View Full Version : Thanks for the Equality

Emotional Masochist
Jan 10, 2010, 4:15 AM
Hmmmm when I read through your the forums and some of the topics you guys talk bout I'm reminded of how young and immature I am. Both in life and my sexuality. But then I join you guys in chat and then I can't help but feel like an equal. It was surprising to me to meet a group of such diversity chatting and being so unified. It is truly amazing in my eyes. I mean I walked in said hi a few times and pretty much lurked in the background but watching you guys and listening to you is actually great fun. Though sometimes I do feel a bit stalkerish. Hehe... The only issue I have is that its so hard to keep up with you guys sometimes. I'm a multi-tasker and you guys sometimes seem 2 have ADD . You guys never seem to stick to one steady stream of thought just jump back and forth its quite funny to watch, but when you look away and come back its hard to maintain a grip on whats going on. BUt I still love just dropping by and listening to your insane banter. Anyways i just thought I'd say thanks to all you guys for your.......I actually don't no how to word this. But I just wanted to say thanks for being who you are.

Jan 10, 2010, 9:37 AM
Great observation! I've often noticed how the original posts sometimes get side-tracked and off on another path. Some folks here are amazingly bright, astute, and able to conduct multi-layered conversations. It's interesting, informative, and scintillating, to read!

Jan 10, 2010, 10:04 AM
You obviously ain't referring to me when you say intelligent and capable of multi layered conversation :bigrin:

Jan 10, 2010, 1:31 PM
lol Baby, in chat the conversations can be as varied as a rainbow. (No pun intended) You just have to try and understand that many of us have odd thought patterns and that the brain is going in 500 directions at once...lol Chat is wonderful, tho. Its a relief after a really Nasty day, and can provide laughter and fun. Sometimes we get on some serious subjects when one of our people need to be...We are a support system for friends who need a hand, or a shoulder even. Thats what friends Do. :three:
We are here for each other, and I personally love it...now that work has slowed so I Can get back in there..lol

Keep on coming in, and dont lurk so much. Jump on it with a topic or question and get to know us. :};)
Everybody's feline

Jan 11, 2010, 2:03 PM
Yeah, Emo, I agree. I have a hard time keeping up in chat too. Things move way too quick for me. I lurk, listen and maybe add the odd comment, but otherwise don't participate in chat too much.

But is's nice to see another local boy on here! Woo hoo!

Jan 11, 2010, 6:40 PM
lol Mikey, if I saw you in chat, I wouldnt Let you lurk or feel ignored. I'd come grab you and make you come sit b'side Swimmy and I on the couch and get you over your chat shyness. Come on in, talk to us, talk to me, and get to know us. It Does get fast paced in there on occasion and its easy to loose place, but its like going to a party, one can get lost in the conversations, but you keep listening in and interjecting until you are right in on the fun. :}
Come give it a try with us sometime. Come on in so I can goose someone then blame it on you so they'll get to know you..LMAo:bigrin:
Silly Cat