View Full Version : Sighs...........

Jan 28, 2010, 2:07 AM
The freaking hospital warned me that once I dislocated my knee it could happen again easily. They were right. Slipped on something going down the hall to the bathroom in the dark and it popped. Still had my immobilizer from last time and have that on and am hobbling around on crutches. Downed about 12 motrin and am just sitting here praying it will straighten soon so I don't have to go to hospital.

Sigh...I'd kill for a nice huge shot of Glenfidditch neat and to sleep for a week til the knee is fine and the pain is gone.

Jan 28, 2010, 3:29 AM
Having suffered from a dislocated hip and a dislocated right shoulder, I can tell you it sometimes takes surgery or major strength training to make it less likely to pop out. And having had to force my own shoulder into socket because co-workers would not call an ambulance, let me assure you the worst pain of all is when it goes home to roost. I feel bad for you, but do not delay a call to an ambulance if you are immobilized with this. A shot of morphine, three strong orderlies and POP...it's home without a sigh or whimper.

Jan 28, 2010, 5:42 AM
yeah it's not the most pleasant feeling in the world, the swelling is easing up and the immobilizer is helping for the bit. Hopefully as I sleep it will fix itself if not I will go to hospital.

Jan 28, 2010, 8:21 AM
Awww poor Twyla.. *sends kissie betta*

Few years go wos lil tiddly an struggled gettin me jeans off fore goin 2 bed.. ova me wen an broke me wrist..:(

Tot me lil lesson..always sit down 2 take off ya jeans.. not that me has learned it 2 well.. still usually standin up 2 get 'em off:eek:... delicate balancin act wenyas tryin 2 get 'em off ova a leg standin up... that wos in dark an all.. :tong:

curious married m
Jan 28, 2010, 9:44 AM
Awww poor Twyla.. *sends kissie betta*

Few years go wos lil tiddly an struggled gettin me jeans off fore goin 2 bed.. ova me wen an broke me wrist..:(

Tot me lil lesson..always sit down 2 take off ya jeans.. not that me has learned it 2 well.. still usually standin up 2 get 'em off:eek:... delicate balancin act wenyas tryin 2 get 'em off ova a leg standin up... that wos in dark an all.. :tong:

MMMMMMM The thought of Fran with her jeans off. Nice visual:devil::love::eek::cutelaugh

Jan 28, 2010, 9:48 AM
Awwww that is horrible. I hope you start feeling better soon. And if not, I hope the ER isn't too packed when you go ;)

Jan 28, 2010, 10:14 AM
From a closet deep in Ireland with only the smell of mothballs and the sound of moths butting their heads against the door to get out, for company.

'Chilldrenn ov the Night, shut-up, I am trying to theenk'

Now, where was I? It sounds like the medical guy knows what he is talking about, I'd follow his advice and go to A&E, no point in sitting there in pain when you don't have to. Besides Ducky will be expecting his dinner made when he gets home. Lol Just kidding. Hope you get well soon.

Jan 28, 2010, 10:24 AM
'Chilldrenn ov the Night, shut-up, I am trying to theenk'


My favorite movie line when I was little. Sigh...memories.

Jan 28, 2010, 11:43 AM
Awww poor Twyla.. *sends kissie betta*

Few years go wos lil tiddly an struggled gettin me jeans off fore goin 2 bed.. ova me wen an broke me wrist..:(

Tot me lil lesson..always sit down 2 take off ya jeans.. not that me has learned it 2 well.. still usually standin up 2 get 'em off:eek:... delicate balancin act wenyas tryin 2 get 'em off ova a leg standin up... that wos in dark an all.. :tong:

About a year ago, I remember someone doing just the same thing falling while trying to take off her jeans, reaching out and pulling over her best friend, my cousin. Nothing was broken in the process luckily with the only damage being a tear in one of my blouses and possibly a little pride.

Jan 28, 2010, 11:51 AM
Feel better soon Twyla.

Jan 28, 2010, 12:02 PM
Aww...Twyla, sorry to hear you're in pain. Bad pain, from the sounds of it! Eww... Well, I personally have never had an injury like yours, but I can tell you that I have scoliosis. For those of you who don't know what that is, it's essentially a curved spine. If I remember correctly, it started when I was about 16. My mom had noticed something 'unusual' about my back. Anyway, over the years (I'm 31 now), it's got progressively worse. Slowly, mind you, but still, worse. See, but, some days my back doesn't hurt at all. Then other days, I wake up and move wrong or something, and it hurts like all hell! Anyway, sorry to hear about your pain. Hope ya feel better soon!

Darren 'Scratchy', Albuquerque, NM

Jan 28, 2010, 12:08 PM
Aww...Twyla, sorry to hear you're in pain. Bad pain, from the sounds of it! Eww... Well, I personally have never had an injury like yours, but I can tell you that I have scoliosis. For those of you who don't know what that is, it's essentially a curved spine. If I remember correctly, it started when I was about 16. My mom had noticed something 'unusual' about my back. Anyway, over the years (I'm 31 now), it's got progressively worse. Slowly, mind you, but still, worse. See, but, some days my back doesn't hurt at all. Then other days, I wake up and move wrong or something, and it hurts like all hell! Anyway, sorry to hear about your pain. Hope ya feel better soon!

Darren 'Scratchy', Albuquerque, NM

I also have scoliosis. Not quite as bad as yours, but I know exactly what you mean about one wrong turn can put you out for a bit haha.

Jan 28, 2010, 12:50 PM
Twi-honey. Get yer cute lil ass to the Dr and get it re-aligned. Its going to hurt like a mother, but the longer you leave it out of proper alignment, the harder its going to be to get back in. Trust me. I have Degenerative Joint Disord, and my right knee is really bad. It pops out of place once in a while and throws me over on my face if I'm not careful.
Sometimes the internal swelling wont go down until its manually manipulated back in. This can be done by surgery, or physical manipulating. Just go get 'er done, Hon. You'll feel sooo much better. :}
We'll be there with you in Spirit.
Yer Cat

Jan 28, 2010, 3:38 PM
Well sleep was impossible so I called my dad and we hit the ER....I know they gave Tordol and I am not quite sure what else they shoved in that needle that made me float but my knee is properly aligned now.

Home with good drugs..........so heading back to bed. Still sore as a bitch but already getting better.

Jan 28, 2010, 5:02 PM
Well at least you are feeling better now, that's the important thing.

Jan 29, 2010, 12:04 AM
Oh Twyla!

It must be Kill-a-KNEE season!

My GF loves has fallen three times on the same knee. It hurt me just to hear talk about it. They had to do surgery on her knee, too. It takes a while to get over it!

I empathize with anyone who has pain, particularly joint/back pain.

Hope you're better soon, Lady.

Jan 29, 2010, 12:42 AM
Why is it when two or more women are gathered together they always end up discussing their aches and pains and swapping stories about their ailments?

It doesn't look like poor old Ducky is going to get his dinner tonight. Glad you are feeling better.

Jan 29, 2010, 3:40 AM
Hey Dark? Good thing I dont know you better or I'd be boob bopping you outta yer chair right now..LOL:cool:
Hugs Sweetie
Silly Cat.

Jan 29, 2010, 2:22 PM
Why is it when two or more women are gathered together they always end up discussing their aches and pains and swapping stories about their ailments?

It doesn't look like poor old Ducky is going to get his dinner tonight. Glad you are feeling better.

First same as when two or more guys get together they compare the last sex they had, human nature :p

And since Duckie currently lives 9k miles from me he is more than capable of fetching his own supper as for me, I cheated. I called mom and had a nice plate of food brought up :)

Jan 29, 2010, 2:25 PM
Why is it when two or more women are gathered together they always end up discussing their aches and pains and swapping stories about their ailments?

It doesn't look like poor old Ducky is going to get his dinner tonight. Glad you are feeling better.

Yep..we do tend 2 talk lots bout men...:tong:;)

Jan 29, 2010, 6:40 PM
Well, as long as you don't drag us Men in to your little Circle of Hell, we shall not complain.

It is said that is why God gave Women orgasms, so they would have something else to moan about. Lol

Jan 30, 2010, 4:46 AM
'Chilldrenn ov the Night, shut-up, I am trying to theenk'

Love at First Bite(paraphrased) - George Hamilton

Jan 30, 2010, 6:35 AM
Well, as long as you don't drag us Men in to your little Circle of Hell, we shall not complain.

It is said that is why God gave Women orgasms, so they would have something else to moan about. Lol

Don wanyas ne wer near wen we tearin yas 2 shreds hun... so no need for complaints...

..an if u call wot me dus wen me orgasms moanin.. dunno wot school u went 2... :tong:..

..now the lead up... thats summat diff.. but can assure ya..that, jus like an orgasm..is nowt 2 do wiv men...:bigrin: so rest easy babes...;)