View Full Version : More than just posting

Pazuel Unga
Dec 30, 2009, 8:46 AM
Greetings and salutations:
I was wondering, since I can say I have so far gone empty handed from my "being here", what the rate of folks actually passing beyond the pvt message and made actual contact with your person of interest?

Dec 30, 2009, 8:57 AM
I met and then began to date my GF, who is also bisexual, here last year. She has proven to be one of the most significant and cherished lovers I ever had!

I've met a few others, of both genders, with whom a relationship could have developed, had the distance between us not been so great.

I have to say that joining this site has been one of the most rewarding things I've ever done! My lover, the friends, and the conversations I've had, have been outstanding!

Dec 30, 2009, 9:35 AM
Greetings and salutations:
I was wondering, since I can say I have so far gone empty handed from my "being here", what the rate of folks actually passing beyond the pvt message and made actual contact with your person of interest?

Well, considering you have been here just over a month, at a time when there is lots of flurry of holiday activity, you are most likely to get little activity as we all have busy lives.

Another point is that you may wish to expand your profile to include more information which may give those interested in striking up a conversation and possibly more with you.

Have you come into the chat room and introduced yourself. I have found that is a great way to meet and talk to people. Reading the threads and commenting is a nice way people can get to know you too.

I must say, and I think I am the exception to the rule, that I have met so so many people from this site in person. It is not like I met them on line one day and said hey lets have coffee the next..but rather and investment in getting to know them as individuals and developing a common bond. Just my thoughts.


Dec 30, 2009, 1:51 PM
I have been fortunate to meet a small number of people from here in the real world--if time, finances and the like allowed for more travel--I would like to meet so many more of them----it is a good thing and a bad thing----being the internet---we have people on here from all over the world on this site.

I have certainly made many online friendships on here every bit as good as those I have "in the real world" as opposed to this cyber one!

Welcome----I am sure that if you remain on here--you will eventually come to meet at least a few of those from this site.

Dec 30, 2009, 4:23 PM
I've met several folks from this site in real life. Like onewhocares said, it didn't happen all at once in a few days. I had information about myself in my profile and I frequented the chat room often getting to know folks there first.

Dec 31, 2009, 1:35 PM
Greetings and salutations:
I was wondering, since I can say I have so far gone empty handed from my "being here", what the rate of folks actually passing beyond the pvt message and made actual contact with your person of interest?

To meet someone from here for a "hook up"--it took me over a year till that first happened----but I move kinda slow on some things--and to me---moving slow on meeting someone for such things is something it really is wise to move slowly on!--But then--that is just me.

For something like this--I like the old saying: "Good things come to those who wait!"

Dec 31, 2009, 2:51 PM
One thing that may be holding you up is, you're married.

Does your wife know of your sexual interests?

If so, is she OK with it?

Many who might be otherwise interested, may not want to be with a married man, especially if the spouse does not know.

Dec 31, 2009, 3:31 PM
Not very many people live in the Mason-Manistee County area of Michigan. Much of it is Manistee National Forest, but it is a great summer/winter playground. Luddington and Manistee are small cities.
So, you are likely to have few in your area looknig for a local hook-up. Maybe, look for someone that would like to vacation there and enjoy the winter activities (skiing, snowmobiling, etc.) with you as their pleasure guide.

Dec 31, 2009, 7:20 PM
Still working on it; but things are looking up. :)

Dec 31, 2009, 10:49 PM
And while you are fleshing out that profile, to make it more interesting, you could add some pics that are more than just your dick.

While there are people out there to whom size matters, there are at least as many that are not impressed by those types of pics; so some more G or R rated pics may get you better results.

But then, y your own admittance, you have not been here that long, so it will also take some time before folks start to take an interest.

Posting on as many topics that you are interested in will help folks get to know you a bit as well.

Jan 1, 2010, 12:35 AM
have had several private messages; the kind of hi, i'm in LA for business, hi, flying from spain, etc, or the reverse, if i'm in spain, etc how 'bout a quick fuck. if they had bothered to read my profile, or some of my postings, that is not going to get my attention.

you might put more into your profile, post more often, and how about somethig more than yet another dick posting, not very original, no matter what the graphics highlight! four postings in a year, hmmm! not much to go on here!

did almost hook up with a guy here; wrote me here then we moved over to yahoo, his email address, then on the phone several times. i guess i'm too much of a double alpha + type a workaholic, he seemed to loose interest?!

que sera!

Jan 1, 2010, 4:51 PM
I know alot of people, and many are from this site. :} I have been very honored to meet a few as well. Many I know from the chat room, and a couple I have been fortunate to acutally meet in person. I just recently met an adorable young man from here, and he had lunch with my adopted daughters and I. And in fact, had I been up to it physically, he may have wound up being dessert..LMAO. :bigrin:

I have talked to a rare few on the phone, so they know what this voice is like, (Its ok Mati, breathe hon, breathe..lol) and I greatly enjoyed talking with them. This site Isnt all about hook-up's, its about People, and people arent Always about just sex. (God, did i actually say that aloud????) lol
Get to know some folks in your area if there are members close, and meet them if you can. You may find a dear friend, you may find a beloved lover...ya just never know. :}
Have fun, be safe.