View Full Version : Swallowing cum - the mystical aspect

Jan 7, 2010, 2:03 PM
I had an e-mail from a prospect who wants his cock sucked. In his message he said it turned him on to think of my swallowing his load and having his cum become part of my body - even my own semen!

I thought about this and found it really got me hot to think that my own semen that will enter my wife might have been generated in part by the cum from another guy. Even more, it excited me to become aware that the man's cum would be with us for some time creating a menage a trois of sorts. And so, I came to think of the cum I swallow as a communion.

This makes the oral sex act take on much greater significance than a mindless "blow job." And now, I find sucking a man's cock and swallowing his load so much more erotic than before. God! I'm so hot just from writing this!

Anybody else thought about this?

Jan 7, 2010, 2:28 PM
Erm..... honest answer?

No! I love giving oral to both women and men but the thought of cum in my mouth. Nooooo! Always use a condom :)

I always think of the nasties that you could catch too. I know its a low risk but a risk is still a risk :flag1:

I guess I'm just Mr boring hey?

Jan 7, 2010, 2:40 PM
Never thought about it being mystical, I just like cum in my mouth. I like the feeling of making someone else feel so good and so I suck it dry and get every bit of the cum I can. The more pleasure I can give the person I'm sucking the better. The same for a woman I'm eating. Give them pleasure, that's why we're doing what we're doing.

Jan 7, 2010, 3:25 PM
Its Atkins Approved !

Jan 7, 2010, 3:33 PM
I had an e-mail from a prospect who wants his cock sucked. In his message he said it turned him on to think of my swallowing his load and having his cum become part of my body - even my own semen!

I thought about this and found it really got me hot to think that my own semen that will enter my wife might have been generated in part by the cum from another guy. Even more, it excited me to become aware that the man's cum would be with us for some time creating a menage a trois of sorts. And so, I came to think of the cum I swallow as a communion.

This makes the oral sex act take on much greater significance than a mindless "blow job." And now, I find sucking a man's cock and swallowing his load so much more erotic than before. God! I'm so hot just from writing this!

Anybody else thought about this?

Pretentious twaddle..hav a cuzzin who used 2 eat 'is own bogies... think on it...

Jan 7, 2010, 3:43 PM
hav a cuzzin who used 2 eat 'is own bogies

Ew that's gross :oh:

Jan 7, 2010, 4:32 PM
Well, that fantasy sounds a bit interesting but for myself, I find the concern about a possible disease being in the cum overwhelms such a fantasy of swallowing (even with a partner that I trust to be clean). I can not say that I like the taste but have recently been exposed to the arousal of one partner kissing the other partner with cum on the lips. That sounds a bit hot to me. I think that your fantasy probably has little reality of the guy's cum ending up as part of your cum though as much as fran's booger thoughts. Still fantasy don't need a reality check...lol

I prefer eating pussy than sucking dick though and most women are concerned about being clean. Still, I give to get and am opening up my arousal to sucking dick. I think that if I could get over the fear of disease, that I might expand my repetoire...lol

Jan 7, 2010, 6:51 PM
Imagination is soooo wonderful.
Image the delicious juices of other lovers mingling in your body and being absorbed by your very cells. Ahhhh, intoxicating!

Jan 7, 2010, 7:41 PM
When I eat a pussy or suck another guys cock I get really turned on knowing I am pleasing my partner. I feel that I am being rewarded for doing a good job when her juices start flowing and she has an orgasm or when his cock starts filling my mouth with cum which I swallow. I enjoy the taste of it all.

Jan 7, 2010, 9:28 PM
Strange way to think about it. Personally I like the taste and have no problem taking it down. Being comfortable with my partner helps. I guess what ever blows your dress up.

Jan 8, 2010, 12:40 AM
I don't place any mystical qualities on cum, but I love to swallow it. What I really love is to savor the cum out of a sweet woman after I and even another have cum in her. Damn, I'm getting hard thinking about it!

Jan 8, 2010, 1:49 AM
Well---what the OP says sounds OK I guess---but the reality of things--at least at the subatomic level--from my understanding of advanced physics--is that we are always sharing particles like protons and such with everything and everyone around us--it is certainly the case that all of the consituent elements that make up our bodies, do come from "stardust."

So he is probably right in what the other guy said---when we interact on an intimate level such as sex--we are sharing all kinds of "things" with each other----but then again--we are doing that anyhow.

It really is amazing at how different things are at the quantum levels as opposed to what we think is going on in the "reality" that we perceive with our five senses--when in fact--most of what is actually taking place---we have absolutely no idea what all is taking place.

Bisexual Explorer
Jan 8, 2010, 8:20 AM
One of the many advantages of being a bi man is experiencing another man's cock cum inside of you. Your partner and you are connected in the most physically intimate way possible. And, for me, at least it doesn't matter very much whether he cums in a condom or not so log as being inside of me gives him pleasure.

Jan 8, 2010, 10:03 AM
Well---what the OP says sounds OK I guess---but the reality of things--at least at the subatomic level--from my understanding of advanced physics--is that we are always sharing particles like protons and such with everything and everyone around us--it is certainly the case that all of the consituent elements that make up our bodies, do come from "stardust."

So he is probably right in what the other guy said---when we interact on an intimate level such as sex--we are sharing all kinds of "things" with each other----but then again--we are doing that anyhow.

It really is amazing at how different things are at the quantum levels as opposed to what we think is going on in the "reality" that we perceive with our five senses--when in fact--most of what is actually taking place---we have absolutely no idea what all is taking place.

That's the biggest bunch of BS I have ever read. Talk about someone being into themselves. OMG

Jan 8, 2010, 10:18 AM
Anybody else thought about this?

Actually, no. I never really gave it much thought.

However, your post brought to mind a documentary on sex I saw a few years back that mentioned an African tribe that held such a belief.

Jan 8, 2010, 10:27 AM
That's the biggest bunch of BS I have ever read. Talk about someone being into themselves. OMG

What in the fuck are you talking about?? I don't see at all how what I said is at all "being themselves"--my source of this-go watch one of those shows on one of the "science" type programs with Michio Kaku---he is on all kinds of shows these days talking about this sort of stuff. I don't understand it all--but I do find it to be as a fave ficitional character likes to say, it is: "Fascinating!"


Ignorance of Science----sad, sad thing!!!

My only regret in regards all that sorts of discoveries that researchers are making in areas such as this--I am too dumb to be able to do it myself!! At least though---my mind is open enough to at least consider it and try to "get my mind wrapped around it" even though it pretty much locks up tight when I do try to think too much about it.

Also--another great way such material was presented was the movie "Mindwalk" from the late 90s.


To BiCplAz---this is not exactly my normal way most of the time--and sure might not be the best way to respond to your comments--but I don't care--so to you I say: "FUCK YOU and the Horse you rode in on-ASSHOLE!!" (man that felt good!!)

Jan 8, 2010, 10:32 AM
I guess I'm one of the rare guys that has felt similar feelings about being inseminated by another guy. I mentioned it to a friend who I sucked on a few times that it really is quite an intimate act to have someone accept your most personal and private fluid. I meant in regards to swallowing or taking it in the rectum where it is absorbed.

And it seems to me that's especially so in this day and age when so many are concerned with safe sex.

Not sure I'd call it mystical, though. Not sure what word to use to describe it other than intimate or bonding?

Jan 8, 2010, 10:51 AM
Not sure I'd call it mystical, though. Not sure what word to use to describe it other than intimate or bonding?

I think this is more on the mark in this regard and perhaps more to the point that the OP was trying to make he just didn't think of it and express it in this way---I agree with you.

Jan 9, 2010, 1:34 AM
I have felt for many years now that there is a sacredness to all sexual activity. I know many will not agree and that's okay...
I would also say that I never feel that any blow job is "mindless".
Don't misunderstand; I'm not caught up in thoughts about how sacred or mystical it is while sucking a cock or any other sexual activity, man or woman. I feel it's a zone you enter into; even that incredible surge of lust is a part of it to me.
I don't care one iota what others have to say about these moments not being sacred or that there's nothing to it except the simple act of it...
On a certain level it is just and only that.
If people want to think you're reading too much into it or that I am or people like us, that's quite alright. It's they're perogative to do so...it doesn't change anything about it as far as I'm concerned and they're certainly entitled to their thoughts and opinion. But it doesn't mean they're correct and it doesn't mean they're incorrect either...
It's difficult to ever have discussions on the sexual and spiritual/mystical having any connection with each other or sgnificance...you'll find you're truly in the minority when you try to go there...
I find it interesting that you pursued those thoughts about it; some pretty fantastics ideas there.
To me, regardless whether I'm having casual sex or with someone I am deeply in love with, it is all special and sacred to me...
But you'd never know that while I'm sucking a cock or eating pussy or fucking....it's all about being in the moment and enjoying it to the fullest; at least it is for me. Even the words used demean the act in a sense for some as it's just reduced to an act of pleasure and nothing else to it. But there's so much more to it.....the surrender to the feeling and when the moment of orgasm strikes how the incredible sensations take over and thoughts cease and time feels as it's suspended...
And if thoughts are there, it can affect the degree of pleasure sometimes lessening it.
And to be more precise since this thread is about swallowing cum and the mystical element of it, I feel that whenever I do swallow down that precious fluid, I am connected completely to the moment. Yes yes yes,,,,,it's only sucking a cock and swallowing cum....if that's the way you want to limit it and look at it. And so many do. Again, that's just fine....
And if thoughts are there, it can affect the degree of pleasure sometimes lessening it.
So, I respect everyone's opinion here even if they don't agree or cast these kind of ideas as reading way too much into it all...people always think exactly what they want, just as you expressed your feelings and thoughts about it and I am doing so now.
Once you put it out there for public review people are going to comment of course.

I had an e-mail from a prospect who wants his cock sucked. In his message he said it turned him on to think of my swallowing his load and having his cum become part of my body - even my own semen!

I thought about this and found it really got me hot to think that my own semen that will enter my wife might have been generated in part by the cum from another guy. Even more, it excited me to become aware that the man's cum would be with us for some time creating a menage a trois of sorts. And so, I came to think of the cum I swallow as a communion.

This makes the oral sex act take on much greater significance than a mindless "blow job." And now, I find sucking a man's cock and swallowing his load so much more erotic than before. God! I'm so hot just from writing this!

Anybody else thought about this?

Jan 9, 2010, 2:04 AM
This is interesting.
First off, it is worth considering the safety aspect of cum-swallowing. If you don't know the guy, it's probasbly better to use a condom. Whe I was young I dated a couple of bisexual girls who never used barries. One girl even said that the only reason she fucked girls was because it was safe to bareback. It wasn't--they all caught something at one time or another. I was lucky--I only got some kind of a yeast infection from one of the girls, which didn't last long.

I engaged in a lot of oral sex with girls before I "went all the way" and even after always loved getting blowjobs and being swallowed. I really enjoyed cuddling with a girl after, and knowing my live sperm was being digested in her belly. And sex does feel different when I come outside of a person's body than when I come inside them, as if there's a connection.

First time another guy swallowed my cum, I went through all sorts of feelings: No! then, oh! yes. then just before I was going to cum: No! I don't want ot be a guy who fucks guys! then: Oh yeah! He's makimg me cum hard! Finally: Oh no! He's digesting my sperm--it's becumming (sorry) part of him. In the long run it was very hot.

And for the record, my sperm is 99 44/100% pure and food-grade.

Nov 17, 2013, 4:08 PM
OK Now I want to suck a cock, more than before.

Nov 17, 2013, 4:46 PM
This is a silly thread and an even more silly theory that swallowing cum is somehow mystical. Physiologically you can swallow as much cum as you want from a man or 1,000's of men but it's not going to become an actual part of your body.

Nov 17, 2013, 6:25 PM
LOL NM, go lay down somewhere before ya hurt yerself....
If a person has a mystical feeling when sucking a nice hard cock, then more power to em!! Who are you to say its silly? Just because You have never gotten to that enlightened pleasure doesnt mean others Havent.
For me, I get so euphoric that I cant seem to stop until I Have made that sweet hard cock erupt in my mouth. If I've worked for it, Its Mine! lol I've cheated myself out of some fucking that'a way...lol. (Shup Rich) :} And until I have made a lady yell out and twitch for several moments afterwards, then I'm not stoppin'.
Its all good, and to each his or her own..:}
Bad Cat

Nov 19, 2013, 11:19 PM
For the ultimate metaphysical outlook on rutting I suggest reading "Tantric Sex" by Robert K. Moffet. I read it as a young man and found it a real eye opener.

Nov 20, 2013, 12:43 AM
Its not that big a stretch to equate sexual experiences with spiritual ones---some belief systems hold that the orgasm brings us the closest to God that is possible and the French call it the "little death."

Some systems do talk about the "mystical" aspects of sharing bodily fluids and others speak of the energies that are shared when we have sex with another.

These are things that go back throughout time. I don't know if its all true or not--but hey--if it adds to one's pleasure to think that sex has these added aspects---then more power to them!! It surely does not hurt anything and I say to anyone who thinks this----be my guest!! You are in good company with shamans, mystics, philosophers and poets throughout the ages!!

Nov 20, 2013, 7:42 PM
Alister Crowley who is thought to be some sadistic bastard was actually quite the sexual adventurer. He left London and moved into an abandoned Monastery in Italy where his sexual followers partook of "sex magic". They believed that your wishes or dreams would come true if you visualized them during the moment of orgasm. Mussolini heard about these exploits and forced them to leave. I personally love to swallow a guys cum. I love to hold his cock in my mouth and feel it pulse and the warmth of his cum filling my mouth. I get satisfaction knowing that yep, I caused that. There is something so erotic to taking his seed. I will sometimes get horny for a load of cum when alone and will masturbate just so I can eat my own cum. I figure hey I made it, why waste it?

Nov 21, 2013, 1:22 AM
This is a silly thread and an even more silly theory that swallowing cum is somehow mystical. Physiologically you can swallow as much cum as you want from a man or 1,000's of men but it's not going to become an actual part of your body.

I can't believe you wrote that! How do you think the body builds and repairs itself? It dosen't just pull in amino acids, proteins, etc... out of thin air you know!

Nov 21, 2013, 2:09 AM
I can't believe you wrote that! How do you think the body builds and repairs itself? It dosen't just pull in amino acids, proteins, etc... out of thin air you know!

Swallowing semen or "cum" is not essential to have the human body repair itself, build proteins, or create amino acids.

Nov 22, 2013, 2:13 AM
Swallowing semen or "cum" is not essential to have the human body repair itself, build proteins, or create amino acids.

Who said it was essential? I certainly didn't. You said swallowed semen won't become part of the swallower's body, in which you are simply dead wrong.

Well, the body dosen't say, "Well this is semen, so I won't digest it."
It gets broken down and used for growth/repair just like any other food source. So yes, it does in fact get treated as food and becomes part of the injester.
It's no more "essential" than a cheeseburger, but eat too many of those and tell me they don't get incorporated into the body!

You do realize that anything that goes down your gullet that can be digested gets used, right? Trust me on this, I can explain the entire process starting with hormonal control of hunger, the transcription of genetic sequences to produce the various digestive enzymes... the whole thing, start to finish. Swallowed semen is just another food once swallowed. Nothing special about it.

Nov 22, 2013, 3:19 PM
Personally, I think swallowing a guy's cum is the ultimate display of intimacy. Much like giving oneself to a guy (as a bottom). It is a pleasure that we would both experience. If I am sucking on a guy and am able to bring him to the point of cumming, that lets me know he is totally "into" the experience and by swallowing every creamy drop of his juices shows him that I am "into" him. As to him "being in me"...why, yes...on the intimate/spiritual sense he is indeed, inside me at that very moment. And we are then each mutually satisfied with each other...and hopefully, ready to go again!

Nov 22, 2013, 8:03 PM
I never thought of swallowing cum as a mystical experience. But, the warmth, texture, mouth feel, taste and smell of cum is the ultimate sexual stimulant for me as it fills my mouth.

Jun 10, 2021, 1:16 AM
It definitely is a mystical experience for me where I feel accomplished and proud when I make a guy cum, and successfully swallow his cum.

The flavor is like nothing else, the whole experience is incomparable to anything else. Feeling a a soft but firm piece of meat fill up your mouth, a real throbbing cock with so many nerves in it. This tool in front of you can be responsible for giving a man the greatest pleasure he can possibly feel, and you have control over that. The act of sucking penis feels sacred to me, two dudes just enjoying the pleasures of cock together. To make a man ejaculate, to give him those amazing feelings, to experience his sperm and taste it, to swallow it, feels like a special activity. All there is is the present moment, reality is now, and to make your reality a man's penis busting a nut of fresh sperm in your mouth is a gift that you should try to make happen often because those brief moments are pure happiness, euphoria, and sexual pleasure.

Jun 10, 2021, 5:43 AM
I never thought about it like that until now.
Cum is high in protein and antioxidants.

Blowjob & Billie
Jun 10, 2021, 11:23 AM
The first time someone gives a Blowjob the thought of swallowing is usually repulsive. Once you do swallow, you become used to it. We generally always swallow.

Jun 10, 2021, 11:53 AM
My Doctor advised me to eat more protien, so now I'm sucking more cocks and swallowing those protein blasts.... I feel, a lot more connected..... keep 'em cumming!!!

Jun 10, 2021, 1:16 PM
When I was trying to track down the origins of male cock sucking, I came across some interesting history that spoke to several cultures "approving" it as a rite of passage into manhood (and according to their traditions). It was thought/believed that by consuming another man's sperm, his manly essence - warrior, hunter, etc. - would be passed on to the soon to be man who consumed it. I thought that was cool, interesting and, um, perhaps an "excuse" for men to suck dick. I never did get to those origins but, again, what I could find indicated that among those cultures, a lot of mysticism was attached to swallowing another man's cum and it was hinted at it not being just a rite of passage into manhood so much.

Jun 10, 2021, 1:23 PM
Thinking of it in a stone-age type concept, it makes sense.

Men having sex with men actually makes sense on a whole lot of levels.

Jun 10, 2021, 2:10 PM
Thinking of it in a stone-age type concept, it makes sense.

Men having sex with men actually makes sense on a whole lot of levels.

Yeah it does make sense in older times, especially during war. Think that's why you see homosexual behavior among military on deployment when they are away for long periods of time and there are no women around. Why go sexless when you can fix it by just embracing sex with men.

Jun 10, 2021, 2:19 PM
Yes, when women are unavailable, or in advanced pregnancy, or post childbirth, or menopause, or simply don't want to get pregnant. Man2Man sex is a great form of birth control.

Jun 10, 2021, 3:07 PM
Well, if ya wanna get all stone age about it, it makes sense given how hunting parties would be out for days at a time... hunting and it's just the fellas and, well, needs always must and likely more so when the hunting party didn't know how long they'd be out there chasing food. We have to know and understand that there's a reason why there is so much angst and hatred over men having sex with each other and high on the list is that no babies are gonna be conceived if the guys are boning each other and, yeah, swallowing cum. One of the things I've observed over all this time is that when you leave men in a situation that is boring and/or there's not much else they can do, dicks can tend to come out and put to use and sucking them - and swallowing the cum - just makes sense. I grew up with, "What do you wanna do?" "I don't know - what do you wanna do?"

"Hey, you wanna do it?" And "it" could just be sucking each other off until neither of us could get it up again and swallowing it was the best way not to leave any evidence... and it tastes pretty good, you know, once you get used to it.

Aug 10, 2021, 10:03 PM
Never thought about it being mystical, I just like cum in my mouth. I like the feeling of making someone else feel so good and so I suck it dry and get every bit of the cum I can. The more pleasure I can give the person I'm sucking the better. The same for a woman I'm eating. Give them pleasure, that's why we're doing what we're doing.

Agreed! 100%