View Full Version : Any Lost fans ?

Feb 2, 2010, 10:00 PM
So I text a friend tonight to tell him to not forget Lost is on.

he says hes recording it - he's out and about and wont see it till tomorrow.

I think ok...fine. lets have some fun.

for the past hour I have totally torn his world apart by waiting 10 minutes in and texting him that the show is basically over.

They showed last years cliffhanger. Then today shows 10 minutes of exactly how the series started but the plane never crashes. they keep on flying, and all is well. And the show is OVER.

Then JJ Abrams comes on and basically says Sorry to do this all to you, but the show ends just like that. The next two hours is interviews with the entire cast of Lost!

My friend - believes me. He is saying this sucks. what bullshit. He is totally depressed, and agrees with me going on saying this was worst than battlestar galactica, sienfield, and sopranos endings all rolled into one. He totally bought into it.

I wish I could be there at home when he turns on the recording to see Im full of shit.

Feb 2, 2010, 10:05 PM
ROFLMAO Joe, you are bad, very bad. I never really got into that show, tried once but was well lost. Just other things were on and other things to do that didn't involve tv.

Long Duck Dong
Feb 2, 2010, 10:12 PM
I watched a few episodes of lost and the show is true to its name.... but about the 3rd episode I was totally lost....

Feb 3, 2010, 12:03 AM
I used to Love this show, but after they got off the island and went back, I just sorta lost my place and havent watched it again. I'm waiting for my other shows to come back on too..lol

Feb 3, 2010, 11:26 AM
I agree with Cherokee, the show kinda went down hill after some of them returned. I'll keep watching to see how they wrap it all up. A little off topic, but has anyone seen Caprica, the Battlestar spin off?

Feb 3, 2010, 2:54 PM
"I guess we found the temple."

Watched it last night. Didn't really get into it from the get go. Thought, "well it's the final season, might be neat to see what all the hubbub was."

"Um ..."

Even after watching the one hour run up that explained who's who, it still got an

"Um ..."

You mean folks actually watch this sort of rot? "Go on pull the other one."

It reminded me of a bad Twilight Zone episode while on some form psychotropic drug meant to induce emotional response. Yeah, guess we did find it. Damn, no more Lost, now.

Feb 3, 2010, 8:09 PM
I lost a fan once, but then i found it in the garage.

Feb 3, 2010, 8:20 PM
Yeah I cant find my 6" rotary fa...wait what?!? this isnt a thread about fans you've lost?!?


Feb 3, 2010, 10:16 PM
Wonders if Joe's friend has killed him yet.........

roy m cox
Feb 4, 2010, 12:05 AM
i wonder if joe's friend has that fetcher wear you can stop a recording with your cell phone now that would really suck donkey balls :bigrin:

Feb 4, 2010, 12:25 AM
Ok, so I took a left turn at the missi... Wait, its not about fans who are lost?!?


Feb 4, 2010, 8:41 AM
I have to admit--it has been kinda hard to follow "Lost" with all its twists and turns--but I do kinda like the new storyline of the islanders made it back to LA and civilization on one timeline--only to have things go not so good in their "normal lives" in the "real world."

So I guess we are going to get to see their lives work out as if they had never crashed---and of course--we will have them also continue living on the island in another timeline so we get some of the answers to the questions that have been raised over the course of the show's run.

It is kinda cool that the cloud monster has taken the form of John Lock---kind of bummed Juliette died--but then again---with "Lost"--it seems that people don't really die, either.

I will probably be at least "following" the show in its final season, even if I may not actually take time to watch it.

To answer someone else--so far--I have missed "Caprica"--I need to watch the replays of the first episodes so I can see if I am going to like that show or not.

Feb 4, 2010, 12:02 PM
Following up.

Boy was he mad! hahahha

I got him so good ><

Feb 4, 2010, 4:50 PM
Route 77 runs North to South.

Good on you Joe. Always great to rib a friend over something.

(Void wanders route 77 in search of these friend things.)