weras 'merican stuff is fulla optimism, even the bleakest. Its not that we r a mizzie lot.. ratha that we like a gud dollop a depression, realism an misery in our stories.. Ther is nowt betta than an unendingly miserable story endin in human disaster... no upbeat endins.. now that me calls a story 2 savour...:bigrin:

Feb 8, 2010, 1:35 PM
anyone in the l.a. area know what channel this flick is showing? cant find it on t.w. my local cable; havnt seen any dvd's out either. i got hooked on firefly when i stumbled across the serenity on cable one lazy afternoon, so i bought the dvd compilation, and now have another reason to curse the fox people!

first off, im a political history addict, so i have the watched to tudor series, and now have the dvd's, also into the supernatural, got the dvd's for the supernatural series (couldnt stand the showings on broadcast t.v., and frankly dont have the time), got hooked on the true blood series, and bought that dvd. next into sf, and there are some great series out there, and torchwood has my interest!

any info anyone?


Doggie :doggie:

Feb 8, 2010, 2:34 PM
I just checked, ALL of Torchwood is available for live view on Netflix.

Freaking awesome, I could watch Children of Earth again.

Feb 8, 2010, 5:25 PM
Excellent, excellent show! I'n now trying to watch one called Primevel...
Sci-Fi loving Cat :}

Feb 8, 2010, 7:04 PM
Excellent, excellent show! I'n now trying to watch one called Primevel...
Sci-Fi loving Cat :}

Primeval Cat? My God..wot dross... only gud thing bout Primeval r the credits at end.. but u hav gud look an enjoy.. Kate dus. .but then she fancies the pants offa Cutter an ya shudda seen 'er face wen 'e disappeared at beginnin a series 3 (jus a lil spoiler but not 2 much..not much 2 spoil reelly)... she wos crestfallen poor cow that she is.. me had huge smile from ear 2 ear..:bigrin: tee hee.. that all changed wen it wos announced Cutter cummin bak in series 4... God.. more dross...:eek::(

Feb 8, 2010, 8:34 PM
I got half-way thru the second one(about the giant spiders) and kinda got bored. Dont know if I'll go finish watching or not. I figure like this: If/when I have my surgery I'll have plenty of time to watch different ones, so I might as well scope them out now..lol
PS..Dross, Frannie?

Feb 8, 2010, 9:07 PM
I got half-way thru the second one(about the giant spiders) and kinda got bored. Dont know if I'll go finish watching or not. I figure like this: If/when I have my surgery I'll have plenty of time to watch different ones, so I might as well scope them out now..lol
PS..Dross, Frannie?

It means waste or dregs.. rubbish.. or ifya burn a coal fire.. ya kno the powdery coal stuff ya make damp an put ova the fire 2 keep it in ova nite?? (Dunno ifya ev had a coal fire.. but ifya hav ya will kno...) Thats dross... essentially...jus anotha word for crap...:tong: