View Full Version : Blessings to those in Haiti

Jan 13, 2010, 8:42 PM
I have had the fortune or misfortune, depending upon how you view it, of visiting Haiti a few times back in the day I was in the Coast Guard.

On several occassions--we had come across boats moving north from that nation, full of people trying to escape all of the negative situations that seem to befall that nation.

We would find their version of small freighters or fishing boats---ranging from around 40 feet up to about 100 feet---filled from the bilges to the upper decks with people.

The conditions on those boats was awful---stuffed full of hot, sweaty people--bilges of the boats filled with all kinds of unmentionable fluids and those fluids weren't just coming from leaking engine oil seals or fuel lines.

There would be strips of dried fish and meats hanging from the overheads.

There was no doubt---when you went on a boarding team on one of those boats-----you were going to be losing your lunch.

Most often---the boats were so unseaworthy----we could not leave the people on board them----we had to take those people on board our cutter or others that come on scene to assist in the operation---we kept them up on the outer decks as long as weather allowed--we had no room for them inside and we didn't want too much close contact--we wore gloves and face masks in our interactions with them.

Once we had the people on board----we loaded up our guns--set off some charges on board, and opened the seacocks on those boats to make sure they sank---most of the time that was no problem--one time we had one of those boats falling apart as we came acorss them and had twenty or so Haitians swimming around in the water till we fished them out. We had to sink the boats since they would become "a hazard to navigation" if we did not make sure they went to the bottom.

When they were on the deck and the boat was on the bottom--we made way to Haiti--often pulling into port in Port au Prince and a few other places.

Port au Prince is not "too bad" compared to other places in that country---it is one of those places that has a veneer of modernerity to it---but it was for the most part---a pretty rough place.

Other places in Haiti we had pulled into----they are hardly modern at all---even though Haiti shares the island of Hispanola with the Dominican Republic--the two neighboring countries could hardly be more alike----while there is some vegatation in the Haitian countryside---it is mostly scrub----cross the border into the DR and you have thick tropical forests. At night---in Haiti---you can tell in the areas away from Port au Prince or the other "major towns" =-they don't have electrical service--the only light comes from fires, flashlights or fuel lanterns. In the DR--you see the lights are on.

I remember one night--we had anchored in this bay off this one town we had brought people back to. It was on the border with the DR---the Haitian side was basically black--while a DR town a few miles away--was all lit up---you could hear music coming from it--see bars and stuff in the binoculars--couldn't see much at all going on in the Haitian town.

The Haitians stripped away most of their big trees years ago to build houses, boats or for firewood.

Most of the outlying villages---they might be built around a single well---and you will see women carying as many five gallon plastic buckets as they can-usually one in each hand--one somehow balanced on their heads. Those women will walk to those villages from their settlements or farms from as far as 20 miles each day, so we were told!!

I had always wondered why I would see Haitian freighters heading out from Miami loaded down with plastic buckets--I sure found out why on my "visits" there.

I have to say--Haiti--before this latest disaster--was already a sad, sad place for so many reaons. It is the poorest country in the Western Hemisphere.

The visions of what I saw in the Straits of Florida and on that island obviously remain with me--this event sure brings it back to me like I am reliving it.

It hardly seems that this place can take anymore beat downs---but I am sure the people will survive----I do know one thing----in my post CG days--I had gone to work for the state of Florida and we had a number of Haitians that worked in my agency---I wound up becoming good friends with them.

They are a people with great heart, even though--it does scare me they have some with a black heart that can become a member of a group like the Tonton Macoutes.

I heard a few of our dumbledee right wingnuts here in the States talking about what happened in Haiti----Pat Robertson said that this disaster is God taking his wrath on the Haitian people since "he knows for sure" that the Haitians made a pact with the devil to rid their nation of the French. Fat Assed Flush Limbaugh didn't talk about the reasons why the disaster happened--he made some hateful comments about how Barack Obama was using the tradgedy in a false fashion to show his supposed compassion--but it is only part of Barack's evil grab for power--what a couple of sick bastards---both of them had better pray damn hard there really is no God---if there is--they are gonna get a celestial fucking when it comes time for their judgement day!! Pat Robertson--I can kinda see where he is coming from--with the fat man----forget political ideology--that man has a dark, dark heart himself!!!

As far as the earhquake and aftershocks are concerned---seismologists said that the fault that broke today that caused this quake--- last had a major quake take place a bit over 300 years ago---and it was more than due to break again---so this is not the "wrath of God"--but merely the ongoing processes of a geologically active planet.

300 years ago----there was not much in Haiti and the "modern construction" of Haiti----sure doesn't come up to any kind of degree of modern safety and construction standards, especially for areas prone to earthquakes.
Those lax standards lead to the devastation of this quake.

I know it is not popular for many Americans these days to care much for peoples other than "civilized ones"---I am sure that most Americans probably feel that Haitians are not civilized, so they don't deserve much sympathy or our concern.

I think--that as fellow human beings---the people of Haiti do deserve our help, concern and good wishes----and some of our money to help them rebuild--they sure don't have the capability to basically rebuild what was already a pretty flimsy society.

My heart goes out to the Haitians----I will open my checkbook and send what I can to one of the relief agencies working to help the people there.

I hope that you all feel the same way I do and consider writing a check for some amount--no matter how large or small.

At least---I hope you don't simply turn a blind eye to them----or react that for whatever reason---the Haitians deserve some sort of scorn. It is not a matter of being a "bleeding heart liberal"--it is about being a human being that is concerned for fellow human beings suffering a horrible calamity!!!

Jan 14, 2010, 1:02 AM
I will not turn a blind eye to them.... I intend to do what ever I can do to help them is this crisis.....

And I also intend to do what ever I can to stop stupid, ignorant people like Pat Robertson from taking advantage of their plight in order to promote Christian's stupid dumb-ass notions of a god who allowed all this to happen in the first place.

Jan 14, 2010, 2:20 AM
I have had the fortune or misfortune, depending upon how you view it, of visiting Haiti a few times back in the day I was in the Coast Guard.

On several occassions--we had come across boats moving north from that nation, full of people trying to escape all of the negative situations that seem to befall that nation.

We would find their version of small freighters or fishing boats---ranging from around 40 feet up to about 100 feet---filled from the bilges to the upper decks with people.

The conditions on those boats was awful---stuffed full of hot, sweaty people--bilges of the boats filled with all kinds of unmentionable fluids and those fluids weren't just coming from leaking engine oil seals or fuel lines.

There would be strips of dried fish and meats hanging from the overheads.

There was no doubt---when you went on a boarding team on one of those boats-----you were going to be losing your lunch.

Most often---the boats were so unseaworthy----we could not leave the people on board them----we had to take those people on board our cutter or others that come on scene to assist in the operation---we kept them up on the outer decks as long as weather allowed--we had no room for them inside and we didn't want too much close contact--we wore gloves and face masks in our interactions with them.

Once we had the people on board----we loaded up our guns--set off some charges on board, and opened the seacocks on those boats to make sure they sank---most of the time that was no problem--one time we had one of those boats falling apart as we came acorss them and had twenty or so Haitians swimming around in the water till we fished them out. We had to sink the boats since they would become "a hazard to navigation" if we did not make sure they went to the bottom.

When they were on the deck and the boat was on the bottom--we made way to Haiti--often pulling into port in Port au Prince and a few other places.

Port au Prince is not "too bad" compared to other places in that country---it is one of those places that has a veneer of modernerity to it---but it was for the most part---a pretty rough place.

Other places in Haiti we had pulled into----they are hardly modern at all---even though Haiti shares the island of Hispanola with the Dominican Republic--the two neighboring countries could hardly be more alike----while there is some vegatation in the Haitian countryside---it is mostly scrub----cross the border into the DR and you have thick tropical forests. At night---in Haiti---you can tell in the areas away from Port au Prince or the other "major towns" =-they don't have electrical service--the only light comes from fires, flashlights or fuel lanterns. In the DR--you see the lights are on.

I remember one night--we had anchored in this bay off this one town we had brought people back to. It was on the border with the DR---the Haitian side was basically black--while a DR town a few miles away--was all lit up---you could hear music coming from it--see bars and stuff in the binoculars--couldn't see much at all going on in the Haitian town.

The Haitians stripped away most of their big trees years ago to build houses, boats or for firewood.

Most of the outlying villages---they might be built around a single well---and you will see women carying as many five gallon plastic buckets as they can-usually one in each hand--one somehow balanced on their heads. Those women will walk to those villages from their settlements or farms from as far as 20 miles each day, so we were told!!

I had always wondered why I would see Haitian freighters heading out from Miami loaded down with plastic buckets--I sure found out why on my "visits" there.

I have to say--Haiti--before this latest disaster--was already a sad, sad place for so many reaons. It is the poorest country in the Western Hemisphere.

The visions of what I saw in the Straits of Florida and on that island obviously remain with me--this event sure brings it back to me like I am reliving it.

It hardly seems that this place can take anymore beat downs---but I am sure the people will survive----I do know one thing----in my post CG days--I had gone to work for the state of Florida and we had a number of Haitians that worked in my agency---I wound up becoming good friends with them.

They are a people with great heart, even though--it does scare me they have some with a black heart that can become a member of a group like the Tonton Macoutes.

I heard a few of our dumbledee right wingnuts here in the States talking about what happened in Haiti----Pat Robertson said that this disaster is God taking his wrath on the Haitian people since "he knows for sure" that the Haitians made a pact with the devil to rid their nation of the French. Fat Assed Flush Limbaugh didn't talk about the reasons why the disaster happened--he made some hateful comments about how Barack Obama was using the tradgedy in a false fashion to show his supposed compassion--but it is only part of Barack's evil grab for power--what a couple of sick bastards---both of them had better pray damn hard there really is no God---if there is--they are gonna get a celestial fucking when it comes time for their judgement day!! Pat Robertson--I can kinda see where he is coming from--with the fat man----forget political ideology--that man has a dark, dark heart himself!!!

As far as the earhquake and aftershocks are concerned---seismologists said that the fault that broke today that caused this quake--- last had a major quake take place a bit over 300 years ago---and it was more than due to break again---so this is not the "wrath of God"--but merely the ongoing processes of a geologically active planet.

300 years ago----there was not much in Haiti and the "modern construction" of Haiti----sure doesn't come up to any kind of degree of modern safety and construction standards, especially for areas prone to earthquakes.
Those lax standards lead to the devastation of this quake.

I know it is not popular for many Americans these days to care much for peoples other than "civilized ones"---I am sure that most Americans probably feel that Haitians are not civilized, so they don't deserve much sympathy or our concern.

I think--that as fellow human beings---the people of Haiti do deserve our help, concern and good wishes----and some of our money to help them rebuild--they sure don't have the capability to basically rebuild what was already a pretty flimsy society.

My heart goes out to the Haitians----I will open my checkbook and send what I can to one of the relief agencies working to help the people there.

I hope that you all feel the same way I do and consider writing a check for some amount--no matter how large or small.

At least---I hope you don't simply turn a blind eye to them----or react that for whatever reason---the Haitians deserve some sort of scorn. It is not a matter of being a "bleeding heart liberal"--it is about being a human being that is concerned for fellow human beings suffering a horrible calamity!!!

A very well written, interesting and compassionate piece, Volty. Your last paragraph says it all. As human beings we should, all of us, as individuals, care about what happens to every other human being on this planet. No god damned Haiti, or brought down it's wrath upon the people. It's a natural disaster....the planet doing what the heck it wants and that is something we can have no control over.

In whatever way, even by donating a dollar note, a pound coin, a few euros, we can all help people in such situations. We can't stop bozos from making stupid remarks, like those coming from the mouths of the ''great and good,'' which you quoted. Of course they could be told that a god would not approve of what they say, but decent people don't sat the kind of things those men said and don't believe that a nation, a people, deserve what happens to them, and so would not wish the wrath of a god upon an individual.

Best to tell people like that and tell them frequently, that they are fools. People like that don't shed tears when they see news footage of distraught people....the bereaved...the made homeless by the earthquake

But, there are also some people, who all too often, are very fond of shedding crocodile tears and feigning false concern. Most of us speak with others, about what has happened, then grieve quietly, for the citizens of any country, where there has been a natural disaster, and we make a contribution to an appropriate charity. It's all that most of us can do.

As a mother, my thoughts always dwell upon those fellow mothers, who lose their children, the fathers, too and for any child which may lose it's parents. Makes me realise how lucky I am, to live in a country which, though capable of having earthquakes happen, is never in any danger of a disaster like Haiti.

Long Duck Dong
Jan 14, 2010, 2:40 AM
they already have my support....... its like I wrote in another site.... I do not give a shit what they believe, eat think etc.... they are are people that have been hit bloody hard and I will give what i can to help....

I am a firm believer of give while I can and what I can... cos I never know when I will need a helping hand too.... or who that hand will come from

my heart goes out to those that have lost families, family and loved ones... and from a distance, I extend my arms in a hug too.....
I just wish there was more i could do as I answer to my countries goverment make excuses as to why they can not help

Jan 14, 2010, 3:44 AM
Thanks guys, I guess I might have a bit of PTSD or something with this situation.

I have been watching the coverage on the cable news channels and also am listening to the BBC Radio World News coverage of the disaster.

I also dug out some of my old stuff from the CG days--hard to believe that the early days of that is nearly 30 years on now!! Holy Cow!!

I had almost forgotten I had done this---but my boat in 1985 had been assigned to help deliver and train a new coastal patrol boat to the Coast Guard Division of the Haitian Defence Force (using the English spelling) since that is the way of many Caribbean countries--and of Haiti for the English translations of their French names for things.

We spent almost a month with a group of the Haitian Coast Guard people to help get them qualified to operate the patrol boat (we had wished that we were the ones gettting that boat--it was a very nice one--of French origin as I recall and part of program run by the UN or perhaps the "Caribbean Basin Initiative" to provide modern military equipment to the various nations of that part of the world--most of the Caribbean nations had gotten at least one of that class of boat----it was very modern, very sleek, very fast and very "plush" for a military style vessel, it had much better armament on it than our boat did---overall--a much better ship than our dead tired old 95' class cutters that were built in the 1950s!!--this was the mid-1980s)

We trained the Haitian crews in all phases of operating a boat of this sort--we made friendships with those guys and a few ladies----in the off time--we got invited to their homes, were offered meals and such. They might not have much--but you were guests in their home--and they treated you well.

I do think--as much as the people of Haiti have been through---it does stick in my mind-and I heard some people in the various interviews say this--the Haitian people are if nothing---RESILIENT, but then again---to have your capital city wiped out--and I heard that more than half the nation's population of around nine millioin--live in the Port au Prince area----that has to be damn tough. I heard some Haitians say that they don't know if they can recover from this disaster. I hope they do--they really don't have any choice when you think about it.

A few things I also heard in the reports--in regards to my recollection about Haiti being denuded--NBC News reporter Michelle Kosinski--in doing a report for a program on MSNBC, talked about the difference between the Dominican Republic and Haiti--Haiti only has three percent of its forests remaining----while the DR has around 40 percent of its forests remaining. With the DR--the loss of their forest and jungles is not because it was stripped for the same reasons that Haiti's were-----they have been lost to development and "urbanization" with things like massive vacation resorts having been built.

I did find that there are some pretty places out away from Port au Prince--with development money---there are a few spots that were created where cruise ships come in and a few resort spots were built for tourism. I found photos of those places--and they are your typical, lush Caribbean type spots.

I know that I had not been kind in my description of Port au Prince itself----but in my trips there----there are nice areas-----up in the hills and mountains surrounding the city--that is where the wealthier Haitians live and so do those from the US, UK, France and elsewhere who come to live in Haiti for whatever reason.

There are a large number of Americans who live in the country---around 40,000 or so--but many Americans do things like run religious missions, orphanages and things of that nature.

I have heard that with this quake--many of the homes up in the "rich" areas were also destroyed or badly damaged----they were built to more modern standards--but from what has been reported--the quake has caused parts of hills and mountains to come down.

In regards to one other thing I said in my previous post----about sending money--none other than former US president Bill Clintion said that people should do what they can do for Haiti--"even if all you send is a dollar."

I found a few recommendations for that end---send money to the American Red Cross, or the International Red Cross, UNICEF or Medcines Sans Frontieres (Doctors Without Borders)

All of them need funds badly for this effort.

To some other points--my Coast Guard took an early and important role in the disaster--first----Coast Guard aircraft were the first US military planes to make it there-----they ran sorties over the Port au Prince area to survey the damage and two Coast Guard Cutters arrived in the area early on and they provided initial air traffic control coming into the Port au Prince international airport for the many relief flight aircraft that were making their way to the island---now the US Army has established a temporary ATC for the real kick in of in bound aircraft coming from all over the world loaded with food, medicines, clothes, and other disaster equipment and supplies.

To the Coast Guard personnel---I am proud of them--SEMPER PARATUS!!

I know I am rambling--I just figured that I had some things I needed to get out on this----and might as well do it here I figure----hopefully I am also providing everyone with something they might find interesting about this country.

Haiti does have an interesting history--and this brings to mind one more point that I want to make.

On Rachel Maddow' MSNBC show---she had the Haitian Ambassador to United States on her show. He made it quite clear--he took great offense at the comments of that dumb ass, Pat Robertson.

In a very calm, dignified way---the Ambassador reminded Americans that thanks to their uprising to break French control of the island and ending the slavery---this allowed the US to make the Louisiana Purchase----with us buying land from the French at the whopping sum of three cents per acre, with those lands becoming 13 of our states west of the Missisippi River!!

The Ambassador said that if a deal was struck with the devil by the Haitians--we Americans sure did profit from it as well!! Nothing like an intelligent, reasonable man to speak "some truth to power!" I know though---people like
Pat Robertson don't let inconvenient things like facts and reason to stop him from spouting his rubbish though!!!!

I guess I had know this fact too--but other than the US----Haiti is the second oldest democracy here in the "new world."

It was from Haiti that Simon Bolivar left with his troops to go on to bring democracy to Latin America as the Haitian Ambassador also reminded us.

We in America--our history and theirs are very closely intertwined. I am sure that in some quarters---we are going to have people saying things like "we are having our own troubles these days---why should we have to worry about doing anything for that place and those people???"

Like I said before--it is the decent thing to do-they are our neighbors afterall and they are fellow human beings who have suffered a great trauma. They need and deserve our help.

Well, for those who did hang in here--thanks for reading this PTSD induced ramble!! :bigrin::bigrin::eek::eek:

Hope ya found it to be of at least some interest!!

Jan 14, 2010, 4:21 AM
Keep it coming Volty. You're not rambling. You are posting some very interesting stuff and if you have more to share, then I am more than eager to read it.

And well done to the Haitian Ambassador. Guess he must be a little more educated and of better class than anyone making stupid remarks about the earthquake.

And LDD.....how could one disagree with your sentiments. Spot on.

Jan 14, 2010, 8:39 AM
It was brought home to me this morning when I was informed that one of my students had family, including a grandmother, in and around Port au Prince and wouldnt be in for the rest of the week. From being like a bad dream from which there can be no awakening, suddenly it became a very real tragedy which affects millions of lives and touches directly more millions around the world. My thoughts go with all in Haiti and those who have loved ones in the country and who do not yet know their fate.

Jan 14, 2010, 9:13 AM
Besides my husband more than likely going to physically help, I'm hoping to be able to run down to red cross before the end of the week and donate blood. That's all that I really could do, but it's something.

Jan 14, 2010, 10:03 AM
For anyone wanting to make a financial contribution---here is one way--its through Bill Clinton's foundation-they have links to a few other programs that are accepting them to.


Jan 14, 2010, 10:10 AM
A lot of us are having trouble coping in this economy, but those poor people have been oppressed, abused, and held hostage to brutal governments for their whole lives.

Our poorest citizens can't imagine the terrible conditions those people have had to live under.

I, for one, am making a donation, with the hopes that it gets to those who need it the most.

Jan 14, 2010, 11:17 AM
Canya not do summat bout peeps like 'im?? Hardly the time is it?


Jan 14, 2010, 12:36 PM
Canya not do summat bout peeps like 'im?? Hardly the time is it?


If you think about it logically its great he's saying this. Everytime a religious person comes out with a load of bullcrap then less people will give them the time of day. I'd rather that than them come up with plausible theories :bigrin:.

As for the people on Hiati. Well I sent my money this morning :). Tempted to donate 10% of the profit from my two websites for the month too. Lots of companies are doing a similar thing it seems kinda right doesn't it. Its nice to see so many countries going all out to help too :).

Jan 14, 2010, 2:50 PM
If you think about it logically its great he's saying this. Everytime a religious person comes out with a load of bullcrap then less people will give them the time of day. I'd rather that than them come up with plausible theories :bigrin:.

As for the people on Hiati. Well I sent my money this morning :). Tempted to donate 10% of the profit from my two websites for the month too. Lots of companies are doing a similar thing it seems kinda right doesn't it. Its nice to see so many countries going all out to help too :).

As far as the UK is concerned me wud agree wivya in the main Giggles hun.. we tend 2 b uncomfy an embarrassed bout peeps like Robertson an religies a the right who r wot we wud think of as oddbods.. not quite so sure bout the US tho...

Point me makin is that wen disaster happens like Haiti we shud b rallyin round tryin 2 help.. personally an nationally.. not bringin up wot may or may notta happened 200 odd years go.. the sins a the fathers shud nev b visited 'pon the sons... not bein small minded an talkin bull...

Jan 14, 2010, 3:29 PM
Like everybody else, there's good and bad Haitians. They need help, let's get it to them!

The kind of theories, like Robertson's, are not a reflection of mine, or of anyone I know..........AND, he certainly has never helped sway a decision of mine, one way, or another!

I watched part of one of his programs, one time when I was sick, and decided right then, that he'll never speak for me!

Jan 15, 2010, 1:34 AM
I, for one, am making a donation, with the hopes that it gets to those who need it the most.

Thank you.... but be careful how you make that donation. Unfortunately, whenever there is a human tragedy such as this, there are those scum out there who would take advantage of it.

Probably the most secure way is to make a donation directly to the International Red Cross and specify that you want your contribution to go exclusively to the Haitian relief fund.

Jan 15, 2010, 1:41 AM
Canya not do summat bout peeps like 'im?? Hardly the time is it?

If I understand you correctly (of which I am never certain).. The answer is NO, you can not do anything about them, because their ignorance and stupidity is protected by something called "Freedom of Speech". That most certainly has it's up-sides and it's down-sides does it not???

Jan 15, 2010, 1:59 AM
If I understand you correctly (of which I am never certain).. The answer is NO, you can not do anything about them, because their ignorance and stupidity is protected by something called "Freedom of Speech". That most certainly has it's up-sides and it's down-sides does it not???

No, it's not an ''up-sides and downsides''...because by having the freedom to spew bile, the man is being shown how lucky he is. His actions and words show him for what he truly is (not that I have heard this particular man, but I can imagine the sort of things said...it's been done before). Intelligent people, will hopefully ignore his ignorance, but no way can you say it's not fair for him to be heard, no one can. Freedom of speech should mean just that....the ability to say exactly what one wants to say...even if it is wrong in the eyes of the majority.

There are many things in life, on this earth which are wrong, unfair, cruel and downright evil. It's not fair for people to lie to others, it's not fair that people die from disease or in war, but it happens.....it's life...it's the ature of the beast. One day, maybe all people will be caring and love their fellow humans, but until such time, those that do care and it is the majority of people living upon this planet, will just have to show the fools, the cruel, the liars, the racist, the religious and spiritual bigots, that heck, what they say is of little consequence. The decent people of this fair earth, care about the people in Haiti and will therefore, help them in any way possible....however large, or small that help is.

Jan 15, 2010, 8:52 AM
If I understand you correctly (of which I am never certain).. The answer is NO, you can not do anything about them, because their ignorance and stupidity is protected by something called "Freedom of Speech". That most certainly has it's up-sides and it's down-sides does it not???

Well actually ther is Adam.. the media can iggie 'im..society can marginalise 'im, peeps can protest 'gainst 'im..we can ridicule 'im.. we can shout so loudly that 'is bile is neva heard.. ther r lots can b dun bout peeps like 'im.. not sayin take away his freedom a speech.. am sayin that e' shudn b allowed 2 gerraway wiv it so easily..

Reckon that me wud allow Robertson an 'is cronies more leeway wen it cums 2freedom a speech than 'e wud eva allow me..

Denis Nzioka
Jan 15, 2010, 9:22 AM
My prayers and support to Haiti and its people.

Jan 15, 2010, 12:18 PM
Well actually ther is Adam.. the media can iggie 'im..society can marginalise 'im, peeps can protest 'gainst 'im..we can ridicule 'im.. we can shout so loudly that 'is bile is neva heard.. ther r lots can b dun bout peeps like 'im.. not sayin take away his freedom a speech.. am sayin that e' shudn b allowed 2 gerraway wiv it so easily..

Reckon that me wud allow Robertson an 'is cronies more leeway wen it cums 2freedom a speech than 'e wud eva allow me..

^5 darkeyes......spot on

And more thoughts going out to those in Haiti. I just wish our local Red Cross shop hadn't closed.

Jan 15, 2010, 12:55 PM
In the US there is an easy way to make a donation to the Red Cross----send a text message to 90999 and type "Haiti"--that makes an automatic ten dollar donation which you pay as part of your cell phone bill--I have done that a few times.

I just heard a minute or so before posting this message--they have raised around $8 million this way thus far.

As far as Pat Robertson's comments are concerned---I wonder why those who are also leaders of other Christian churches do not denounce his comments----in my paper today--they had an entire special section about the disaster down there. In stories done about our local connections---we have many folks down there doing missionary work--I had a doctor that I used to see for my med care---he spends a month or so down there each year doing pro bono medical work down there.

I also continue to be pissed at Rush Limbaugh for spouting off his vile about how Barack Obama is using the Haiti situation to feather his nest---I don't much care for Limbaugh for many reasons---but with this situation and his comments about it--this does go beyond things like ideology or political views---I do wonder if that man has one ounce of human compassioin or caring in him----to me---Rush Limbaugh is a vile, contemptable individual!!!

To crib from a famous quote made years ago--"Sir, do you have no sense of decency???"

Someone of great stature in public life needs to dress down Mr. Limbaugh if such a thing is possible---he really is full of himself----- that big fat drug addicted, hypocrtical fart bag!!!!

His existence meets the standard the US Supreme Court set as what is obscene---Rush Limbaugh has no redeeming social value!!!

Jan 15, 2010, 1:20 PM
I also continue to be pissed at Rush Limbaugh for spouting off his vile about how Barack Obama is using the Haiti situation to feather his nest---I don't much care for Limbaugh for many reasons---but with this situation and his comments about it--this does go beyond things like ideology or political views---I do wonder if that man has one ounce of human compassioin or caring in him----to me---Rush Limbaugh is a vile, contemptable individual!!!

To crib from a famous quote made years ago--"Sir, do you have no sense of decency???"

Someone of great stature in public life needs to dress down Mr. Limbaugh if such a thing is possible---he really is full of himself----- that big fat drug addicted, hypocrtical fart bag!!!!

His existence meets the standard the US Supreme Court set as what is obscene---Rush Limbaugh has no redeeming social value!!!

Voltie..I dont care why Obama is doing what he is doing over Haiti. The US record over the country is hardly covered with glory.. and there may indeed be alterior motives for him doing what he is doing. About that I reserve judgement, and time will tell in any case.

The main thing is that aid gets to those who need it. That those who can be saved are.. that recovery of the dead starts and quickly.. that homes, quake proofed as far as is possible, are rebuilt and safe drinking water is supplied to all.. that all are fed well.. not just adequately..that the economy and infrastructure of Haiti is rebuilt as quickly as possible and is much, much better and healthier than what existed prior to the quake, and that work and a decent quality of life is provided for all.

Small minded weeds such as Robertson and Limbaugh who say and do things for their own small minded and nasty end are not worth referring to as human beings. Yet because of their constituency unfortunately cannot be ignored. Many think as they do. In this country as well as your own, and so must be challenged and argued with at every opportunity, and exposed for the bigotted arseholes they are.

Jan 15, 2010, 3:12 PM
When it comes to making donations--as usual--they are already reporting that many scam artists have set up shop to get their share of the pie that is going to Haiti--the best thing to do for donations is to stick with entities you know--like I said before---the Red Cross, UNICEF, OXFAM, Doctors Without Borders and others----the US State Department at their web site has created a page on the situation in Haiti with info on good places to donate-so has the White House at www.whitehouse.gov

There are plenty of legit ways to donate--don't want to send your hard earned money to some damn sleazy low life scum bag flim-flam artists!!!