View Full Version : Winter, will it never end?

Jan 29, 2010, 8:15 PM
Sitting here watching the salt trucks go up and down the road ahead of the snow storm that's coming later.

Waddling over to light the heater again and again cause it's too cold without it and too hot with it burning for too long. Wonder if they make remote starters for kerosene heaters like they do for cars?

Sincerely thinking of moving pc into the other part of the house that has central heat but I think I'll just spend less time out here and more curled in bed with a good book while I watch old episodes of Top Gear.

Anyone want some snow? I'll be happy to send you some as soon as they make up their mind how many inches we are gonna get.

Jan 29, 2010, 10:19 PM
Nope, nope, nope. Thats alright Sweet Baby. Ya'll keep it back there. I'm content with the rain we keep getting, but then again, it rains 9 months out of the year here...:}

Jan 29, 2010, 10:28 PM
How about sending me some snowballs, Twyla!

It was 76 here in central Florida today, may be same temp tomorrow, but some rain's possible. It may ruin a car show I wanted to go see.

I have a kerosene heater that you just press a button to start it...never use the thing down here, though.

Jan 29, 2010, 11:02 PM
Shure it will end. In the area that I live in, southern Tennessee, it will start to let up around the middle of March and by the middle of April it will have let up a lot and by the middle of May, it will be very pleasant and the daylight will be a lot longer too.....However..... Around here (the south) last summer was different. It never did really warm up to the usual "summer heat wave" and all summer long was pleasant during the day and cool at night. As a matter of fact, last summer there were very few days that I had my air cond on. And then about August was when the rain started, the ground hasn't really dried out since.

It appears to me that the "earth" may be into a cooling cycle and this may be a trend that will become progressively cooler in the future. Or in other words the "global warming" thing may be put on hold for a few years. I shure hope not because I am a summertime type person. I love warm weather and wearing a minimum amount of clothing. I really hate the winter, cold all the time, having to wear lots of clothes. And the WORST PART OF THE WINTER,,, is the dry, itchy skin... I hate that the most, and the older you get the worse that problem becomes. All a person can do about that is stay rubbed down with moisturizers.

Just me a thinking here. :2cents: Your friend, :doggie:

Jan 29, 2010, 11:21 PM
How about sending me some snowballs, Twyla!

It was 76 here in central Florida today, may be same temp tomorrow, but some rain's possible. It may ruin a car show I wanted to go see.

I have a kerosene heater that you just press a button to start it...never use the thing down here, though.

ROFL here ya go, Realist


Cat, rain is bad too. Hard for me to breathe in really wet weather, like trying to breathe underwater. Yep Doggie, I'm a state north of ya and while I missed last summer due to going to love with LDD for his winter (yeah I'm nuts), it didn't get as hot as normal. I kept checking temps while I was down there and only was like 83 instead of pushing 100.

Jan 30, 2010, 12:29 AM
Not here Babygirl, we dont have the humidity like in the states I was raised in back South. We have very little humidity here, so that makes it nice. We are also far enough away from the larger cities like Seattle, so we get little smog... :} I like it.:} Altho I do miss my mojave desert heat still...

Jan 30, 2010, 1:05 AM
Okay cable has flickered twice so if I don't post again tonight you'll know Comcast is working on fixing LOL

Expecting six inches atm.... it was a male meterologist, this hope he knows [ ] ain't six inches.

Jan 30, 2010, 4:07 AM
Hang on a mo!

You are suffering the effects of winter?

But you are in the southern hemisphere which is supposed to be in its summer phase currently.

Is this associated with the higher altitudes in NZ (& Aus) or is it affecting the lower altitudes and more important, is this usual?


Jan 30, 2010, 5:54 AM
Hang on a mo!

You are suffering the effects of winter?

But you are in the southern hemisphere which is supposed to be in its summer phase currently.

Is this associated with the higher altitudes in NZ (& Aus) or is it affecting the lower altitudes and more important, is this usual?


I'm not in the southern hemisphere at the moment. It's just where my heart is :) Presently in the state known for horses and bourbon in the US.

Jan 30, 2010, 6:29 AM
Soona it ends the betta..fed up drivin 2 an from work in mizzy wetha an in the dark..me needs sum sun..more.. me needs sum warmth!!!!:(

Jan 30, 2010, 8:58 AM
Here in Eastern Ontario we are enjoying our first prolonged cold snap of the "winter". Our windchill today (what it feels like TT) will be -30C (-22F) more or less; the air temperature is -23C. Up until yesterday we had abnormally mild temps around the 0C (32F) mark for weeks on end.

Global warming is, IMO, a misnomer. Where I live, it's climate change that is wreaking havoc. But I won't get into the specifics of that, suffice it to say we Canucks are built for the cold and I rather enjoy getting bundled up to go out to fill the birdfeeders :)

So our winter cold has finally arrived, but...like most, for financial reasons (cost of heating oil) I hope it doesn't last into May like it did last year!


Jan 30, 2010, 9:25 AM
Oh, Peg,

That reminds me of winters in Germany, years ago, Kentucky and Pennsylvania, too...all places I've lived.

I was born and grew up in Florida. I'd think, when it hit 29F on one or two nights, that winter'd never end.

I was 19 when I saw my first snowfall! Never did learn to love it. But I lived about 40 years in cold climates. I have to admit, the cold really makes snuggling nice, though!

Funny, now the heat and humidity kicks my butt.

Thanx for the snowball, Twyla!

Jan 30, 2010, 9:32 AM
Am I missing something here ? It has been my understanding since grade school that when we in the northern hemishpere were experiencing the winter doldrums , you folks down under were basking in summer like weather . Has all my schooling gone for not ?

Jan 30, 2010, 9:59 AM
$%^$#@ ! ^&%$#@*& ! WINTER! Yuck!

Jan 30, 2010, 12:04 PM
Am I missing something here ? It has been my understanding since grade school that when we in the northern hemishpere were experiencing the winter doldrums , you folks down under were basking in summer like weather . Has all my schooling gone for not ?

Scroll bak on thread sweets an all will b revealed...;)

Jan 30, 2010, 5:21 PM
It is something Twyla---many parts of the south--places that don't get but maybe a few hits from winter each season--like down in Texas, Arkansas and Oklahoma have gotten one winter storm after another since even before winter officially began----you have gotten more of it down in Kentucky than we have had here in Ohio!!! Unless we get a major snowfall pretty quick---winter will be over and we will be way short of our normal snowfall for the winter season.

The weather does seem to be crazy. No doubt something funky is going on.

There is one thing I hope that was good about the snap of cold weather as far south as South Florida---lets hope it killed off a fair number of boa constrictors, pythons and monitor lizards that have taken up residence down in the Everglades and nearby areas---critters that are not indigenous to those areas and are threatening to wreak havoc there.

Jan 30, 2010, 5:51 PM
Finally got some snow by me for the first time this season...and it wasn't even great snow :-( I've been keeping my fingers crossed for snow for months, and when it finally comes I can't stand it because I had to go to the store and they were closed...figures.

Jan 30, 2010, 9:17 PM
. . . . . . . like down in Texas, Arkansas and Oklahoma have gotten one winter storm after another since even before winter officially began . . . . . . No doubt something funky is going on.

Ya think it could be all this global warming? :eek:

Doggie :doggie:

Jan 30, 2010, 9:36 PM
Okay cable has flickered twice so if I don't post again tonight you'll know Comcast is working on fixing LOL

Expecting six inches atm.... it was a male meterologist, this hope he knows [ ] ain't six inches.

If it's a male meterologist, and he says you getting 6 inches.... it will probably only be about 3.

And maybe living in Colorado ain't so bad after all.... All next week gonna be in the high 40's to low 50's with clear skies.

Jan 31, 2010, 12:34 AM
We wound up with about 8 inches with drifts. Sigh at least I didn't have to go anywhere urgently.

Jan 31, 2010, 9:45 AM
God roll on spring Twyla... las 2 nites its been bloody freezin an standin in taxi ranks at 5 in mornin so me cud get 'ome wos no fun.. hav certain standards me has 2 dress 2 an goin out up town dressed like eskimo or ole frump not 1a them...froz me f***in nips off...

Jan 31, 2010, 11:47 AM
Twyla--the days keep getting longer and soon--the days will get warmer too--we just have to go through the spring thunderstorm season with all that means----possibly some tornados too.

I am glad I don't have to head down south at the moment-----we got nothing at all here--not even a few stray snowflakes-----I was almost hoping we might get some of that weather---I jokingly like to say that we here in this part of Ohio have some sort of big "force field" going that protects us from the worst of the winter storms any more---they either seem to go around us to the north or to the south--or sometimes go around us both to the north and south at the same time.

Somebody around here has some good mojo working!!!

Just stay home though--don't get out and drive anymore than you have to and let the snowplow people do their thing---at least you aren't like what happened down in parts of Texas, Oklahoma and Arkansas--they got snow and ice--with hundreds of thousands of people in those areas out of power--maybe for days to come!

Jan 31, 2010, 1:34 PM
Yeah we dealt with some of that back last February it was not a good time. I was without power for two days, water for five (the lines froze) and cable for six and half. Most of all during that time I missed my babe. Couldn't communicate as the phone was VOIP and no msn.

Right now we're in good shape had one power blink this morning which may just have been the local power guys clearing branches off lines to prevent any major outages.

Below a few pics from last winter's nasty ice storm.




where downed trees pulled the weatherhead off my parents house.

devastation around the barn in the woods

finally the sun makes a difference

I am severely glad it didn't get anything like that this time.

Jan 31, 2010, 1:38 PM
Sincerely thinking of moving pc into the other part of the house that has central heat but I think I'll just spend less time out here and more curled in bed with a good book while I watch old episodes of Top Gear.

You just became my favorite person here! :cool:

Jan 31, 2010, 1:47 PM
ROFLMAO Twitter, I'm guessing you love Top Gear :)

Jan 31, 2010, 2:00 PM
ROFLMAO Twitter, I'm guessing you love Top Gear :)

Definitely! Of course, thanks to them I cannot see an Audi without cracking up laughing. Also, I think we can agree that The Stig could totally own Chuck Norris! :bigrin:

Jan 31, 2010, 2:03 PM
One of the last episodes I saw was the special in Vietnam. I could not help but crack up through most of the show. I have never felt more sorry for Jeremy than when he found out he had to ride a motorcycle.

Jan 31, 2010, 2:14 PM
One of the last episodes I saw was the special in Vietnam. I could not help but crack up through most of the show. I have never felt more sorry for Jeremy than when he found out he had to ride a motorcycle.

I caught the tail end of that one, it is recorded but I have yet to sit down and watch it. The new season is awesome, they had the guys in a three way race: Jeremy in a steam loco, James in a 47' Jag, and Richard on a motorcycle. Jeremy looked like he was a coal miner when he got to the finish!

Jan 31, 2010, 2:19 PM
ROFL, I'll need to catch up when it snows some more.

Jan 31, 2010, 2:27 PM
Suffer ya bastards SUFFER :upside:

Cheers Chook :bigrin:

Jan 31, 2010, 2:29 PM
Suffer ya bastards SUFFER :upside:

Cheers Chook :bigrin:

That's okay Chookie, I heard about heat wave, so when you are sitting there wishing the billybong would fill up so you'd feel like hunting down a roo for a fuck, you just remember us poor bastards suffering a cold snap :)

Jan 31, 2010, 4:18 PM
That's okay Chookie, I heard about heat wave, so when you are sitting there wishing the billybong would fill up so you'd feel like hunting down a roo for a fuck, you just remember us poor bastards suffering a cold snap :)

We ain't got no worries about not being able to root a roo.....we'll just fly over the ditch and fuck us some prime Kiwi sheep :impleased

Cheers Chook :bigrin:

Jan 31, 2010, 4:42 PM
Oh I dunno..I wouldnt mind 8 inches here and there.......OH! you're talkin snow...sorry..
Hiding under the couch in embarrasement.:oh::wiggle2::drool::paw:

Jan 31, 2010, 5:46 PM
ROFLMAO Cat, I'm partial to 8 inches and little more myself, but when it's snow...nope what's that saying...fuck that.

Jan 31, 2010, 8:11 PM
my, my, and people here are complaining! i ask why they bwc, it will clear up in 15 minutes, and then they can complain about something different!:cool:

tho' we are drowning out here; the rain is way over the norm, snow pac is higher than ever, and snow is falling halfway down the foothills behind the city; we're freezing, i've got the heater on, a fire going, wooly socks on my feet, a thermal shirt, sweater, and hoody on, and i'm still damn cold! ...and another storm is on for this week! ;)

...and they talk about global warming? :rolleyes: