View Full Version : Tiger swings both ways?

Jan 9, 2010, 1:10 AM

Jan 9, 2010, 1:16 AM
I have to wonder how much motivation she gets from the 1 million bucks that she's getting for her story, to say that he's Bi.

Not that it really matters if he is, but I would believe her more if she were giving the story for about a million bucks less.

Jan 9, 2010, 1:25 AM
U know I am so sick of hearin about this asshole. I don't give a shit if he's bi or not he's rude and cheap. Elin should take him to the damn cleaners and get away from him. Just my opinion.

Jan 9, 2010, 10:58 AM
Actually, now that I remember, I slept with Tiger too. But I want $2m for my story. Ay takers? It's true! Honest! :bigrin:

Jan 9, 2010, 12:55 PM
I saw that story too---at present--I would only take this story with a grain of salt and remain skeptical as to its veracity---you have to look at the source of the story and not be skeptical.

Obviously--anything is possible--Tiger could be Bi--but if he is----he can forget EVER going back to play golf--the PGA is a pretty damn conservative entity--most of the PGA golfers, the fans and such----at least on the surface---are a pretty conservative lot----and even if they don't actually live it themselves--they are the types to give lots of lips service to the concept of "family values" and all that horse manure!!

The golf fans might forgive him banging a horde of bimbos---they might even privately be cheering him on for that but be pissed at him since got his sorry ass caught doing it though!!!!

God--on another shitty celeb making headlines----anyone see the blazing headlines about Kate Goslin's $7,000 or $8,000 new hairdo??

Make me frackin' gag!!!!

God, what a culture we have!!!! Poor kids are getting their arms and legs blown off or killed in Iraq, Afghanistan--probably soon parts of Pakistan and Yemen so the rich, spoiled ones can live like cads!!!

Jan 9, 2010, 1:17 PM
Oh good grief. 11 women??? Damn man has some kind of stamina dont cha know...lol He's notthe first guy to get caught droppin' his drawers, and wont be the last, but theres alway someone that has to crawl out of the woodwork and make a huge sensation, and profit, out of it. :rolleyes:

Jan 9, 2010, 5:15 PM
It just hit me reading the headline of this post--no one made a smart-assed golf related joke about a "golfer swinging both ways!!!!":bigrin::bigrin::bigrin::):)

Joe---get your ass up here and make some such joke!!!! You are slackin' boy!!!!!

Jan 9, 2010, 10:14 PM
Falcon Angel - I totally agree with you. It clearly sounds like she is trying to fluff the article in order to get a buyer.

without hearing from Tiger (hes in Africa getting away from all this) how do we know who is telling the truth? So far 11 people are coming out of the holes of the earth and saying they slept with Tiger and want money for it.

Its funny how right after he crashed his suv into the tree the women came out with agents & lawyers in tact telling their story.

What about the womens credibility? Its not like they had anything going in their lives so now they are seeking their 15 minutes of fame.

I never understood how he was so squeaky clean. Im not talking about sleeping around but you never heard a damn negative thing about him. Not a speeding ticket, cursing at the paps, etc...

As for me I don't give 2 shits... I never looked at him as a role model. He is just a golfer. Nothing more nothing less... If he wants to fuck around then his wife should cut his dick off. Then patch him up and get him back on the golf course because he is the only reason why I watch golf...

JUST DO IT.......

Jan 10, 2010, 2:05 AM
What are you talking about? The PGA is not that conservative.

The LPGA stands for the Lesbian Pro Golfer's Association! ;)

As far as this woman claiming this it's from a tabloid so take it with a grain of salt.

The PGA is a whole other ball of wax than the LPGA----totally seperate entities and wholly different cultures----the LPGA may have been--not so much now--full of lesbians----but the PGA is pretty much similar to the Corporate Board Rooms of America---

When Greg Norman was buddying around with Bill Clinton and they had their escapades----Norman was basically Persona Non Grata with his buds on the tour--more for the fact that he was so close to a Democratic president as it was for his stepping out on his marriage.

It didn't get talked about much----but lots of players on the PGA pro tour were not fond at all of Tiger---not just for the fact he tended to kick their asses on the course--but because he was black.

Lots of guys on the tour--mainly the older ones were pretty much in sync with the stuff that Fuzzy Zoeller had said about Tiger. What Fuzzy said about Tiger that got him is such shit with the media, about Tiger "eating chicken" and all--that was pretty tame--to many pro tour players (at least many of the older ones)---Tiger was that: "Gd F'n N--(try to decipher those letters!)

My dad has a good friend who was on the Pro tour (and also was a manufacturers rep for our family company--he made more money working for us than he usually did on the tour)---- after the guy hit the proper age--he went and played on the Senior or what they now call "The Champions Tour" for a few more years---but the guy was never a big money winner--he was always lucky each year he would get his card back--and his last tournament---I saw him play in it--was the 2005 Senior US Open. He didn't make the cut to play in the final rounds and because he had done so badly that year moneywise, he lost his card at that point and went to amateur status. Actually---he never did play in any sort of major again after that.

He still knew all the golfers and basically gave us the scoop---I can tell ya---if you are a liberal Democrat in the PGA--you bloody well had better keep your damn mouth shut--if you make your contrary political and social views known--- you sure as shit won't get invited to the do the various "corporate gigs" where the Pros go play with top corporate people, maybe give them some lessons and such---eat some nice meals, fly on their corporate jets.

Tiger (and maybe Phil Mickelson) doesn't need to do stuff like that --but most of the rest of the guys on the tour need to do those sorts of events to help them make it.

Don't equate the PGA with the LPGA---they are as different as night and day!!

The PGA is basically big shot Republican/big business--- very hyper straight/uber macho-- and very, very homophobic!!!

It will be a long, long time until an openly gay man will ever be able to play on the Pro Golf Tour!!!