View Full Version : ok, so when your desire is like a roller coaster....

Jan 23, 2010, 5:56 PM
for those of you who are married or have a female partner, when you are on the roller coaster of desire and you need a man... How do you relate to your female partners? My hubby goes through this, and sometimes it is just really really difficult to manage for both of us. A woman can't help but feel 'snubbed' for lack of a better term. We have an open marriage, but he doesn't have a consistent partner, so satisfying the need isn't always easy. Any advice - from any side?

Jan 23, 2010, 6:53 PM
for those of you who are married or have a female partner, when you are on the roller coaster of desire and you need a man... How do you relate to your female partners? My hubby goes through this, and sometimes it is just really really difficult to manage for both of us. A woman can't help but feel 'snubbed' for lack of a better term. We have an open marriage, but he doesn't have a consistent partner, so satisfying the need isn't always easy. Any advice - from any side?

I am married and BI. We have an open marriage, my husband knows that I don't want to sleep with every woman that he sleeps with. I like forming a relationship with the women I maybe with. I will sleep with another woman and him when I want too or if it is somebody I am interested with. You are both individuals and you don't need to meet every needs of his and the same he does not need to meet every needs of yours.:bigrin:

Jan 23, 2010, 7:07 PM
... and sometimes it is just really really difficult to manage for both of us. A woman can't help but feel 'snubbed' for lack of a better term. We have an open marriage, but he doesn't have a consistent partner, so satisfying the need isn't always easy. Any advice - from any side?

(she *did* say "any" side...)

Ok, first I think you need to better define "really really difficult to manage"...
How *do* you "manage" this situation , and by the way, bravo to you for even TRYING to manage it and moreover being OPEN to his other needs...

As for you feeling "snubbed"... have you expressed this snubbed feeling?
have you thought about asking him to jointly pick out a regular partner that the two of you could share in some way? Perhaps even if you are only observing?

I think that comes back to the consistent partner... that needs to be addressed. I think it would be better for all involved if you two *together* picked out a "regular" partner for extracurricular playtimes.

Satisfying the needs of *some* bi guys is not always going to be easy.
But that comes down to talking about what it is that he really likes sexually, and then seeing if you can somehow be integrated as a part of that.

I would suggest trying out a strap-on or two, but that's just *me*, you may have already been down that road, and he may be a "top" and totally not into that.

Just a few things to throw around.
Don't give up, your on the right track, I wish *MY* wife was as willing to try as you are.
