View Full Version : Sometimes seemingly insignificant things can make your life feel a whole lot better

Feb 1, 2010, 1:04 AM
As I got ready to post this I realized I haven't been on here in over 9 months, and yet this is still the place I think of first to post my thoughts on life, at least when those thoughts are related to sexuality.

The reason I haven't been on here though, thinking about it now, was because of the depression I'd been in that I only recently started to come out of. Long story short a guy I really liked, John, led me on for a while, used me, then left me hanging saying that he wasn't in the mental state to be in a relationship. I found out that was bullshit about 3 months afterward when I learned he was in a relationship and had been for a while by the time I found out. I still don't know if he was cheating on the other guy with me or not. This hurt me quite a bit. For a while after that it seemed like anyone I met, whether I was interested in them as a friend or as something else, would ignore me or flat out tell me they didn't like me, which of course only worsened the depression.

Anyway, onto the good news. I had started coming out of the depression about 2 months ago. I have a group of friends who go LARPing, Live Action Role Playing for anyone who doesn't know, and they invited me along. After a few events I started to realize that the people I saw regularly at the events actually considered me a friend.

And then there was what happened this weekend. I got back from Ohayocon, Ohio's biggest anime conventions, about 9 hours ago. It took me this long to realize that I'd been in a much better frame of mind since going to the con and figure out the main reason for it. On Friday I was looking for something to do and noticed that there was a Yaoi round table about to start, Yaoi being male on male animated porn if anyone doesn't know. I decided to go to it, but wasn't really that enthused about it thinking that, given that I was in Ohio which in my experience is not really that gay or bi friendly a state, I'd be the only guy in the room. But I found out fairly quickly that the audience, 200+ people, had a decent percentage of guys, at least double digit percent. For the rest of the con I kept finding myself having conversations with people I met at the Yaoi panel.

So I guess what I really needed to kick myself out of this funk was just to be around people I can talk freely about my sexuality with. A lot of my friends here at school get annoyed if I talk about it for more than a few sentences, unless they're asking me questions about what it's like. I guess that, now that I realize all this, you guys are probably going to have to put up with a lot more posts by me in the near future, and by that I mean maybe one a month :bigrin:, at least until I graduate and move out west. And all this from going to a Yaoi panel that I didn't even think I'd be that interested in.

Feb 1, 2010, 1:18 AM
Welcome Home Honey, and welcome to finding You. :}

Feb 1, 2010, 3:42 AM
Awesome that you are back into the groove. Sometimes life can throw you a curve ball when you expected a straight up fastball. You swing and miss but sometimes you swing and hit a home run. Welcome back :)

Feb 1, 2010, 8:32 AM
I loved your story! Sounds like the Ohayocon was very good for you!
Much better than bath houses, adult book stores and glory holes. I can see that some guys that are into that form of entertainment are bitter, negative, argumentative, narrow minded assholes.
Of course, thats just my opinion.
Good luck with the new and improved you!

Feb 1, 2010, 9:07 AM
You had a player as a fuck buddy. Get over it.

It happens to mostly everyone where they wind up having feelings for someone who does not have feelings for them.

Or they just wind up dating someone who does not want a relationship with them so the person keeps it at just very casual dating.

We're not your shrink or group therapy here.

If you need help for depression and mental illness find a professional therapist instead of talking to strangers online.

Do you actually jerk off to anime?

I'v reported you. Please go somewhere else and troll (-:

Feb 1, 2010, 10:14 AM
the day I found this site I am not too sure I was not in the middle of a breakdown of some sort....it is this community and almost all of it...obviously NOT all...but it is this community that presented me the opportunity to see a small light, the light they ignited... and as I got closer to it I got better...it got brighter...

thanks to almost all of you!!


So I believe I know of what you have written and I beleive I may well have survived my time much like you because of this community!

Higz to you message me anytime if you need to I always want to pay it forward if i can for those that have done so for me!

Feb 1, 2010, 10:46 AM
Well. welcome back!! Glad to her you are feeling better.

Feb 1, 2010, 12:03 PM
Best think I've done for years was to join this site.

After a third failed marriage, I was depressed and while not suicidal, I really didn't have much of a drive for life. Not only have I heard from many like me, I've received excellent advice, heart-warming stories, and actually met a bi-poly-friendly lady who's become the love of my life.

I'm also in communication with a fellow who I've come to call Friend. Even with no immediate plans to meet, I still feel closer to him that I have any male for some time. Only time will tell.

As I'm sure others feel, this is a home and refuge for me and I so appreciate the founder(s), Drew, for allowing us to meet here.

Feb 1, 2010, 1:10 PM
Best think I've done for years was to join this site.

After a third failed marriage, I was depressed and while not suicidal, I really didn't have much of a drive for life. Not only have I heard from many like me, I've received excellent advice, heart-warming stories, and actually met a bi-poly-friendly lady who's become the love of my life.

I'm also in communication with a fellow who I've come to call Friend. Even with no immediate plans to meet, I still feel closer to him that I have any male for some time. Only time will tell.

As I'm sure others feel, this is a home and refuge for me and I so appreciate the founder(s), Drew, for allowing us to meet here.

Ahem...and you've gotten to have good conversations with me...which is probably the greatest thing any individual could do in their lifetime :bigrin:;)