View Full Version : Apologies

Jan 31, 2010, 3:20 AM
Excuse me for being highly expressive in another thread. We have all dealt with the troll/s I'm sure. Frankly, I'm just tired enough of them, making a stand and deriding them seems sensible. But as I noted in the thread, I need to be careful.

That's part of why I'm on medication, doing therapy and getting better every day. I take personal responsibility where others may not. It is the means I've found to cope and survive. So, apologies for slinging a little mud on a troll. I know it's not like they didn't deserve it but I ought to set the standard. Hey, I'm human too.

Something else which crosses this mind. Our site is probably visited by cops and feds. They may like to pose as this or that. Some of us can smell you boys in blue all too well.

To you I further say, please be reminded entrapment is just as illegal as pedophilia. Honestly, I have principles. Those are no one under 25 yrs old, no necrophilia, bestiality. It's fair to say others may not share these principles, yes. But entrapment is is still just as illegal.

And no, this isn't coming from guilt or paranoia. I read about cops posing as a lady with two young daughters she wanted guys to have intercourse with. They were posing this in an adult male queer chat room, no less. Um, just how ... oh never mind. Afraid to finishing asking the depravity level of stupidity. (sighs)

"People really stupid ... world go round ...."

Jan 31, 2010, 9:29 AM
The lil piggies get everywer, Voidie hun... hav always believed theyr r on site..not jus urs..but the porkers in Oz, NZ, certainly 'ere.. God prob specially 'ere wiv the way the state seems 2 wont 2 control every aspect a our lives..an afta May it will get bloody worse an all if the smoothie Brylcreme boy wins our election.. much worse than if 'e don.. but me digresses...

We r ver naive of we believe othawise.. jus as ther r paedophiles an pervs on jus bout every chat site goin.. they r gonna b on 'ere.. wich means the fuzz will b actively in sum way or totha on 'ere an all.. but they also 'ere cos they jus don like who an wot we r..an will do woteva they can 2 undamine us.. they keepin tabs on us..as the forces a the state hav dun since time immemorial... they don need 2 for God's sake..but they dus.. cos we r not "of
the norm".... but who cares?? Let the buggas... 4armed is 4warned.. so wot bloody gud keepin tabs on us is gonna do 'em.. is open 2 question..:rolleyes:

Jan 31, 2010, 12:20 PM
Void---while we might have some coppers make a visit everyone in awhile---I don't think that they would do the sorts of things that our troll or trolls do-----for one thing--over the years we have had these "people" come here--they tend to chose both odd and somewhat "offensive" types of names that in the past have included names like: PlacentaJuan, LetMeHitItFromTheBack, ThatSubliminalKid to name but a few ( I thought I had more of them still on my ignore list--but I must have deleted them as Drew booted them)--we have a few "people" with similar names on here now-with those "persons" posting up similar sorts of comments----like their obsession with dissing people they consider to be "fat and ugly," making comments about people being closeted and how bad that is supposed to be, sometimes things take on a racial aspect to the comments these "people" make.

Another identifiable pattern is that with nearly all of these "people"---they only have the sketchiest, minimal degree of information in their profiles---and even when "they" report they are from some other country----they seem to write in "an American style."

Also---with their first posts--they are crticial of others--with those same themes I mentioned before being hit upon--and with some of the same regulars on here earning wrath of these new "people" as if these "people" already had some degree of familiarity with those he or sometimes "she" attacks.

It just seems to be---we have lived with either a certain "troll" or group of them for awhile now and we might as well get used to it--we are not going to get rid of them or "him" anytime soon.


As I do try to say---with these malcontents---I really do urge eveyone to recognize the patterns and as soon as you do---go and place such "people" on ignore, ASAP.

There is really no sense in responding to this person or people---you cannot reason with unreasonable people and continuing to respond to them---only does serve to "feed the beast."

Jan 31, 2010, 1:36 PM
No Worries, Void. I seem to find myself rising to their bait at times and am trying to do better myself and just ignore them.

Jan 31, 2010, 1:53 PM
Thanks for your clarification on your perspective of trolls. I'm still rather unclear about how some define them here but I definitely agree with what your wrote.

I have found some more established posters accusing a new person of being a troll because their profile is brief and they are bringing up a topic that some more established posters are vehemently firm in their belief about. The new person has a different perspective. Some more established posters go the extreme of twisting the question so that they may go on about a belief. We all have beliefs that are close to us and we may be threatened if someone challenges that belief. However, does that make the new poster a troll? I am inclined to think that someone who twists a thread topic to a subtopic dear to their heart may be acting more like a troll...but that is just my perspective. I may be guilty myself and so when is a person a troll over a poor, confused imperfect human being?...lol I know on another site, that people who constantly try to take over a thread with their pet belief that seems off topic are called trolls? This was true when the posters posted fallacies about the premise of most on the site. The site had a specific purpose as well and it was like the troll was coming in from Mars with their belief. The belief was so contrary to the intent of the site.

I guess that it becomes more difficult (for me at least) to determine what is a troll and what is someone with a different perspective. If they resort to insults and are unrelated to the post, it is more obvious if done over and over again with various posters?

Jan 31, 2010, 1:55 PM
Wow I never thought the police wold bother with a site like this? Why? It's for 18+ :(.

Jan 31, 2010, 1:59 PM
Giggles hon, you can bet your butt no matter what the site is rated, if it involves sex and sexuality the police would be here somewhere. Hopefully not to "entrap" but to protect. Thankfully Drew does a superb job in weeding out the underage kids and protects the integrity of this site as an adult world. That being said we don't always act like adults at times and more like we are in kindergarten eating paste in the corner while the bigger kids fight out who is right or wrong.

Jan 31, 2010, 3:02 PM
TROLLS!?!?! WE HAVE TROLLS?!?!?! We don't need no stinkin' trolls, man!

Doggie :doggie:

Jan 31, 2010, 4:21 PM
As a writer that loves to slaughter the english language, its easy to spot the ones who use the same, tired, worn out words and expressions to belittle, bully, and harass. And certain ones cant resist the urge to try and belittle and hurt certain folks. Its their little ounce of power...or so they like to think.

The Troll uses the same speech pattern, and deviates very little. He/she/it uses the same witless put downs and it usually has to do with race, a person's size, or the fact that he used the word "Closeted" a great deal. And, when he or she or it is confronted, they wont answer privately. Bullies usually dont handle confrontaion very well. They cant handle strong women who would just as soon tell them to fuck off as to not.....
They tend to disappear a bit after that, too.
Just watch how certain individuals write, and present their terminologies, you'll be able to spot them after a while. ;)

Jan 31, 2010, 6:04 PM

Not too shabby at sacrificing bulls for Mithra here, either. Can spot a snipe from across a desert. The site has nice guidance and sure many color in the lines. Glad they do. I'm a bit of a masochist, do be a dear and torture at your liberty. ;)

But that isn't to say I'd appreciate someone rough housing without permission. Lots of interesting nooks and crannies in this little puppy, but you need the keys first. And knowing of that presents knowledge of the macrocosm, inclusive of folks on this site. Which lends note that not everyone likes certain things.

And it bothers me that idiots are insistent upon defacing and berating a safe haven merely for their own amusement. Trust in this, much I leave unsaid here, many the time reading is pure agony. Weary it makes and frustrated with the notion of coddling such babes as wont to squalor decent folks. Until yon spark is cast into the depth of the infinite, rage upon high the inferno cold as ice!

Thus fire begets fire. I've been taught all the lessons by the best at the worst. No one need test for resolve is sure. Fanciful these letters of prose. Perchance babes sully and toil unaware the dragon lay here, red by birth. So, behoove them to cease attacking, for non a more I shan't go with the flow. Wolves and sheep don't mingle.

And troll/s, I hunger. Lest you placate that slake, do not abash others further. Not a threat, a fact. You were asked nicely, coddled and even afforded kidd gloves. Finis.

Jan 31, 2010, 7:08 PM
-- Bullies usually don't handle confrontation very well.

Some do. And they are the most dangerous ones. Up until the point where they meet heir match. Then they show forth like the cowards they really are, and they are conquered.

Choose your fights wisely. They define you.

Jan 31, 2010, 7:18 PM

Never worry about expressing your thoughts, as I never have. We are who we are. SOME of us are fodder for the trolls...and frankly I could care less. I only wish that I were able to express my thoughts at eloquently and succinctly as others here..


Jan 31, 2010, 7:23 PM
-- Bullies usually don't handle confrontation very well.

Some do. And they are the most dangerous ones. Up until the point where they meet heir match. Then they show forth like the cowards they really are, and they are conquered.

Choose your fights wisely. They define you.

In deed, word and action. From their postings, I can gather a good idea whom they are. It's no fight. I'm done. We've all been really polite with this/these person/s. We've tried guiding them. They refuse. I'll refuse them, too. Like I said, finis.

Jan 31, 2010, 7:52 PM
Keep taking the medication.

It never ceases to amuse me, that those self same people who mock and ridicule the police, are usually the very first to seek their assistance.

If they are assaulted in the street, burgled in their homes, followed home by some stalker or just have noisy kids throwing stones at their property, it's, 'Waaah! Where are they, why aren't they hear yet?'

In my country over 300 officers have lost their lives in the performance of their duties. Similarly, officers have lost their lives in England, Wales, Scotland and in the United States in the performance of their duties, leaving widows, widowers and children behind to grieve for them.

I for one, will not be pissing on their memory,I honour every one of them, it is no less than they deserve.

There you go, curly toes, you got your wish.

Jan 31, 2010, 8:28 PM
TROLLS!?!?! WE HAVE TROLLS?!?!?! We don't need no stinkin' trolls, man!

Doggie :doggie:

I'm not giving them a bath and they cant use my shower, so I suppose they'll Have to continue to stink :tong: Unless you want them in your bath /shower.

I'm still waiting for dawn so that we can turn these trolls to stone.

Jan 31, 2010, 8:42 PM
"Curly toes, huh?"


Thanks for the chuckle. And if by pissing on their memory you mean downing a few at pub, why not? Or do you mean it in the sense we yanks say?

Wasn't mocking officers. They got their jobs, sure. I just don't care much for those what are over jealous in their duties to the point of being a criminal themselves. And I'm sure you've got bulls like that in the Jolly Green, same as we've got 'em here in the States.

My comment 'bout people being stupid wasn't directed at coppers but people on the whole. I mean really, a woman in a gay man's chat room? Sure it's possible. Her offering up her fresh virgin daughters for any Tom, Dick or Harry that walks the pipe? Um, yeah ... okay. Then the police arrest him. What are they charging him with, thought crime?

"Art, literature and mirrors, life ... how much lower does it all sink?" Sorry, I think. I see others appear not to think. It makes me snarky, sad.

Sorry, I live in the country / rural area. I'm a hillbilly and redneck. In the States we can arm ourselves. My triple 9 call is 357, and rolling the sods down into the creek. Barring that, if someone wants to do something, nothing to stop them, tin badge or not. You know that well as me. Life is life.

"Curly toes ..." (shaking my noggin, grinning) Do I even want to ask?

"D'oh ... got it mate." LOL

Jan 31, 2010, 9:07 PM
Keep taking the medication.

It never ceases to amuse me, that those self same people who mock and ridicule the police, are usually the very first to seek their assistance.

If they are assaulted in the street, burgled in their homes, followed home by some stalker or just have noisy kids throwing stones at their property, it's, 'Waaah! Where are they, why aren't they hear yet?'

In my country over 300 officers have lost their lives in the performance of their duties. Similarly, officers have lost their lives in England, Wales, Scotland and in the United States in the performance of their duties, leaving widows, widowers and children behind to grieve for them.

I for one, will not be pissing on their memory,I honour every one of them, it is no less than they deserve.

There you go, curly toes, you got your wish.

Still only parta the way ther sweets.. wudn pee on ther memory eitha..wudn honour em all tho.. not all wer the heroes sum peeps make em out 2 b..mayb pee on the institution, but not the individuals.. many r brave men an women who risk ther lives for othas.. many tho r bent bastards me wudn trust as far as me cud throw 'em (an at a puny 5'1 an 7 stone an a wee bit that wudn b 2 far)..an othas r simply jus nasty.. the police r not ther 2 protect us alone..the institution is ther 2 protect the state in all its "glory" from us.. thats a bit simplistic me knos..but in essence its the reality.. the north of Ireland is historically a diff case from the rest a the UK, an dependin on wich side a loyalist/republican divide ya cum from that will substantially determine how ya feel bout 'em.

In the GB part a the union, and in Scotland in particular hav seen things dun by the police wich do make me toes curl.. an hav had dealins wiv em wich no 1 shud ev havta go through (an nope... hav nev been nicked for owt..close tho at demos an the like.. an 1ce at a Hearts match).. will say tho..wen our flat wos broke inta few years go, they wer kind, friendly, undastandin an ver helpful.. so it depends on many diff things babes dus it not how they treat ya..an how they mistreatya..

.. an do dispute ya claim peeps like me r 1st 2 call on ther services.. we don do it ne more quickly than ne 1 else..an always reluctantly.. cept in the very worsta circumstances me prefer's 2 keep em well outa the way an at arms length.. sadly tho..even me hasta deal wiv the buggas at times...

..ne ways gud try tho..giveya 7 outa 10 as fairy godmotha.. muah for the effort!:tong:

Jan 31, 2010, 9:10 PM
"Curly toes, huh?"


Thanks for the chuckle. And if by pissing on their memory you mean downing a few at pub, why not? Or do you mean it in the sense we yanks say?

Wasn't mocking officers. They got their jobs, sure. I just don't care much for those what are over jealous in their duties to the point of being a criminal themselves. And I'm sure you've got bulls like that in the Jolly Green, same as we've got 'em here in the States.

My comment 'bout people being stupid wasn't directed at coppers but people on the whole. I mean really, a woman in a gay man's chat room? Sure it's possible. Her offering up her fresh virgin daughters for any Tom, Dick or Harry that walks the pipe? Um, yeah ... okay. Then the police arrest him. What are they charging him with, thought crime?

"Art, literature and mirrors, life ... how much lower does it all sink?" Sorry, I think. I see others appear not to think. It makes me snarky, sad.

Sorry, I live in the country / rural area. I'm a hillbilly and redneck. In the States we can arm ourselves. My triple 9 call is 357, and rolling the sods down into the creek. Barring that, if someone wants to do something, nothing to stop them, tin badge or not. You know that well as me. Life is life.

"Curly toes ..." (shaking my noggin, grinning) Do I even want to ask?

"D'oh ... got it mate." LOL

'es talkin 2 me in the main, Voidie.. summat me sed in me 1st post.. ;).. but think it refers 2 u an all babes...:bigrin:

Jan 31, 2010, 10:54 PM
This was posted a bit ago. Look for this one to fade away as soomn as he makes up another persona, for when he starts this shit, it isnt long til That persona leaves and another takes his place. Almost identical wording and same subject.
Fred it's too bad you'll never be out about your true sexuality which is that of a closeted and repressed gay man since you are not bisexual at all even if you are married to a wife you use for cover who you are celibate with.

You'll see this reference alot, along with "fat, obese, and wife of a gay man who cant admit that he Is gay"

These guys have to get out more......


Feb 2, 2010, 7:08 PM

Sounds like you speak from experience. I can admit to not being a saint. But at the same time, I do try to stay in safe zone.

My response to the troll wasn't all from anger. I've grown to love some of the folks here, even ones not met in person. So out of my greatest strength and weakness, I stood up and spoke up. Love although it may seem noble and worthy of such actions can also destroy others. That's why I apologized. I should be better tempered. No one here really needs defending from trolls. We are survivors here and that makes us each a little wolf.

As for police, well, ... I had an interesting day at work today. I work with folks who are disabled. Yes, that's inclusive of myself. Yes, I do take medicine and therapy. I get overly passionate, or crash in real bad depressive fits. At any given today this guy at work bothered me. He bothers other folks there for the same reason as well. He's arrogant, not confident but arrogant. Part of my passion just may in fact involve bouts of cold rage. I black out from anger, don't remember what I did. I was getting angry at him. So, I walked away. As a result 'since I'm unable to deal with him and this continues' I'm no longer allowed to participate in that aspect of work.

Well, I did take it up with supervisors prior to today. They either can't or won't help. So, to avoid going to jail for 'dealing with him', I walked away. If it cost me a job, so be it. I do know from past bouts of anger, being told and shown the results, I get messy in a big way. I'm working to further control the anger and have indeed came a long way. So, yes I understand anger being one of the base emotions of humans. As is love, which is why I must maintain control.

If folks are jealous of that, they can have it. I'll take their glamor filled lives that suffer no adversities any day. Sorry, when folks go talking about just how perfect their lives are, I don't buy it. All the medicines and therapy in the world can't get you that. I ought to know, had therapy most of my life in one form or another.

Feb 2, 2010, 7:32 PM
'es talkin 2 me in the main, Voidie.. summat me sed in me 1st post.. ;).. but think it refers 2 u an all babes...:bigrin:

Ah, she's winking at me. And grinning. I must be special. Someone give me the football helmet. The wall like my noggin bouncing off it. (laff)

Yar some of us do howl at the moon on occasion. And speaking of my curly toes, found out my wife knows how to uncurl them. Interesting process, what with all the jumping up and down on the bed and all. Boyfriend can uncurl them too, but he be the one jumping up and down on the bed. Tsk, I better hursh. Folks will get the impression I worship the telly.

"Hey Geordie! C'mon ova 'ere an wink dat wink, see hows ye like this popcicle!" :bigrin:

(shaking noggin) You better overlook me. This sense of relaxation and being comfy in my own skin is having weird effects. I say happy shite, even, me ... happy .... eeeeee!!!

Feb 10, 2010, 7:15 AM
Further apologies. I'm leaving the forum, chat and site possibly for good. It is no longer beneficial for me or it to remain. When a person feels they need to doubt every letter they type or say, then it's no longer comforting or fun. I enjoyed the visit, learned that sometimes first impressions are correct. My impression? Folks don't give a shit, they just hate. Thanks for that. Go enjoy your cliques and excluding different. Don't need or want it here. C'ya!

Feb 10, 2010, 8:42 AM
Further apologies. I'm leaving the forum, chat and site possibly for good. It is no longer beneficial for me or it to remain. When a person feels they need to doubt every letter they type or say, then it's no longer comforting or fun. I enjoyed the visit, learned that sometimes first impressions are correct. My impression? Folks don't give a shit, they just hate. Thanks for that. Go enjoy your cliques and excluding different. Don't need or want it here. C'ya!

Poor Voidie.. am soz ya feels asya dus hun.. quite a few times ova the time me been on site 1st hav taken a break.. sumtimes for months.. last time for bout 6 months jus las year.. sumtimes mus admit things r sed an happen on 'ere wich gets rite on me wick. Ther r occasions wen the standard a thread is 2 put it politely..bollox. Wen me looks in an c's 15 purile threads on page 1 bout sukkin an likkin an wen an who an how many wen wos the 1st time, hows the wife, howsa ya fatha, .. it gets 2 me.. like gud sex chat as much as ne..not known as the lil tart for nowt.. but also like 2 c an know that ther r sum who think bit moren bout ther bloody cock an gettin ther end away.. fine talk sex.. don mind that but ther r otha things wich r more important than that..strange 2 say.

So yea me dus get pee'd off Voidie..an sumtimes wanna sod off an not cum bak.. been a wile since me thotta mesel as bisexual for God's sake an 2 b honest sometimes wonda wot the hell me is doin 'ere..

Then me thinks bout lotsa peeps me knos an who hav shown me huge kindness an undastandin ova the las 5 years..who r funny, nice an gud peeps.. an kno then that Fran jus cudn sod off.. will still disappear from time 2time jus like me always has.. but will b bak..an ya soft bugga..expect 2 c u back an all.. always luff readin ya posts.. so do as me tells ya..k?;)

Feb 10, 2010, 8:57 AM
I was worried about the comments re: newbies with scant profiles being seen as trolls, so I tried to update my own a lil bit. Problem is, I'm not looking for any kind of relationship right now (just got out of a bad one), and unless I put up a personal ad, I can't give any detailed info about myself. All I can do is give my age.

So, this sounds really lame, but please believe me when I say I'm not a troll :rainbow:

Feb 10, 2010, 11:44 AM
I was worried about the comments re: newbies with scant profiles being seen as trolls, so I tried to update my own a lil bit. Problem is, I'm not looking for any kind of relationship right now (just got out of a bad one), and unless I put up a personal ad, I can't give any detailed info about myself. All I can do is give my age.

So, this sounds really lame, but please believe me when I say I'm not a troll :rainbow:

BlackSquirrel--I was only pointing out that among the various patterns that emerge with the troll or trolls--not having much in the profile is but one part---we have some great people who are regular and positive contributors/members of the site who don't have much in their profiles either---your name for one thing doesn't fit the pattern that at least one of our trolls like to use--look at the structure of the names I mentioned that were from the past and also--we have some of those sorts of names being used now--they seem to be made up of several words-usually containting some less savory term for a body part, sexual act or something of that nature is often used.