View Full Version : Came out to Family

Jan 2, 2010, 4:49 PM
To start the New Year I decided to come out to my family. I am a Married Bi womyn and there is a womyn that I am interested in. My Husband and I have been married over 21 years and my Husband knew I was Bi. I was very surprise with my family, they are ok with it. As for my friends they are having problems with it. I have lost friends that I have know for over 21 years, I don't get that. So I think it is funny with the friends, don't understand oh well:three:

Jan 2, 2010, 5:36 PM
Ive only come out to a few friends and my mom and they were all fine with it..... I guess it just depends on the people.

Jan 2, 2010, 6:38 PM
To start the New Year I decided to come out to my family. I am a Married Bi womyn and there is a womyn that I am interested in. My Husband and I have been married over 21 years and my Husband knew I was Bi. I was very surprise with my family, they are ok with it. As for my friends they are having problems with it. I have lost friends that I have know for over 21 years, I don't get that. So I think it is funny with the friends, don't understand oh well:three:

That is the exact opposite of what happened to me.

Jan 2, 2010, 6:49 PM
I could have never come out to my parents,or family! My parents are gone, now, but I still have family who are close.

Those of you have family and friends, who are OK with you being DIFFERENT than them, are very lucky. The only one who know I'm bi, is my lover and a very few exceptionally close friends.

I've seen friends drop off the map, when someone is truthful about being bi/gay. But, I wonder if they were really good friends, if that's all it takes for them to leave?

Jan 2, 2010, 6:54 PM
That is the exact opposite of what happened to me.

Sorry to hear that, I think it is because I have a brother who is gay but I did not think they would take it so easy. I love my friends, and I thought they would support me, boy did I get it wrong, I do have other friends that are ok about it but 21 years we have known each other.

Jan 2, 2010, 8:15 PM
I came out to my father a few years ago....everyone reacts differentlyl, he actually said to me..."I think you get it from your mothers side" !! Can you imagine...my ex husband knew before I told him...he just felt how openminded I was towards woman, not too mention it didnt bother me that he looked at others....when I finally told him, he was interested and curious himself...both for m and f....that did not last long, he got jealous I would fall for a woman and leave him....well, he got boring so I left anyway....his family are very confused about it, they ask, are you dating a man or a woman, i like to say, neither...I'm dating a person...essentially I think the sad thing in this is friends are worried that you will either be hot for them, or their spouse!!! Good luck to everyone....

Jan 2, 2010, 8:32 PM
Well BiBliss, kudo's for you coming out to your family. That took alot of courage and I commend you on it. As for the friends, they are just not true friends if they cant still love you for the person you are. Are they afraid that a person is going to hit on them just because you're Bi all of a sudden? You were Bi all of these years and they loved you before you divulged yourself to them..In my humble opinion they are wrong for treating you any differently that they did before. This is why I dont go telling people my personal sexual preferences, and why that I love my Lifestyle family, and This family, so much.
Again, Kudos to you Hon. :}

Jan 2, 2010, 11:38 PM
To start the New Year I decided to come out to my family. I am a Married Bi womyn and there is a womyn that I am interested in. My Husband and I have been married over 21 years and my Husband knew I was Bi. I was very surprise with my family, they are ok with it. As for my friends they are having problems with it. I have lost friends that I have know for over 21 years, I don't get that. So I think it is funny with the friends, don't understand oh well:three:

I'm glad it went (mostly) well for you - there will always be people who just don't want to deal with it - the fact that you are the same person you were BEFORE you came out. Some of them may come back if they give it a chance, but who knows - at least your family is OK with it.

I'm out to select friends that I know would understand, not out to family because I just can't bear to think of losing them. I suspect my mom probably knows, and if they asked me a direct question I would tell them the truth - but they don't ask, and I don't tell.

Jan 3, 2010, 11:20 AM
Sorry to hear that, I think it is because I have a brother who is gay but I did not think they would take it so easy. I love my friends, and I thought they would support me, boy did I get it wrong, I do have other friends that are ok about it but 21 years we have known each other.

Well, no one is my family is gay or bi. Everyone is straight and follows this Christian "man laying with man, woman laying with woman is an abomination," rule. I had a gay uncle but he died of AIDs a long time ago. My Aunt and her family who believes we should love and accept everyone is the only one fine with it.

Jan 3, 2010, 11:33 AM
Well, no one is my family is gay or bi. Everyone is straight and follows this Christian "man laying with man, woman laying with woman is an abomination," rule. I had a gay uncle but he died of AIDs a long time ago. My Aunt and her family who believes we should love and accept everyone is the only one fine with it.

I like abomination:bigrin: So the question here is " If we are all in Hell what is God doing?" Now this is in fun:tong: