View Full Version : My lumps. My Lumps. My lovely thirdy lump!

Jan 4, 2010, 2:02 PM
So last week I felt a small pain in my ballsack. This wasn't normal as I quit some bad habits a few months ago. Last night in the shower I poked and proded around and much to my horror... I found a small marble-sized mass. This is a few months after my wife telling me of her best friends husband getting testicular cancer and all that, so I'm rightfully scared shitless. I know it says its easily curable and yadda yadda yadda but still IT SCARED the fuck out of me.

I didn't sleep last night.

Got an 11:00am appointment with an Urologist this morning, and it turns out 10% of men who get the snip snip develop what I have. Basically some of the fluid leaked out of the spermicidalsubway and foudn themselves lost in the ballsack culdesack, and the white blood cell gangsta army was all "ATTAAAAAAAAAAAACK" and bumrushes the lost and confused despermicizedcitezens, and formed a huge pussy ball above the testicles. There's nothing to do but ride this out for 2-4 weeks.

And for those that remember my story about going in for the snip snip last year (look under my profile for picture and link :D ) it seems none of the nurses remember me

So that was my monday morning adventure.

I have a third nut. Pussy Nut, but a nut nonetheless.

Jan 4, 2010, 3:51 PM
Oh, I also wore my Stewie Boxer shorts that had stewie screaming YOU WANT A PIECE OF THIS!?

Most fitting thing to wear to the balldoc.

Jan 4, 2010, 5:27 PM

Well, at least you'll be ok. Better three than one, no?

Jan 4, 2010, 5:51 PM
Funny...but didn't the doctor already take "a piece of this":tong:

Good that it turned out as a type of normal situation. Did you show the nurses your ballsac...maybe they didn't recognize your face and all...or do you feel "used" by those snip snip nurses?....one nutsac after another...no cuddle...no sweet memory or anything...

Oh, I also wore my Stewie Boxer shorts that had stewie screaming YOU WANT A PIECE OF THIS!?

Most fitting thing to wear to the balldoc.

Jan 4, 2010, 6:07 PM
First of all, I love the affectionate nickname you have given the doctor haha. Secondly, as I was reading it I thought "I have a feeling that this is related to his V surgery" and thank goodness it was! So happy that you're going to be alright.

Also...how the HELL would none of those nurses not remember you? It's like someone goes in there with pictures drawn on their nuts every day haha.

Jan 4, 2010, 10:18 PM
OMG. Joe, after the day from hell that I have had, I definately needed a chuckle, and I thank foir for it, even tho it Could have been a very serious problem. I hope the third nut is ok, and goes away soon. :}
Hugs hon

Jan 5, 2010, 12:33 AM
Here is wishing you and your trio of testicles a very speedy recovery !!!

roy m cox
Jan 5, 2010, 1:53 AM
um well hope you get better ,,

3 nuts that would fun or 4 hmmm :tong: day dreams


Jan 5, 2010, 3:18 PM
Joe, I am glad your condition was not so serious--as strong a person as he is--Lance Armstrong did almost die from testicular cancer.

We do need to be aware of the condition of things "down there"---Armstrong is said to have caught his cancer early on, but he still went through many months of chemo and I also believe, radiation treatment, as welll.

I am sure that your "third nut" sure doesn't feel good but seems like you have the right attitude going---take it easy and let your treatment and body heal up.

Jan 5, 2010, 4:11 PM
Was it Cheech and Chong that sang the song "Tres Huevos"?

Jan 5, 2010, 6:16 PM
Well if people can have 3 nipples, I included,, why can't men have 3 ballsacks? Hope everything comes out alright?

Jan 5, 2010, 8:48 PM
E.T. Extra Testicle