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Jan 12, 2010, 1:21 PM
Well I Knew it would happen and I am sad, well depress actually. She was really my first true love, only felt like that for my husband. I am thankful to him for being supportive. She was younger than me. We just could not work out boundaries, I am more at fault than her. I have been with other woman had no problems when we split but this one really hurts. She was my Venus, I told her the Gods cried because they could not touch her, she was mortal. I am sad. I know I will get over but right now I keep thinking "She was my favorite mistake."

Jan 12, 2010, 1:40 PM
Nothing hurts like losing someone you truly love. I've lost, too, and it's not the best part of life.

Wish I could say something to ease your pain, but little anyone can say, or do, will do it. We each have to deal with it the best we can.

The best I can say is, try to do as advised in Mickey Newberry's song, "Remember the Good".


Jan 12, 2010, 2:59 PM
I can offer you a big hug, Girlfriend. And sympathise because I too have been there. Just remember her As your favorite mistake and go forth. :}
Opening arms,:female:

Jan 12, 2010, 3:19 PM
I know how you feel. I lost my first true love 3 years a go, and I still think about.

Sorry for what you're going through.

Jan 15, 2010, 3:00 PM
I can not help it but I miss her, miss her. My husband is trying but I just miss that connection with her. You would think I am a teenager. I am trying to work things out but I am not getting any responds and I am So sad. I miss her. I love writing love letters to her and poems etc. I am so sad. It is hard to talk to my husband about it because he is a guy. His view is I'll find another one but I want her. It not like having a shirt and if it rips you can get another one.

I miss her smell, her eyes, her taste, her wit, her smile I could go on. I miss her giggling at my stories and telling me I brighten up her day. I miss her and it hurts and that is that.:(

Jan 15, 2010, 3:10 PM
You've made me cry too.

I'm sorry for what you're going through.

She is very lucky to have you love her the way you do.
Some people just don't know what it's like to love someone
with all their soul.
I hope she feels the love you've shared as much as you do.


Jan 15, 2010, 5:01 PM
Just remember her As your favorite mistake and go forth

That sounds like a song. If its not one it should be written!

You made me a bit sad with that post Blissful :(. Hopefully time will heal the wounds :).

Jan 15, 2010, 7:07 PM
Sheryl Crow said Favorite Mistake. I listen to K.D Lang the song The Air That I Breathe when I was with her. I use to wander all over before I met my husband. I was 19 and I met a 35 year old woman who kept me, I cared for her 6 years, did not really love her. Went back wandering again met my Husband told him I was Bi. I have being with other women but I LOVED HER. I let her into my heart. I can not believe I did this, I should have just let it be a one night stand. I was so stupid to think it would work. She made me feel like I was wandering again.

I love my husband very much but there is still that other side I thought was finally filled and I felt whole. I sound like a baby and honestly my brain says one thing and my heart says another.:(

Bisexual Explorer
Jan 16, 2010, 6:48 AM
Your sad story brings back sad memories of my own. The best I can suggest is to resolve to keep "First True Love Gone" in a special place in your heart for ever. Take special care of your heart now. Your head will take care of itself.

Jan 16, 2010, 7:14 AM
I listen to K.D Lang the song The Air That I Breathe when I was with her...(

Me dad is a child a the 60's... 'e met me mum at a festival on Isle a Wight.. round the time they met the Hollies "The Air That I Breathe" wos in the charts.. it wosnt zactly luff at 1st sight but mayb 2cd.. the daft ole coot plays this song 2 me mum every anniversary a that 1st meetin..

..for ther 35th weddin anniversary me bruvva, 'is wife, me sista, Kate an me performed our version a the song as tribute 2 2 peeps who wer each othas 1st luff.. they hadn expected it an wotchin the soppy ole coot an the boss look at each otha gobsmacked an streamin tears wos a sight 2 behold...

.. 1st luff we nev forget hun.. ther always remains in us part a that otha person..soz it didn work for ya but wen it dus.. it quite simply the mos awesome thing...

Jan 16, 2010, 9:29 AM
I had two first loves...one male and one female, both in the '50s.

Most of you've never heard the songs that were "our songs"!

Jan 16, 2010, 9:53 AM
..for ther 35th weddin anniversary me bruvva, 'is wife, me sista, Kate an me performed our version a the song as tribute 2 2 peeps who wer each othas 1st luff.. they hadn expected it an wotchin the soppy ole coot an the boss look at each otha gobsmacked an streamin tears wos a sight 2 behold...

Come now Fran. Surely your singing wasn't that bad.;)

Jan 16, 2010, 11:19 AM
Ya cheeky lil bloody tart!!! :eek:

Jan 16, 2010, 1:08 PM
* puts on devil's advocate hat :(

Where are all the condemning ones when they are needed?:eek:

All these women and two guys comforting this woman?

How about the husband?

Why not tell her to smarten up and consider her husband?

Why should he have to console her when she writes about "first true love"?


What is your husband? Your second true love?

Some of you are such hypocrites. Find your game plan and stick to it. Oh, its different, her husband knows...lol
.................................................. ......
ya..I know this is your first same sex true love.

Sorry that you are suffering. Eventually, you'll get over it. Try to focus on other things. I know that is hard. Honestly excluding the razzing of these others...Try to focus on your husband and show him that you love him the most...if you do.

Who was your first true male love, hun?
Gives biblissful a hug.

Jan 16, 2010, 1:23 PM
Condemning ones??? Sorry from what she posted it sounds as if her husband knows she's bi and is supportive. That leads to no condemnation from this person.

I am sorry for your loss, hon. Time does ease all things and eventually you will be able to just smile when you remember her. I do agree with Tenni about letting your husband comfort you at this time, use it to strengthen the nurturing relationship and of course visit us here. Many hugs and warm thoughts for you.

Jan 16, 2010, 3:11 PM
I just my true love and soul mate, SHirley was bisexual and encuorged me to explore my bisexual side never really got here. Shirley was a widow and could never let go of her dead husband. My heart is still hurting for her one side tell me to run the other said wait for her.

Jan 16, 2010, 7:30 PM
Some folks never get over the death of a loved one...find it impossible to let them go. It's wonderful to love deeply and it's not for me to say when to let go. I'd hope you would keep the memories, but continue to live and have as much fun as you can. Who knows what's waiting for us on the other side?

I met a lady who was 70 when her husband died. She was totally lost. Moved with with another widow and for the first time in her life she learned that she was bisexual! Now, a few years later, she is enjoying her new life. Good for her, I say!!

Jan 17, 2010, 5:00 AM
* puts on devil's advocate hat :(

Where are all the condemning ones when they are needed?:eek:

All these women and two guys comforting this woman?

How about the husband?

Why not tell her to smarten up and consider her husband?

Why should he have to console her when she writes about "first true love"?


What is your husband? Your second true love?

Some of you are such hypocrites. Find your game plan and stick to it. Oh, its different, her husband knows...lol
.................................................. ......
ya..I know this is your first same sex true love.

Sorry that you are suffering. Eventually, you'll get over it. Try to focus on other things. I know that is hard. Honestly excluding the razzing of these others...Try to focus on your husband and show him that you love him the most...if you do.

Who was your first true male love, hun?
Gives biblissful a hug.

My Husband is the only man I LOVE,he is so many things from my best friend to my lover, he wears many hats in my life.
Remember I am BI. I knew since I was 7 or 8 . I thought that my life was finally becoming whole with both my husband and her. You can love a lot of people but very few brush against your/my heart and stay there.

We have an open marriage, if he found somebody that he loved more than me I would let him go. I would be sad but I love him so much that I would want him to be happy. I told both of them that my husband was my foundation and she was my garden.

My husband God: the only true male I love, use to babysit him. I am 5 years older
The Sweet Goddess: The only woman I have loved and gave my heart too.

I always am honest with him and he is the same, oh and a lot of "SEX"
Time heals and I know that. I just needed to hear some "wisdom" from others on the matter. It is nice to know others have been through this too and have ways of dealing with the feelings or just caring.

Thank you all.:)

Jan 17, 2010, 6:03 PM
First true love.. hmmm it got me to thinking... it certainly wasnt my first bf. or gf. Or the boy or girl with whom I first had sex. Or any in my teen years. It wasnt my x hubbie who for a while at least I would have done anything for. I thought I loved him but now I am not sure what kind of love that was. Was it the woman I left him for, who in turn pooped all over me? Was that love? In my way I loved all. Still love some even now. When it comes down to it, and I think clearly, I'm pretty sure I now am living my life with the first person with whom I could say "I am IN love". She was and is my first true love.. soppy?? Bloody right..and I don't care..:tong: