View Full Version : What should I do?

Dec 29, 2009, 2:34 PM
I have sort of alluded to this in another thread, but now I need some advice. I had a dream my first wet dream ever, just a few weeks ago. In the dream I was finally getting to suck the dick of my best high school buddy. Much to my surprise when I did wake up my briefs were full of cum. Although I had never sucked a dick (except when I was very young). All through high school I wanted desperately to suck his dick. Like I said I went to high school with him, so we were both in the same gym class & I may have"accidentally" seen his pretty dick. We were young about 14 or 15 Y/O, so we used to take turns spending the night with one another. This meant we slept in the same bed almost naked. I had to be very careful (maybe), that I did not pop a woody that he could see. I wanted so bad to jump his bones, but I was afraid he might not be receptive to my advances & would tell our friends that I was a queer (1960's lingo for gay).

About 15-20 years ago we met again accidentally while I was at lunch. I told him where I worked & what time I went to lunch everyday, so he came to meet me everyday after that. One day he told me he got called back to the place he used to work. He told me his wages were to be 25-30 dollars an hour. I asked him just what he would be doing for that kind of money. He said he didn't care what they had him doing for that amount of money, then he said hell I'd suck dick 8 hours al day if they tell me to.

I was stunned by what he just said & I immediately remembered all the things I wanted to do to (with) him. I eventually let the comment go by, but now that I think about it maybe he was trying to say something & I was too blind to see it.

I looked up on the computer where he lives & found that he lives in a small town about 30 miles from me. He's divorced, but I am married & my question to you guys is: Should I let go of the feelings I have for him or should I go to house and see where (if anyplace)it goes from there?

Sorry this post was so long, but I wanted to re-capture all the facts. Thank you in advance.

Dec 29, 2009, 3:19 PM
A casual comment about a guy's job is probably not the same thing as admitting that he's bisexual. If you're really interested in the guy, why not try dropping some hints of your own and seeing how he reacts?

Dec 29, 2009, 3:21 PM
That`s a hell of a situation!!!
I don`t know if it would be a problem for you because you´re married.
But generally, I would just try and visit the guy. Maybe just for the tension and the excitement. But if he says he likes to suck dicks your chances might not be too bad!! And if you haven`t got a problem with your conscience because of your marriage, I would do it. Just try.
You must decide for yourself but I would just try my luck.

Dec 29, 2009, 3:25 PM
Even if he said about sucking in a joking manner he was opening an exploratory dialogue that you was shy to follow. After so many years apart it would be advisable to know better what he has been doing these years to be sure he is still a nice guy. If so it would be a nice opportunity to explore...

Dec 29, 2009, 4:26 PM
Ditto! It's always nice to stay in touch with old friends. Just think of the joy you could experience if it works out? Don't repress those feelings anymore.

Dec 29, 2009, 7:08 PM
One day he told me he got called back to the place he used to work. He told me his wages were to be 25-30 dollars an hour. I asked him just what he would be doing for that kind of money. He said he didn't care what they had him doing for that amount of money, then he said hell I'd suck dick 8 hours al day if they tell me to.

I wouldn't read too much into your friend's comment about sucking. Very often when people make comments such as that, they are suggesting that the money is SOOOO good that they'd even do something that they'd find "unpleasant" to get it...sort of a way of saying how great his pay is...a way of emphasizing a point....for example, "she is so beautiful that I would walk over glass to get to her"...."I want that car so bad that I'd sell my first born son to get it". Just something for you to think about before you open up too much to your friend and find yourself in an uncomfortable situation as a result.

Dec 29, 2009, 9:07 PM
I think getting in touch with him to see how his new job is going would be a nice ice breaker to get the friendship back on track. Since he is divorced you could ask him what he does for fun...maybe go out for a drink. Then see what happens.


Dec 29, 2009, 9:21 PM
Sounds like a throwaway comment to me. I think Mumsie has the truth of it... it dusnt mean ne thing.. 1ce I said I would shag the devil for a night with Johnny Depp. It sounds like that kind of daft comment. Dont getya hopes up hun... cos I think that their will be much hurt!

Dec 30, 2009, 3:14 AM
Darkeyes is right.

As often as not, comments like the one that your friend made are nothing more than a figure of speech. If you want to know for sure, then drop a hint or two and see what he says or does about them.

But a word of caution, your spouse needs to know and be okay with you doing something sexual with him (if it comes to that) or there will be hell to pay when she finds out afterward.

Trust us, they always find out, eventually.

Dec 30, 2009, 8:44 AM
I wouldn't read too much into your friend's comment about sucking. Very often when people make comments such as that, they are suggesting that the money is SOOOO good that they'd even do something that they'd find "unpleasant" to get it..

There's no way to say for sure, but I'd be thinking the opposite. I don't think he'd of said something like that unless he was comfortable with it. Sucking dick must be right up there in the front of his thoughts for him to bring it up so easily.

As far as it being "unpleasant" to the guy, we might note that a lot of the biggest mouthed gay bashers end up being found out to be bi or gay themselves. Whenever I run into someone that refers to homosexual activity a lot- hostile or not- I generally assume he's trying to cover for his own behavior.

I think he was dropping a hint, intentionally or not. I'd drop a few hints of my own back at him.

Dec 30, 2009, 10:30 AM
I was just thinking of that old saying: Many a truth is said in jest.

Jan 11, 2010, 5:44 PM
I was just thinking of that old saying: Many a truth is said in jest.

That's exactly the way I feel about the situation. I think he would have to be slightly comfortable with what he was saying. I just wish I would have jumped at the "opportunity???". :( Now I'll probably never know for sure just what he was trying to say. I can only imagine.:bipride:

Jan 11, 2010, 6:15 PM
Well, I don't know too many straight guys that would say they like sucking cock, joking or otherwise. So, chances are I'd say he means what he says, or he is at least curious.

If you have feelings for him, I would suggest that you see where this goes, or you'll always be wondering "what if."

Jan 11, 2010, 6:29 PM
Stay in touch, if there's anything to it he'll bring it up again. You might come up with your own saying to through at him. With all the same sex TV shows now days, that might be another aproach also. It gets the coversation started with my wife and myself.