View Full Version : Meeting another guy

Jan 29, 2010, 5:07 PM
Hello. First of all, it is my first post on this forum! Hi :D
So Ill get to the point. :) I have been really curious about other guys for at least 2 years now and I know that I am not only interested in women for sure (fantasies speak for themselves)
A while ago I found someone my age on a date site or so to say. He has had no experiences before nor have I, but we are both curious.
We spoke on MSN for a while, swapped pictures etc and we will most likely meet sometime soon.
I dont know what this is, I think Im fascinated by the fact that there is a guy I can really relate to and who I share the "view of life" with. But it seems we are both kind of scared.
I have thought about it and even if it doesnt reach the love stage Im just so damn happy I have at least found a good friend with a similar mindset.
But, what causes me worry, is how should I act when around him? I can understand he is interested in me as well, but its evident he does not know how to act or what exactly to say, either. I mean, I have flirted with girls before, but how do you do that with guys?
I think the fact that I have had no experiences in this field causes me to get too excited and Im overthinking all this, but if there is anyone here who can sympathise with me, I would be greatly appreciative of any tips or advice you could give me.

Jan 29, 2010, 5:37 PM
I can comment as a person who has met people off the internet as all my exes have been from the gay/bi scene or via work.....

If your used to being with women as a general rule it will feel slightly alien being with a guy romantically. You'll get just to it though and it'll feel normal and......... well right :).

It's worth meeting in a quiet pub first. As you can get used to the company and have a chat..... you might feel a bit odd and like the world is looking at you (they wont be). A pub is good because its a public area too!

If you end up on the gay scene these are the rules:

- Toilets are normally mixed... Be prepared for hilarious conversations with lesbians after a pee :bigrin:. Oh and yes that groaning noise is probably someone having nookie in the cubicle!
- Drugs...... yes drugs figure alot compared to straight bars. Think an average episode of Skins and double the availability!
- Barmen are always cute. It's gay bar law! Barmaids are too but are almost always lesbian and not bisexual.
- LGBT people mark texts with a kiss regardless of gender.
- If you leave your drinks unattended order another. If you need a pee try to have a lesbian friend/couple on hand.
- Always have a lesbian friend. They are the galaxy chocolate of friends :bigrin:.
- Personal safety is key. Gay bashing happens and so does male rape :(.
- Be prepared for alot of after parties. lock inns. birthday parties. coming out parties......... basically any excuse.....
- You'll meet men who look like women and women who look like men and people ya just can't tell with......
- You'll meet alot of Pagans?.............

Good luck buddy hope it works out!

Jan 29, 2010, 5:57 PM
um im not really sure what to say but here are soms sugestion there is no real difference between talking with a guy and with a girl.so just b yourself and everthing will b okay hope you and your friend many wishes of happyness if u want to meet publicaly try some place with alchohol like a bar or pub it will help the convrsation and do your best not to get drunk there.if nothing else and u still feel the way u do try meeting some place discreat and move up to really publick places hope this helped and great luck with all your future endevers

Jan 29, 2010, 6:13 PM
I would suggest that you be yourself. Be open and honest, don't try to be someone you're not.

Listen as well and speak your mind. If you remain cool and calm, even if your friend is nervous, your ability to remain on an even keel will help him relax, too.

Don't rush into this; this is a time to make eye-to-eye contact, share interests, dreams and desires. Determine if you have common interests; mutual feelings about issues are good to know. It may be best not to even think of intimacies at this point.

As a relationship seeker, I like to build a good foundation before being physical. In the end, I suggest that you do what you feel is best for you. This can be a magnificent adventure, or it may not turn out as you'd hoped. But, you will learn from this meeting, no matter what.

Good luck and I hope it turns out to be as you hoped it would.

Jan 29, 2010, 6:45 PM
If Giggles hasn't scared the shit out of you, I'll make some suggestions.

Go at a speed that you are both comfortable with. Have you spoken on the phone yet or just MSN messsages? For me, the voice can kill the fantasy or expectation. I like to know not only a photo but a voice. Call me nuts.

1/Meet in a public place as suggested in a pub or something. You may want to stay away from gay places as meeting a guy that you might have sex with may be enough challenge for you(if you have never been in a gay bar).

2/ In a public non gay place, act as if he was a non sexual buddy.

Flirting with a guy versus a girl is almost the same. Start with words.....somewhere along the line there may a suggestive sexual comment about being naked together whatever (you can get a bit cruder with another guy than a chic that you do not know...as long as you know that he is open to it). As with women, the physical touch begins subtly. If in public, I'm sure that will become hardly visible....maybe a knee touches his accidentally on purpose of course ;) Don't leave it there unless in a more discreet place. Do it more than once. He may return the action. If you move to more private places, then a touch on the arm...then a touch on the chest or shoulder...you get the picture.

3/When you decide to move to naked play, it may be the first night or you may want to get to know each other in person better without sex being involved. You seem open to romance and not just sex. It is a hard call how long to wait in those cases. Sex will be on your mind...like a freak'n steam engine.(I suspect)

Since you are both novice, check each other out ahead of time to what each may think of as a boundary. It may start out simply by getting naked with each other or it may involve stripping each other. It may involve just wanking with him and/or progress from there. Talk it through.

Fantasy and overplaying it may not meet realitiy or it may blow your socks off. Basically, become relaxed with him and enjoy it. Otherwise, it won't work as on going. Your guilt may take over and not see him again..unless there is a friendship established already.

Jan 29, 2010, 6:47 PM
lol I have no idea about gay bylines, but just go and have fun. Meet the man and see if there is any compatibility there. If theres no sparks, then maybe you've met a very, very, good friend. None says you have to have sex rigth then, but if you do, play safe at ALL times. Be you. Be totally honest. And relax and have fun.

Jan 31, 2010, 5:26 AM
Hi. Thanks all for the replies so far. Well basically we arranged to meet next weekend, just to do some face to face talking and stuff. I think he would have been okay if we went straight from MSN to bed, but I said it would be a bit weird :p We also just by chance started to talk about sex on MSN and even found ourselves a hotel for it, several weeks in advance :D
It was fun talking like this with another guy :P
Ill keep you posted how the meeting goes