View Full Version : Is Croatia save?

Jan 10, 2010, 6:48 AM
Hi guys,

just a quick question, I might seem really narrow-minded, but is Croatia save for bisexuals to go to on holiday? My friends and I plan on going there this summer, and the country seems very nice, BUT I did read a lot about gay tourists being beaten up pretty severly, so I must admit I got a little scared. Since I look pretty lesbian (short hair, shirts etc.) I wondered, did any of you ever go there/live there? Should I be careful of what I wear when going out and such? Another friend who is coming along is also bi, but she looks really straight so.. dunno if it is really that bad over there, but I just want to make sure..

Additional info: where planning on going to Istria, Rovinj I believe (West coast)

Thanks in advance!

Jan 10, 2010, 7:41 AM
Save or Safe?

Jan 10, 2010, 7:50 AM
Oops, sorry, I meant safe^^

Jan 10, 2010, 8:17 AM
I've been there a couple of times and it seemed quite safe for me.
In some areas people might be still narrow minded, but generally in resorts- I think you can be safe. The worst case- might get a couple of angry looks, but no more than that.

Jan 10, 2010, 8:28 AM
Thanks for the reply! Well, that sounds quite allright, I read that most of the violence is in Zagreb (we won't be going there though). I really hoped it would be much better than all the stories on the internet. I really want to go to Istria, the climate seems very nice and the prices are good too (being poor students, we don't have a lot to spend:rolleyes:) But the pride parade stories where really scary!

Jan 10, 2010, 8:29 AM
Croatia is a very safe country in general. It's also a recent member of the European Union I think so they have to pass certain requirements regarding social diversity. Sure there are gonna be more conservative areas like any country but I'd say you'll be fine sticking to the resorts and cities :bigrin:

When r ya booking?

Jan 10, 2010, 11:29 AM
I'm just curious as to what activity or actions that you and your friends plan on doing in Croatia that might be unsafe? Are you planning on necking on a beach with a same sexed person?....holding hands with same sex person as you walk down a street?...or ?

Jan 10, 2010, 3:00 PM
Well I'm not sure, I'm not dating anyone atm but well, the bi-friend is the same as in the other thread I posted, so with her you really never know (I don't expect though, she's changing her mind everyday). Apart from that I was a mostly worried about my looks. And you never know who you might meet^^!

We'll be going in July probably, though I'm trying to make us go mid/end June since it's so much cheaper:P

Jan 10, 2010, 4:18 PM

It should be safe. I think you might encounter less problems than if you were two guys . But I guess it depends how obvious you are in your behaviour but I wouldn't anticipate you having any problems, apart from having lots of guys trying to chat you up.

Enjoy the holiday.

Jan 10, 2010, 5:10 PM
Well, I suspect that you are already doing research on the places that you want to visit. This is perhaps part of your research. Look into the culture and tolerance for dress codes. If you think that how your dress may be questionable and frowned on, tone it down or make it more in common with the area's dress code.

I remember a long time ago that North American women would visit Italy wearing skimpy shorts and small tops with bare shoulders. This type of clothing was out of the norm for Italians and Italian men considered them to be sluts and easy sex (some were easy...lol). I saw some young Italian men being shockingly bold grabbing the North American women's breast in broad daylight. I saw the North American woman slap him. He turned around and slapped her back. Meanwhile you would see a young Italian woman wearing clothing that covered a lot of her body and no bare arms even in the heat. They would be arm in arm with their father or brother as a means of being guarded. Quite the contrast. The North American women were wearing what was perfectly acceptable in North America but highly questionable in Italy(at that time) outside of large cities like Rome.

Jan 10, 2010, 6:38 PM
Well, I suspect that you are already doing research on the places that you want to visit. This is perhaps part of your research. Look into the culture and tolerance for dress codes. If you think that how your dress may be questionable and frowned on, tone it down or make it more in common with the area's dress code.

I remember a long time ago that North American women would visit Italy wearing skimpy shorts and small tops with bare shoulders. This type of clothing was out of the norm for Italians and Italian men considered them to be sluts and easy sex (some were easy...lol). I saw some young Italian men being shockingly bold grabbing the North American women's breast in broad daylight. I saw the North American woman slap him. He turned around and slapped her back. Meanwhile you would see a young Italian woman wearing clothing that covered a lot of her body and no bare arms even in the heat. They would be arm in arm with their father or brother as a means of being guarded. Quite the contrast. The North American women were wearing what was perfectly acceptable in North America but highly questionable in Italy(at that time) outside of large cities like Rome.

Musta been a long time go Tenni babes... doubtyad find Italian wimmen nowadays unda 50 owt like u found 'em alla those long medieval years go.... can assure ya hun.. Italian gals r bit the like the French.. decidedly yum an kno howta dress.... 'merican an brit girls can learn lots bout how 2 outfit themsels by lookin at them!!!! Chic hun.. an at the best... gorge so...:bigrin:

Jan 10, 2010, 11:17 PM
yep...before you were born...:eek:
I'm not sure if there were telephones or electricity...:tong:
(kid'n on the second point)

There was a distinct difference between Rome and even tourist towns like Florence.
There were no women working visibly in banks outside of Rome from what I saw.

I agree with the sense of style of the French and Italian women.

The point is that there still are differences between what is culturally acceptable.

Nurse..ya can wheel me back to my room now...cough...cough....giggle.

Jan 11, 2010, 2:30 AM
I was in Italy not long ago. The first day there, I discovered that women would never stop to answer me when I asked for directions. The next day I discovered why, as I saw women frequently getting their crotches grabbed by the local guys.

As for travel, anyplace, it's usually a good idea to turn down the things that make you stand out. Locals will probably know you're a tourist, especially the ones who are looking for tourists to prey on. It's also a good idea to be careful not to offend the local sensibilities, whether you're a tourist or a local. I had a friend who loved to do things to freak people out, and one day she was fooling with another girl on the street and some biker chick called her names, so she marched over to the biker and started to lecture her on feminism. The biker punched her in the nose.

In any case, once you get there, you'll see pretty quickly what's acceptable and what isn't. Still, being a little more of a prude than usual doesn't hurt.

Jan 11, 2010, 2:30 PM
Croatia is my neighbour country; Serbia where I live now used to be federation with Croatia. I have spent much time there. It is better for u not to show publicly ur sexual orientation, holding hands etc. If u need more information I could ask my friends from the Croatian LGBT organization. I am going to spend my holidays in Istria, so let me know if u need any help.