View Full Version : I forgot how much FUN this all was...

Jan 4, 2010, 11:37 AM
About six months ago, there was a HUGE misunderstanding (well that's what I call it but in reality I think they were just idiots) with my school and they dropped me. I've kind of pushed it to the back burner, intentionally not wanting to think about it. ALAS, I decided last night after much thought the past few weeks that I must continue my education one way or another before my previous loans go into collection and no school will ever take me until I pay them off...which basically means that it would be forever before I could go to school again haha. At first I was very unhappy with my school and looked into others, but just a little bit ago I spoke to them and they said that my file is still good and I should be able to re-enroll and situatate loans and such with no problems. NOW I have the joy of doing paperwork and dealing with all the school drama bullshit all over again! YAY.

I think I'm way to tense for my age...

Anyways, I'm making a big change at the moment. I was originally working on my Bachelors of Science in Psychology with an emphasis in applied behavioral analysis, but at this time in my life, for whatever reason, I feel that that is not something I want to work on right now. I didn't like the program as much as I could have at that school and I'd rather put that off a bit until I find a school that I really like and can get a lot of good feedback with about the program, and being a military spouse finding that perfect school may be hard with all of the different areas you go to. So basically, I want to push off the last few years of that degree for another time. In the meantime, I still want to go to school and be able to better myself, so I have decided to change my program with them from the BS in psychology to an Associates of Science in Accounting. Much shorter degree program AND something that will be good to have a degree in for when I eventually finish my BS program and open my own business.

So anyways, wish me luck everyone. I'm gonna need it with this stupid process I have to go through.

Jan 4, 2010, 1:38 PM
You have to do with what's best for you... Stress right now is something that just isn't good for anyone... Congrats and good luck, with everything that's on your plate.

Jan 4, 2010, 9:54 PM
Yes but it'll be worth it in the end, Hon. I thought the same way about mine, and it was a hassle and a half, but it worked out fine. And if it gets you in the door for a good profession, then go for it!

Jan 4, 2010, 9:54 PM
Hopefully, with our state's Department of Rehab Services helping I may avoid the hassle of loans.

Big surprise announcement coming up here. I have decided and resigned to attain a few goals, one of which is actually going to school. The school I'm looking into isn't a standard college but rather a career oriented one. You can get your degrees a lot faster, smaller classes, teachers that are actual working class pros in their fields.

What I am aiming for is to actually get certified, a degree as a computer programmer first. I have been using this Debian Linux computer here for about a year now, dabbled a bit more into programming and finding it really satisfying, enjoyable. Then, yes I may gravitate towards IT as Techie or Help desk person.

I have also been working in a really supportive environment and made some rather drastic changes in ways of thinking. Of course, the medicine for depression has helped a bit I'm sure. Speaking of, I'll go Friday to switch to another med and get records transferred to our local CSB. They offer reduced fees on psychotherapists, meds and are a little closer to home.

The current medicine is doing alright to a point but it's caused me to have that odd 'waking' sleepwalking episodes. It looks like I'm awake, I function like I am awake but guess what? Hehe. Fortunately, I've not done any harm but better to switch the medicine and be safe.

I'm going to school. Been getting nowhere but dead ends working over fifteen years with these hands and the busy bee mentality. Time for me to go to the other side of the equation a bit. If I can sit and push buttons to earn a paycheck, hey why not? :) If i can plan and delegate other busy bees, get paid, why not? :)

But I also do dread the oncoming paperwork stuff of which you speak. It's got me nervous, anxious. At least I'm not being frustrated by people saying I can not do it. In fact most of them now say I can! And *FINALLY* I'm starting to realize those are the ones I need to hear.

Jan 5, 2010, 10:09 AM
Right out of high school, I enrolled in college....then came the drugs and drinking. I completely bombed out my first year and decided not to go back for a second. That was twelve years ago. This summer, I made the decision to go back to school (to the same college). You would not believe the hoops I had to jump through just to get re-enrolled after such a poor performance the first time. I'm actually lucky they let me back in. But....after a horribly stressful couple of months doing stacks of paperwork, standing in endless lines and holding on the phone for hours--I actually got everything straightened out and went on to make the Dean's List my first semester. I'm getting ready to go back for semester #2 and am soooooo glad that I stuck it out through all the bullshit. It is worth it, even when it seems like too much of a hassle. Proud of you for making the decision to go back, Rissa! I wish you luck in all that you do!:)

Jan 5, 2010, 10:17 AM
*Rips out hair*

WELL...looks like I'm not going to be going back QUITE as quickly as I thought...cause my idiot husband likes to not keep track of his tax paperwork...and that's kind of a necessity with FAFSA...Soo, I'm gonna have to wait until our tax stuff comes in for 2009 and fill it out with that as apposed to 2008.

I even asked him last night "Why is it that everytime I want to do something I get screwed over...and it's always because someone didn't do something they were supposed to do...and half the time that someone also happens to be you?"

Jan 6, 2010, 12:13 AM

You, unquestionably, by long term observation, are a bitch (huge evil potential - and lesbian - (muted and barely hidden) hate-men-bias).
You, also have abnormal potential to do good for the world.
Swim the waters - of what format - possibilities open you to.
Get your psychology/psychiactrict degree.

You'd be a really good shrink, in spite of your self.
Even if you never got over yourself and your own issues (which I suspect you won't).
(please note emphasis)
Ontheside (yes, you're a bitch and yes you're talented and yes you'd be bound... to the highest ethics... which may help you NOT harm others - when the issues are similar to your own (this will be the most difficult for you!!!!!!)).
Good luck. :)

The crazy bitchy ones always make the best shrinks. It's a little known fact.

Edit: I fail to understand how I am a lesbian and man hater when I am married? Doesn't that kind of contradict that? I mean, sure there are some men that I dislike greatly but generally I tend to dislike women more. :D

Jan 6, 2010, 12:36 AM
Ok, I feel horribly left out now. The sneaky, odious, incidious, ignorant sod troll missed me somehow. lol Move over Rissa-honey, I wanna sit on the Bitch Bench too, and as soon as Idiot-troll gets done ripping Me, it'll be His/her turn...:} Bring it on fool...
Rubbing paws together and sharpening claws in anticipation.

Jan 6, 2010, 1:01 AM
About six months ago, there was a HUGE misunderstanding (well that's what I call it but in reality I think they were just idiots) with my school and they dropped me. I've kind of pushed it to the back burner, intentionally not wanting to think about it. ALAS, I decided last night after much thought the past few weeks that I must continue my education one way or another before my previous loans go into collection and no school will ever take me until I pay them off...which basically means that it would be forever before I could go to school again haha. At first I was very unhappy with my school and looked into others, but just a little bit ago I spoke to them and they said that my file is still good and I should be able to re-enroll and situatate loans and such with no problems. NOW I have the joy of doing paperwork and dealing with all the school drama bullshit all over again! YAY.

I think I'm way to tense for my age...

Anyways, I'm making a big change at the moment. I was originally working on my Bachelors of Science in Psychology with an emphasis in applied behavioral analysis, but at this time in my life, for whatever reason, I feel that that is not something I want to work on right now. I didn't like the program as much as I could have at that school and I'd rather put that off a bit until I find a school that I really like and can get a lot of good feedback with about the program, and being a military spouse finding that perfect school may be hard with all of the different areas you go to. So basically, I want to push off the last few years of that degree for another time. In the meantime, I still want to go to school and be able to better myself, so I have decided to change my program with them from the BS in psychology to an Associates of Science in Accounting. Much shorter degree program AND something that will be good to have a degree in for when I eventually finish my BS program and open my own business.

So anyways, wish me luck everyone. I'm gonna need it with this stupid process I have to go through.

You certainly do have your fair share of difficulties in life.... don't you????

Jan 6, 2010, 1:13 AM
You certainly do have your fair share of difficulties in life.... don't you????

Who doesn't?

Jan 6, 2010, 8:05 PM
Who doesn't?

Quite true Rissa, we all have our own trials and tribulations and get shit thrown in our face, but we also get the good things come our way too.

You are still very young and have plenty of time to get the education you want and need, so that you will have a career to look forward to. It cannot be easy to study and be looking after three young children.

I wish that I had returned to some sort of employment earlier in my life. I would be far more independent right now, at a time, when I know I need to head out and be on my own in the world. I did what I thought was the right thing, I stayed at home with my children and whilst I do not regret doing this, I know that a lot of ''me'' has not seen it's full potential. I have three wonderful children, intelligent, good people and I think I did a good job in their raising, but we are not only mothers, we are also individuals and we need to use our talents to the full.

I hope you can get back to your studies very soon Rissa, for you are an intelligent young woman. I don't doubt that you are a good mother and will always be so, but do make sure that Rissa is also good to Rissa. Reach your full potential and be fulfilled.

I wish you all the luck in the world.

On another note.....the rude post to you.....the person is NOT a troll....but they ARE being a Jerk.

Jan 6, 2010, 11:22 PM
Quite true Rissa, we all have our own trials and tribulations and get shit thrown in our face, but we also get the good things come our way too.

You are still very young and have plenty of time to get the education you want and need, so that you will have a career to look forward to. It cannot be easy to study and be looking after three young children.

I wish that I had returned to some sort of employment earlier in my life. I would be far more independent right now, at a time, when I know I need to head out and be on my own in the world. I did what I thought was the right thing, I stayed at home with my children and whilst I do not regret doing this, I know that a lot of ''me'' has not seen it's full potential. I have three wonderful children, intelligent, good people and I think I did a good job in their raising, but we are not only mothers, we are also individuals and we need to use our talents to the full.

I hope you can get back to your studies very soon Rissa, for you are an intelligent young woman. I don't doubt that you are a good mother and will always be so, but do make sure that Rissa is also good to Rissa. Reach your full potential and be fulfilled.

I wish you all the luck in the world.

On another note.....the rude post to you.....the person is NOT a troll....but they ARE being a Jerk.

Thanks a lot. We figured something out with my FAFSA so looks like I will be going sooner that I had thought.

By the way, I didn't feel that they were a troll. If the worst a person is going to do is tell me that I'm great but a bitch, I hardly consider that jerky either though lmao.

Jan 7, 2010, 11:24 PM
I apologize.

Jan 12, 2010, 6:30 PM
Well, I'm officially a student again! Finishing up the last confirmations with registrar tomorrow. Wish me luck, I'm probably going to need it haha.

Jan 12, 2010, 6:47 PM
Brill Ris!!!!!!! Student days.. summa the best days ofya life.. hard work.. nose 2 grindstone.. l8 nites graftin way on assigments..weekends ruined by research.. fun outa winda!! God..who wud hav it???

.. God wot a rite loada bolloks that lot innit? Yea sure is hard work.. but worth it in end.. but ruin ya social life?? Not onya Nellie.. nites out..plonk in student bar.. lotsa laffs.. an mmmm lotsa luffly gals..tee hee.. k.. guys (blyugh!!!) an all ifya like that sorta thing.. fun thing bout student life is its 'mazin the friends ya make..met me best friend at uni... lotsa me m8s r ole friends from me student days.. an new 1s from the las lil stint.. awesome.. trik is not 2 let the social life ruin the study.. an don let the study get in way a life.. trikky balancin act..but an important 1.. always hav time for those ya luff mos... letya hair down wenya needs 2... an ya'll luff every minute.. well..not every minute..but mos of em..

Huge snogs for luk..an a lik jus cos me wonts 2! An a nibble jus in case ya fancy it.. tee hee:tong:

Jan 12, 2010, 7:03 PM
Yaaay! Atta girl, Rissa. You GO Girl! High Paw!! lol