View Full Version : Queer Bands

Dec 18, 2009, 2:18 AM
I just discovered a few queer bands that I thought I 'd share:

Coyote Grace (http://www.coyotegrace.com/coyotegrace/default.asp?ID=18&PageData=200)

Tribe 8 (http://www.tribe8.com/) (ok, so I know I'm late to the party on this one)

Storm Large (http://stormlarge.com/) (not officially queer, but eight miles wide is definitely well done and, hey, she is an ally)

So what bands do you like that are queer?

Lisa (va)
Dec 18, 2009, 6:55 PM
[QUOTE=MarieDelta;149823]I just discovered a few queer bands that I thought I 'd share:

Tribe 8 (http://www.tribe8.com/) (ok, so I know I'm late to the party on this one)

better late than never


hugs n kisses

Dec 18, 2009, 11:53 PM
One band that comes to mind is Girl In A Coma. I absolutely love them.

Dec 19, 2009, 11:21 AM
Jonny McGovern aka "The Gay Pimp," is just hilarious.

Dec 19, 2009, 1:29 PM
Sleater-Kinney (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sleater-Kinney)!!! (R.I.P. :( )

Apr 21, 2010, 12:35 PM
Here are some more bands you all might enjoy:

The Shondes (http://www.shondes.com/static/)

Baby Dee (http://www.myspace.com/theonlybabydee)

The Cliks (http://www.ilike.com/artist/The+Cliks?src=onebox)

The Endtables (http://www.myspace.com/prehysterie)

Apr 21, 2010, 1:26 PM
My favorite is Lady Gaga who is bi. I also like green day whose singer is also bi. A threesome with both of them would rock my world. :bibounce::bibounce:

Apr 21, 2010, 4:22 PM
PJ Harvey (at least up through "To Bring You My Love")
Prince (at least through Lovesexy)
The Smiths and Morrissey (of course)
My Bloody Valentine
David Bowie (generally the "earlier" stuff)
The Velvet Underground
Lady Gaga
Grace Jones
The Plasmatics
The Residents
Anthony and the Johnsons
The Pet Shop Boys
Patti Smith

That is if you mean bands whose music, style, composition, or lyrics are queer. If you mean bands whose membership is largely LGBT, then that's a different list.


Apr 21, 2010, 4:39 PM
Anika Moa is someone I love to listen to, but in the end the sexuality of the singer doesn't matter to me. The music matters.

Apr 21, 2010, 4:56 PM
Anika Moa is someone I love to listen to, but in the end the sexuality of the singer doesn't matter to me. The music matters.

...always Twyla.. 2 many r 2 interested in such dross as who is wot an wy... its wot an who we like an partic the talent they hav wich shud always b the main thing...:)

Apr 21, 2010, 5:34 PM
...always Twyla.. 2 many r 2 interested in such dross as who is wot an wy... its wot an who we like an partic the talent they hav wich shud always b the main thing...:)

It isnt so much that I enjoy these folks because they are queer, more that I enjoy their music and they are queer.

Its like two equally good bars. One run by heterosexuals and one run by GLBT folks. All other things being equal, I'll be in the GLBT bar. Because they generally are going to be more understanding than hetero folk, in my experience. Same thing with queer music, in general, it will reflect my life more than straight music. Not that I dont like some straight music.

But where else are you going to find lyrics like this:

Berries in the bucket
Baby's on a blanket
Tomatoes hanging heavy on the vine
The underwear is dancing to a Patsy Cline song
Out on the laundry line
In a field of lightening bugs
That put the country stars to shame
We're gonna get higher than the corn tonight
Cuz boys like her
Bring me some some some of that summertime

Apr 21, 2010, 6:04 PM
It isnt so much that I enjoy these folks because they are queer, more that I enjoy their music and they are queer.

Its like two equally good bars. One run by heterosexuals and one run by GLBT folks. All other things being equal, I'll be in the GLBT bar. Because they generally are going to be more understanding than hetero folk, in my experience. Same thing with queer music, in general, it will reflect my life more than straight music. Not that I dont like some straight music.

But where else are you going to find lyrics like this:

I understand that Marie.. but the very best music is that which is universal.. I love folk music as you know, it is the music of the commmon people.. modern rock and popular music is tomorrows folk music, although much is dross, there is so much which is wonderful and universal. I also love political and revolutionary music from around the world..I love jazz and blues, adore opera and most of the great classical composers.. so many of all of these people, performer and composer were themselves gay or bisexual.. and so often their pain tells in the music... it doesnt matter whether they are gay bi str8 or trans.. I have an love of all kinds of music.. some specifically what we would term lgbt, but very little really overall.. but the best (at least the best to me) has a resonance for all people.. it certainly has a resonance within me which tugs at the emotions like no other art form...

Apr 21, 2010, 6:06 PM
It isnt so much that I enjoy these folks because they are queer, more that I enjoy their music and they are queer.

Its like two equally good bars. One run by heterosexuals and one run by GLBT folks. All other things being equal, I'll be in the GLBT bar. Because they generally are going to be more understanding than hetero folk, in my experience. Same thing with queer music, in general, it will reflect my life more than straight music. Not that I dont like some straight music.

But where else are you going to find lyrics like this:

I understand that Marie.. but the very best music is that which is universal.. I love folk music as you know, it is the music of the commmon people.. modern rock and popular music is tomorrows folk music, although much is dross, there is so muuch which is wonderful and universal. I also love political and revolutionary music from around the world..I love jazz and blues, adore opera and most of the great classical compsers.. so many of all of these people, performer and composer were themselves gay or bisexual.. and so often their pain tells in the music... I have an love of all kinds of music.. some specifically what we would term lgbt, but very little really overall.. but the best (at least the best to me) has a resonance for all people.. the sexuality of the listener does not matter.. but it certainly has a resonance within me which tugs at the emotions like no other art form...

Apr 21, 2010, 6:23 PM
I dont see a thing wrong with promoting less known bands, if they have talent. Sometimes they are queer sometimes they are not.

In the end, it's the music.

Apr 21, 2010, 6:48 PM
I dont see a thing wrong with promoting less known bands, if they have talent. Sometimes they are queer sometimes they are not.

In the end, it's the music.

No argifyin from me ther Marie darlin'...:)

Apr 21, 2010, 8:22 PM
The artists I consider queer express in their music, lyrics, or person non heteronormative identities. Prince, for example, in the old days at least, was himself biracial, his band was of mixed races and genders, and while he often sang of woman love from a male point of view, he often inverted the dynamic of relationships or spoke of people being "a victim of society and all its crazy games". In Uptown he sang of "black, white, Puerto Rican, everybody just a freakin'". And so on. I personally identify with music that crosses boundaries and I appreciate those who flaunt boundaries, either of sex, gender, race, class, or nationality. To me, that is queer. :flag4:

Apr 21, 2010, 9:47 PM
I've always loved:

The Pet Shop Boys (saw them in concert a couple of months ago, their last night in the US)

The Indigo Girls (one of my all-time favorite groups)



Depeche Mode (but don't think they are queer...per se)

The Smiths


etc., etc., etc. (I know several of these were already named)

Apr 22, 2010, 1:32 AM
Nobody likes the first openly gay metalhead? Halford's practically a rock God and no one has though to even mention Judas Priest?

I'm very disappointed in all of you. Especially anyone who likes the radioactive after effects of a botched bio experiment that is Lady GaGa. I'd go so far as to suggest disowning her.

Apr 22, 2010, 2:16 AM
The Magnetic Fields!!!!!!! Stephin Merritt's smoky baritone is sooo hawt! If you like him/them also check out his other projects: The 6ths, Future Bible Heroes, and The Gothic Archies. Ooh fun fact! Lemony Snickett is actually a Magnetic Fields band member!

More GLBT bands/artists/supporters:

Junior Senior--Patrick Wolf (mmmm)--Broken Social Scene--Belle and Sebastian--Placebo--Of Montreal--Final Fantasy (yes a band, not the game series)--Rufus Wainwright--Sigur Ros--Now It's Overhead--Xiu Xiu (but check out his first band, Ten in the Swear Jar, which is waaay better)--Matmos--Bloc Party--Mirah--Deerhunter--Grizzly Bear--The Hidden Cameras--Royksopp/Kings of Convenience frontman Erland Oye

Apr 23, 2010, 8:31 AM
Nobody likes the first openly gay metalhead? Halford's practically a rock God and no one has though to even mention Judas Priest?

As I said, I was naming bands and performers I thought were promoting queerness, not performers and bands who are (or have members who are) LGBT. I thought this got me off the hook with Judas Priest, but when I think of all the bondage gear he sported, one could say that Judas Priest can be put on this list. But I'd have to give it some thought.

Oh, and Pete Townsend is openly bisexual (or he was in 1990). Mad props!

May 17, 2010, 10:51 PM
Found a new one: Namoli Brennet (http://www.namolibrennet.com/fr_home.cfm)

Folksy type music :D


May 17, 2010, 11:12 PM
I've always loved:

The Pet Shop Boys (saw them in concert a couple of months ago, their last night in the US)

The Indigo Girls (one of my all-time favorite groups)



Depeche Mode (but don't think they are queer...per se)

The Smiths


etc., etc., etc. (I know several of these were already named)

cue genera in 3, 2. . .

I had a thread about DM and their bi male fanship.

OH - -and Franz Ferdinand. Alex Krapanos is rumored to be bisexual, and. . .Michael, Just... Michael (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7OH7NhwZlj4).


May 17, 2010, 11:28 PM
Tom Robinson band has been around for a bit and I think you will love them.
Glad to be gay and Right on sister are just 2 of there songs that you might be familiar with..
Tom has a radio program in the U.K. He also does lots of other thing for the gay community (to many to mention).
He is also a member here.....

I also can"t believe that nobody has mentioned QUEEN
50% gay at least
Bless Sir Freddie Murcury