View Full Version : God I'm Showing Up On Gayday (Part Deux!)

Jan 15, 2010, 9:50 AM
Well after my original post I'm getting kinda used to the Idea I'm showing up on Gayday so to speak. Today I went into town to get stuff for my flatmate and me and well.......

Three guys standing outside a pub. They were old in comparison to me (late 30's perhaps) but very well dressed and groomed. Suspect they had been to a business meeting or something important.

Anyway one of the guys in this group picked me out like straight away and gave me this funny look. He kinda smiles in an almost winking sense (although he didn't wink it was just a cheeky grin).

Like I sad I'm getting used to this type of attention now but part of me feels.... well freaked out and the other half thinks its a fantastic compliment :bigrin:.

I'v noticed certains types of girls that would never have bothered looking at me before (Well I think so) kinda smiling at me not always in a sexual way but in a friendly kinda way. Are these Bi/Lesbian girls?...

Jan 15, 2010, 1:32 PM
Gayday? You mean Gaydar, Babe? And couldnt just be that you are particularly cute or something? ;) (Having never seen your pic I dont know)
Sometimes a persons confidance shines out when they are out and about. (No pun intended) and it showed that day.
Just be happy about it and be You at all times.
Have fun Darlin, but be safe too..:}

Jan 15, 2010, 4:50 PM
I dunno? People do tell me in cute but I don't believe I'm that good looking. I'm no minger perhaps I'm average?

Ye I guess that might be it. Oh well I'l have fun and I'l be safe :bigrin:

Cheers Mountaincat your the best :)

Jan 16, 2010, 9:44 PM
More likely that atm you are feeling and looking really, really good!

However that said, I believe gaydar sort of does exist.
However, a close longtime and very gay friend of mine considers gaydar is there from day 1. It doesn't magically appear after you come out or after you start reading gay literature.
She always said I "glowed" gay even at the most hetero moment with my ex.

I have on a number of (extremely fulfilling :tong:) occasions just "known" that the women in the lift, or the loo or opposite me was gay.

Oh the mysteries of this world we live in!!