View Full Version : cutting.

Jan 11, 2010, 3:15 PM
i cant deal with my problems propley.
so i take it out on myself.
i think it's a way to release the emotional pain inside
& i'm bi and people always call me,
and im always depressed.
but i cant stop ;(
its like a addition.
any ideas?

Jan 11, 2010, 3:33 PM
I think you have more than just Bi issues. Plenty of people (me included) are very happy being Bi and aren't called names. That's because we are confident and wouldn't think twice about a Godfather style slapadaface if anyone was Biphobic to us :bigrin:.

You really need to find help. By the looks of your post it seems your in school/college. You should visit the school nurse and see if she/he can put you in touch with someone.

Sadly you don't know me because I like nothing more than sitting down with a coffee and listening to peoples problems :) (No really I actually do!). I have a PHD in therapeutic cuddles too :three:.

Or you could type it all out and we could reply. I dunno if that will work though cos there ain't nothing like human contact when ya feeling low.

Jan 11, 2010, 3:35 PM
i'm seening this nurse atm.
yeah shes helping alot.
just giving me some time to think about stuff
and sort my head out :)

Jan 11, 2010, 3:52 PM
That's cool..... If you never want a chat just PM me and I'l send you my MSN address :)

Have you thought about keeping a blog of your life? It might be something you can try and train your mind to do when you get the urge to cut yourself. I find writing things down very therapeutic.

Jan 11, 2010, 3:59 PM
yeah thats what the nurse said,
its actually took my mind off things.
+ thanks :)

Jan 11, 2010, 4:28 PM
I learned how to push those feelings to the side a bit. There are many different things that one can do to do this. I like to call up my best friend and chat a bit. I also grab a cig, which isn't necessarily a healthy alternative but hey, it still helps either way haha.

If the urges get too bad, I go and get a tattoo. A bit of an expense sure, but it gives me the same desired affect. I get to feel the discomfort on my skin, but in the end I turn those bad feelings into a pretty work of art for me to look at.

Of course, I don't suggest that you do any of that, just sharing what I've done is all.

Jan 11, 2010, 4:45 PM
yeah i was actually thinking of getting one.
thanks anyways :)

Jan 11, 2010, 4:55 PM
You need to discover the reason you need to experience the pain that cutting allows you to have. People cut because they need to feel "something"...anything...because they can't deal with certain emotional issues and the feelings associated with them. And by no means should you substitute the act with yet another one like getting a tattoo or smoking a cig. There is something serious going on with you that needs to be addressed and no amount of substitution will help you find the root cause of your inner pain. Talk to someone, ASAP....

Jan 11, 2010, 5:29 PM
Listen to Kate. She speaks the truth. We all hurt and we all need someone to help deal with it. Pick someone here if you want and just talk.

Jan 11, 2010, 5:40 PM
Back several years ago, I'd never heard of cutting. A neighbor's son was depressed and having troubles; he was cutting himself, too. His parents both worked all the time and they didn't understand him, and I'm afraid they really didn't want to.

He'd come over and chat with me, sometimes, because I'd talk to him like an equal, with respect, even though I didn't always understand why he did the things he did, I'd still listen to him.

I've always been into cars and like to build vehicles from the ground up, scrounging parts, here and there. I've built several hot rods the traditional way.

The boy got interested, too. One day, I told him that I'd give him an old Volkswagen (that someone had given me) and help him build something out of it, if he'd promise to quit cutting himself. He wasn't sure, but agreed. He was about 14, then.

I taught him how to weld, fabricate things out of metal, and how to work on the VW. He painted that VW the most awful color! He really got into it and I think he forgot about his troubles. Kids began thinking he was cool and they'd come by to check on his progress. By the time he got his license, he had built himself a BAJA buggy.

He seemed happy and felt good about accomplishments. I hope it helped him to get himself straightened out. It kind of got to me, when I moved...he hugged me and thanked me for helping him. I think he meant it.

I've lost track of him, but last I heard he had a good job and was happily married.

Jan 11, 2010, 6:15 PM
Well ya know Darlin. There are a couple of us here that have those pretty little pieces of parer in a frame on the wall that says we are qualified to talk to you, but mostly there are just those of us who are good at it, and who have soft hearts and shoulders for a person to lean on and talk. And believe me, talking brings all of the Demons out into the light to burn up in the brightness of the sun. Give it a shot sometime. And dont stop talking to your Nurse, either. I'm betting she can do you a world of good. :}
Put the blade away Baby, you dont need it anymore..especially not in here with us.:bibounce::grouphug:
Everybody's feline

Jan 11, 2010, 6:38 PM
True. I have had tons of friends that had troubles dealing with their emotions and resorted to cutting. I'd strongly recommend that you see a council or therapist, once you realized the root of the problem you can begin to fix it, with support and determination.

Hope things work out for you.

Jan 12, 2010, 9:08 AM
I found this website useful.


Jan 13, 2010, 1:17 PM



i have more but i cant find the pictures.

Jan 13, 2010, 1:23 PM
Ty for your opinion Idjet, but I didnt ask for it, and the offer of help wasnt directed at you, so KMA.

Jan 13, 2010, 1:37 PM
I recognize those cuts veyr well, you're using a shavign razor or soemthign arent u? Not an actual box cutter, somethign thin and narrow, thats good, well tis abd but its alot better then taking a abox cutter and doing ti, trust me though, dont ever use a serious razor for cutting ever, its much mroe then physical pain, you watch your skin split apart like an eraser when you bend it, it shocks you donw to teh core, and then when you get ot the ER you have to explain your self, my first tiem in the ER I was still in shock becuz of how easily my skin split apart, I coudlnt even give them my name I just gave him my wallet ((Whichc thinkign about that now probably wasnt that great an idea, I swear he took a 20 lol)) but I'm glad thigns worked out better for you and please do keep talkign to your nurse, I diddnt and now I am S.O.L, I am nto in college and just garduated, so no nurses for me, and I dont have isnruance yet so therpaists are out of the option, as for those 'suicide hotlines' I'll be damned f I'm caving in to a complete stranger, whihc is why this site is good, you can actually get to knwo these people, so isntead of caving in and admitting weakness to a stranger ((My own opinion, probably not others)) you are just venting to a friend, Good luck on your quest hope you ahve better luck then I have ^^

Jan 13, 2010, 2:57 PM
yeah im using a razor blade.

Jan 13, 2010, 3:35 PM
Not to sound silly but have you tried tattoos?

Jan 14, 2010, 11:02 AM
no i fancy getting one but i dont know what to get haha.
i might put stars or somthing on my belly :)

the sacred night
Jan 14, 2010, 4:18 PM
i cant deal with my problems propley.
so i take it out on myself.
i think it's a way to release the emotional pain inside
& i'm bi and people always call me,
and im always depressed.
but i cant stop ;(
its like a addition.
any ideas?

I feel for you. I was hospitalized for depression a little over a year ago, and I remember how bad it can be. It really helped me, though. I learned a lot of useful coping skills and different ways to deal with depression. A therapist can probably teach you ways to look at your emotions that help calm you down instead of letting them escalate. There is no shame in it; it's just a way to learn more about yourself and become happier. It doesn't mean there is anything wrong with you, it's just a way to explore your thoughts with another person who can provide an outside perspective.

Jan 14, 2010, 4:55 PM
Have you tried using a rubber band instead of cutting? I know it's just replacing one kind of pain with another, but rubber bands don't generally leave scars. I wear one almost all the time.

Eddie altamonte
Jan 15, 2010, 5:37 AM
i cant deal with my problems propley.
so i take it out on myself.
i think it's a way to release the emotional pain inside
& i'm bi and people always call me,
and im always depressed.
but i cant stop ;(
its like a addition.
any ideas?

Seek couseling... My ex did the same thing To this day to this I share the emotional scars. I could never reach out to her, never quite far enough She is doing fine now but I have never been quite the same

Emotional Masochist
Jan 15, 2010, 11:51 AM
Hey.... I have some questions bout cutting. Well actually i need some advice. A friend of mine confided in me a while ago that she used to cut, but hadn't done it in years. Then yesterday i found fresh scars on her arms and when I asked she told me she had done it herself. I'm not sure what to say to her since she is going through a rough patch and i kind of understand where she is coming from. But its pissing me off that there is nothing i can do about it. I kind of feel responsible since I haven't been able to be there for her during this rough patch. Like in the last 3 weeks i have barely seen her at all cause our schedules are clashing and i haven't really been able to talk to her. i don't know Im just hoping it will go away soon since the rough patch should pass soon.I hope....

Jan 15, 2010, 1:01 PM
I will say to the OP-----do find yourself a good therapist or counselor to talk to-----cutting/self-mutilation is sign of some very deep emotional wounds and problems---you need professional help to be sure----it won't be an easy road to undergo such therapy----but it needs to be done---ASAP!!!

Good luck--all the best to you.