View Full Version : Making a baby!!

Justin Chad Taylor
Jan 25, 2010, 9:51 PM
:)I know that it does vary from couple to couple but how long did it take for any couple to get pregnant. I will have to admit that I am having a great time trying. I think my wife and I made love on Sunday about five times and believe me I am not complaining. Just wanted to hear back from some people who have had their first baby and how long did it take?:bibounce:

Jan 25, 2010, 10:15 PM
Well the first one was right away. The second took a few tries. My big suggestion is relax and enjoy. It's not a race and its a lot of fun. You sound like my wife and I when we were "practicing." Most people I talked to who took awhile were anxious about the whole thing and had no success. When they stopped worrying about it they were pregnant. I have also heard that if the woman was using the pill or any hormone related birth control it can take longer.
We had our first when I was 29. Congratulations!

Jan 25, 2010, 10:16 PM
It varies...as for me and my ex, well we weren't trying for a child with any of the four preganancies I had. They just happened. I can tell you it will happen quicker if you don't look at it as trying to make a baby, only difference there is it should pretty much all be a money shot in the right canal if you want a baby out of it :P

If you are really concerned though get one of those basal thermometers that can predict ovulation and have more fun around those times. Relax....if it's meant to be it will happen and when it happens is when it's meant to whether you will it or not.

Jan 25, 2010, 10:29 PM
For us, for both kids, it was luck at first try, sans condoms.

Jan 25, 2010, 11:44 PM
Pfffft, I was so damn furtile that all my Ex had to do was Look at me and I'd get pregnant....
Its different for everyone, Hon, and I'm told that if you are doing it like 5 times a day that the sperm hasnt had time to build back up, so you might wanna relax and re-juv a bit..:}
Have fun in the meantime. ;)