View Full Version : Nasty!

Jan 15, 2010, 11:40 AM
..an this is an evil nasty shitty thing 2 do 2 ne 1...

http://celebrity.aol.co.uk/2010/01/15/lindsay-lohan-in-sex-tape-fears/?icid=main|uk|dl3|link8|http%3A%2F%2Fcelebrity.aol .co.uk%2F2010%2F01%2F15%2Flindsay-lohan-in-sex-tape-fears%2F

Jan 15, 2010, 11:42 AM
Linky Mc Clicky For Fransypoos (http://celebrity.aol.co.uk/2010/01/15/lindsay-lohan-in-sex-tape-fears/?icid=main|uk|dl3|link8|http%3A%2F%2Fcelebrity.aol .co.uk%2F2010%2F01%2F15%2Flindsay-lohan-in-sex-tape-fears%2F)

Jan 15, 2010, 11:45 AM
Ta Joesy poos...muuuuuuuaah!!!!;)

Jan 15, 2010, 4:56 PM
It sounds about right :(. There are some bastards out there sadly.

Jan 15, 2010, 5:29 PM
I'd have him kneecapped

Cheers Chook :bigrin:

Jan 16, 2010, 9:49 AM
Shades of Jo, Fran hey? I hope she is able to hand out a similar punishment.

Jan 16, 2010, 11:21 AM
Shades of Jo, Fran hey? I hope she is able to hand out a similar punishment.Did enta me mind Sam..we can but hope...:tong:

Jan 16, 2010, 7:26 PM
Thinkya missed point hun..wosn talkin bout wots on the tape bein nasty..but fact that sum sik bastard feels they can make a buck sellin it 2 the media or is a gud idea 2 shuv it on the net..

...so ya has a gud giggle huh? Ther for but the grace a God go I as the ole sayin goes.. not a fan a Lohan but neitha is me sum 1 who wants 2 c er hav a harder time in 'er life than needs b..

...fact ya refer 2 'er as a whore shows us wot u thinka human beins.. celebs do daft things like ne 1 else.. an yep..this if its true wos spectacularly daft..but thats not the point is it?? Its wetha or not wot we do in bedroom..or wereva..for fun as part a our life shud b private..things like this shud.. wetha yas a celeb..or jus a lil girl from downtown who kno 1 has ev heard a or partic cares bout... public interest don mean wot we do an film a wot we get up 2 wiv sum otha person... lotsa the public mite b interested in gettin off on it.. but that dusn justify it bein sent round 2 all an sundry...

Jan 16, 2010, 8:32 PM
You're over analyzing my post waaaaaaaaaaaay too much.

An attention whore is a term used for someone who does things for attention which many celebrities such as Lohan and Paris Hilton would fall into this category and even male celebrities do too. It's not like these are unknown people who are not in the public eye to begin with.

As for the tape and people making money off of it, what do you think is going to happen with it? Just look at the video of Pamela Lee Anderson and the one of Paris Hilton.

If she had any brass balls and intelligence to begin with Lohan would not have made the tape at all or since it's already probably going to be released she should just release it and make money off of it herself and own the rights to it.

It's only 47 seconds of footage and who knows, perhaps Lohan herself set this all up as a way of getting attention since nobody cares about her anymore and she's a horrible actor who is a complete self destructive cokehead?

Maybe ur rite..mayb me is ova analysin.. but not 2 much me don think...do know the term attention whore..kno wot it means an all..hav even been accused of it.. jus loathe the term whore used for woteva reason...

..an not sayin she the best at 'er job..not sayin she is ova brite eitha.. reely don kno that much bout 'er cept mayb that she seems a mitey disturbed gal..

....dusn matta how long the damn thing is..47 secs or 47 mins.. reason peeps gerraway wiv it is cos peeps luff 2 c celebs fall flat on ther face.. am not big inta the cult a celebrity.. ther r celebs me has a lotta time for cosa ther talent ( yea an sumtimes ther yumminess).. but am not 1 who thinks bout them day in an day out.. but in end they r human beins..an as such don deserve crap poured on ther heads by unscrupulous peeps.. yea sure she shudnta made the tape..but jeez...every human bein on face a the planet has dun stupid things.. me no exception... jus think its bloody disgraceful wen it all ends up on front page or the net simply cos they hav a name... wetha celeb or no..privacy unless ther is a gud reason not 2..shud b respected...

Jan 17, 2010, 4:57 PM
There is merit in your argument hun. It does however smack a little of contempt and not a little envy. I am prepared to accept I may be wrong in this. I try to have compassion for every human being, at least until they have proven so completely undeserving of any such compassion. She is a woman with problems and lots of them. Rich or not she doesnt deserve them to be compounded nore than they already are. Until such times as she admits responsibility for any release of the tape then I give her the benefit of the doubt. Simply because she is rich and a cokehead as you say, doesnt mean that anyone has the right to humiliate her any further than she has already done to herself. As yet she has not proven to me that she is entirely worthless.

Regarding her wealth, where she lives and her vocation, I do agree she should consider herself very lucky. Compared to the poorest of this world she has few problems. I have frequently written in forums about the injustice which exists in the world, and of the poverty and starvation and what I believe are the causes of it. I need no lectures from you or anyone else about that. Yet I would not be the person I am if I did not feel compassion for one who has so much good fortune in many ways, yet has thrown so much of it away for reasons even allowing for all the adverse publicity, to a great extent we can only speculate about.

Let me declare a personal interest here. Someone very close to me once had pics of herself posted on the net in very revealing, suggestive and compromising poses. Many people have such pictures taken with their current boy or girlfriends. Profiles on this site are full of them. In this case these were posted by a vindictive boy friend with whom she had had a particularly nasty break up. It is a danger any who allows such pics to be taken risks and is an absolutely reprehensible act. Because of this, and having seen the hurt and damage done to one I care a great deal for, and having been involved in the aftermath, I could do no other for one I do not know. Rich or otherwise. I reiterate what I have said. Its nasty. No matter the person involved.

Jan 17, 2010, 6:20 PM
I miss healthy, happy Lindsay Lohan- I want to see a grown-up version of the girl who once charmed me in "The Parent Trap"- freckled and pale instead of pasty and washed-out, brilliantly redheaded instead of bleached into submission, healthy and robust instead of painfully skinny, happy and smiling, getting decent work instead of straight-to-DVD movies.

When actresses (or actors) like that- who seem to be doing fine- have sex tapes threatening to come out, I don't mind so much. When it's somebody I already feel bad for, like Lindsay, I just feel bad, and yes, I honestly hate the people who profit off of it.