View Full Version : Healthcare on base BLOWS

Jan 13, 2010, 9:51 AM
I've been trying to make an appointment at my clinic for two weeks for a follow up from the miscarriage. They tell me that no appointments are available for the week and that I either have to call back, or they transfer me to an urgent care line to see if I can be seen that way. Everytime I get transfered, I have to leave a message which no one calls back.

The past three days I was feeling really crappy in my lower abdominal region and I wasn't sure if I was having a problem with something related to the miscarriage or if I was just developing one of my many horrible UTI's, so I called the clinic bitching like a maniac about how I haven't been able to get my follow up and I don't want to be transfered to people who aren't going to help me anymore. The nurse on the line listened to what I was feeling and then said that she felt that I should go to the ER just in case.

So I called hubby away from work and he drove me down there, just to find out a half an hour later that they were not going to be seeing anyone in the waiting area for some time because they had a bunch of ambulances come in and they only have 25 beds. Ask me how the second biggest base only has one ER with only 25 beds...but whatever, that's the way it is. So, the last time a situation like this happened at the ER, they started directing some people to their clinics so that is what I decided to do.

I left and went to the clinic as a walk in, which you are not supposed to do. The nurse I ended up speaking to was a TOTAL bitch about that too. The beginning of our conversation goes as follows:

Nurse: So you were instructed to go to the hospital and you just decided that you weren't going to do that huh?
Me: (holds up wrist with hospital bracelet still on it) No, I just came from there. They said that no one was going to be seen for a long time, so I came here.
Nurse: Ok, well you DO realize that we are NOT A WALK IN CLINIC right?
Me: Uh huh.
Nurse: Ya know, anyone here would have said that it was completely ridiculous of you to leave the ER.
Me: Well, I think it's ridiculous that a woman who had a miscarriage has to jump through hoops in order to get a follow up to make sure her uterus isn't about to fall.
Nurse: (gives me a dirty look)

So in the end, after stress of trying to make an appointment, dealing with a bitchy nurse, and feeling like crap for days, I find out I do infact have a UTI and now my pee is orange and I feel miserable.

Just had to vent a bit. Thanks for dealing with my rant like usual everyone :bigrin:

Jan 13, 2010, 1:01 PM
Aw Sweetie. I'm sorry my Rissa feels so bad. Big hugs to you from Eegie and me. ;}
(Want he should go bite her on the butt?) lmao
Your silly Cat

Jan 13, 2010, 4:34 PM
Government run healthcare sucks!

If you have ever been in the military or involved with healthcare for veterans you'd know this.

Hopefully we will not get shitty public insurance or even more government run healthcare by having the bill passed as it will make things worse.

*bites lip*:eek:

Jan 13, 2010, 6:50 PM
As one who was in two services...the Army, from '59-'62 and the Air Force from '63 to '67, I can say that my experiences with those two outfits were miles apart. In almost every incidence, the Air Force was more cheerful, helpful and their expertise and professionalism better.

When I was in the Army, for instance, if I had a dental problem, they'd pull a tooth with little hesitation.

In the Air Force, it was difficult to get them to pull one! If at all possible, they'd save a tooth...the expense was not an issue.

Of course, that was a long time ago, but it looks like Rissa has found that it's not much better than my ancient Army experiences.

Rissa, I really think you need to take some names, dates, and details, listing what has happened to you, and contact the Inspector General! If you were my wife, I'd be hauling all of that info to the IG's office...ASAP!

Jan 13, 2010, 7:07 PM
Yes, well, they have definitely gotten better since you've been in Realist haha. My husband has actually been getting a lot of dental work done lately and they've been great.

Jan 13, 2010, 9:01 PM
Are you getting your health care from TriCare Rissa?? or the direct military health care??

I know that medicine related in its various forms with the military can be "hit or miss"

I get health care from the VA--it is not perfect but then again--better than none at all for sure.

One thing I do like they are doing now--in some cases---they are now paying for treatment for certain things now to outside health providers--like cancer treatment at the Mayo Clinic and heart related issues at The Cleveland Clinic and other places of that sort.

I do know of some horror stories that was provided to service members and their families--but then again--others got incredible health care--you just don't ever know--sorry that you had a shitty experience, Rissa!!

Jan 13, 2010, 10:35 PM
ER's are always kind of hit or miss. Seems every time I take my daughter to one, we're there forever. Other people I know have been in and out in an hour. I hope you feel better soon, Rissa.

Jan 14, 2010, 2:15 AM
You know? I had govt sponsored health care twice in my life!

1st time was when I was in the US Army. Although I never had any need or dealings with the military healthcare system. However, I was able to observe those that did, and for some it was excellent, No problems, For others it was hell, They would jump from one dead end challange to another. In short, an exercise in frustration.

2nd time was with a state sponsored system from Tennessee called Tenn-Care. I had Tenn-Care for about 8 years. It had been in existance for several years prior to my joining. At first, and for several years things were decent. The amount that a person paid on their policy was dependent on how much money they made. For me it was a little more than what my employer would have paid if I could have been covered by companies sponsored ins plan. But, like I said, it wasn't too terribly bad and the list of providers was excellent, there were no pre-existing conditions clause-es, (that was why I was disqualified by my companies ins policy) I really liked it at the first, there was no co-pay with this one. Then came the rumors that it was costing the state of Tennessee a lot more than they expected, they said that they were going broke and that they were having to go up on their prices. At first the price was reasonable, plenty of providers. As the years went by the price started going up. If they thought that you could afford it there started a co-pay, providers were having to charge less, which caused the providers to start dropping off. Then the price was started going up, corruption, overcharges was everywhere in Tennessee. The Tenn-Care organization was a mass of chaos. If you had a problem, then YOU had problems. As the premiums went up they went further in debt. and providers were then dropping off like flies. In the mid / late 90's the price per month had gone from about $175.00 per month to $650.00. It was about then when I got a letter from them implying that they were going to have more price increase's and don't be surprised if the monthly premiums went up to about $1,200 to $1,400 PER MONTH and that was for a single person!!!!!!! :eek:

I then had no choice but to cancel the Ins policy. I guess that you will disagree with me, which is fine with me. When the govt gets in the health insurance business. Everything will be great at first, but give it a while, it will become super expensive and an impossible monster bureau to deal with. :mad:

MY $2 instead of :2cents: and that's the beginning. Your friend, :doggie:

Jan 14, 2010, 8:54 AM
I'm under the tricare.

I used to be under medical assistance before he joined the military again, and aside from not being able to find a dentist in my area, those benefits were probably the best I had ever had. I'm thinking about trying to get a bit of medical assistance here now too. We qualify for food stamps, so I might qualify for that as well, and if so I need it. They don't have dental on base for dependents, so I have to go off base, which means copays and bills and all that. Well, because of my stupid dental coverage from before, I now have a lot of work to get done on my mouth. I have to spend well over one thousand dollars out of pocket to get my mouth in absolute perfect condition like it used to be, and we just can't do that. Not to mention that my son needs to get dental work done to at the same time as me, which also costs money.

Sigh, I wish that the system would be so much easier around here.