View Full Version : Too aggressive?

Dec 12, 2009, 12:05 PM
I'm not sure if my ad is too upfront about what I am looking for, i.e., a first time encounter. People have contacted me, sounded like they were interested, then never to be heard from again. Is subtly the key?

Dec 12, 2009, 12:41 PM
Dude, I like it. Very upfront and to the point without being vulgar. If you were closer I'd definately look you up and not back down :bigrin:. As for those who leave you hanging (pun intended), welcome to the wonderful world of online hook ups. Happens all the time. Just keep at it. And good luck.

Dec 12, 2009, 2:59 PM
Altho I'm not male, I can definately say Yum!!!! You mean there was writing, too? lol
Welcome to the group Sweetie
Silly Cat

Dec 12, 2009, 4:22 PM
I think your profile is perfect , honest and to the point.

Dec 12, 2009, 6:48 PM
I agree with the others - not too aggressive.

Your ad is pretty direct - and that is a good thing. Your photo is also straight forward and inviting (adding more wouldn't hurt !).

As has been stated, it takes time, but you will eventually weed through the losers and find someone you click with. As has also been stated - were I closer, I would be interested in meeting you to see if we clicked !

Good luck - keep us posted !

Dec 12, 2009, 7:59 PM
not too aggressive at all. you sound real and that's important. hang in there.

Dec 12, 2009, 8:13 PM
i think your ad is too the point.. honest

NICE COCK by the way :bigrin:

Dec 13, 2009, 4:15 PM
I like your profile, it tells what you are looking for. I wish I was closer because I am looking for the same thing. Someone who is patient and just not looking for things to happen too quickly. Just be patient and get to know someone before you jump in to it.

You've got a nice cock and set of balls!

Dec 13, 2009, 4:31 PM
i say it looks good to me . . . if you were closer i would be game any day . . . you just have to remember that the internet has way more losers than decent people . . . . us decent people are out there there is just alot of crap in the way

Dec 13, 2009, 10:55 PM
your profile is just fine,,, don't let it get you down if someone contacts you then disappears. thats going to happen alot, mainly because there just dreamers......

love the pic btw;)

Dec 13, 2009, 11:14 PM
In my experience you will have to make an attempt at meeting dozens of guys until you finally meet the first one that is what you are looking for.

I cannot count the number of times that someone told me they would meet me for coffee, lunch, etc., and never showed up. You just have to be patient and get past that part and everything will be fine.

Good luck, wish you were in Alabama.

Dec 15, 2009, 10:23 AM
I like it. I'm looking for something similar, as well. In the Philly area, too, no less!

Dec 22, 2009, 7:26 PM
Thank you all for your kind words. Thank you also for your thoughts about my picture.

I've been recently chatting with someone who seems serious about meeting. The discussions have been mind blowing and I hope that it soon happens for me, i.e. that I loose my mm virginity.

Dec 23, 2009, 9:53 AM
yule meet your steeler someday....;)

Dec 24, 2009, 12:58 AM
I've been recently chatting with someone who seems serious about meeting. The discussions have been mind blowing and I hope that it soon happens for me, i.e. that I loose my mm virginity.

Whoo-Hoo! Good luck! I met my first BF thru an online chat too. Summoned up the nerve to meet him in a gay club in NYC. Wasn't sure if he'd ever make a move as he seemed content to introduce me to everyone in the place first. We ultimately dated for close to nine months. Play safe & respect your boundaries! (and his ;) )

BTW: I too thought your ad was fine!... found myself wondering when I'd be visiting Phillie... :bigrin:

Dec 24, 2009, 2:30 PM
My comments are going to echo what others have said.

To answer directly your question: NO----your add is not at all "aggressive."

It is tasteful, honest, direct and clear.

It is a great ad.

And to echo again----that you got some responses only to have the guys dissappear on ya---that comes with the territory.

That those guys blinked out on ya has nothing to do with you--it was them.

There are lots of reasons that people say they are interested but don't come through and that is not a bad thing. While most people are decent and all--most of them in this area--guys trying to meet other guys--its their first time too--they are both turned on and excited by it all--but also scared shitless about it too.

Don't judge 'em too harshly.

I have to say---I have done my share of making initial contact with guys only to not follow through and for me--that has more to do with my internal radar and warning systems telling me that actually meeting them--might not be wise.

Don't worry that you haven't had a meet yet---take that slow--it took me well over year on here before I met with a guy from here.

I'd say that if you get a good response from someone---talk to them here a time--share emails--maybe call each other----see how you feel about him---then meet----preferably in some public place initially and if that feels good--then go to a place that is private---on a next meet.

As to your pic----some people bitch about the "cock" or other similar photo shots----but I for one like them and I sure do like your cock shot!!!!

It is a good pic and you didn't over do it with a ton of 'em. (Could give a few more!!!:bigrin::bigrin::devil:)

All in all---a great profile---actually---you could give lessons to many!!

Welcome to the site.

Jan 6, 2010, 12:37 PM
Iv always found that people from free ad's/dating sites are too agresive. Especially straight couples looking for a threesome type thing and occasionally gay men.

I actually don't bother with that route now and don't do threesomes except the one time it kinda just happened :tongue:. I tend to let nature take its course. It helps living in a gay/lesbian/bi friendly house share and living your average 20 something social lifestyle :flag3:. It must be hard for older people who are trying to find someone and are out of that social loop :(

If your looking for like minded people then wear your Bi pride wristbands/bracelets! Iv met plenty of like minded people in everyday life and some have gone on to become quite good friends :flag3:.

Bisexual Explorer
Jan 6, 2010, 1:20 PM
Your picture is so terrific that you almost don't need an ad. More pictures would be even better - but maybe that's self-serving. :male: As others have said, the ad is to the point and certainly not aggressive. I have had several false starts and I suspect most other members have had the same experience. Stay with it and don't compromise on what your looking for.

Jan 6, 2010, 2:14 PM
Your ad is perfect, it got me:bigrin:

Jan 6, 2010, 2:36 PM
Your ad, and pic are Purrr:impleasedfect

Jan 6, 2010, 3:01 PM
Wow. You sound perfect for what I am looking for. I love your profile. Right to the point and no "fluff". Life is too short to spend reading between the lines. I wish you were closer to me too. If you are planning to move I am in Omaha NE. :bigrin:

Jan 6, 2010, 5:36 PM
Thanks for asking that question! I have been feeling the same way as far as finding a friend. Have chatted with several but feel I'm too honest as they talk a bit then are gone. The responses you have gotten prove there are sane, intelligent , good people out there. Good luck with your endeavors, don't change a thing, have fun.