View Full Version : What would you do?

Dec 21, 2009, 11:08 AM
I recently posted a thread on how to have a solid marriage and still be open about being bi. What is the next step? My wife has told me I need to decide what I want to do now. Do i go out and explore this side of my life? How do you meet people? There are so many questions at this point. How did you go from being curious to exploring this part of your life?

Dec 21, 2009, 11:29 AM
I told my wife after being together for 3 years. That was 7 years ago. I have still have difficulty hooking up for no other reason than not wanting to outed. The best hook ups I have had have been on vacation. But would love to find a friend close by. One place I go a couple times a year is a bathhouse about 2 hours away. You could try that.

Dec 21, 2009, 2:36 PM
What would I do?
You mention very little about your wife or her feelings. You focus only on yourself. The best resource you have is your wife. What anyone here does is totally irrelevant to your situation. You are going to do a balancing act that needs to tilt more toward your wife than anything else. That is unless you intend leaving her. Get her involved in your thoughts and needs and listen to her.
If she doesn't want to discuss it or be involved..........you have a bigger problem than you can solve here. It takes two, to be bisexual in a marriage and have it work.

Dec 21, 2009, 5:23 PM
welickit has encapsulated your next step.
What would you do??

Whatever it is it involves your wife very, very much.
That should be the limit of the advice you get from here and any outside forum counselling.

Your what to do next MUST be talked over, planned, argued - all those words with your wife, otherwise you marriage has a snowflakes chance in Hell of surviving.

It worked for me for 14 years. My husband and I set "boundaries" and although they were uniquely our own, they were kept and our marriage survived quite well.
The fact we separated early this year was not because of my bisexuality. A factor, yes, but only a small one.

Being bisexual and married can work.

So, don't talk to us - talk to your wife.

Dec 22, 2009, 1:40 AM
What would I do?
You mention very little about your wife or her feelings. You focus only on yourself. The best resource you have is your wife. What anyone here does is totally irrelevant to your situation. You are going to do a balancing act that needs to tilt more toward your wife than anything else. That is unless you intend leaving her. Get her involved in your thoughts and needs and listen to her.
If she doesn't want to discuss it or be involved..........you have a bigger problem than you can solve here. It takes two, to be bisexual in a marriage and have it work.

I have talked to my wife a great deal about all this. She has as many questions as me. We talk almost everyday about our feelings, desires and all the emotions that go along with it. Took me a long time to open up to her about alll this. Ever since, we talk about it on a regular basis. We probably do need to figure out boundaries. I'm not looking for anyone here to tell me what to do, i just want to know what they do and how they deal with all the emotions and issues in there own marriage. One thing I know I am doing right is my wife and I have established an open line of communication. But I guess that is what we need to do at this point. Just keep talking and figure out what we both want and can share together. Thanks for the advice