View Full Version : off topic: what happens if you fall into a Black Hole?

Jan 26, 2010, 5:05 AM
I'm sure you want to know...its quite funny actually if not painful, but pretty unlikely!


Jan 26, 2010, 7:03 AM
Should that be - - -

Death by Spagetification - - or

Death by Extrudification :rolleyes:

Doggie :doggie:

Jan 26, 2010, 7:44 AM
I thought you fell into the space time continuum and ended up in Cardiff Bay :eek:.

If your really lucky you get to meet Gwen for bumpy cuddles :bigrin:. And if your really really lucky they offer you a job based on your kinsey score and general ability to look cool holding a gun?

Either that or you end up on star trek voyager?... I think I'd contemplate suicide beforehand though!

Jan 26, 2010, 10:14 AM
LOL that was pretty funny. That guy was getting a kick out of explaining it.

Maybe if you curled yourself into a ball, it would just stretch you like an oval and elongate the process of losing pieces of yourself...however why would you want to make that longer haha.

Jan 26, 2010, 11:02 AM
......nvm it was too weird so I deleted it LOL

Jan 26, 2010, 9:51 PM
I'm sure you want to know...its quite funny actually if not painful, but pretty unlikely!


Very good.....

Neil de Grasse Tyson is one of my most favorite scientists. He makes Cosmology not only interesting and fascinating, but very entertaining as well

The "Falling into a Black Hole" bit was originally done as a part of a series of lectures on DVD that he did for The Teaching Company called "My Favorite Universe".

Watch it if you ever get a chance.... It is well worth the $39 price.