View Full Version : Aww, what a cute puppy!!

Dec 13, 2009, 12:06 PM
Check this vid out, and stay to watch others this site has:


Dec 13, 2009, 1:14 PM
I wanna just pick him up and put kisses alll over him little face, nestle him close, then Smack the person that was tormenting him! :mad: GRRRRRRRRR!!! lol
Cat, baby lover of all kinds..;)

Dec 13, 2009, 1:20 PM
Animals are always so adorable.

Dec 13, 2009, 1:22 PM
I had a dachshund that'd jump up on the piano stool (Big feat for her) and hit the keys with her paw, then howl. She'd hit a note, then howl, hit a note, then howl...until I'd have to tell her to get down!

I always thought noise was torturing them, but maybe she was getting off on it!

She loved riding on my motorcycle with me, too. She was a peach!

Dec 13, 2009, 2:18 PM
I had a dachshund that'd jump up on the piano stool (Big feat for her) and hit the keys with her paw, then howl. She'd hit a note, then howl, hit a note, then howl...until I'd have to tell her to get down!

I always thought noise was torturing them, but maybe she was getting off on it!

She loved riding on my motorcycle with me, too. She was a peach!

I've always wanted a dachsund. Instead I have this 60 pound beast of a thing lol. I love him though, he's a sweety. He doesn't do any kind of singing like that, but he is really good at playing hide and seek. Whoever happens to be hiding at that moment, you send him after and he finds them. We first discovered this when the kids were looking for their father one time and I said to my son "Ok, go find Daddy" and the dog went bolting around the house like an idiot. He sniffed around the laundry room door and started freaking out until my husband came out. I didn't even know he was in there haha.