View Full Version : The misadventures of the 'lil mobster part 1

Dec 13, 2009, 11:24 AM
Seven year old Tony was a handful. His dad was involved in organized crime, and his mother was worried sick that little Tony was destined to follow in his footsteps. One morning Tonys mother was at her sisters house.

"I don't know what to do about Tony," she told her sister. "He can be so bad at times it scares me. I'm so afraid he will turn bad like his dad, and wind up in prison. What can I do?"

"You could do what I do." said her sister. "When my son wants something, I get him to write a letter to baby Jesus about how good he will be if he gets want he asks for."

"Hmmm," said Tonys mother. "That might just work, I'll give it a try."

Later that day Tony came home from school and was walkng through the kitchen, his mother stopped him and said, "Tony my dear, What would you like to get for Christmas this year?"

Tony thought for a second and said, "You know mamma, I would really like to have a new bike."

"Well," said his mother, "That could happen, but I want you to do something first, I want you to go to your room and write a letter to the baby Jesus, and tell him what a good boy you will be if you get the new bike."

Tony thought this was strange but agreed to it, and headed for his room to write his letter. He sat at his desk, got out some paper and a pencil and began to write, "Dear baby Jesus." he wrote. "If mamma gets me a new bike for Christmas I will be good for a whole year." Tony read what he wrote and crumpled up te paper, tossing it in the trash. I can't be good for a whole year he thought, I'll have to start over.

He began again, "Dear baby Jesus, if mamma gets me a new bike, I will be good for six months." Again he crumpled the paper and tossed it. I can't be good for six months, I'm only seven! What can I write? he thought. He looked around his room, on a shelf by his closet he spotted a statue of the Virgin Mary. He got up, carefully picked up the statue and smiled. He took the statue to the closet, opened the door, put the statue in the back corner and covered it with some clothes. He shut the door and with determination he sat down at his desk, got a new sheet of paper and began to write, "Dear baby Jesus, if you ever want to see your mother again.....

Dec 13, 2009, 1:16 PM
lol You Sooo need a spankin'.....:}