View Full Version : ever been caught nude?

Dec 13, 2009, 4:55 PM
Have you ever been caught NUDE by your parents or someone else by accident?
how did you get caught?

Dec 13, 2009, 5:11 PM
actually it happened often between me and my mom (a single parent) and sometimes my brother and later in life roommates and girlfriends . . . but i am a but of a nudist so it has never been a big deal

Dec 13, 2009, 5:12 PM
actually... I have not.

Dec 13, 2009, 5:20 PM
I have been seen nude a lot. Not fully a nudist. Just raised in a more open family than most, I guess.

the sacred night
Dec 13, 2009, 7:38 PM
Only once. When I was with my fiance, he had two female roommates and they had a nudity-allowed policy in their house, which included me. There weren't orgies or anything, and the roomies never messed around with each other, we were just a bunch of hippies :) Anyway, I was ok with being in my underwear around the ladies, but never naked. So this one night, I was sleeping naked with my fiance, and since it was the middle of the night, I thought no one would see if I just went to the bathroom real quick without putting anything on. The instant I left the room, I saw one of the roommates down the hall. I was so mortified I just ran back in the bedroom, hoping she hadn't seen me. She taunted me with the story later, in front of other people.

Dec 13, 2009, 7:59 PM
A couple of times - no big deal on reflection.

*The guy I married for real (2nd try ;) ) saw me naked from waist down before we actually had even kissed. walked in the toilet not knowing I was there. I was standing and he got the full frontal.
* My sister's husband walked into the wrong room at the beach house we were sharing as families. I was butt nekkid!! But all he got was the butt.
he apologies profusely and left in a hurry.

He probably dribbled, because I had (back then) a waaayy better backside than my sister - his wife!!

Dec 13, 2009, 8:21 PM
Having gone to many Swingers Parties....

roy m cox
Dec 14, 2009, 3:25 AM
i have all ways run around naked my mom and dad did not mind us kids ,

the only time they did not want us to go nude was when we had guest over for partysand so on hell me and my lil sister was aloud to out side in the nude we had to stay in the back yard tho ,,

but one day my aunt and 2 cousin come over to visit and i was up in my room playing when i had to go to the bathroom bad did not know my cousin was in the bathroom and ran in and sat down all he could do is stand their and giggle

he never saw me naked before i was so embarrassed at that time but he wanted me to show pff to him and well as kids do stupid things i got up off the toilet and thats when i made a b line for my room i was so spooked about him don't know why i hid under my bed , but latter on in life we both had sex a few times and even to this day he'll remind me off that time and we both have a good LOL about it :bigrin:

Dec 14, 2009, 4:35 AM
My brother caught me masturbating. That was not fun at all, lol. I was jerking to some porn online in the nude and he just walked in, no knocking or anything and then stared for a couple of seconds and left. He teased me for a while but he got over it when I caught him and his girlfriend. :P

My parents have seen me naked loads though, especially my dad. We used to go camping a lot and use the communal showers, no biggie really... One time though, my mum came to wake me up for school and I'd slept naked because it had been such a hot night. She ended up catching a glimpse of my morning wood. We just never spoke about it and I think it was quickly forgotten.

Dec 14, 2009, 8:44 AM
I guess public (World) Naked Bike Rides, Naturist Beaches, Naturist Saunas and such like don't count right?

Actually, yes. Once by a halls mate, who mis-heard "just a minute" as "come in" while I was hoisting my trousers up. That was rather embarrassing, she's never let me live it down.

Dec 14, 2009, 9:56 AM
I was about 6 months pregnant with my son and living with my father in law. My husband and father in law were both at work and I was laying in bed being miserable in the nasty, summer Texas heat. I decided I needed to take a shower cause I was sweating too much. For some reason the AC wasn't working properly in the house at that time so no matter where I went, it was hot. I decided since I was home alone, I would just walk to the bathroom nude instead of getting on clothes when I already felt sticky and nasty. I walked to the bathroom, phone in hand cause my mom had called, and right as I got to the bathroom his dad walked through the front door. I sort of yelped and dove into the bathroom, feeling like an idiot.

After I was cleaned up and everything, I realized I still had the phone in the bathroom. I knew I had to put it back on the cradle because someone was trying to call for his dad and he obviously couldn't answer if it was in there with me. So I wrapped a towel around me (cause I didn't bring any clothes with me) and made my way to the kitchen to hang it up. At some point while I was showering my husband grandfather had come over too. So I'm standing there like a moron in nothing but a towel in front of my husbands father and grandfather. All I could do was drop it into the cradle, say "Sup," and turn to walk away lol. So embarassing.

But ya know what, I don't feel bad about any of it. Because at some point over the past few years, I've seen both of his brothers AND his father naked unwillingly. So that one incident doesn't even compare to what I've had to go through haha.

Dec 14, 2009, 10:06 AM
well, here's my nude embarassment: when i was in college my roomate and i did life art modeling so being seen nude was not a problem for either of us. being discovered nude in the dressing room was. we were both kind of attracted to each other, erect, and in walked one of the class instructors we modeled for. I was mortified. he acted like he didn't see anything, but it was obvious he did and probably drew his own conclusions about us. anyway, from then on i was embarassed anytime i saw him although he never said a word about it. my roomie could have cared less and busted on me about it:)

Dec 14, 2009, 11:04 AM
Male half here.. Actually I was caught by one of my co-workers who had come to our house to pick up something before a wedding we were all attending. My wife and I had sex were getting into the shower. I was still semi hard and I walked into the kitchen area naked...not expecting anyone to be in my house. There was Nora in the kitchen grabbing a pot or pan...me in all my glory.

Learned later that she liked what she saw, and mentioned to my wife that now she knows why she smiles alot...

Dec 14, 2009, 11:33 AM
I like to lay out naked and one afternoon I noticed none of my neighbors cars were around so I knew I had a few hours before they would come home from work.

I was laying out reading and listening to music (headphones) and never heard my neighbors wife come home. About an hour later I heard her husbands car pull up so I put on my shorts and went back to whatever I was doing.

Later that day I saw them and the wife smiled and said hi but it was a different smile. It was like a giggle / smile. It was just different then the other times we exchanged hellos.

I thought nothing of it but the next day I was throwing something out in the garbage when I saw her get dropped off by a co worker. Thats when she told me her car was in the shop for a few days.

My mind started wondering about the other day when before she walked away she turned back and said "you should be careful. You dont want to get burned" and smiled and walked away.

Thats when I realized I was caught but besides the little smirks nothing was said.. BUT, it also hasn't stopped me from laying out nude again. Hey, I've been caught so what do I have to lose now.. If it bothered her she would have said something. Obviously, she didn't give a crap either...

Dec 14, 2009, 11:36 AM
Almost, but not quite. True story:

1976'ish. I was in my early 20s and in the Army National Guard at the time. A friend and I got to do some temporary duty up in Alaska. We served as cooks for a pilot basic training project at Camp Carroll, AK.

The project was to prove it would be more cost effective to train the female Eskimo Scouts closer to home than flying them to the lower 48. So, we were with a training company full of cute eskimo girls along with a couple of enlisted eskimo girls that were helping the full time drill sergeants with training.

I ended up getting more than friendly with one of the enlisted eskimo trainers. She was staying by herself in the bottom floor of the trainee barracks with the girls of the training company directly above.

Early one morning- around 4am'ish- we ended up in her bay and were completely naked, fucking like crazy. All of the sudden I heard a car driving up to the barracks. I get up and look outside and it's a MILITARY POLICE CAR! It pulls up next to the barracks and came to a sudden stop. Are they here for me???

I freak out as I'm not supposed to be there, much less naked with one of the trainers. I tell her (V) it's the MPs and take off running, out through the door in the center of the barracks and into the latrine. I jump into a toilet stall and lock the door- still stark naked. I'm scared to death.

I stand there for a while wondering how I'm going to get out of the situation and just assume the MPs are talking to V and that's why she hasn't come looking for me. All of the sudden I can hear the trainee gals on the floor above waking up and moving around and I'M IN THEIR LATRINE!

Oh, SHIT! I figure any minute they'll be coming down to use the bathroom and once that happened I'd be stuck there in the toilet stall unless someone noticed me. I'm wondering what my chances are of getting out of the barracks and running back to my quarters naked, without being seen? Slim, to none, despite it being so early in the morning. It's full daylight that time of the morning in Alaska in the summer.

I decide to make a break for it and run back across the hall to the door to V's bay. It's locked, locking automatically to the outside.

So, I'm standing there in the foyer naked and start frantically knocking on her door. After about 30 seconds she comes to the door, lets me in and hops back on the bed to go to sleep as if nothing had happened. Nope, the MPs hadn't even come inside. They'd driven off after I'd seen them stop.

She apparently didn't even think much about me taking off running. She just went to bed. I could of stayed in that latrine all day and she wouldn't of come looking for me.

I put on my uniform and went back to my barracks and never tried fooling around with her in her barracks again.

Dec 15, 2009, 12:50 AM
well, twice, 1st time sort of.

In college. I was chief eng of our small college radio station. I had to do some work at the offsite location where our signal is inserted into the town's cable system. Access to the building is restricted and not owned by the college so I had to get permission from the cable company's manager. He gave me the keys to the gate and the building and I took my girlfriend up with me to fix the gear late at night. The repairs went quick and we decided to get frisky behind the equipment racks. After about 30 minutes we were lying there naked when I thought I saw a light flash under the door. Someone was outside. Soon came a bang at the door. It was the police. I realized that the local police do patrol this area and they came upon the open gate and the car parked outside and had to investigate cuz they didn't recognize the vehicle. I quickly got my pants and shirt on but left my shoes off.

Opening the door the cop asked what I was doing. I stammered out my explanation, working on my equipment (the truth), but not divulging about our extra curricular activity, ... he wasn't exactly buying it at first. Checked me up and down and saw I had no shoes and socks on. He heard my girlfriend in the back and asked her to come out. She walked around the gear and was adjusting her clothes too. I could tell by the look on his face he knew exactly what we were doing in there. Then he continued questioning us, how we got in, etc. I said I was given permission by the manager and he gave us the keys to the gate and the building, and stated the manager's name. The name and the keys were all the proof he needed. He grinned and left us to clean up. If I was wearing underwear I would have had to change it then.

The other time, this same girlfriend and I decided to find a special place to have sex. We ended up in a train freight yard and found an locomotive parked on a track siding. The cab was unlocked. We laid out a blanket in the cab and got down to business. After finishing I stood up totally naked in the doorway of the train cab to get some fresh air. At that moment a freight train rolled by about 35-40 mph. The passing engineer got a got a good look at me in all my glory before my girlfriend pulled me back. We quickly got dressed and left the yard, figuring the engineer might radio in to the police and, with my luck, it would have been the same cop that busted us at the cable company building. Wasn't gonna be around for that.


Dec 15, 2009, 6:01 AM
:female::female::grouphug::grouphug::grouphug::gro uphug:Once.
I was nude ready to go in the shower before my visiters came and they ran saying they would be ages so i thought before my shower me and my wife would... anyway after i was hard and i had an erection in front of my brother (he lives at my house) and we... anyway the visitors came in while we were... and so did my wife but we were all so horny they joined IN!!!!!! :grouphug:

Dec 15, 2009, 9:03 AM
wife and I were sknny dipping in the pool....duaghter came home, she was about 10-11 and caught us .....she ran out disgusted and needless to say the rising of the pole sank!

Dec 15, 2009, 10:42 AM
Yes.. an me sista has the polaroids 2 hold ova me foreva an a day..been tryin for sooooo long 2 nick em an destroy em... 1 day.. me hopes...

Dec 15, 2009, 3:35 PM
Only thing i know after going nude all day (beach resorts) one finds wearing clothes rather bothersome.

Dec 15, 2009, 4:38 PM
One time while alone up at the cottage. I like to be naked when there's no one else around. Anyway, one time I was doing house cleaning naked at the cottage when there was a knock at the door. I panicked and threw on a tee shirt and answered the door, forgetting that the deck was about four steps below the threshold. I opened the door and saw my neighbour staring right at my dick which was about 2 feet from his face. Woops!!! I just carried on chatting like it was nothing. He was vissibly shaken. It was hysterical how neither of us acknowledged, "the elephant in the room." Sorry Dennis!!! LOL!!!!! Funny how he started emailing me very mushy stuff from that weekend on. Hmmmmm.....

Dec 15, 2009, 5:56 PM
Yes.. an me sista has the polaroids 2 hold ova me foreva an a day..been tryin for sooooo long 2 nick em an destroy em... 1 day.. me hopes...

Didn ansa the hows wys an werfors.. an am not gonna eitha.. suffice 2 say.. not only me in those bloody pics!:(:eek:

Dec 15, 2009, 10:37 PM
my girlfriends mom walked in on me just after a shower , I was drying off..

says it was an accident ,,, whatever she know I was in there,,

what a way to get a sneak peek :rolleyes:

Dec 16, 2009, 8:13 AM
Ironically this AM...
GF and I were enjoying a nice sharing...I was orally enjoying her and her me enjoying her....we had opened the door from the bedroom to the lanai to let the dogs out ... in hopes of them not bothering us any more...just after gf had been letting it be known she was at a point of peak...I looked up and saw the pest control lady looking in the door....she was WAY early .....ackward is all I can think to say....but she not only got a full view of me and gf but of a great female orgasm.....I am sure we will be story of the day for her!!


Dec 16, 2009, 8:18 AM
Hmmm, the pest control lady became the PEST!

Or, maybe there's a 3-some in your future!

I'd ensure she bathes first; some of those bug sprays are bad news for humans, too!

Dec 16, 2009, 9:40 AM
That is excellent advice for sure!!
I have to say I am not sure of anything but the look in her eyes as she took us in.....

I am not sure if it would be senually heightened or scared to death or appalled At least she did not spray us with insecticide!:eek:

Dec 18, 2009, 1:07 AM
OK, This is freakish. There used to be an SM club I took a girfriend to a couple of times. Voyeurism was big there, lots of creepy guys & gals watching and masturbating to the few real players tease, stroke and spank each other off. You couldn't have actual sex, but masturbation was allowed. There was also a bunch of dommes, & trannies for color, too.
One time, I stripped the girlfriend to the waist and played with her for a while and invited another couple to feel her up as well. Sort of a 3-on-1 grope scene, with plenty of onlookers stroking themselves and staring (kindacreepy). She loved it, but made me promise to let her do something to me next time.

"Next time" found us in a corner, she pushing me up against a wall and made me promise to keep my eyes closed. Somebody joined us, my cock was struggled out of my pants, and I was being jerked off. There were two hands over my eyes now, and I was pretty sure they were my girl's, but I just went with it, didn't think anyone was around us. (HA!).

She asked me a few times if I was gonna cum, and when I finally told her I was ready to, she asked me not to hold back, so I just let squirt through the stranger's fingers. Once I started cumming, she took her hands off my face, and as I was pumping out onto the concrete floor of the place I found myself looking at a big crowd of (mostly) men staring at my cock and my face. I was just into the first few seconds of a long orgasm and there wasn't much i could do. I turend ot see who was milking me out, and found the "woman" my girl brought over was a tall, very unconvincing trannie. What could i do? Just keep breathing, try not to resist & let them all enjoy me. It must have been quite a picture.

Dec 18, 2009, 7:22 AM
my mum caught me wanking ones

Dec 18, 2009, 3:23 PM
Only thing i know after going nude all day (beach resorts) one finds wearing clothes rather bothersome.

It is really bothersome that once you have done much skinny dipping at all---you cannot stand to have to wear a swimsuit----to me---once you are in the water---does it make any sense at all to wear an item of clothing???

Dec 18, 2009, 3:30 PM
Yeah dozens of times.......but who gives a fuck :upside:

Cheers Chook :bigrin:

Dec 18, 2009, 5:00 PM
It is really bothersome that once you have done much skinny dipping at all---you cannot stand to have to wear a swimsuit----to me---once you are in the water---does it make any sense at all to wear an item of clothing???

Skinny dip in North Sea at this time a year an yall nev need 2 b bothad bout clothes eva gain Voltie..:bigrin:

Dec 18, 2009, 5:10 PM
Yes! I was caught nude in the delivery room, when i was born, Oh boy what a dumb thread!!

Dec 21, 2009, 12:27 PM
I've walked in on people nude, never had it happen to me, though.

Dec 21, 2009, 1:55 PM
I don't recall being "caught" nude. I don't have a memory and so I guess that I perceive being "caught" as being in a situation where I was nude and I felt some embarrassment about another person seeing me naked. I'm such a slut...lol (kid'n)

I've definitely been naked in front of people. I've been to naturist camps and yes swimming without clothes is good. Playing tennis naked..not so much. For some reason, the boys don't like that...lol They won't relax and try to get right into my body .(I know too much info;)

Dec 21, 2009, 7:37 PM
I was living with sister for a few months and she waled in on me a few times.She knows I go to naturist clubes so it wasnt a big suprise it proble bothered her a little but she didnt say any thing.she is a prude and she did learn to knock on my door even if I wasnt there just to be sure

Dec 22, 2009, 1:28 AM
Yes. I do.:bipride:

Dec 22, 2009, 2:23 PM
Yes! I was caught nude in the delivery room, when i was born, Oh boy what a dumb thread!!

oh boy your correct.

Feb 27, 2010, 10:55 AM
Years ago my sister had a girlfriend over all night for a 'slumber party' or whatever they called them. We were both teens. I was about 17, she would have been 15 as was her friend.
Years later she told me they were going down the stairs to get a snack from the kitchen and peeked through my door and saw me naked on top of the bedspread (it was summertime) and that I was masturbating. I didn't know about it for many years but I guess that still counts. LOL

Feb 27, 2010, 11:26 AM
I remember my mom walking in and encouraging me to hurry up and get dressed while I was getting dressed for YEARS. She has also caught me masturbating a few times, but hasn't said anything.

Once, when I was living a residential care facility, one of the more feistier CNAs came in to make sure my roommate and I were up. Not only was I up, I was getting dressed and was therefore totally naked! She kind of looked spooked, and then eventually kind of covered her eyes and closed the door ASAP. She couldn't take her eyes off me, though, lol.

DB :bipride:

Feb 27, 2010, 11:35 AM
Phystikat and I were caught in a hotel room nearly.. we had ordered room service breakfast and within the order was plain yoghurt. Breakfast came and the bowl of yoghurt was big enough to wash with. Phystikat being as horny as she is decided to bend me over the bed and smother my arse in the creamy substance - suddenly....... a knock on the door and a voice 'housekeeping' 'NO! Go away, no, not now' the door closed and we rolled with laughter... Nearly caught good style! How could we explain that one
Dyke van Dyck

Feb 27, 2010, 4:59 PM
Have you ever been caught NUDE by your parents or someone else by accident?
how did you get caught?

"by accident" No. ;)

Feb 27, 2010, 11:00 PM
yep, many times! no complaints from anyone so far!

Feb 28, 2010, 12:11 PM
as a parent of 2.....your always getting walked in on!

Feb 28, 2010, 2:11 PM
Hehehe..having sex in the woods..some guy walking his dog saw FAR too much! Me on top..I got up quickly and we left lol

Mar 1, 2010, 5:31 AM
Yes ,Happened to me yesterday.I was on the process of getting dressed and was walking to throw soemthing away when my Step Mother in Law came down the stairs to me with just a t-shirt on. We both stood there for a brief second and then i walked back into the bedroom.She went the othe rway and was saying i did not see anything.(If she did would not bither me).In response i would love to see her naked also she is a very sexy women.

Mar 1, 2010, 1:21 PM
Yes ,Happened to me yesterday.I was on the process of getting dressed and was walking to throw soemthing away when my Step Mother in Law came down the stairs to me with just a t-shirt on. We both stood there for a brief second and then i walked back into the bedroom.She went the othe rway and was saying i did not see anything.(If she did would not bither me).In response i would love to see her naked also she is a very sexy women.

No bad mother-in-law jokes for you then... lol
Phystikat x

Mar 1, 2010, 1:30 PM
Have you ever been caught NUDE by your parents or someone else by accident?
how did you get caught?

Thursday, February 25, 2010
James Litz
119Tilden, Up
Chardon, Ohio 44024
February 22, 2010
Dear Mr. Litz:
As you are aware, your tenancy at the address listed above is based on a multi-family lease arrangement whereby each tenant holds a lease. Each Tentant has equal access to common areas of the house ( kitchen, bathroom, living room, laundry areas halls etc. ) and each tenant has a right to enjoyment of the common areas. The only private area in the unit for each tenant is their respective bedroom.
A complaint has been filed against your conduct in the common area of the house. The Complaint alleges when your house mate entered the apartment on February 21,2010 Through a common hallway that your guest were in the "NUDE" in the common area of the house. This is the second complaint of this nature and there is a cause for concern that your conduct, specifically nudity, interferes w/ the rights of your house mate to enjoy the common areas of the house.
You are hereby given notice that you are in a breach of your lease / rental agreement. You have failed to comply w/ the terms & condition of your tenancy as follows:
. Section 16; Bullet 9: Tents, household members, or guests shall not engage in activities that interfere w/ quiet enjoyment the building by others tenants & there visitors or families. This includes Obscene or Profane language directed at others, loud noises or yelling, or other conduct that interferes w/ the rights of others.
It is to my advantage to meet all the obligations of your lease. Any failure to comply w/ there terms of my agreement in the future may results in non- renewal of your lease.
David Boyle
Cc: Reba K. Dykes,
Coordinator of Housing Services
Ravenwood Mental Health Center.

Mar 1, 2010, 1:37 PM
Yes, and it was so embarrassing! I was 16, just took a shower, and my clothes were in the dryer. My parent's never locked the door since we lived in the country on a farm. A guy that is a good friend of my parent's walked in as I was standing at the dryer getting my clothes. :( I won't ever forget that!

Apr 6, 2010, 10:15 PM
Yes, my neighbor caught me sunbathing in my backyard. I just casually turned over on my stomach and acted like she wasn't there.