View Full Version : Boy---NBC sure did fuck up!!!

Jan 12, 2010, 5:51 PM
This is a topic pretty much strictly for my fellow yanks and at that-it is really something that makes all kinds of "news" but really has no real importance in most people's lives, but anyhoo---it regards the "situation" at NBC with Jay Leno, Conan O'Brien and their shows on that network.

I knew that it was gonna be a pretty big foul up to put Leno in a nightly show at ten PM---and it of course is!!

Now NBC is cancelling Leno's ten PM show----and here is the latest in this saga----Conan has now said--he won't continue on hosting The Tonight Show if it gets bumped up to 12:05 a.m.

Here is a story with that contains Conan O"Brien's open letter on the issue:


Not that it all of this makes any difference in the price of tea in China---I just find this to be an interesting turn of events. I am kinda glad that the braintrust at NBC fracked this one up so bad--and it is gonna cost 'em a few fortunes to make this one right!!!