View Full Version : Are LGBT people more connected with the spirit world?

Jan 26, 2010, 11:35 AM
Just wondering? There seems to be far more people into paganism or ghost hunting..... that kinda thing ya'know in the bi/gay community?

I was thinking about the gaydar thing? Like how do we know? It has to be a 6th sense thing hasn't it? Personally I believe I'v seen/met ghosts (been hunting and stayed in haunted locations)...... Even though I'l never believe there is a god I do believe in ghosts and that there are people living in space somewhere on another planet light years away.

Anyone else feel were closer to the other side compared to other people?

Jan 26, 2010, 12:16 PM
Nope. Never thought of it that way. I know that 'pagan' type religions tend to be accepting of GLBT... people. But no I don't think one has anything to do with the other.

Jan 26, 2010, 12:20 PM
I'm bi and I'm very much an atheist. No connection here.

Jan 26, 2010, 12:28 PM
spirit world? Is that a new amusement park?

Jan 26, 2010, 1:21 PM
spirit world? Is that a new amusement park?


Jan 26, 2010, 1:43 PM
Nope. Never thought of it that way. I know that 'pagan' type religions tend to be accepting of GLBT... people. But no I don't think one has anything to do with the other.

This is pretty much what I was going to say. I think that it is less of LGBT people have a strong sixth sense and more like the people who do tend to have a strong sixth sense are just welcoming of these LGBT.

I believe that all people have an ability to be in tune with the paranormal, some more than others. I don't think who a person is attracted to makes a difference.

Long Duck Dong
Jan 27, 2010, 2:12 AM
the best answer I can give... is one that I was taught by a shaman.....

* if you do not wish to experience anything, deny it is possible to experience it *
* do not seek to give it a name, a reason, a purpose, just let it be and enjoy it, for if you give it a name, a reason and a purpose, you give others a reason to seek to destroy, dispute it and argue it, and that can take your attention off enjoying it *

Jan 27, 2010, 2:40 PM
There are probably the same proportion of gullible people in the gay/bi community who fall for all that new age/mystic claptrap as in any other group of people.

Jan 27, 2010, 5:30 PM
Personally I don't think sexual orientation has anything to do with it. Being open minded, however, does.

I have always had severe periods of deja vu, but when I first realized I had a gift it was when I had two dreams that came true exactly as I dreamt them. The first was a car wreck, two weeks later, the second was my sister dying. That second dream had me calling my sister and waking her up to see if she was okay. Then she was..... two weeks after my car wreck, they found my sister dead.

So that made a believer out of me and I began seriously studying and began to listen to what was always around me, but I could never hear. Began to see what was always around me but I had been blinded to.

It's not mystical claptrap and not every Wiccan/Pagan is on the Psychic Hotlines or setting up fortune telling companies. We leave that to the people who have nothing but con talent.

Jan 27, 2010, 7:19 PM
I think as bisexuals--we have pretty much the same distribution as the general society who believe things from across the board.

I know my one thing when I was first coming here and learning about bisexuality--I had made an assumption that anyone who identifies as bisexual would just have to naturally be more along the lines of a "progressive/liberal" in terms of poltics----I could not have been any more wrong on that-----we have some downright far right people who are bi--just as we have those who are far at the other extreme----with most folks falling somewhere pretty much in the middle---your basic bellcurve distribution I would say.

Jan 27, 2010, 9:53 PM
For me, the spirt world, Paganism, religion etc. are not necessarily connected to a sixth sense or empathic, mind reading abilities etc. at all.

I agree that attempting to connect GLBT to the abilities of Empaths are unproven. We must remember that there are many, many members of this site that do not post or profess to be connected to Paganism, Wicca etc. We do have some posters who state that they have a connection to Paganism and Wicca but we also have posters who state that they have a connections to Catholicism and Christianity.

Empaths may be connected to a variety of religions or no religion/spiritual belief system at all.

Jan 27, 2010, 11:27 PM
I did a survey on it a while back and what I found was inconclusive.

Annika L
Jan 28, 2010, 12:22 AM
Just wondering? There seems to be far more people into paganism or ghost hunting..... that kinda thing ya'know in the bi/gay community?

I was thinking about the gaydar thing? Like how do we know? It has to be a 6th sense thing hasn't it? Personally I believe I'v seen/met ghosts (been hunting and stayed in haunted locations)...... Even though I'l never believe there is a god I do believe in ghosts and that there are people living in space somewhere on another planet light years away.

Anyone else feel were closer to the other side compared to other people?

Personally, I find your grouping paganism and ghost-hunting together to be rather offensive. To my knowledge, pagans are no more likely to believe in or chase after ghosts than persons in the Judeo-Christian faiths.

There do seem to be a lot of pagans on this site...as someone mentioned, pagan faiths tend to be more open to variations in sexuality, so that could account for it. I haven't noticed a lot of ghost-hunters here...or threads about ghosts or spirits (some of that kind of thing, but not lots).

So I'm really not clear on your point...just on the fact that "paganism" and "ghost-hunting" are NOT the same "kinda thing."

Jan 28, 2010, 12:51 AM
I don't think so, no. At least not in my experience.

Some LGBT folks are spiritual, yes. I have a hypothesis, however, that the majority of LGBT people in my country reject all religion and spirituality outright in large part because of the abusive language and practices of many Christians here. That's not to diminish those who would be atheist regardless of their sexual orientation. But it's a shame nonetheless because I feel strongly that it's not right to starve those who hunger for a genuine connection to the spiritual side of life just because they are queer.

Just my :2cents: - do with it what you will.


Long Duck Dong
Jan 28, 2010, 7:02 AM
growing up I was and still am open to things that can not be explained......tho I will admit I am sceptical of things.... I do not deal with things in the way the sceptics do which is normally to try and argue it away or sit there with a closed minded and say I can not fuck it therefore it is not real.....

I am honestly not sure if being bisexual has any affect on my spirituality... as I have seen some very closed minded bisexuals.... but I do know that gifts run in the family bloodline.... tho not in every family member.....

I do tend to find that my friends that are open minded about sexuality, tend to be more open minded about spirituality as well, and this is something I have observed in a number of different settings.....

one thing I have observed a lot of.... specially in the spiritualist community is the need to disect, analysis, define and catergorise anything spiritual... in the same way that is done with sexuality.....and a lot of the true beauty of spirituality, like sexuality, is lost in numbers, figures, graphs and %'s

btw ghost hunting and spirituality are two different fields...
ghost hunting is the *scientific * area of apparition analysis, audio and visual presentation, electro magnetic phenomenon etc etc

spirituality is more a accepting of the unseen around us without the need to justify, analysis and define the things that we can not explain, but we feel confortable with