View Full Version : SIGH

Feb 2, 2010, 4:57 PM
Well, hubby is probably going to be leaving for Haiti tomorrow morning. He has heard two different things, so we don't have a definite answer, but it was insinuated that they are leaving tomorrow. He'll find out definitely by tonight, or at least they are supposed to. I half expect him to go into work tomorrow, find out then, and then he comes home to say goodbye and leaves. That would suck. But it can happen. The military is weird like that sometimes. All of his companies equipment is going over there tomorrow and even if they don't go with it, they will go shortly after so within the next few days, he'll be leaving anyway.

I'm just really depressed right now because they all have to stay late tonight to help get the equipment ready for flight and...well...this may be the last night I can spend time with him for 6 months and it's really sad to know that we're going to have no time together. The kids won't even be up by the time he comes home, so he may not even be able to spend time with them before he leaves.

I'm just keeping my fingers crossed that he has one more day, just ONE more day, so we can all be together as a family for a little bit before he has to go away.:(

Feb 2, 2010, 5:40 PM
Hang in there. The military life can put a strain on the best of families. But, it can make you stronger in the end.

Feb 2, 2010, 5:55 PM
Muahhhhh!! Kissie for Ris... an.. Muahhhhh!!! Kissie for Ris's worser haff for luk.:).. keep safe...:)

Feb 2, 2010, 5:58 PM
Yup, he just called me and they are definitely out tomorrow morning.

Feb 2, 2010, 7:18 PM
Hugs for both of you are headed your way, Honeygirl. I know Exactly what you're going thru right now..only I was watching the war in Vietnam on TV every night and seeing my husband in every soldier there....
Hang in there Honey. He's going to do a fantastic thing by helping out the people in that little devistated country. Spirits guide and keep him safe, and you know that those who know and care about you are here with you and For you.
Yer Cat

Feb 2, 2010, 8:07 PM
Hugs Rissa, may the Goddess keep you and kids safe at home and every soldier on their way to Haiti.

Feb 2, 2010, 9:45 PM
Thanks you guys. It's kind of weird...I'm not really upset but I have the strangest knot in my stomach. I think it's because it hasn't quite hit me yet. I might have a crying fit in the bathroom after the kids go to bed tomorrow. BUT...at least he's going over there to do something good so...I'm proud of him and all the rest over there and heading over.

Feb 2, 2010, 10:55 PM
That's the spirit. Keep faith and take care. Remember don't bottle ut all up. talk to someone if you can't talk to him for some reason. If u bottle in up you can do more harm than good. I almost lost everything to the military but my wife sought help just in time. Take care, I'll be thinking of you both

Feb 2, 2010, 11:37 PM

Try and find as much time as you can with him this evening...I know it is going to be hard but knowing that he is off to help in such a devistated area maybe a consolation. HUGS to you sweetie.


Feb 3, 2010, 12:36 AM

Try and find as much time as you can with him this evening...I know it is going to be hard but knowing that he is off to help in such a devistated area maybe a consolation. HUGS to you sweetie.


I am certainly trying Belle, but it is 12:30 and he is still not home with no idea when. His SGT is claiming that he doesn't care if they keep working through the night. So we'll see what happens.