View Full Version : Thoughts on Tiger Woods and his philandering??

Dec 11, 2009, 9:02 PM
It just seems that the Tiger Woods situation just keeps on bleeding!!

I just saw a news item courtesy of the Washington Post that Tiger has posted a statement on his website stating he is taking "an indefinite break from golf" to deal with "my INFIDELITIES" (my caps)

It really almost does seem that Tiger's marriage kinda smells of being a "sham marriage" and he sure does seem to be a horn dog--I don't think much of his taste in women--they all seem to be a bunch of "bimbos!"

I guess that Al Shapton has made statements to the effect that Tiger is more a less a "traitor to his race" since all of his bimbos are light skin blondes and not a black gal among them.

I won't comment on that---I don't put too much credence in a great deal of what Al Sharpton has to say---he is one of those figures that is simply too polemic to really have much credibility as far as I am concerned.

What is your take on the "Tiger Bimbo Eruption"?? Do you think he is toast? Should he quit golf?? Will or should his sponsors bail on him??

I know that I have gone to golf tournaments to see Tiger play-but now--I don't think I can do that---I would be tempted to boo him--but that would be unfair to the other golfers----I know that we are all human--but Tiger seemed to be out of control and you really do have to question his maturity and his judgement.

I do say--any respect I had for him is pretty well tarnished---

Let's keep this civil--but let's also put our views out there too on this topic!!

One thing about this too---some have this notion that as long as he wins tournaments and makes big bucks--that somehow makes everything else to be OK--but I kind of hate that--it seems that in too many cases in our culture--if you are a big sports star, musician, movie star or something like that--the laws, rules and such that the rest of us are supposed to follow--doesn't apply to them!

Dec 11, 2009, 9:27 PM
Well I guess I don't care about his infidelities. Hes an athlete, anyone who looks to athletes these days as role models, well I cant say that I see them all that much better than anyone else.

He is human after all, and we all make mistakes.

Dec 11, 2009, 9:38 PM
My thoughts are more along the line of it is no one else's business other than his wife and family and Tiger.

It is such a shame that North Americans get all hung up when it comes to sex and mixing this up with a Sportsman skills.

He didn't become famous because of his morality. We should learn to not judge people based upon their private sex lives. I see him no different than I did two months ago.

Dec 11, 2009, 10:16 PM
I agree with tenni, it is not really any of our business. Tiger should have continued his silence about the entire matter.

Dec 11, 2009, 11:03 PM
I feel the same way every time I hear about some public figure "cheating" on his spouse...Tiger is no different.

Basically, I wish more people would consider open relationships.

Sometimes, the best way to save a marriage is to admit you need some action on the side. If your spouse knows you are fooling around with someone and is okay with it, it is not cheating.

Even if you enter your marriage assuming you will never "stray" then later realize you have the hots for someone other than your spouse...honesty is the best policy. Let your spouse know you are interested in opening the relationship. If she doesn't go for it (even after realizing that means that she could also be free to pursuit hot sex with whoever she fancies), you have been honest about your desires. If you can't control those desires, offer divorce as an option. Most people view divorce as no biggie...but infidelity, whoa!

I really look forward to the day when some public figure is caught with a mistress and then says "Oh but my wife knows all about my mistress and approves. We have an open relationship." And then the wife backs him up and agrees!

(I wrote all this as assuming a heterosexual relationship where the man is doing the "cheating" just because that seems to be the most common situation)

Dec 11, 2009, 11:39 PM
If Tiger takes care of his kids and wife, even if the marriage fails.
If Tiger takes care of Tiger.
Then, why should I care if he acts as a human rather than a saint.
Role model? Sure if you want to be great at golf.
Otherwise, deal with your own human problems with as much dignity as you can. Why crap on another that is struggling with his normal human problems. We all lack moral perfection, thank goodness.

Dec 12, 2009, 8:12 AM
It continues to amaze me that we humans are so drunk on fiscal powers.

I am not a golfer...I am not really a very good sports fan compared to many. I am probably weird but I do not really have time in my day to devote much to the media and their need to create business by dredging anyone, celebrity or otherwise through the muck to make a buck!

This kind of falls under that discussion we often enter into here, at least for me....that being the state of "out." I am more likely to stand on the side that says your partner(s) should be aware ...beyond that it is a personal choice not to be demanded by anyone or divulged without ones permission.

I assume there is sex going on...what type and with who(m) is not really my business if it does not involve me. If I choose, with the permission of my partner(s) to declare to the world then OK I opened the door.

Tiger's actions at the end of the day have no impact on me...other than my own opinion. I am pretty sure he does not really feel impacted by my opinion, other than why I may be weighing in on the whole thing. I would not have done what he has purported to have done. My choice of being true to my character. However, I am not a judge! Again, I have never hungered for the "dirt" on people and certainly feel celebrities do not expose themselves to this because we choose to admire them!

PS The manner and to the extent this has tried to focus our attention disturbs me.

Dec 12, 2009, 8:25 AM
Ah. The sanctity of marriage, isn't it great.

Dec 12, 2009, 9:39 AM
Well--it does seem to me that when you make a committment to marriage--then just like in any other contractural arrangement---you should live up to those agreements---now if Tiger wanted to go around and fuck every bimbo in sight as a single guy--then I'd say that is fine---but that fact that he did marry Elin, and I am sure that he professed to be "true to her" and all those sorts of thing in his marriage vows as most people do----then if he violated those vows---it just brings into question his overall degree of trustworthiness as a person----the fact with someone like Tiger Woods-like it or not--he is a public person and he has as part of his public image that he helped craft with his foundation that helps "disadvantaged kids" in various ways--that makes him beomce a role model for kids- and he had to think about that before he "sticks his wick" someplace--and it was kind of stupid and arrogant that in this day of everyone having miniature video cams stuck to their hips and sites like YouTube, TMZ and such----with everyone seemingly wanting their ten seconds of fame and some fast easy bucks----did he really think that someone would not at some point expose his daliances???

What he has done does call into question his overall character---if I were someone with a company considering using Tiger as a product endorser--at this point--I would seriously question if I would want my products or services associated with him--he has seriously tarnished his "brand!"

There is one good thing about Tiger's major fuck up here--it just goes to show--he isn't this well oiled golfing machine that does everything perfectly---he is a human begin afterall!!!

Dec 12, 2009, 10:16 AM
I can't imagine the pressures exerted on him, because of his fame, money and good looks.

Still, if you're married and committed to monogamy, then you should honor your vows. He's always seemed to be one who would do that, but it's obvious that the temptations were too much for him.

I wonder how each of us would do under the same conditions?

I think this brings one serious thing up; IF you marry, you'd better marry someone who can fill your every need...or at least the ones that matter the most to you, or DON'T DO IT! You'd better be able to fill your spouse's needs, too, or they'll be looking as well!

If other arrangements are made...... then, insure that all that is discussed before tying the knot.

That's my input.

Dec 12, 2009, 10:58 AM
"Tiger Woods is a celebrity and because of this he has no right to privacy."

I find this belief rather disturbing and sick. It is only perverted interests and tabloid rags that have encouraged this attitude. None of us have any right to invade a person's privacy and no one should be served up like a piece of meat for the public to slobber over their indiscretions.

Its sick...I tell ya...Sick... (partially j/k)

Dec 12, 2009, 12:00 PM
Ah. The sanctity of marriage, isn't it great.

mmmm smells like monogamy to me LOL

Did you guys see this - Prominent Missouri Republican Charged in Bizarre Sex Case (http://politicalwire.com/archives/2009/12/08/former_missouri_lawmaker_charged.html)

From the article:

Former Missouri House Speaker Rod Jetton (R) "was charged with felony assault that allegedly happened during an S&M session gone wrong," reports the Riverfront Times.

Reports say Jetton told the woman to use the safe words "green balloons" to make him stop but she was apparently drugged, fading in-and-out of consciousness and unresponsive.

To me this is a bit more serious than some athletes screwing around, yet I haven't heard anyone mention it.

and yes, this Politician fought to Keep MO's sodomy laws (http://tpmmuckraker.talkingpointsmemo.com/2009/12/jetton_fought_to_ban_gay_sex_calling_it_deviate_se .php)...

In a 2007 op-ed he wrote for the Southeast Missourian newspaper, Jetton explained why he had recently removed Rep. Scott Lipke, a fellow Republican, as chair of the Committee on Crime Prevention and Public Safety. Lipke, he wrote, had sponsored and handled a bill to protect children from sexual predators, which Jetton supported.

But, wrote Jetton:

Lipke chose to use the bill to delete 14 words from our laws in order to repeal the gay sex ban in Missouri.

Thanks to that deletion, it is now legal to engage in deviate sexual intercourse with someone of the same sex here in Missouri. This law had been on our books for decades.

As a result, Jetton stripped Lipke of his chairmanship. "It was a tough decision," Jetton wrote, "but Lipke's actions left me with no choice."

Jetton added: "I have fought attempts by liberals to repeal the gay sex ban for years."

Watch out for those Politicians!

With politicians like this, who worries about a philandering athlete?

Dec 12, 2009, 12:31 PM
The main thing to take away from Tiger's problem is for us to learn what can happen when you cheat. One must be true to their word. If one partner is not enough be up front about it.

Dec 12, 2009, 12:35 PM
The main thing to take away from Tiger's problem is for us to learn what can happen when you cheat. One must be true to their word. If one partner is not enough be up front about it.

oh we are back to this old chestnut..lol

So, Eddy...why do you think that it just didn't happen the way you think that it should?

Dec 12, 2009, 1:12 PM
It's very easy for people to get on a high horse and be judgemental when a celebrity gets into a pickle.

I always set aside judgement because I always remind myself that I'm not perfect.

My take on Tiger is that he is suffering from a sexual addiction; several reasons point to this.

First, his multiple partners. Second, he is dropping out of golf as the news stated, perhaps, and that's just my hypothesis, to seek treatment in a very expensive and private rehab center.

Addiction is addiction, be it alcohol, drugs, sex, food-none are better than the other, and all are lumped under the same label. Failure rate post rehab? Over 90%. Addiction is one of the hardest to treat, and requires to unlock many inner boxes until one reaches that last core box deep within the psyche-one that most people do not want to open.

Addiction stems from an unfulfilled emotional/mental need. Many addicts don't even know what is unfufilled. Thus, the addiction, to nurture the limbic system in order to feel good-but it's only temporary, and the amount of alcohol, drugs, sex, food increases until one reaches a tipping point, a shattering impact which makes that person go to rock bottom.

Tiger has reached rock bottom; he crashed as all addicts eventually do when a life changing event occurs. The addict gets to a point where he or she loses everything, and the only way out is up, through rehab.

Tiger has lost golf which he loves, sponsors, possibly his wife and loyal fans. He has hit rock bottom and I wish him success in getting his life back after destroying the root causes which has caused his addictive behavior.

Dec 12, 2009, 2:52 PM
lol The man f'ed up, big deal. He made a mistake. He isnt the first, he wont be the last. But the media has to make a big sensation out of it because he's a celebrety. :rolleyes: He'll be forgotten after a while but a little slip of the dick cost him his entire career and possibly his family too...pity,

Dec 12, 2009, 3:11 PM
I guess the only thing I can say is no one is perfect. He will inevitably recover from this like all the athletes that get caught up in some scandal like Michael Phelps and Kobe Bryant.

Until that time, I will continue to make jokes like, "Have you seen Tiger's home movie, it's called Tiger Plays 18holes." :bigrin:

Dec 12, 2009, 3:43 PM
Tenni said:

"oh we are back to this old chestnut..lol
So, Eddy...why do you think that it just didn't happen the way you think that it should?"
I was just trying to say that we can learn from the mistakes of others. I meant no other message.

Another old chestnut goes: Don't do the crime if you don't want do the time.

Dec 12, 2009, 8:16 PM
Here is a pretty good article regarding the business aspect of Tiger's current problems:


Dec 12, 2009, 9:21 PM
It's very easy for people to get on a high horse and be judgemental when a celebrity gets into a pickle.

I always set aside judgement because I always remind myself that I'm not perfect.

My take on Tiger is that he is suffering from a sexual addiction; several reasons point to this.

First, his multiple partners. Second, he is dropping out of golf as the news stated, perhaps, and that's just my hypothesis, to seek treatment in a very expensive and private rehab center.

Addiction is addiction, be it alcohol, drugs, sex, food-none are better than the other, and all are lumped under the same label. Failure rate post rehab? Over 90%. Addiction is one of the hardest to treat, and requires to unlock many inner boxes until one reaches that last core box deep within the psyche-one that most people do not want to open.

Addiction stems from an unfulfilled emotional/mental need. Many addicts don't even know what is unfufilled. Thus, the addiction, to nurture the limbic system in order to feel good-but it's only temporary, and the amount of alcohol, drugs, sex, food increases until one reaches a tipping point, a shattering impact which makes that person go to rock bottom.

Tiger has reached rock bottom; he crashed as all addicts eventually do when a life changing event occurs. The addict gets to a point where he or she loses everything, and the only way out is up, through rehab.

Tiger has lost golf which he loves, sponsors, possibly his wife and loyal fans. He has hit rock bottom and I wish him success in getting his life back after destroying the root causes which has caused his addictive behavior.

I hope he has a "better health plan":bigrin:

Dec 13, 2009, 9:07 AM
Goldenfinger, with his money, he can afford the best treatment, if, in fact, he has a sex addiction.

I forgot to include gambling in my list but the list can be way longer than the best known addictions as listed. Work, for example-some people are a triple A type who work themselves into an early heart attack; exercise- some people are addicted to exercise and feel terrible if they miss their 8 mile run daily-again, seeking that endorphin release which makes them feel good, but what is lacking in their lives? Severe dieting is another.

The problem with addictive personalities is that they may kick their primary addiction but graduate into another. For example the alcoholic, who stays sober, but after 6 years decides to get fit and goes all out in an exercise program which eventually consumes him. Addictive personalities need some type of stimulation to the limbic system-because most often, the root cause is not yet cured, and they need, crave something which will make them feel good.

This is not having a chocolate once in a while. It''s way beyond that.

Dec 13, 2009, 6:22 PM
Our problem, as a society, is that we are more interested in snooping on people with problems, than fixing the problems that each of us have.

Add to that, the fact that news shows clearly have so few real world problems to deal with that acting like the national enquirer is the core of all of the news.
After all, nothing has more social, political or financial effect on the world than the personal issues of celebrities.

Dec 13, 2009, 8:30 PM
I just don't care...I have enough on my plate without hearing or wanting to hear about him or anyone else in public life & their sex lives.

I wish the Press would get a life. How long did they drag the Michael Jackson thing out for ?

But don't worry, in a few days, I'm sure there will be another Politician / Public figure, caught with their pants down, and then it will be Here we go again !

Dec 14, 2009, 4:12 AM
Goldenfinger, with his money, he can afford the best treatment, if, in fact, he has a sex addiction.

I forgot to include gambling in my list but the list can be way longer than the best known addictions as listed. Work, for example-some people are a triple A type who work themselves into an early heart attack; exercise- some people are addicted to exercise and feel terrible if they miss their 8 mile run daily-again, seeking that endorphin release which makes them feel good, but what is lacking in their lives? Severe dieting is another.

The problem with addictive personalities is that they may kick their primary addiction but graduate into another. For example the alcoholic, who stays sober, but after 6 years decides to get fit and goes all out in an exercise program which eventually consumes him. Addictive personalities need some type of stimulation to the limbic system-because most often, the root cause is not yet cured, and they need, crave something which will make them feel good.

This is not having a chocolate once in a while. It''s way beyond that.


someone should have told him golf only has 18 holes.:bigrin:

Dec 14, 2009, 11:26 AM
One thing that has not been mentioned is why would Tiger go looking for women if he was getting taken care of at home? It seems that all the blame gets put on the male. If his wife was not giving him sex or not enough of it then I think part of the blame is on the female. If a guy is well taken care of at home then he should have no need to stray. Just my 2 cents worth on this and I'm sure I'll get some flak for my opinion.

Dec 14, 2009, 1:13 PM
I just don't care...I have enough on my plate without hearing or wanting to hear about him or anyone else in public life & their sex lives.

I wish the Press would get a life. How long did they drag the Michael Jackson thing out for ?

But don't worry, in a few days, I'm sure there will be another Politician / Public figure, caught with their pants down, and then it will be Here we go again !

Hell--when the press reports stories like Tiger's troubles---then they don't have to do real reporting on how many of us mere mortal, 'regular Joe and Janes" are getting our butts kicked big time by this crappy economy and all the other "REAL" stories out there they should be covering---but most media outlets don't do any real reporting on substantive stories anymore---they are "WEAPONS OF MASS DISTRACTION!" with stories on what people like Tiger, Kate and Jon Goslin, Birttney, et al are doing.

Dec 14, 2009, 2:14 PM
Cheating is wrong, plain and simple.
I'm sure a lot of people were cheering him on because it made golf be a more "badass" sport. Oh shit, this dude can swing a silly little metal stick and get scores of women, daamn, golf MUST be fun.

At the same time, a lot of people were thinking, "Oh. Hahah celebrity fail yeyy!!!!"

Me, personally, I don't care. Woods wasn't leading campaigns of moral rectitude and all that, so there's no need for public hoopla.
But there seems to be indeed, a media fascination with bringing down black celebrities :p

Dec 14, 2009, 3:41 PM
Tiger who?

Dec 14, 2009, 3:48 PM
Do you honestly think Elin would have married Tiger if he was just Eldrick Woods, the Home Depot stock boy? Hell, no. She married him for his money, not his love. I'm not saying what Tiger did was right, but when they said "I DO" and for better or for worse. She cant just have "the better" part of it. They both were unfaithful to each other. Him with sex and her with marrying him for money.

Dec 14, 2009, 4:56 PM
lookie hear viagra will get ya shootin like me.... least he; got 1 sponsor.

Dec 14, 2009, 6:14 PM
I bet if some of these ladies told their rich athlete spouse- - "I want to vet your mistresses. And test them out myself if possible", he'd actually be less likely to cheat.

It's a very basic experiment in social and sexual behavior. I'll write a paper on it and appear on Oprah, All Things Considered, The Daily Show and all the rest of it. All I need is Ben Roethlisberger (http://www.bigbennews.com/articles/img_2005/espnstainless.jpg), and $500K in "Research grants".

Anyone on Bisexual.com willing to spare a dime?:tongue:


Dec 14, 2009, 6:21 PM
Wonder what kind of pre-nup agreement the couple have?

Dec 15, 2009, 8:04 PM
the pre nup give her 300 Million

Dec 15, 2009, 11:05 PM
Speaking of Tiger Woods I heard a joke it's Ok kinda lame:

Q: What is the difference between Tiger Woods and Santa Clause?

A: Santa stops at three ho's

Dec 15, 2009, 11:49 PM
Speaking of Tiger Woods I heard a joke it's Ok kinda lame:

Q: What is the difference between Tiger Woods and Santa Clause?

A: Santa stops at three ho's

I heard that today from a friend,, someone texted that to him ,.,

soooo funny,,

and the news said tonight that he had a gay lover as well ,., ,,,

Dec 16, 2009, 1:02 AM
dont really give a damn about celebs; we are drowning in them here in our town!!! the only ones making the money will be the lawyers and mags; hope the missus holds out for a big fat diamond like ms kobe!

Dec 16, 2009, 9:05 AM
Thing me h8s bout alla this exposin celebs who step outa line by puttin it bout a bit is simply this.. now me don give 2 hoots bout the poop they get themsels inta..its personal an its ther affair an its the risk they run wen they r naughty.. but the poop spread ova them by tabloids telly mags or whoeva by definition gets spread ova those upon whom they hav pooped.. wife kids family friends...an the fact that it goes on day afta day, week afta week, an in sum cases such as the "luffed 1's" a this arse'ole, prob for resta ther lives, creates unnecessary extra suffrin 2 those peeps wich they can well do wivout.. is ok 2 say they r public personalities an that therfore nowt is private.. sum truth in that.. but for the peeps they hav pooped on this is not always the case.. an the media shud hav sum compassion for 'em.

Wen crap such as the Woods case happens, it makes it ver diff for the families of those who hav been caught an exposed, an the offender themsels 2 get togetha an try an rebuild wot they had. Sure wenyas a public person ya gets scrutinised.. but ther is a thing called ovakill ya kno, an all in the case a profit.. as the old adage goes.. scandal sells papers. No 1 wil eva forget the Woods scandal, certainly not 'is family an 'e for sure won.. but is bout time the media backed off an let 'em heal wot can b healed.. an memba..that ther r othas, 'part from Woods an 'is illicit luffers, who don deserve the pain that media exposure is only helpin exacerbate..

... am not an nev been religious.. but for them who enjoy seein Woods suffer.. an therfore 'is family.. ther is a sayin' wich is ver appropriate an shud always b kept in mind as yas gloat.. "There but for the grace of God go I".

Dec 16, 2009, 9:45 AM
above post says it all. :2cents:

Dec 16, 2009, 11:10 AM
It is near the Christmas break of the school year. The students have turned
in all their work and there is really nothing more to do.
All the children are restless and the teacher decides to have an early
Teacher: "Whoever answers the questions I ask, first and
correctly can leave early today."
Little Johnny says to himself "Good, I want to get outta here. I'm smart and
will answer the question."

Teacher: "Who said 'Four Score and Seven Years Ago'?"
Before Johnny can open his mouth, Susie says, "Abraham Lincoln."
Teacher: "That's right Susie, you can go home."
Johnny is mad that Susie answered the question first.
Teacher: "Who said 'I Have a Dream'?"
Before Johnny can open his mouth, Mary says, "Martin Luther
Teacher: "That's right Mary, you can go."
Johnny is even madder than before.
Teacher: "Who said 'Ask not, what your country can do for you'?"
Before Johnny can open his mouth, Nancy says, "John F. Kennedy."
Teacher: "That's right Nancy, you may also leave."
Johnny is boiling mad that he has not been able to answer to any of the
When the teacher turns her back Johnny says, "I wish these
bitches would keep their mouths shut!"
The teacher turns around: "NOW WHO SAID THAT?"

Dec 16, 2009, 4:45 PM
It is near the Christmas break of the school year. The students have turned
in all their work and there is really nothing more to do.
All the children are restless and the teacher decides to have an early
Teacher: "Whoever answers the questions I ask, first and
correctly can leave early today."
Little Johnny says to himself "Good, I want to get outta here. I'm smart and
will answer the question."

Teacher: "Who said 'Four Score and Seven Years Ago'?"
Before Johnny can open his mouth, Susie says, "Abraham Lincoln."
Teacher: "That's right Susie, you can go home."
Johnny is mad that Susie answered the question first.
Teacher: "Who said 'I Have a Dream'?"
Before Johnny can open his mouth, Mary says, "Martin Luther
Teacher: "That's right Mary, you can go."
Johnny is even madder than before.
Teacher: "Who said 'Ask not, what your country can do for you'?"
Before Johnny can open his mouth, Nancy says, "John F. Kennedy."
Teacher: "That's right Nancy, you may also leave."
Johnny is boiling mad that he has not been able to answer to any of the
When the teacher turns her back Johnny says, "I wish these
bitches would keep their mouths shut!"
The teacher turns around: "NOW WHO SAID THAT?"

OMG ROFL! That is a good one

Jade Pecker
Dec 17, 2009, 2:33 AM
High Five, Tiger! I mean, the man is a true American Pimp! Yes, he was stupid, and seeing with one eye to think it wouldn;t come out, but yes, I agree that his wife probably married him for his money, and as far as disadvantaged little fuzzy headed kids go, I couldn't care less. In America children are either sentimentalized to the point of stupidity or treated as junior Gangsters. Its an illicit, yet acceptable form of the virgin/whore view of women. But oh yeah, Tiger getting his dick wet. Well and good. Yes, these women were bimbos who were probably looking for an easy buck and their 15 minutes of fame, but who cares? As Bob Dylan said "It ain't me babe......"

Dec 17, 2009, 11:13 AM