View Full Version : getting groped or grabbed

roy m cox
Jan 19, 2010, 1:09 AM
just wondering if any one else gets or had this happen to you :/

any time i was at the mall or the movies i have gotten my butt grabbed by versus people it happens in crowds so i don't know who did it,

but about 2years ago down town fire works i was it with some friends i got groped by a guy that i was standing by he reached over and stared to put his hand down my shorts and we when you have the friends i do lets just say this guy will think before he will be touching any one ever we call the police but they just looked at me and turnd around and walked away :/

so just wondering o_0

Jan 19, 2010, 6:12 AM
That has never happened to me, but if it did, there might be some finger breaking. I HATE folks who touch me with out asking, ladies or men some times get to close when they talk to me and I keep backing up.
Oh, but if they are REAL hot I may not mind as much;)

Jan 19, 2010, 6:57 AM
Ha..gettin groped is summat we women havta put up wiv... well we don an me don... but isn very nice an sumtimes can b rite intimidatin..sumtimes.. can even lead 2 summat worse than jus a bloody grope!!!! So wen it happens then me makes a lotta fuss an ensure as best me can the bastard who dunnit gets at very least a bloody red face..... amazin jus how fast guys can bolt afta a grope... an kids on buses..jeez..they do push ther luk as they get off an u gerron.. an yes..hav been groped by a memba a me own sex... an thats no betta!!!!

Bein "subtly" touched up an havin ya space invaded by peeps is jus as bad.. touched up or groped or havin ya space invaded.. sed already its not nice an those who do it deserve woteva they get in return!!! Grope me an ya askin 2 lose a hand.....

Jan 19, 2010, 7:13 AM
Straight girls who kiss gay/bi guys?... Now that kills me!

I don't fancy many girls to be honest.... you kinda have to look a particular way or just have something about you and straight girls rarely fit my idea of cute anyway. So when these random's decide to "test" literally where you are on the Kinsey scale it's like "what the fuck..... rape!". My straight friends think its great for me because girls rarely seem to bother with them?... I don't like/want it though )-:

I suppose it's no different than the constant ogling of Lesbians/Bi girls by straight men though :rolleyes:. Straight people always seem to find us queer peep's mysterious or something? I dunno it's annoying when all they wanna talk about it sex too! Like I do many other things with my life apart from threesomes or sucking cock people! That's a rant for another thread though!

I suppose sometimes it can be a confidence boost. It's a fine line between someone paying a genuine compliment like my flatmate (girl) saying I had nice legs and a cutie bum yesterday and some randy. dirty old hag feeling you up!

Older women are the worst I think. My first memory was when a woman said I had a cute ass and felt it when I was 15........ It freaked me out :(. They ain't any better today but I suppose it's like dirty old men..... They touch but they'll never have :bigrin:.

Jan 19, 2010, 7:55 AM
Well and truly shorn and bedecked, in summer I cycle around in my shorts with knee high white socks and sandals (yes socks with sandals - I would not want to cause a sexual frenzy otherwise).

I was waiting at the lights on one of London's prettier bridges when a car load of really young ladies drew up close beside me with its windows down. No words. An arm reached out and patted my behind. I could feel myself turning crimson with embarrassment and was entirely lost for words; Seconds felt like an eternity. The lights changed and they roared off blowing me kisses as they went.

I am used to being propositioned by truck loads of builders not young ladies?

But that isn't the problem. The problem is all tease and no action by any of them - damn!

Unlike a male friend who was caught up in a Brazilian carnival whence an unseen and anonymous BJ was given in the midst of florid 'male' company. Pleasure endured it was followed by a trip to the medics, just in case.


Jan 19, 2010, 9:09 AM

Jan 19, 2010, 9:17 AM

That's great. ^.^

Jan 19, 2010, 9:29 AM
I have a variety of very bright and patterned shoulder bags which my partner is always on about for me to weed out more often than I do. She says I am storing up back trouble for when I am older. I always keep them reasonably heavy partly because they are useful for dealing with trouble. Gropers and grabbers and general pests included.

Jan 19, 2010, 2:18 PM
Really, I wouldn't mind being groped or grabbed a litle. :cool:

Jan 19, 2010, 3:03 PM
Really, I wouldn't mind being groped or grabbed a litle. :cool:

Yea hun.. is gud innit?? Long as its sum 1 ya wanna grope an grab ya... but sum arseole who jus grabs atya cos 'e fancies a kwik feel wereva an weneva 'e fancies?? Not even u wud b ova impressed wiv that sorta handlin...:eek:

Jan 19, 2010, 3:20 PM
Ya wanna bet?;)

Jan 19, 2010, 3:52 PM
Ya wanna bet?;)


Jan 19, 2010, 4:11 PM

How tongue in cheek can you get. Or am I misquoting the appendage in question?


Jan 19, 2010, 4:44 PM
It's happened to me on a number of occasions. Most of it happens in gay bars, I can't say I mind, I like the attention. One time a guy put his hand down my pants and started to finger me, it happened so fast, that was too much, I got pretty pissed, at least talk to me first.
Recently at work a women slid her finger over my cock, how she found it I don't know as it was soft. How is it women can always find your cock with such precision

Jan 19, 2010, 7:19 PM
I was a swimmer in high school. At one of my swim meet 3/4 times I went there, it never failed, someone would always grab my butt. I don't really mind, but I would like a little notice before I stop and look confused around my teammates.

Jan 19, 2010, 9:06 PM
Well! Tommyswing, provided you haven't left it in the pocket of your other suit, or have it tucked behind your ear like a cigarette, how difficult can it be? Just follow your legs to their apex and there it will be, loitering with-in-tent, (pun intended), if you need a map and compass I'm sure they can be provided.

Jan 19, 2010, 10:55 PM
I've been groped a few times. ussaly at grocery stores or public restrooms.:bipride:

roy m cox
Jan 20, 2010, 2:54 AM
Roy, tell these desperate and pathetic people to fuck off when they grope you.

Or stop inviting it or physically and verbally tell them to stop like you wrote about.

I've been groped before and it's very annoying.

I've never done it to someone else as it's very rude.

If the man or woman has any sense they do not do it again to me. ;)

EZ to say if you see who did it but some times i don't like i say it'll happen a crowded place some times , i'll feel some ones hand on me and when you look around to who did it i'd even say who in the hell did that , but know body knows what im talking about ,, i just don't get it i don't think im that good looking so why do it in the first place so yeah i think its very very annoying ,

roy m cox
Jan 20, 2010, 3:00 AM
I've been groped a few times. ussaly at grocery stores or public restrooms.:bipride:

in the public restrooms :eek:

im to scared to go in a public restroom the only time i do is if my bf is with me he's a big guy so no one messes around when he's with me ,,,

roy m cox
Jan 20, 2010, 3:01 AM
Well! Tommyswing, provided you haven't left it in the pocket of your other suit, or have it tucked behind your ear like a cigarette, how difficult can it be? Just follow your legs to their apex and there it will be, loitering with-in-tent, (pun intended), if you need a map and compass I'm sure they can be provided.

o_0 ?????

roy m cox
Jan 20, 2010, 3:08 AM
I was a swimmer in high school. At one of my swim meet 3/4 times I went there, it never failed, someone would always grab my butt. I don't really mind, but I would like a little notice before I stop and look confused around my teammates.

well i don't mind a good friend garbing my butt or other things and in school my teem mates in baseball would slap my but i did not mind that ,,

its just out in public i don't like it :/ especially a stranger doing that its just not a good thing to do .

roy m cox
Jan 20, 2010, 3:18 AM

heh erm "no"

the only guy that will suck me is my bf or a realy good friend not just some strange guy ..
on less i want it maybe then but id get ck for STD's after :eek:

roy m cox
Jan 20, 2010, 3:30 AM
Well and truly shorn and bedecked, in summer I cycle around in my shorts with knee high white socks and sandals (yes socks with sandals - I would not want to cause a sexual frenzy otherwise).

I was waiting at the lights on one of London's prettier bridges when a car load of really young ladies drew up close beside me with its windows down. No words. An arm reached out and patted my behind. I could feel myself turning crimson with embarrassment and was entirely lost for words; Seconds felt like an eternity. The lights changed and they roared off blowing me kisses as they went.

I am used to being propositioned by truck loads of builders not young ladies?

But that isn't the problem. The problem is all tease and no action by any of them - damn!

Unlike a male friend who was caught up in a Brazilian carnival whence an unseen and anonymous BJ was given in the midst of florid 'male' company. Pleasure endured it was followed by a trip to the medics, just in case.


so i think you under stand what i am saying and i hope your friend got tested after that ,, im getting wear i don't want to go out any place :/

Jan 20, 2010, 10:21 AM

That was just too great.

Feb 27, 2010, 9:22 PM
in my late teens and twenties, i liked to do road trips, with and without a couple of my buddies; we'd stop to eat at a denny's/road side cafe for a bite, and i liked to sit at the counter. found out that so do a many an old dude did as well (in particular utah, what's with that?), all who liked to grope; im a vocal/physical kind of guy :mad:, and they made a fast dash for the door. i gave up on counters and always sat in a booth and/or table.

frequently have had my ass slapped :eek: many, many times in crowded areas, especially when wearing levi's or swimsuit/shorts; my bf's/gf's/wife says its my bubble butt that attrachs the attention; lucky me!

been groped/felt up at many a party, but prefer your introduce yourself; though got to admit it was kind'a fun! :rolleyes:

Feb 28, 2010, 9:14 AM
Yes This happens to me but iv been grabed by both sex's when i was 14 a 30 year old man was trying to get me to have a 3some with him and his wife and he started rubbing my back down to my ass ! i screamed made a scene i feel sorrt know but ya:(

Feb 28, 2010, 1:32 PM
I haven't been groped in public, but I am sure that being male and over fifty has somethign to do with that.

Feb 28, 2010, 6:14 PM
frequently have had my ass slapped :eek: many, many times in crowded areas, especially when wearing levi's or swimsuit/shorts; my bf's/gf's/wife says its my bubble butt that attrachs the attention; lucky me!

been groped/felt up at many a party, but prefer your introduce yourself; though got to admit it was kind'a fun! :rolleyes:

Bubble Butt!!!!!! OMG I love a good bubble butt on a guy. Its SO nice to grab and hold on to.

May 13, 2010, 2:45 PM
I have been groped at a mall by a male. I enjoyed it but was confused as to what to do. I did nothing. I went back to that mall a few days later and saw the same guy accidentally bumping into another guy. Quite naturally his hand brushed the other guys cock. I wantched the guy for quite awhile that day. he had a real game going. he must have felt ten guys that day. I eventually confronted him and he was a nice guy. He made an offer I didn't refuse! lol:flag3:

May 13, 2010, 2:56 PM
Once I went to this gay bar & as soon as I walked in, heads turned. Then as I made my way to the back of the bar, hands would slide up my crotch. First I was a little uncomfrtable, but then I said "what the hell, that what I'm here for":bigrin: