View Full Version : Stupid thoughts!

Mar 9, 2006, 1:29 AM
I recently had a conversation with a relative whose thoughts shows how closed minded he is. The thought was " Being gay,lesbian or bisexual is about having sex with people of the same sex" Now I must make this clear, I do not agree with this statement. He must see the light so I need response from everybody on this. Are you into for the sex, relationship or both? After enough people post I will share this with him and open his eyes or kick his butt due stupidity. :bigrin:

Mar 9, 2006, 2:48 AM
Just ask the question, "you're heterosexual. Is that only so can have sex with a member of the opposite gender.??"

Hopefully he might see the analogy and realise what a dumb statement it was.

Explain everyone is what they are - everyone!!!! Unfortunately people are labelled by the way they want to shag.

An infinitesimal proportion of my, and your active day is devoted to "bisexual" thoughts.

tell him to get a life!

Mar 9, 2006, 4:32 AM
I agree with innaminka
we are just people who do things for the same reasons no matter your sex, race, nationality, sexual orientation, etc. everyone wants to be loved and have a satisfying sex life no matter their tastes. I see a lot of commonality in hetero and bisexual and gay/lesbian lives

Mar 9, 2006, 6:55 AM
god bloody damn,
dont u wanna just trottle these people
like dudhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
tell him the story of my lesbian friend who is in a very very HAPPY relationship now for 7 years,
but like a lot of relationships
but its love
ask him to figure that 1 out :P
sorry for the harsh reply but.......................grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr rrrrrrrrrrrr


meteast chick
Mar 9, 2006, 12:21 PM
It seems as if people who have misconceptions about GLBT's have a wide array of delusions.

The one I hear most about bisexuals and homosexuals is that we'll jump on anything that moves, and don't have meaningful relationships. I say that just because we have the best of both worlds doesn't mean we don't have "taste". ;)

luv and kisses

Mar 10, 2006, 4:58 AM
I recently had a conversation with a relative whose thoughts shows how closed minded he is. The thought was " Being gay,lesbian or bisexual is about having sex with people of the same sex" Now I must make this clear, I do not agree with this statement. He must see the light so I need response from everybody on this. Are you into for the sex, relationship or both?

Hi Tonya,

He is of the mindset maintained by probably the majority of heterosexual males unfortunately.
That type of thinking is ingrained into the male psyche beginning at a very young age and unless something, someone, or some event comes along in his life that would make him reexamine his point of view, there is probably very little anyone could do to change it. You have to “want” to change in order to change.
I think many of us struggle to over come these misconceptions at some point in life because we realize, that we just don’t seem to fit squarely into that round hole. Some would rather spend a lifetime in denial ignoring what should seem obvious because, to admit that perhaps these ingrained perceived truths are wrong would require more effort than we are willing to put forth.
Stupidity would imply that he hasn’t the ability to learn and I’m sure that this isn’t the case. There are many things that I would consider myself of being ignorant of understanding and that ignorance is usually the case of being uninformed. Those things that I continue to ignore for whatever the reasons, will keep me in a state of ignorance.
I have spent more time as a heterosexual male maintaining probably a view point not to different that that maintained from your relative. We use the terms homosexual and bisexual and the commonality between the two words is “sexual.”
Growing up with a child’s comprehension shaped by uninformed adult views and the negative connotations, I assumed that having sex with people of the same sex was the only reason someone would want to be homosexual or lesbian. The term bisexual entered my awareness much later in life when I could understand how I could find myself being attracted or being aroused by both sexes.
I am here on this site to evolve my understanding of just what being bisexual means. I choose to be informed despite the fact that sometimes “ignorance is bliss.” When I look around and see the community created by those that come here, I begin to understand. When I read and write posts to these questions posed without the purpose of erotic stimulation but of delving into the deeper levels of understanding, I begin to understand. When I witness the heartfelt sincerity expressed towards others as they struggle with their issues I begin to understand. Ignorance is a crime only to one’s self………..but what the hell….kick him in the butt anyway LOL :bigrin:

Ambi :)

Mar 10, 2006, 5:43 AM
I have to agree with the other replies, Im bisexual but its definetly not for the sex because if it were I would be trying to get laid by guys and girls around. Im in a monogamous relationship for a while now just like when I thought myself straight but not narrow.

sidepoint, off topic- thats a phrase Im sad not to be able to use anymore, a few years ago I considered myself straight and i would always say I was "straight but not narrow" because I had an open mind, probably because I was to later find out that I was bi but I miss saying it and more than that I hate the fact that I never hear the phrase come from any straight people even though there are those who are staright but not narrow, I thought it was a phrase a lot of people used but I guess like a lot of movements in the LGBT community they get lost to other movements, hopefully better ones, like I never hear AC DC refered to as a term for bisexuals any more, well enough ranting time to get to bed :bibounce: