View Full Version : Scarecrow was Bi!

Feb 2, 2010, 8:14 PM
I found this concept hilarious when my bf braught up that the Wizard of Oz books were a satire. But if you think about what the scarecrow first said to Dorothy in the movie and book...

"Parden me that way is a very nice way."

*points that way*

"its pleasent down that way too."

*points the other way*

"Of coarse people do go both ways."

What do you guys think?:bigrin:

Feb 2, 2010, 8:25 PM
Interesting concept but I don't think that it means the scarecrow was of any gender, besides what gender is straw?

Long Duck Dong
Feb 2, 2010, 8:37 PM
scarecrow is male.....

he spends all day standing around doing nothing and saying nothing...
he has a stick shoved right up his ass
he has no fashion sense
he spends all day looking at the * birds *..
and when hes asked what way to go... he has no idea what direction is the right one

if scarecrow was a female

the field would be clean and tidy and neatly laid out
the stick would be a broomstick and would be in front of her
she would be nice and tidily dressed
the magpies would bring the cupcakes, the crows would bring the teapot and the scarecrow would have the best corner in the field worked out
and if asked what way to go, the scarecrow would have told the lion and the tin man to ask for directions

Feb 2, 2010, 8:48 PM
hmmm, perhaps the scarecrow was just pointing out that some people are heterosexual, some are homosexual and some are bisexual. as for why he would do that, i do not know. :)


*loves The Wizard of OZ. it's the best movie ever made... in her opinion, that is* :)

*huggles crazy cat* :)

Feb 2, 2010, 9:26 PM

I had a GF who used to seek sentences like that out and tell me it was messages from the "bisexual phamtom"! She was cute little hippy chick, but I think maybe she'd had a little too much THC in her system!

Feb 2, 2010, 9:49 PM
hmmm, perhaps the scarecrow was just pointing out that some people are heterosexual, some are homosexual and some are bisexual. as for why he would do that, i do not know. :)


*loves The Wizard of OZ. it's the best movie ever made... in her opinion, that is* :)

*huggles crazy cat* :)

I thought the same exact thing haha

Feb 2, 2010, 11:06 PM
scarecrow is male.....

he spends all day standing around doing nothing and saying nothing...
he has a stick shoved right up his ass
he has no fashion sense
he spends all day looking at the * birds *..
and when hes asked what way to go... he has no idea what direction is the right one

if scarecrow was a female

the field would be clean and tidy and neatly laid out
the stick would be a broomstick and would be in front of her
she would be nice and tidily dressed
the magpies would bring the cupcakes, the crows would bring the teapot and the scarecrow would have the best corner in the field worked out
and if asked what way to go, the scarecrow would have told the lion and the tin man to ask for directions

So, your saying all the Scare Crow wanted was a brain? Grief!, 1939 vs. now where there are tornadoes running a muck, Toto and red shoes are barely getting by. The Tin man only wanted a heart and the Lion was a wuss.. Look behind the curtain before following the "yellow brick road" with that bunch..

just my observation

roy m cox
Feb 3, 2010, 12:48 AM
LOL i just watched that movie 2days ago :bigrin:

yeah i remember the Scarecrow saying that :tong: