View Full Version : Ten years into the future

Jan 15, 2010, 9:25 PM
Long ago I had two friends. My best friend now ex friend had made me bi by doing me and I loved it. Although he enjoyed it as well although after we did it for two years (once per week) I decided to have a girl friend and she was a good person (I wish that I never left her) and nice to me. We almost made love before her mom came barging in my room. Then after that all messed up my plans I broke up with her because I thought her parents didn't like me (in which they didn't) and I was crushed. My heart was lost to her because I loved her so much. I know how to love a woman I wish I had a woman again because its fun to be with a woman. But now here is the moral of the story.

All of that I've said is from ten years ago. I've changed from a straight man looking for a girlfriend for love and companionship and then my best friend made me bi. Then I had a girlfriend that I loved completely and now that I been single for ten long years and now I am a loner looking for a woman and male again for everything that I need in life. The main point to the story is that I am bi and I need to wake up and find someone. I know that looking for someone on the internet is scary sometimes I know that I have to be careful, but I need to know someone again before I lose my mind again.

I need to have some comfort so please answer some questions for me?

1. I love being Bisexual and I haven't been sexual for ten years am I still bi?

2. Can someone hook me up with a male and female?

Jan 15, 2010, 9:52 PM
Q 1. Only you can answer that.

Q 2. You have come to the correct site. Lot's of good folks and good prospects here. But, remember there are some things you must do for yourself.

You are too young to be worried and frustrated. Just relax, get involved with living life and enjoy the journey.

Jan 15, 2010, 11:02 PM
thank you

Jan 15, 2010, 11:06 PM
Your friend made you "bi" oh please. Possibly you have relatioship problem, regardless, if you are in deep,sincere,honest love why does it matter/ just my 244q's worth.

Jan 15, 2010, 11:38 PM
Wow.... back away from the keyboard... Take a deep breath...maybe a nap. You're okay.

Don't worry,... it all gets better now that you've made some incredibly important observations about yourself. You've had sex with a guy with whom you enjoyed a friendship while still a teenager, and you're mature enough to not try to shelve the memory & reality of it in pursuit of being "straight".

However, you still have amorous inclinations towards women... Who's better than you dude? :cool: You can rock,...and roll! Hooking up is easy... Attracting a mate takes some effort. Be yourself. Obey the laws of personal hygiene. Be open to meeting people in places you enjoy going, whether it's a local hobby shop or theatre. Get involved in some other activity in which you meet others,...volunteer. pretty soon you develop a cadre of friends...and of them,.. possibly a lover! Happy Hunting!

Jan 16, 2010, 9:34 AM
Believe me, Nobody MADE you bi, gay, straight, skinny, fat, smart, or stupid!

Those are all things you possess already.

You may have allowed him to assist you in the experience, but the seed of your bisexuality was already planted, whether or not you knew it.

Jan 16, 2010, 9:52 AM
Generally, I agree with you but I think that there are sufficient examples involving male rape and male child molestation where the victim adapts homosexual behaviour to state that there may be some questions about the validity of part of your statement.

Believe me, Nobody MADE you bi, gay, straight, skinny, fat, smart, or stupid!

Those are all things you possess already.

You may have allowed him to assist you in the experience, but the seed of your bisexuality was already planted, whether or not you knew it.

Jan 16, 2010, 10:44 AM
I didn't realise your friends could make you Bi :bigrin:.

Why does the post sound like its written by a 13 year old?..... No adult with any degree of maturity especially a Bi person would write like that :eek:.

I'm gonna throw this word out there guys.........


Discuss :grouphug:

Jan 16, 2010, 7:52 PM
its confusing to me as well. I think that I am a virgin because i haven't had sex in ten long years. So I think that is why I said that in my profile. Sorry for the confusion.

Jan 17, 2010, 9:35 PM
I am not a troll. Whatever it is, its not what I am. I am a living human that loves to have sex with males and females. So what if I do have a problem with my writing so what if you guys don't like me so what. I like humans that are nice to me not mean to me. So what if you guys don't care about me being bi at least there are people that like me cares about people that are like me. So what if I do have disabilities with a learning disability with English. So what if people hate me for who I am I don't give up and do my best to do things my way. So I do need to know people here and see how it goes. I do need to do what ways I can go with people here. I males and females so what if you guys don't like me at least consider me a human. Please?

Jan 17, 2010, 9:44 PM
Steven, I didn't say I didn't like you, nor did I criticize you. I just have an opinion that few people can be "made" bisexual.

I'm no psychologist, didn't even play one on TV. I may be wrong and, if shown the evidence, I'll switch my opinions, too.

Sorry, if I touched a nerve.

AND.....I've seen a LOT worse writing, too!

Jan 17, 2010, 9:44 PM
My first exp was a drunken game of truth or dare with my boyfriend at the time and a bi girl hooked up from FindBilover.com I'd kissed girls before but nothing more. We started kissing and it REALLY got Pete off... one thing led to another and whammo! I've been hooked since! xxx