View Full Version : Bi - the Hybrid sex?

Jan 26, 2010, 7:35 PM
Ok, flame me up front about this post. Just wondering about the Male/Female view. I'm a male an consider sex for what it is, physical. I lean toward the female for emotional along with physical. However, I also won't discount physical with another male. Do females feel the same, physical over emotion?

Seems to be a myth that males and females must be together emotionally and physically without question. I somewhat agree about physical and totally agree about emotion. Think yin/yang. As for physical, it's a biological need for reproduction.

Anyone have clues as to why a M or F love the opposite sex, respect and desire them but want to play around with their own sex physically?

Pls, don't go down the the homo, gay, lesbian track to explain.

Try to keep the tone down low, ok? I'm just asking a question as a male that likes fooling around with other males physically. Sure wouldn't want to get involved with males beyond physical. The emotional side of females still kicks my switch.

any clues, responses or flames welcome.

Jan 26, 2010, 8:29 PM
"Anyone have clues as to why a M or F love the opposite sex, respect and desire them but want to play around with their own sex physically?"

You are not alone in having this perspective based upon my experience. I'll stick to discussing guys in this situation. Actually, some guys are quite capable of enjoying sex with women without emotion as well...straight or bi. Usually, when "the woman" appears they change their mind about emotional attachment. There are many ways that bisexuality exhibits itself in a person. Some biguys are as you described and the closest that they get emotionally is to be a sex bud or a type of friendship that includes sex. They have a desire to be with other guy(s) sexually but not emotionally in the same way as they feel with women. If you enjoy the physical sex play aspect with another guy, accept that is part of who you are. You are meant to feel the emotionally and sexual physical attachment to women and physical sexual attraction to me.

Other biguys are capable of having both physical and emotional attachment to both men and women.

Relax and be yourself. Enjoy.

Jan 26, 2010, 10:52 PM
No flaming at all! But I have a different perspective.

I am actually one of those bisexuals who could have an emotional attachment to a man, no less than to a woman. In fact, even though I'd slept with a few guys beforehand, it wasn't until I developed a crush on a guy - I mean, wanting to hold hands, give flowers, write mushy notes, walk on the beach - that I finally had to deal with my own bisexuality.

Last fall my wife and I celebrated our 13th wedding anniversary, and I hope to enjoy many more. But (God forbid) were something happen to our marriage, I could conceivably end up in a romantic relationship with the right guy.

Truth be told, I seem to be in the minority. I think most bisexual guys are like yourself in terms of being attracted physically but not emotionally to men. But emotional attraction between two bi men can and does happen on occasion, at least to some of us.


roy m cox
Jan 26, 2010, 11:38 PM
well im a guy that is not a myth i go for both male and female together emotionally and physically for me their is not just one or the other i will always go for both and the same and or at the same time if i can get my way about it i would have 2 mates:bigrin: , not just one :2cents: