View Full Version : 5 Years On

Jan 10, 2010, 9:40 PM
Its almost 5 years since this site got up and running. I signed up not long after it fired up and apart from the rare blip have never regretted it. It is not what I hoped it to be, which is a site for promoting and fighting the corner of those who are not of the "norm" in society's terms. Thats ok.. there are other more useful and effective tools in our armoury. Yet .com has and does serve a purpose..an important purpose.. it provides an outlet for bisexual..and yes gay people to meet and discuss things which are important to them.. it is timid when it comes to under age people, and really contraversial subjects,but it main purpose in the main works ok.. 2 allow bi peeps communication with others of their kind.

I have long since learned to love this site..not half as much as some of the people I have met on it..for without them the site wiould be useless..people are what matters..

How have we changed in 5 years? Those of us who were around from the beginning or at least very close to the beginning, I for one have changed a great deal. I am still potty in many ways..still a bit of a tart.. ok just a tart..but in 5 years I have ceased to be bisexual..I have moved on... the way my life has moved has been to remove from my life any desire whatever for men. Good friends on and off site know this, understand it and accept it. And I love them for it. When this site started I didnt know my luffly Kate.. Naggy Knicks..and now she and I have 2 brill brats we.. I cudnt do without. I have become a mum..and that I never believed would ever happen or until I met Kate ever wanted to happen. I didnt know Curio or Allbi or csrakate, Ran (wtf rya Ran) or granmumsie or Annika or Hoimie or Show or Gel or a hundred and more other wonderful people. I may have changed but my feelings of love and loyalty to those people in the last 5 years have not.

5 years ago I worked as a contracts clerk for my local authority and was frus trated, miserable and felt hard done to. It is not that the job was beneath me, but that it depressed me and was so easy and boring as to be unbelieveable. A few years ago I decided to have another go at getting through uni..and getting into what I wanted to do was teaching.. I did it..it was hard..but I loved it.. now having gotten there.I have found it incredibly stressful yet somehow amazingly satisfying. A contradiction to some..but not to me... although for a while I did wonder...

I have my luffly Kate..and the kids... and while 5 years ago they werent even an inkle in my mind..now if they werent ther..I would have no mind ..such is the change of years..

I have made up with my brother after 15 years of estrangement.. I have gotten to know his wife and kids.. and that is a bonus I never expected. My dad tg still spoils me rottten..an my mum still complains...my sister still holds pics I wish she didnt...my best friend is still my best friend and I adore her and her family dearly. Me m8s remain me m8s... an what more can I ask?

I have gone through serious ill health of which some of u are aware..and recovered after the NHS sorted me out..for nowt... o yea anti public medicine peeps... not for the first time did the NHS grab me by the bootie an save me skin may me add...

Am not who I was when .com went live. Maybe Im better who knows. Thats not for me to say.. but I have changed..and changed a lot. In 5 years...since this site opened up and went live.. how many of u lot have realised just how much u have changed..cos u have..all of u... for betta or worse..cos if u havn...ur dead...:eek: My life is certainly different... and I love every minute of it..

Jan 10, 2010, 9:52 PM
Standing ovation Franny-Honey. And big hugs too..:}

Jan 10, 2010, 9:53 PM
*Snogs Fran*

Jan 10, 2010, 10:14 PM
Ahhhh! that's sweet!

Big kudos coming from over here :three:

Jan 11, 2010, 8:18 AM
It's amazing how much a life can change in just five years, a mere sliver of our lives on earth. When I think about where I was five years ago...my life has done a complete turnaround. And...I, for one, am extremely glad you've kept on through the years, my life is enriched just by knowing you. Your wisdom and kindness has helped me through some rough times and for that, I thank you :)

Jan 11, 2010, 11:17 AM
Great post, Frannie---while I do like to try to get through your "Franniespeak" ones-I do love it when ya speak "the Queens' English" or at leat close to it---(of course I speak Amurikan--which is pretty far from the old lady's proper English too! :bigrin:

Glad that the site has done you good--

Reading your post---it does make me think---just like in life---we have had people come and people go on here----some who were regulars for a time-for whatever reason----just faded awar from here--others--SADLY--like Huneypot, Used Bear and others---left this "mortal coil" and will of course never be coming back.

We have had people meet, fall in love--either male/male couples, female/female couples and male/female couples----and with some of those---we have seen them bring some new ones into this "big old goofy world."

So--just like in a real world community--we have pretty much seen the ebb and flow of life here-good and bad--ups and downs--"the circle of life."

Thanks for posting up your feelings and thoughts, dear Frannie..

I used the phrase "big old goofy world" a few graphs up---that line is a title from one of singer/songwriter John Prine's many great songs----

Just for your enjoyment--a very nice version I found on it on youtube, so if ya happy clams feel like it-check it out:


"Oooooh Baby--it's a big old goofy world!!"

I found another great video of another great John Prine song--"Hello in There"--it is a great version--a bittersweet song, but very well done:


But not all of John's songs are sad ones and this one is a good one for this site:


another funny one too:


a close one for bisexuals!!


Jan 11, 2010, 11:39 AM
I have read this post just five minutes ago and I think that I have found myself just thinking about where was my life five years ago. I have felt also a strange emotion when reading about darkeyes experiences during her time in here. I am glad that her life has gone in a good direction. I have been on this site just for a few months,and frankly, I can say that in all my years surfing the net, I have never met a site that is full of so many people, all different in their own way, all of them unique. I think that the diversity of the people all around the world shows itself in sites like this. I´s wish I could write more in the forums, but sometimes my responsabilities get on the way of it. I look at myself five years ago and then I think that I have come a long time...five years ago I had a strained relationship with my parents (especially my father,who was ill), I was sometimes bullied at school, I was in love with a girl that just didnt notice me...I dunno,sort of things that for a teen are important. Now I look at how my life was on high school,and I think... "Oh,boy,sometimes I want to go back...just to remember how it felt...". But well,now I have had the chance to patch things up with my father, I graduated and went to study at the university, I found love with someone else...I dunno, I guess that life is all about change.

Jan 11, 2010, 12:20 PM
When I look back 5 years i was just coming out as bi, i was in the lowest place in my life, i was absolutely miserable. now i have found how to be happy in my skin among other things, 5 years makes a huge difference

Jan 11, 2010, 1:26 PM
I'm sorry I didn't have the opportunity to know you 5 years ago and grow a little with you on the way.

Jan 11, 2010, 1:59 PM
awwww Joe..ya r quite sweet reely... muah!:)

Jan 11, 2010, 3:02 PM
*Applauds this thread*
5 years ago I was in denial, and doing a good job of fooling myself. I've learned a lot about life, love and parenting in 5 years, and I think it was time well spent. :)

Jan 11, 2010, 3:24 PM
...still a bit of a tart.. ok just a tart..

But you're a luffly tart! Many hugs, Frannie...You make your "Mumsie" proud!!

Jan 11, 2010, 7:35 PM
Am not who I was when .com went live. Maybe Im better who knows. Thats not for me to say.. but I have changed..and changed a lot. In 5 years...since this site opened up and went live.. how many of u lot have realised just how much u have changed..cos u have..all of u... for betta or worse..cos if u havn...ur dead...:eek: My life is certainly different... and I love every minute of it..Yes darling, no doubt about it. You are a much better person. I too love every minute of your life. :)

Jan 11, 2010, 7:51 PM
Our sweetest tartlette has grown into a fine young woman and we have been lucky to have been around for the transformation.

As time goes by, I hope we all grow forward and find answers to the questions we ask today and search for the answers tomorrow. It is what makes us a little bit more complete.

I know that I am not the same woman I was five years ago...thankfully so in many ways. I know many of the insecurities I had have now vanished replaced by a sense of self which has been garnered from the the friendship, wisdom, encouragement, support, laughter and yes, love from those who have chosen this site to be part of their lives.

I miss those who have been taken from our midst, but cherish the love and laughter they brought into my life...and other dear friends here.

My fondest wishes to you dear Frances, and I am happy to say I have a little bit of Franspeak in my vocabulary.

As dear Volty has said....it is a CIRCLE OF LIFE.


Jan 11, 2010, 8:00 PM
Great Post Fran. I for one have been privlaged too call,and consider you a dear friend.Though we don't see each other in chat like the old days,you and all the other friends i have here are all ways in my heart. And like Belle i tend too use a little FranSpeak from time too time,:tong:. And buy the way Honey,this place would not have been the same with out you . My Love and Best go too you and Kate,and the kids,hope the Baba is doing well my dear.....

Jan 11, 2010, 8:03 PM
Five years ago I was just a dirty old man.....Five years on I'm a dirtier old man :drool:

Cheers Chook :bigrin:

curious married m
Jan 11, 2010, 11:01 PM
Hmmmmmm, Let's see. 5 yrs ago Fran was bisexual and a puppy and I was begging her to a cyber /cam an MFF with the Horndog Extrordinaire and her new g/f CK. Then Kate told me NO PUPPIES. And now I Luffs em all.

Jan 12, 2010, 12:30 AM
Wow 5 years really has passed.... Making me think of how much ive changed also Dark hunny.... From a brat to a Young woman all grown up Engaged and a mum...

Its incredable to think back who i was 5years ago this year..... NSG.... pfft a past name, a past and gone idenity really...

Dark you have done awesomely inthe last 5 years! i r so happy for ya!!!!
*huggles and smoochies*

Jan 12, 2010, 10:34 AM
Wow 5 years! Seems like just yesterday and other times it seems like a lot longer. I have chatted with a lot of people here over the years, seen a lot of changes with both the site and people. I cherish all the memories, good and bad as they have been a learning experience and I think I've grown a lot since first coming here. We've all shared a lot of laughs and heart to hearts with those we've come to know here and even those that have just passed through. I miss some of the old things about the site but as was stated it has served a purpose and has been a sort of home to many of us.

One of the biggest changes that I am happy to have witnessed was Miss Frances going from a bratty little tart to a mature, responsible young woman. All the ups and downs you've gone through have made you that much better and stronger as a person, friend and lover. You are wise beyond your years and kinder (altho I'm sure you still have a pickle jar or two laying around somewhere) than you let on sometimes. Kate has really whipped you into shape! ;) Even though I joke, I know that Kate had a good hand in balancing your life and for that I am grateful as I worried about you for awhile there. I'm also very happy to hear about you and your brother, btw. You have worked hard for what you have and I hope you're life is continually blessed. Love ya Fran.

Jan 12, 2010, 10:41 AM
Eeeeeeeeeeeeekkkk! Started this thread cosa the time.. am nowt if not sentimental.. its not sposed 2 b bout me.. but bout u lot..all those me knos an luffs..an alla those me don kno from Adam.. even those me don like 2 much (an yea..ther r a few) ...those ofya who wer membas a the site rite from the start an those who r much lata arrivals.. 5 years is a long time.. an in 5 years we liv a lotta life an c a lotta changes.. we change a lot an all.. even if we think we don.. didn wanna start a Fran luff in..but for alla us 2 reflect on wer we wer bak in 05..wer we r now.. how we got 'ere.. an wy..an wer we think or hope 2 b headin... Jeez.. Kate knos that.. an God wot she sez don haff gimme the knee wobblies (a common occurence lemme say 'ere an now.. tee hee :bigrin:)... so think on it.. cos shared experience is important 2 us 2 help us get through life an thrive an move on..thats the purpose a the thread.. not so yas can say nice things bout the lil tart!!! Appreciated me lufflies, tho they r..:) *blush*

Jan 12, 2010, 10:50 AM
Wow 5 years! Seems like just yesterday and other times it seems like a lot longer. I have chatted with a lot of people here over the years, seen a lot of changes with both the site and people. I cherish all the memories, good and bad as they have been a learning experience and I think I've grown a lot since first coming here. We've all shared a lot of laughs and heart to hearts with those we've come to know here and even those that have just passed through. I miss some of the old things about the site but as was stated it has served a purpose and has been a sort of home to many of us.

One of the biggest changes that I am happy to have witnessed was Miss Frances going from a bratty little tart to a mature, responsible young woman. All the ups and downs you've gone through have made you that much better and stronger as a person, friend and lover. You are wise beyond your years and kinder (altho I'm sure you still have a pickle jar or two laying around somewhere) than you let on sometimes. Kate has really whipped you into shape! ;) Even though I joke, I know that Kate had a good hand in balancing your life and for that I am grateful as I worried about you for awhile there. I'm also very happy to hear about you and your brother, btw. You have worked hard for what you have and I hope you're life is continually blessed. Love ya Fran.

Bout time u showed ya face Ran... all the changes in me life r down 2 Kate an so many 2 u..othas on site 2 but u moren ne.. hav grown up a lot.. not completely.. but alla the times me blubbed onya shoulder wen things looked mos bleak.. a shoulder, wise words an so much luff an support an encouragement.. these things can nev b repaid... an me luffs u an all!!!! Lots an lots an lots an lots!!!:)

PS...hav a much larger mantlepiece for pickle jars now Ran..in fact we have 7 mantles for pickle jars..an 6 a them r lookin decidedly short a decoration!!! tee hee

Jan 12, 2010, 11:08 AM
PS...hav a much larger mantlepiece for pickle jars now Ran..in fact we have 7 mantles for pickle jars..an 6 a them r lookin decidedly short a decoration!!! tee hee

I thought you let Kate have control of cleave!!! No more pickle jars, young lady....remember.....you are a kinder, gentler Frances!!

Jan 12, 2010, 11:22 AM
Great post, Frannie---while I do like to try to get through your "Franniespeak" ones-I do love it when ya speak "the Queens' English" or at leat close to it---(of course I speak Amurikan--which is pretty far from the old lady's proper English too! :bigrin:

well.....when Fran speaks the Queen's English I can hardly understand a word she says LOL.....:tongue:

Jan 12, 2010, 11:24 AM
But you're a luffly tart! Many hugs, Frannie...You make your "Mumsie" proud!!

.....and a gramumsie too .......)(ugs !!

Jan 12, 2010, 11:25 AM
Awww, fran, you may think you're more mature, but you're still that wee tart with a cleaver.

Jan 12, 2010, 11:28 AM
.... Jeez.. Kate knos that.. an God wot she sez don haff gimme the knee wobblies (a common occurence lemme say 'ere an now.. tee hee :bigrin:)...

....are ya sure it's not just the Sybian :bigrin: causin those wobblies Fran? I mean kate is waaaaaay over the pond... !!

Jan 12, 2010, 11:31 AM
....are ya sure it's not just the Sybian :bigrin: causin those wobblies Fran? I mean kate is waaaaaay over the pond... !!

Wrong Kate....I am Mumsie....she's referring to her personal Kate, our beloved CuddlyKate.....and believe me...nothing I have ever said has made Frannie's knees wobble LOL!

Jan 12, 2010, 11:58 AM
Dus me detect a lil takin of the pee?? Surely not..peeps wudn take the p*** outa Fran wud they??:eek: Naaaa.. perish the thot..:)

... wot bout bouncin me onya knee like wen me wos a babba Mumsie??:bigrin:

...Sybina don haff make me knees wobble..an otha bits Granmumsie..:bigrin::bigrin::bigrin: .. but she a lil limited in variation a pash.. howeva brill she is at 'er job.. Naggy on otha hand....:bigrin:

...am more mature Allbi..God... am 30 now!!!:eek::( .. but don u worry..Cleave still in retirement.. but ifyas willin..'e can do 1 las job if ya like...;):tong:

...an Chookie.. nev wos a truer word sed...:tong:

... an lasly.. Curio..me fave ole perv... them wer days huh? Lotsa laffs..lotsa slappins down an ya kept cummin bak for more... daft ole coot!:):tong:

Jan 12, 2010, 3:40 PM
...am more mature Allbi..God... am 30 now!!!:eek::( .. but don u worry..Cleave still in retirement.. but ifyas willin..'e can do 1 las job if ya like...;):tong:

I'll pass, I like things more are less intact.

Mature? Older. Not sure about more mature. :tong:

Jan 12, 2010, 5:12 PM
I'll pass, I like things more are less intact.

Mature? Older. Not sure about more mature. :tong:

Letya off ya cheeky sod! Accept olda.. but am still luffly mature or no..tee hee:bigrin:

Jan 12, 2010, 5:31 PM
Frannie I never realised that when I joined in October 2005 that the size was new and I'm stunned that 5 years have passed for me too....

I will keep it brief but yourself and many others in this thread have been a part of my bi life for all that time and I am so much stronger for participating here and will protect this site with every sinew. When you dissapeared in the last year or so, your absence was apparent; your return completes the site. Good to have another Brit here to balance the international quota too!
Here's to another 5 years!!